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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

Lori had to think for a moment before shrugging. "I don't know. Some times after the wedding but there is no harm in getting an early practice." He laughed "So I'm going to count on you to watch Blondie while I am at work."
"You're leaving me alone with him?" Mizu looked back at Blondie once again. "Looks like we're going to be spending a lot more time together. Hopefully Lori doesn't get too jealous." Slight tease.

((What was Blondie's real name again?))
Lori nodded "Yep. I have to get back to work. I've been taking to many days off. Thr fans are getting antsy." Lori laughed. Blondie looked at Mizu and smiled brightly before showing him his coloring book. "I colored a purple lion!" He giggled. "Yeah. I am soooo jealouse of a six year old. Lori said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes, making a turn to the plane runway where the jet was waiting.
"Good job! Next time try to color in the lines." Mizu said after looking over the child's coloring page, smiling like a proud father. Turning back he chuckled when Lori declared that he wouldn't get jealous. "Oh really now?"

They arrived at the plane runaway, hopping out of the car. Mizu popped out his phone to dial Shiro's number as he pulled his suitcases from the trunk, opening the car door for Blondie as well.

((What was Blondie's real name again?))
Blondie pouted and folded his arms across his chest. "They always tell me to stay in the lines." He whined. Lori shook his head at Mizu. "If anything you're the one that gets jealous." Lori declared as he stepped out of the car and grabbed his things while Blondie climbed out the back seat and headed into the jet. "Hello?" Shiro answered the phone with a yawn.

( Lol thought I said it. I think it was Yuki. )
((OH...NO. I forgot to post.....! D: uh oh! Soooorrrryyyyyyy!!!)) 
Mizu let the two blondies go off ahead of him before he spoke, "Shiro...what the f*ck was that back there?" He was not happy with his friend. "What was up with eagerly agreeing to fetching a gun? With the way you feel it makes no sense why you'd want to take me down." Moving on, "Besides that, you're my friend. Why can't you support me in this?!"
Lol its okay x3)

Shiro scoffed in the phone "He wasn't gonna take you down...probably just stun you." He shrugged. "I'm not supporting you?" Shiro questioned "Who the hell helped you get back with short blonde!" He said outraged. "If it wasn't for me he'd still be going out with Youta!"
"That's still no excuse!" Mizu wasn't any happier than the young man on the other end of the call. "I thought we were friends. Geez, this is just stupid."
"It's not an excuse its the friggin truth!" Shiro yelled "Its not like my opinion matters anyway I'm just a side character!" And with that Shiro hung up the phone.
Blondie was sitting in a seat with a cookie monster blanket, the large bear sitting in the seat next to him. Lori had just walked out of pilot compartment and took a seat by the window. He looked over to Mizu and smiled. "Who were you on the phone with?" He asked.
Rubbing his forehead Mizu was slow to answer, "Oh, I was talking to your brother. The call didn't last long of course. Never does with that guy. Once again we're complete enemies. Should I be real concerned?"
Rubbing his forehead Mizu was slow to answer, "Oh, I was talking to your brother. The call didn't last long of course. Never does with that guy. Once again we're complete enemies. Should I be real concerned?"
Lori shook his head. "You shouldnt be concerned, im sure he will get over it in no time like he always does." Lori assured. "Now about the wedding, where do you wanna have it?" He asked with a bright smile.
Mizu felt better when Lori had changed the subject, smiling widely. "Why not a beach wedding? The location really isn't that great of a deal to me." Thought it sounded better than a church --- especially since that was where his first wedding had taken place. "You'd look mighty pretty wearing a wedding dress~" he ran a finger across Lori's lower lip with a soft chuckle.
"A beach wedding?" That sounds like a good idea." Lori said brightly but there was a chance that there could be a storm and they all get swept away in a tsunami! Now Lori was just thinking about the negatives that could happen. "Im not wearing a wedding dress." Lori groaned as plane lifted. "How about you where the dress?" Lori giggled.
It made Mizu glad to know that Lori supported the idea of a beach wedding, of course not realizing that his fiancé was fearing the worst. Back to the dress, "Me...in a dress? That's a joke, right?" Mizu raised an eyebrow before laughing. "Oh gosh, I'd frighten off everybody there if I wore a dress."

The dark-haired man took Lori by the chin to tilt up, gazing down into that mesmerizing blue eyes then greedily kissing him. Unbuckling Lori he moved the smaller onto his lap, holding him close, almost protectively. "What do you want for our wedding? Any plans in mind? Any...gifts you're really wanting?"
Lori laughed as well "You've worn worse like when we went to that store and everyone put you in cosplat. A dress cant possibly that bad, you'd lpok adorable." Lori giggled, just thinking about Mizu in a dress all flustered made him blush! As Mizu tilted his chin up his blush only got deeper. He smiled as he was removed from his seat and onto Mizu's lap. "Want do I want for our wedding?" He questioned. "I dont. I mean isnt the wedding a gift itself." He chuckled. "I'll think about it. What do YOU want?" Lori asked leaning against Mizu's chest.
Mizu blushed slightly when Lori mentioned that time of being forced into cosplay. Ooohhh how embarrassing that had been! Wouldn't be surprised if Lori had kept the pictures and even framed them. "Now you're just making me blush all over again."

"What do I want?" Mizu repeated the question. "Oh no. No no no, no. If I tell you then you'll go out and buy it. You've already wasted enough of your money on me."
Lori giggled and nuzzled Mizu face. "Gaa! Do adorable when you blush its too freaking much!" Lori fanboyed over Mizu, his arms wrapping around the others neck lightly. "Noooo tell me!" Lori whined as he stayed cheek to cheek with his lover "Of course im gonna buy it, its something you want! And stop worrying about me spending money on you! We're engaged im suppose to spend money on my baby. "
Mizu only blushed even more vibrantly when his lover got all excited about it, feeling his cheeks heat up. "I'm not supposed to adorable. I-I'm supposed to be manly!" His pouts weren't manly at all, more on the girly side than anything. Great, Lori really was changing him.

"I'm your Baby now?" Another embarrassing thing. One arm wrapped around Lori's waist while the other was raised to slowly stroke Lori's blonde hair. Mizu wanted to be stubborn and refuse to tell what he wanted but he knew deep inside that his lover would convince him somehow to reveal what he was hiding. "I-I just want a bouquet of flowers. Gosh, how gay can I be?" Receiving flowers from Lori would be more special than receive a new car.
Lori laughes at Mizu's protest on being manly "Oh just shut up." He chuckled. "Do you not want to be my baby? How about I give you another nickname like Snuggle Muffin or Honeypie?" Of course Lori had no intentions on using those nicknames but he would, just to embarrass Mizu. Lori nuzzled into Mizu's hand as he went through his blonde hair. With a squeal Lori hrld Mizu tighter ince he found out what he wanted. "That is sooo friggin adorable Mizu! Of course I'll buy you flowers! I'll buy you as many as you want, I'll buy out the whole store for you"
"Damn, those names are even worse." Mizu was certain that Lori was well aware of that. Still, being called Baby surely was different, a good different. "Y-You don't have to buy that many. You don't have to buy even the smallest bouquet. I was only bringing up something I would love to receive." Being squeezed lovingly by Lori was something he never wanted to end, his own grip tightening around the other male. "How am I the only one blushing?" 
"Damn, those names are even worse." Mizu was certain that Lori was well aware of that. Still, being called Baby surely was different, a good different. "Y-You don't have to buy that many. You don't have to buy even the smallest bouquet. I was only bringing up something I would love to receive." Being squeezed lovingly by Lori was something he never wanted to end, his own grip tightening around the other male. "How am I the only one blushing?"
"They arent that bad." Lori said as he twirled some of his blonde locks. "You know I actually like Snuggle Muffin. I think I might start calling you that now Mizu." It was such a funny term. He would be sure to go to Mizu's job and call him that, hearing a lawyer being called 'Snuggle Muffin' would definitely be embarrassing and make Mizu's cheeks go red. "Nope. Im gonna buy you lots of flowers, all the kind! And im gonna stuff them in our house because Momo has allergy's so she wont be able to come in." Lori said with an evil little smile. He shrugged when Mizu questioned being the only one blushing. "Mizu I have been surrounded by half naked girls and guys since I became a model. Im pretty much a pro on controlling my blushing." Lori said proudly.
"I hate how easily you can mess with me," Mizu would tease Lori back, but he wasn't as sensitive when it came to that sort of thing. The dark-haired man was just too on edge all the time and quick to embarrass. He didn't say anything about the evil plans for the flowers. Poor Momo wouldn't stand a chance, but it'd be nice to get some alone time~ He did respond to that last comment, "I hope you didn't look at them or let them look at you! You're body is for my eyes only." Really hoped that little Blondie wasn't listening.

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