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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

( Mmmm, yes yes *crawls onto Mizu's back* Yes yes eWe )

Lori's dad sighed deeply and was silent for a moment. "Fine." he said reluctantly "Since I know Lori will probably force me into speaking with you anyway." he sighed and sat up from the couch. "If you were willing to do anything you wouldnt be here right now.." he groaned which made Lori scowl at him. "Alright alright lets go 'talk'" he said as he walked out the front door.
((Mizu: *pushes neon off* Get off you perv! >_< I'm trying to do something very important!))

Mizu's confidence was dropping with every groan or complaint that slipped from the father's mouth. Once they were outside in the hall he felt a little better, "Mr Chisato, why can't you just accept me into your family? I want to get married to Lori. I mean, he's my everything, but I won't marry him if you still won't give me your blessing." That was a promise.
He starred at Mizu blankly as he spoke but it was still clear that he was unhappy to be near the guy. "Why? Because I despise you." he said simply. "What you did to my Lori is unforgivable, you said he was your everything last time but then you left him in a hallway crying his eyes out and some marriage isnt going to just patch things up!" he yelled angrily. "And now because of one persons opinion you're willing to break his heart by not marrying him! Another reason I don't like you!"
"I understand that what I had done in the past is unacceptable. I'm not asking for anyone's forgiveness, because I don't deserve it, but that doesn't mean I don't want to set things right." Mizu didn't raise his voice. Getting angry would only make things worse. "I-I just don't get it. What do I have to do? What can I do to get you to accept me?"
There was a moment of silence through the hallway that seemed to last for hours but in reality it was only a couple of minutes. "Alright. I'll think of something that you can do." He said with a wide grin. "But for now you guys have to watch all the children, why kidnap one when you can have them all." he said as that grin turned into a slight smile. "So bye bye~" and with that he walked into the elevator and left. "What was all that about?" Momo asked through the doorway.
"Wa-Wait! All of them?!" Mizu tried to stop the father but the elevator door had closed before he reached it. "Hey Momo! Buddy. Aren't you looking great today?" Just trying to butter the girl up as he approached her. "Look, can you take Shiro and all of the kids? Lori and I haven't gotten any alone time recently." Mizu was certain she knew what he was getting at. "Please? I'll send you some pictures if I have to."
Momo backed away slightly from Mizu as he approached her in such a friendly manner. It was strange. "He wants something." Shiro warned as he ate some chips in the kitchen, this made Momo sigh. "Dont try to butter me all up." Momo pouted but flipped her hair and did a little pose. "But thank you." she added. "I dont think I can Mizu. Me and Lori and I have been off work so much we have to get back." Momo said as a matter of fact. "Sorry baby. We can have some alone time tonight." Lori said wrapping his arms around Mizu's neck and giving him a quick kiss on the lips and with that Momo and Lori left. After a few moment Shiro awkwardly shifted quitly out the door as well and the kids were no where to be seen.
It was clear that Mizu was disappointed when Momo denied the offer to watch the children. Everyone was leaving. Even Lori and Shiro. "Hey! Shiro, come back!" Great, he was going to try to convince Shiro to help him. Now he was on his own...with a bunch of children...who weren't anywhere to be found. Stepping back into the room he called, "Hello? Yuki? Where'd you all disappear to?"
"You're going too fast!" Yuki complained as him and Vladimir zoomed past the doorway from the hallway and into the elevator. Three other kids followed after them but the took the stairwell instead. Meanwhile Miya was just now walking out of Lori's and Mizu's bedrooms with one of Mizu's suits on. "Man you're huge!" Miya laughed. "Mizu cosplay is hard." she then looked around and noticed the place was empty. "Where did everyone go?" she asked.
Mizu just about had a heartattack when he saw all of the kids zoom right on past him. "W-We have to stop them!" He lifted Miya up onto his back then took off down the stairs. Later, that's when he'd deal with Miya dressing up in his fancy clothes. "Where do you think they're going?"
"Ehhh where are we going!?! Could have at least let me put clothes in!" Miya whined but she was already down the steps and in the lobby. "I don't know. Maybe they went to the park...?" Miya suggested "Maybe even the mall." She suggested. "Five seconds and you already lost the kids." She giggled.
"Your fault for stealing my clothes, little girl." Mizu was more concerned about the group of runaway kids. Damn, this was why he only wanted one child. Just one. Wouldn't have to be so worried about so many. "Crapp!!" He whined worriedly as he ran out of the hotel. "If we don't find them then Mr Chisato is gonna run me over with his car.."
"I'm not a little girl anymore!" Miya whined as they walked out of the house. "Car'S', plural. He has a lot of cars he wouldn't use just one." That information really didn't help at all though. "Just be cool. The best thing to do is stay calm." Miya said as she put her hair in s ponytail and bring down her sun glasses "I feel like we're secret agents." She laughed. "Alright let's go check the park." She pointed down the street to where the park was.
"You're little compared to me," Mizu had to find those kids. Couldn't imagine five or six children getting lost in the city, especially with his head at stake. "Park, o-okay." You could tell Mizu was nervous. This was a big deal to him. He didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially not Mr Chisato or Lori, or even the kids. "Yuki! Come back here!" Couldn't remember any of the other kid's names.
Yuki was sitting in a sand box, making a sand castle from a bucket a kif had given him. When he heard his name he looked around only to see Mizu and Miya. "Hi Mr. Mizu ~" he said with a bright smile as he began to make another castle "See we found one, just four more kids to go which is Vladimir, the twins and Mina." Miya said with a smile.
Mizu picked up Yuki to hold close, behaving as if he hadn't seen the boy in years. He was going to be a protective father. "Where are the others? Did you see where they went?"
Yuki laughed a bit as he was lifted and held closely. "Well hi." he said looking down at the two "You looked cool Miya." That just made Miya beam. When Mizu asked where the others were he thought for a moment. "Well my brother went towards the mall, the twins started walking to cousin Lori's job." Yuki said with a smile.
"L-Lori's work?" Uh oh. If they saw the kids without Mizu watching them then they'd probably never let him hear the end of it. He'd be embarrassed to know that he lost more than five children in less than five minutes of having them. "Okay we're getting them first. Miya, go to the mall and round up that runaway boy."
Miya looked at Mizu with a questioning look. "Are you sure its a smart idea to send a teenage girl to the mall? Especially one who adores clothes and cosplay?" She asked before just brightly smiling. "You can count on me Mizu!" she said with a salute before dashing off to the mall. "Where we going Mister Mizu?" Blondie asked with a sweet smile. "Are we going to the model building?" he asked.
"Don't get distracted! I'm trusting you!" Mizu didn't expect her to only fetch the boy, most likely she's find something in the mall that's occupy her mind for at least a few minutes. To answer Yuki he said, "Mhmm. We're going to go save my butt." Mizu moved the tiny blonde boy up on his shoulders, holding him by his legs of course. "Hold onto the horsey!"
xD Hold onto to the horsey!? Lol. )

Yuki happily held Mizu's long locks gently as if his hair was rope. "Is Lori going to yell at you if he finds the twins there?" Yuki asked curiously. "Its sort of scary being up this tall. Dont knock me into any doorways okay?" Yuki whined with a pout.
((Mizu: hey! Don't mock me >.<))

((Shy: He's just a dork~))

"Who knows how Lori would react. Probably too busy taking care of a month worth of work." At least that's what he was hoping. Entering the building Mizu said, "You're not going to hit a thing." 
((Mizu: hey! Don't mock me >.<))

((Shy: He's just a dork~))

"Who knows how Lori would react. Probably too busy taking care of a month worth of work." At least that's what he was hoping. Entering the building Mizu said, "You're not going to hit a thing."
When they entered the building Yuki looked around "This place is pretty big...how are we going to find them in here?" Yuki complained before calling over to the woman at the front desk. "Hey! Have you seen two white haired twins walk around here?" he asked. "Oh Lori's cousins? They said that they were going to visit Lori." She said.

(Lori: Hehe...dork. ewe )
"What?!" Now Mizu was panicking. He didn't think Lori would tell on him to his father, but he still didn't want him to think he couldn't children. Even though he couldn't handle the children. Racing up the stairs he called for the twins.
Yuki whined as Mizu started to run up the steps. "I better not fall Mizu!" he whimpered with a pout. While they were running up the steps they ran into a certain someone with a stack of papers and didnt look all to happy which was Momo. "She looked at the two blankly then yelled. "Why the heck are you guys here!?"

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