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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

"You weren't supposed to hear that," Mizu chuckled but let it slide, being not that big of a deal. He released a content sigh when Lori had moved in closer to wrap his arms around him, loving how the younger male embraced him. "Good morning~"

"Then don't go. We can stay here. After all, we never finished our little hot cocoa contest." Mizu didn't sit up, just lied down on his back. "Stay here," he repeated.
Lori sighed deeply. "But I can't, if I wait last minute im going to have to do it later." He thought for a bit, long and hard before coming to a conclusion. "Eh your worth it." He said with a bright smile. He gave Mizu a quick kiss on the lips and grabbed his button up shirt, stepping into the living room he looked out to the large balcony. "Yay its snowing!" He said brightly.
"Yay, I'm worth it~!" Mizu cheered as he slipped into his undies and sweat pants. Following Lori to the living room he grew wide-eye at the sight. "Whoa!! I-It really is snowing!" He followed that with a cheerful laugh. "Wanna go outside?"
Lori laughed a bit "You're always worth it." He said. "Yeah we can go outside I'm just gonna take a shower. Heat up the cocoa." And with that Lori walked away and into the bathroom.
Mizu did as he was told, heating up the hot cocoa. As he waited he decided to get prepared for the snow, throwing on an actual shirt along with a fluffy coat, scarf, and a beanie. Being cold was not something he tolerated. "Try to hurry. We need to select a winner."
After a few minutes Lori stepped out of the shower and quickly put on white sweater and jeans since Mizu was rushing him. "Don't rush me." He pouted. Stepping into the kitchen and grabbing the cup of cocoa Mizu made. He took a sip from it and thought for a bit. "Hmmm seven out of ten."
"You didn't have to finish that quickly," Mizu remained in the kitchen as Lori changed. When his cocoa was rated he scuffed, "A measly seven? I thought it was better than that.. Oh well." Selecting the mug that contained Lori's cocoa he took a sip. "I really wanted to win, but I'm going to have to say 8/10."
"A measly seven? I could of lied and gave you a measly one!" Lori laughed before taking another drink from Mizu's mug. Upon hearing he won the competition he smiled brightly. "Prepare to be my personal stripper~" he smirked. He pulled out his phone and turned it back on, seeing a bunch of missed text from Momo, most of them were rants. "She's mad at me." Lori groaned. "Let's go to her house. If I dont say sorry she will make me do nude shoots or something." Lori whined as he quickly through on his panda hat and jacket.
"Seven is just not so great," Mizu stated his opinion. Either way he had lost, meaning Lori won and he'd was going to be embarrassed with what he was going to have to do.

"Oh, Momo is really that upset? I had thought that she'd understand." Apparently work was just too important for at the moment. "Yes, let's go visit the girl. She'll probably whip me for stealing you away, but it was worth it. We had a wonderful time last night~" Taking Lori's hand he followed alongside him as they traveled in the direction of Momo's place.
"She probably just doesn't want to get yelled at." Lori said with a small shrug before smiling brightly. "Yes. Yes we did." He giggled. "Mono doesn't live to far from here so I guess we can walk there." Lori gave Mizu's hand a light squeeze as they travelled down the elevator then outside in the snow. Thankfully it wasn't snowing hard or Lori wouldn't even be out here. "After our visit we can build a snow man!" Lori cheered. He loved the winter. It was better then melting in the heat. After a few minutes of walking Lori stopped at a small shop "Think we should get her a teddy bear?" He said pointing to a cute brown teddy bear in the shop window where Christmas decorations were.
Mizu chuckled after hearing the younger male's suggestion. "Build a snowman? That'd be real cute to see you build a snowman, so we have to do that for sure."

"Sure, I think she'd like that. Maybe I can find something in there for you while we're there." Leading them inside Mizu was greeted by the bright colors and exciting decorations of the shop.
Lori laughed and rolled his eyes a bit. "You think anything I do is cute." As he lead him into the store Lori went over to where he saw the teddy bear and picked it up, looking at it before going to where Mizu was. "You better get me something. My birthday is coming up soon." Lori warned as he nuzzled against Mizu's shoulder.
"What's wrong with you being cute?" Mizu asked to follow with a happy laugh. Lori really was such a charming young man. If Mizu had lost him forever then he wouldn't know what to do, probably would become like his father; alcoholic, smoker, drug addict, sex addict, and lover of money. He needed him to keep his head screwed on right.

"Is it bad to say I have no clue what you'd want?" That didn't make him a bad fiancé, right? At least not too bad. Maybe...
"Because I'm a man! Men aren't cute I'm sexy!" Lori states proudly. "You of all people should know that darling Lori said with a small wink. "You don't know what to get me? Hmmm just get me anything I guess " Lori shrugged. "Just make sure it doesn't suck." He warned which in the end probably didn't help Mizu at all.
"A sexy sort of cute~" Mizu purred. Then he received his mission of finding Lori an amazing birthday present. Challenge accepted!! He just had to find something nice for Lori for two reasons: one, that'd be super romantic. Two, neither one of them would be happy if he didn't like it. "You're not going to kick me out or anything if it is 'sucky'?"
Lori chuckled and shook his head. "I would never kick you out Mizu, it took forever to get you back I'm not going to kick you out over a present." Lori said sweetly. "You don't even have to get me a present. Just being with you is the greatest present." Lori went over to the counter and set the bear down. "If you want something get something." Lori said pulling out his wallet.
"I didn't mean out of the relationship, meant like kicking me out of your room." Mizu reassured Lori as he headed to the checkout desk. "You finish with your purchase. I'm going to look around." He had spotted something that seemed perfect. Of course he couldn't get it while Lori was still in the store.
"Ohh..." Lori took a moment to think a bit, he was sure the present would be that bad for hime to what to kick him out the bedroom...right? Lori began to doubt Mizu's present picking skills which made him a bit more anxious to know what Mizu was getting him. "Just choose wisely." was all Lori could really say about the situation before stepping over to the cashier and paying for the brown fluffy bear. He placed it in a decorative bag then waited by the doorway for Mizu, every now and then glancing at the different Christmas decorations in the window. "Should we get a big tree or a small tree?" Lori asked looking at the cute miniature tree in the shop window.
Mizu was sneaky when it came to selecting his gift, making sure that Lori didn't see it. Though that was knot a small part of it. He had a plan in mind. After hiding away the gift in his shopping bag he joined Lori by the display window. "The mini one is definitely cuter, but it might be a lot of fun to decorate the big Christmas tree together. I could lift you up to place the star on top." Mizu kissed Lori's ear then rested his head on his shoulder.
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Lori rolled his eyes but kept a smile on his lips. "You're so cheesy." he chuckled before getting a kiss placed on his ear which made his whine. "You're spreading cooties." Lori groand with a little blush before grabbing Mizu's hand and walking out of the store. It was about ten minutes before they had finally reached Momo's house which was in a cute and quiet neighborhood. Lori walked up to the front door and unlocked the door with a spare key. "Momo it was Mizu's fault!" Lori called out, ratting out his own fiance as he walked through the door only to find Momo rolled up in a bunch of blankets and scooting across the floor like a worm, her face puffy and red. "I don't want it..." she groaned as she tried to slither under one of her couches. "Momo is you don't take it you're gonna throw up again!" Miya complained before noticing the two. "Good you guys are here! Help me with Momo, she is sick and all Shiro's been doing is sleeping!" she whined.
"I'm not cheesy, just stating the truth." Mizu didn't really understand why he spoke and thought the way he did. He was a rather masculine young man and yet he seemed to behind a secret feminine side of him; how mysterious. Or perhaps he was just being a dork~

"Lori could've stopped me!" Mizu wasn't going to be the only one blamed. It only took a moment for him spot the odd woman inching her way across the floor with grumbled escaping past her lips. "Do I really have to help..?"
Miya glared up at Mizu, the urge to smack the back of his head was strong but instead she just deeply sighed and smiled shifted past the two to the doorway. "You have to watch me because i'm going on a date." In an instant Shiro was down the steps glaring at Miya "What date!?" he asked outraged. "None of your business!" Miya whined before leaving out the door. Momo looked up at both Mizu and Lori angrily "You're both at fault! I had to pull an all nighter just to finish HALF of the work, and I had to watch those kids which was Mizu's job! I hope Lori's dad finds out too!" Momo complained "If I didn't feel like I was going to hurl i'd hurt you two!" Lori just sighed and sat on the couch of the living room, placing the bear next to him. "I want a cinnamon bun.." he mumbled to himself sadly, completely brushing Momo off which got him a pillow thrown in his face. "Pffft- i'm taking the bear back.." Lori grumbled.
"Wait, what?! I have to chaperone your date? Why? Aren't you a big girl now?" Mizu don't blame Miya for setting up a date. Stupid Shiro must've been too protective, or perhaps he was merely jealous.
((Spell check is a demon!! We must kill it! >_<))

Mizu sat down beside Lori to wrap an arm around his shoulders. "C'mon Momo, me and Lori were bonding. We were improving our relationship. I even told you about it." He didn't tell her that he'd be taking Lori to bed, but oh well. "What do you what us to do now?"

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