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Dai Yuzu Boys' Academy

Lori smiled brightly as Mizu wrapped an arm around his shoulder, happily nuzzling into his lover. Momo looked at the two with a suck frown, obviously not giving a crap. "I don't care if you guys were out saving the world from zombies." She said with a deep sigh as she finally stood up from the floor. She walked over to the dining room and pointed to the stack of unfinished papers. "You guys are going to do this. ALL of this." She said simply as she made her way to the steps. "I'm going to take a nap. I expect to see noodles in my face before I wake." Lori groaned and sunk his body in the couch until he began to slide off. Obviously he was not happy about this at all.
As soon as Momo had left and Lori slivered lazily out of his arms, Mizu got up to go collect the stack of papers. Working with documents was a huge part of his job, so he could definitely get it done quickly -- at least quicker than Lori could. "Lori, you can take a nap or go home. I'm fine doing this for you."
Lori shook his head and sat up from his lazy position on the couch, making his way over to Mizu. "Are you sure? I can stay if you want me to." He said with a small smile. He really wanted to go home and nap bit hr didn't want to leave Mizu unless he was fine with it.
Mizu didn't look back at Lori as he answered, "It's...fine." He didn't want to be left alone. There was cranky Momo, but she wasn't much company at the moment. "It'll be part of your present."
Lori sighed somewhat but then smiled slightly "Okay. I'll wait for you at home then and we can build our snowman" He leaned in and kissed Mizu on the cheek sweetly before walking out of the home.
Mizu's eyes had closed when Lori had leaned in to plant a kiss on his cheek. That was sweet, but it wasn't enough in Mizu's book, "Bye Babe." Once he was sure that Lori had truly left, he lit a cigarette to pop into his mouth then got to work.

After a couple hours of the long, boring paperwork Mizu received a phone call. It was his boss.

Mizu's eyes had closed when Lori had leaned in to plant a kiss on his cheek. That was sweet, but it wasn't enough in Mizu's book, "Bye Babe." Once he was sure that Lori had truly left, he lit a cigarette to pop into his mouth then got to work.

After a couple hours of the long, boring paperwork Mizu received a phone call. It was his boss."I-I can't to then. Don't you understand that I'd be missing my fiance's birthday?"
As Mizu was on the phone Shiro peered over Mizu shoulders, seeing the cigarette placed between his lips. "I'm telling on you." He said as he took on of the finished papers into his hands just look over it. "Hurry up and get off the phone. I need to talk to you." He sighed sitting in a chair beside him, laying his head on the wooden surface.
"Go ahead and tell him," Mizu knew a Lori was going to find out no matter what. After finishing up the call Mizu turned to face Shiro, wondering what he needed to talk about. "Yes? What do you need?" Must've been at least a little important if he had to go and cut the business call short.
Shiro cleared his throat, a small blush forming on his cheeks. "How exactly did you confess your love for Lori?" He asked playing with some of his hair. "Did you even confess to Lori or did Lori confess to you?" He asked curiously.
"What?" Mizu hadn't expected that sort of a question. He didn't really understand it either. "What're you asking of me?" What exactly was Shiro thinking? Clearly neither one of them were very comfortable with discussing the topic. "You want to know HOW to confess...or you want to know who confessed first and how. Which is it?"
Mizu sighed deeply then shook his head. After tossing his cigarette he said, "Remember the time when I had gone out to get my tattoo and that drunk guy attacked me? Well, as Lori was comforting me he confessed. It was really sweet." Mizu smiled softly then asked, "Is that what you wanted to hear?!"
Shiro nodded all while listening to Mizu's story, groaning a bit when he found out that Lori was the one who had confessed the love. "Hmmn, not exactly but its good enough in a way." He sighed with a small shrug. "So who were you on the phone with? You're going to miss Lori's birthday?"
Mizu still didn't understand what information Shiro was trying to get out of him, doubted that he'd ever find out. "My boss is sending me off to work on some case in Alaska. I don't know how long I'll be away...but most likely I'm going to miss his birthday."
"Alaska?" She raised an eyebrow. "That's a bit much, they can't get anyone else to go?" Shiro then laughed a bit. "I never thought anything bad happened in Alaska." He sat up and shrugged. "I'm sure Lori won't care, he's a big boy." He encouraged.
"I don't care! I wanted to be here for his birthday. I've already come up with an idea for his gift." Mizu shook his head again then slouched in his chair. 
((I have an idea!! :D after we finish rp, well, IF we finish this rp, then we should start a spinoff. Maybe it's about Shiro and soon other guy. I just thought it'd be cute to incorporate that amazing rp, but technically include different characters. I dunno, Shiro can find true love.))
Shiro sighed and leaned against the wall "Then tell them no. What are they going to do fire you?" He gave a small laugh.

(Omg Yes!! That would be oober cute! )
"Of course I'd get fired!" Why didn't his friend get that? "I can't lose my job. I want to earn my own money, not just depend on my fiance's mountain of gold." Mizu's expression softened as he added, "I won't have enough money for his gift if I don't go."

((That's what I was thinking!! ^^ <3 So you're up for that?))
"Your boss is an arse then, lawyers always gotta be so serious about crap." Shiro groaned with distaste. "And technically Lori doesn't have a mountain of gold." Shiro corrected. "As far as I know." he then added with a small shrug. "Just talk to Lori about it. Everything should work out." Shiro said reassuringly. "Now i'm gonna go back to my nap." and with that he disappeared up the steps.
Mizu listened to Shiro silently, though he really wanted to sigh. As Shiro began to leave he added, "I still don't understand why you asked about the whole confession thing!" Mizu got up to leave, done working on the paperwork. Now he needed to speak with his fiancé.

"Lori!" Mizu called as he stepped into their suite. "Can we talk?"
"He isn't here." An oddly familiar voice called from the living. There on the couch flipping through channels on the large flatscreen tv was a blue haired male wearing jeans and a hoodie that said 'Carnivore' with a small dinosaur beside it. It was Youta! Lori's ex-lover so casually sitting on the couch.
((Oh!! Was he the guy who had accidentally hit Lori with his car?)) 
"What're you doing here?" Mizu growled. This wasn't what he had expected to walk into, nor did he enjoy. "Also answer this, where's Lori? Where'd Lori go?"
Nope. It's the guy Lori was dating that Mizu was jelly over. He was in a part on 195. I just had to bring him back ewe )

"I stuffed him in the trunk of my car and shipped him to the North Pole to play with penguins." Of course all of that was just a smart remark. "How the heck do I know, if I did I wouldn't be here.." he sighed. "And I came here because I wanted to, this is technically still my place too since I paid most of the rent." he then pointed something box like on the coffe table covered by a light blue silk blanket. "I wanna give him that too. Anymore questions?"
"You two broke up...why're you still getting involved in his life?" Mizu didn't like this guy. Though he didn't like anyone who got in the way of him and Lori. "I need to talk to my fiancé."
"Even when we broke up we still kept talking to one another. He'd call me, i'd call him. He came to my house not to long ago." Youta said setting the remote down. When Mizu mentioned the word fiance Youta laughed. "Sure. We will see how long that last." Just then Lori walked into the place wish a decorative bag in his hand. When he saw Mizu he looked a bit shocked. "Finished already? That was fast." He giggled. Once he saw Youta he waved at him though being in the same room as the two was a bit awkward...very awkward for him. "Hi Lori~" Youta greeted happily.

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