d.grayman rp (accepting)

Saine had given up finally and just laid in some grass he had found,sighing as he felt the nice breeze blow by.It seemed quiet and he liked it that way,as smile smile crept across his face as he just laid there on his side letting the wind blow when it wanted to.He kept his head propped with his hand as he elbow rested on the ground,the grass felt nice too and he had completely forgotten his worries as he relaxed.
Kayle walked around for a while, until he tripped. Admitingly, he had been looking for Nichole, hoping she was outside. He glanced to see what he had tripped over. It was a guy. "Sorry." Kayle said, his cheeks flushing. He stood up and walked away, finally seeing Nichole in a tree. "Hi." He said.
Saine groaned after what felt like being kicked,his eyes snapped open and he noticed some boy walking off.Figuring the boy had just kicked him for no reason(Which made him mad),he jumped up to his feet and had gone after the boy.After catching up he figured he'd get revenge so he simply kicked the back of the boy's knees,which would normal lock the knees and make them fall.
"Ow,ow,ow!!"Saine yelled after his ear was grabbed."What the heck!?..."Trying to get his ear free it only made it hurt worse,he had no idea who this girl was or what the reason she was grabbing his ear for. All he knew was he got back at the kid which he was happy about before this girl came along.
Now after she spoke Saine looked at her with a slight glare,you could see it in his eyes he wasn't the slightest bit scared or he had no intention of listening to her."What makes you think i'd listen to a little princess like you?"He said in a sarcastic tone,with slight mockery mixed in. He finally decided just to move and snatched his ear away from her,rubbing it with his hand he stared at her with his other hand placed on his hip."Just by looks I can tell your not the type I'd listen to..."
With a small smirk on his face he continued as he bent over to match the girls height more so they were face to face,"In fact,you look like the type to be pushed around easily."He chuckled.
Her actions only made him chuckle more as he leaned back straight,crossing his arms over his chest now."Ether way the fact that you just got on to me about something that had nothing to do with you puzzles me...."He said as his smile slowly faded with it.
Saine had noticed the scar,but it had no effect on him.He simply saw it as a scar and nothing more,since he wasn't all that perfect nether and had seen worse.He was more focused on his question."Why would someone like you bother with something your not a part of?..."It was true,he always seemed so heartless and he absolutely knew it but it was the way he worked. He knew he wasn't when it came to certain things but when it came to other people that he couldn't read right it just bothered him,he had alway been good at seeing how people are by just watching them. But when it came to something he couldn't read he couldn't help but ask about it.
"Friend???"Saine seemed very puzzled,then peeked down to the boy out of the corner of his eye and smiled."Ah...So you'd take a friend's side even though you didn't know the story of the other's actions too,eh?...hmmm"He said keeping his arms crossed as he slightly leaned back in a bit of a relaxed position.
Saine simply stood his ground,not shooken one bit. He just glared down at the girl,he knew doing this without his sword with him could be trouble for him but this girl just kept feeding his interest so he didn't want to stop just yet.He smiled down at the girl,"Such a temper..."

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