d.grayman rp (accepting)

Kayle rummaged through his bag and pulled out a bandage. Taking her bleeding hand, he wrapped her wound.
Kayle tilted his head, watching her. "Good night?" He mumbled, walking away.
Kayle walked around and found a tree, as he usually did. He rested against it, sleeping.
Saine was sure he had checked everywhere but he saw no sign of his stuff,only a couple strange people that he made sure to avoid."This is so annoy,first off I don't know where I am and now I can't find any of my stuff...."He grumbled and complained to as he stomped off in the direction he was heading,which he didn't know where it'd take him.
leanalee hit the red head and said''lavi let her go...'' he said''UWAA BUT SHE SOOO CUTE!" nichole kept her bang over her scar and her usual long sleeve shirt.

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