[Custom] Charms, Artifacts, Manses... whatever... [Walking with the Darkness]

I'm considering changing up his fighting style to be a melee/martial arts blend. But I'm torn on what style of MA's if I go that route. Hungry Ghost style is pretty awesome, and I assume it'd be easy to explain away learning it, since...you know...Deathlord and all just kinda hanging out. On the other hand the Water Dragon Immaculate style is pretty awesome as well, but I'm not sure if that would be reasonably accessible. Green Lady seems to know a lot of martial arts styles, but Water Dragon is kind of random for a Sidereal to bother with. Fire Dragon style is similarly cool, and would combo well with the melee aspects, but has the same "getting it" difficulties.

I'd give up Melee entirely, but Eye of the Tempest (Fivefold Bulwark Stance) is just so awesome.

Any chance of being able to custom up a MA charm that would be similar, or should I just buy into Melee and get it?

Gah! So many amazing ways to kill people!

Also, bravo to Tome for nailing that Solar. I don't know how in the heck someone can get a 21 PDV, but it's terrifying.
He's not dead yet. It's all come down to a mutual annihilation scenario, and Cyl has yet to make his rolls.

But yeah, maybe a little unfair. Stiches is still going to win, of course.

Either way, somebody's eating dirt tonight, and Stiches no longer needs to eat. :twisted:
How does this sound for a 3-dot artifact, as a Reaver Daiklave upgrade.

Swift Edge of the Void - 8 mote commitment

Speed 4, +3 Accuracy, +9L/3, +0 Defense, Rate 2, Piercing

Forged for him by one of Walker's deathknights after completing his first couple missions. I was thinking that I might add on a simple power as well, but I'm unsure about balancing things, so...here's the rough draft.
Saracen said:
How does this sound for a 3-dot artifact, as a Reaver Daiklave upgrade.
Swift Edge of the Void - 8 mote commitment

Speed 4, +3 Accuracy, +9L/3, +0 Defense, Rate 2, Piercing

Forged for him by one of Walker's deathknights after completing his first couple missions. I was thinking that I might add on a simple power as well, but I'm unsure about balancing things, so...here's the rough draft.
Sounds like a good rapier to me.
I was thinking about something like being able to activate Corpus-Rending Blow without counting as charm use or something. I'm thinking Walker has been using him to root out disloyal types, especially ghosts, since he has the charms to affect them.

Not sure how powerful that might be, though.
It qualifies for a good 3dot artifact with 1m per strike doing agg damage. (because of the attunement of 8 motes)
Nephwrack-Corpus Method

Cost: n/a; Mins: Resistance 5, Essence 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Mirror (Yeddim-Physique Method), Stackable

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Corpse-Body Resilience (Ox-Body Technique)

The corpse-bodies of the Abyssal Exalted are already inhumanly resilient, and even magically so. This charm takes that resilience to its fullest extent. It permanently enhances its prerequisite charm, allowing the player to select one of the other options for said prerequisite to occur in addition to its current effects - i.e., someone with five Ox-Body Techniques (-1, -2x2) who took this and selected (-1x2) would then gain (-1x3, -2x2) for each Ox-Body Technique. Solars, Abyssals, and presumably Infernals may take this charm twice, for a total of (-0, -1x3, -2x2). Lunars only need take this charm once for its full effect, which is (-1x2, -2x4).
I might be excessively tired... because I don't get it.

You take two charms and it fills your HL bars ?

I mean you only can have -0 x5, - 1 x 5 and -2x10. If you took the OBT giving you -1+-2x2 five times... there are only 5 levels of -0 to get... nothing more.

I mean, I saw the HL on the Lunar sheet, but I think this incredible vitality is a trait specific to the lunar IMHO, to compensate the lack of cheap perfect effects IMHO...

Also, essence 3 ? :shock:
I'm not being terribly clear, I don't think. Basically it's an expansion of Ox-Body, giving the charm the effects of one of the other choices in addition to the ones you already took. Lunars only have two choices in their Ox-Body - -1x2 and -2x4, so this charm is pretty awesome for them. Solars, on the other hand, have three options - -0, -1x2, and -1x1/-2x2. If a Lunar took this charm (just once, and for him it'd be Sta 5), each Ox Body he took would give him -1x2/-2x4. A Solar could take it twice, and then each of his Ox Body charms would give him -0/-1x3/-2x2.

My intention was, basically, to get more Health Levels. At first, I had it as a charm that let you purchase each separate option for Ox-Body up to (Resistance) times, but then I thought about it for a while. Even with it all max'd out, though, I'm not really getting all that many health levels - another 15, with all five Ox Body charms, and health levels don't really matter in Exalted. Your Mote pool is your actual HP. Once you're out of motes, you die like a mortal no matter how much soak and how many health levels you have. Having 37 health levels instead of 22 just means it takes five unenhanced whacks with a Grand Goremaul instead of three - i.e., one good use of Iron Whirlwind or Octopus-and-Spider-Barrage from a CotSM Lunar.
Well, turn your attention to the Resistance charm from DotFA, I'm sure we could make a abyssal version of some of them.
cyl, I believe the total number of Health Level boxes shown on the character sheet are not a limit to how many health levels you can have. I imagine there aren't any more because: 1) it would take up more space than WW had left on the sheet and/or 2) WW doesn't expect the majority of games to have characters with more than the Health Levels they made boxes for. A bunch of the statted up DotFA characters prove this (Tammiz has something like 14 -2 HL's, Ingosh has a whole bunch too).

Though Landreu, to be honest 15 extra health levels for one Charm is a little excessive, especially an Essence 3 Charm.

I disagree with you on your belief that health levels don't matter in Exalted, because that's a fallacy. Health levels matter very much so, so much that just to get a few extra ones you have to spend the XP to buy another Charm. If you properly prepare yourself with adequate DV and Soak, even a Grand Goremaul won't completely kill you in one hit. You'll be damn close, but if the dice are rolling on the average side of things, you will survive, if just barely.

And I disagree with you on the idea that the mote pool is the true "HP" score of Exalted, because it isn't. I'll agree that Essence is incredibly important, so much that you can quickly become SOL once you run dry. However, Health levels play an incredibly important part in keeping you alive. Even in mid-Essence combat, if you have an Ox-Body or two, you can survive at least one hit from a Grand (weapon), if not two or three. Willpower also plays a large part in this. Just because you have no more Essence left to spam your PD's doesn't mean you can't stunt your defense, spend Willpower, channel a virtue, or all of the above. Combat in Exalted is a lot more complex than "You're out of Essence so you die."
I feel that thinking health levels matter for much of anything in combat is a fallacy. Oh, perhaps for Dragon-Bloods, and maybe Spirits - I'm not too up-to-date on spirit charms - but for Celestials, once you hit a certain level of experience, you cannot afford to get hit. Getting hit starts a death-spiral, with penalties to your pools and DVs, and that's if you manage to SURVIVE and he's not enhancing his attacks with any charms. Someone taking a swing at you with a Grand Goremaul must be defended against with Charms because you cannot take the risk of getting hit or you've lost the fight.

Anyway, for the charm itself - it's not granting an extra 15 health levels - it's granting anywhere from 1 to 4 per Ox-Body. Getting the full 30 would require six charms spent total for a Lunar, or seven for a Solar/Abyssal.

cyl - I'm pretty much against DotFA's Solar Charms; there's a few I can deal with all right, but generally they're crap. The regen one you're thinking of (I think!) is one I dislike.
I was actually thinking about endurance of 10K cuts... the ones which erase HL losses.

I could see an essence 3/4 charm, automatically erasing HL losses corresponding to the Wound Penalty like when you're at -1, and your hit with a 2HL damage roll, then you loose only 1HL instead of two, meaning at -4, you need a really big blow to get you down.
I don't really like Endurance of 10k Cuts, either. Pretty much 9/10ths of the Solar charms I dislike, honestly.
Shard of Fate (Artifact 3)

Sometimes appearing to be nothing more than a slender, jaggedly carved crystal of prismatic glass with a crude cloth wrapping for a hilt, and at others a crystalline needle with a loop feather with ribbon at one end, the Shard of Fate is more than what meets the eye. Constructed purely of Starmetal from a deceased high-ranking member of the Bureau of Destiny, this artifact knife/needle possesses an intimate connection to that which forms the destinies of Creation and all that dwell within it, the Loom of Fate.

For a cost of one mote, the wielder may reflexively command the Shard of Fate to change its form from that of a dagger to a needle, or vice versa. As the Pattern Spiders themselves register the artifact's new form within the Loom of Fate, this change takes place instantly. However, to use it frequently would be unwise, as such changes command the Pattern Spiders to alter the Loom instantly and without prior notice. The wielder may only command the Shard of Fate to change forms up to (Essence) times per day, as the degree of her spiritual enlightenment is the most clearly recognizable representation of how much authority she holds. Ordering a shift in forms beyond this limit irritates the Pattern Spiders, provoking their wrath. With each additional shift, the wielder must roll one die for paradox; tens or zeroes counting as two successes as normal.

While in the form of a needle, the Shard of Fate may be used as a thrown weapon. When used in such a manner, the Shard of Fate may be immediately and reflexively retrieved at a cost of one mote. In doing so, the needle remains in the wielder's hand as it had never left, as the Tapestry reweaves itself thus so. Targets effected by such still feel the pain and damaging effects of the attack, however. Though frustrated by repeated commands to change the weapon's form, strangely the Pattern Spiders have no issue with reweaving the Shard of Fate back into it's wielders hand after it has been thrown, at least not in a way that that bears the mark of their retaliation.

The Shard of Fate may be attuned to for six motes. As it is constructed of Starmetal, only Sidereals may attune to it normally and gain the respective magical material bonus.

Knife form:

Speed 4

Accuracy +3 (+4)*

Damage +4L (+7L)*

Defense +1

Rate 3

Tags P

Needle form:

Speed 4

Accuracy +2 (+3)*

Damage +2L (+4L)*

Defense +0

Rate 3

Range 30

Tags T, P

*statistics in parantheses include the MM bonus from Starmetal
Seems fine to me.

One clarification though : does "Targets effected by such still feel the pain and damaging effects of the attack, however they cannot determine the physical source" means unexpected attack ?

Because if not, I don't see the 3 dot value of the artifact, and if it does, then it's almost a 4 dot rating artifact (no cost for unexpected attack).
Hm. I didn't intend for that to read as an unexpected attack, so I'll change that. But I figured it was a three-dot artifact because it was basically two two-dot artifacts in one. However, to bump it up we can change the shapechanging limit, if you like. Or maybe remove the mote cost for using that power entirely.
fhgwdads05 said:
Hm. I didn't intend for that to read as an unexpected attack, so I'll change that. But I figured it was a three-dot artifact because it was basically two two-dot artifacts in one. However, to bump it up we can change the shapechanging limit, if you like. Or maybe remove the mote cost for using that power entirely.
Considering the stats, it's a 1 dot artifact (short klave with a mod, 2 are for a pair IIRC) and a needle adaptation).

With a reflexive and costless change of shape, it qualifies for a regular 3dot.
So you're saying drop the mote cost for the shape shifting (as it already happens reflexively and instantly)? What about the limit of (Essence) times per day, and the Paradox gained when you supersede that?

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