[Custom] Charms, Artifacts, Manses... whatever... [Walking with the Darkness]

Bone-Toughening Technique

Cost: 2m per level of soak (8xp); Mins: Resistance 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 7)

Keywords: Combo-OK, Taint

Duration: Scene

Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Hardened Frame

The corpse-bodies of the Abyssal Exalted can withstand punishment far beyond what their looks would have one think. When this charm is activated the Exalt can buy +2B/2L/1A soak per 2m spent as natural soak, as well as soak Lethal with his or her full Stamina, and Agg with 1/2 his or her full Stamina. If 8xp are spent, the maximum soak granted of the charm are added to the Exalt's natural soak, and this charm can be activated as a non-charm action for 2m to allow the Exalt to soak Lethal with full Stamina and Agg with 1/2 Stamina. While this charm isn't Obvious, the changes it makes to an Exalt's physiology are detectable by knowledgeable examinations, and it increases the difficulty of surgery on the Exalt by 2.

Resplendent Shadow Blade

Cost: 6m+, 1wp; Mins: Melee 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Mirror (Glorious Solar Saber; Exalted, p. 192), Obvious

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Charms: Blade-Summoning Gesture

The Abyssal conjures a weapon formed of Essence-hardened shadows adorned or intertwined with corpse-elements. The Exalt can summon this weapon to her hand from anywhere it has fallen, as a diceless miscellaneous action.

The player deï¬nes the appearance of this blade when purchasing this Charm. She can also deï¬ne its weapon qualities, as follows. If she chooses a light, agile blade with Speed 3, she can divide a number of points equal to twice the Abyssal's Melee score between its Accuracy, Defense, lethal damage (2L per 1 point), and Rate (at two points per one point of increased Rate). If she chooses a larger sword with Speed 5, she can divide a number of points equal to three times the Solar’s Melee score between its Accuracy, Defense, lethal damage (again 2L per 1 point), and Rate (again at two points per point of Rate increase). In both cases, Accuracy, Defense and Damage begin at 0 and cannot be lowered, while Rate begins at 1 and cannot be lowered. The player can change this choice and allocation only when the character raises her Melee score. He can spend no more than (Twice his permanent Essence) in points per stat.

Alternatively, if the Solar is wielding a physical weapon equivalent to his or her Glorious Solar Saber, he or she may activate this charm and add the stats of his or her Glorious Solar Saber to the stats of the weapon in question, as well as all the effects of GSS.

Characters can use this Charm to summon paired blades, one in each hand. Doing so increases the Charm’s cost by four additional motes, to a total of 10 motes, one Willpower. Players wishing to have multiple options can purchase this another weapon a number of times equal to the character’s Melee. Each purchase deï¬nes a different blade with distinct properties, and costs 2xp or 1bp.

Unlike its Solar mirror, Resplendent Shadow Blade is not Holy but imposes an Emotion effect of despair or horror whenever it inflicts any damage, draining one Willpower unless the target spends motes equal to the Abyssal’s Essence rating. Mortal extras who somehow survive being hit with this weapon drop prone and curl up in a fetal position for the rest of the scene, too spiritually broken even to defend themselves.
Nightmare Shadow Wielding Style

Cost: 1m; Mins: Melee 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-Basic

Duration: Indefinite

Prerequisite Charms: Void Sheath Technique

The weapons of the Deathknights are almost gone from the world, and their talent for destruction knows no bounds. Even the most formidible of weapons are as light as feathers in the hands of a Deathknight. So long as the cost of this charm remans comitted, an Abyssal ignores the Two-Handed tag, allowing her to wield even a Grand Daiklaive one-handed, and reduces all strength minimums for a weapon by her Essence.

What's the opinion?
interesting. But I would suggest that the minimum strength requirement be 1. ie it can't be lowered beyond 1.
Tome said:
Nightmare Shadow Wielding Style
Cost: 1m; Mins: Melee 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-Basic

Duration: Indefinite

Prerequisite Charms: Void Sheath Technique

The weapons of the Deathknights are almost gone from the world, and their talent for destruction knows no bounds. Even the most formidible of weapons are as light as feathers in the hands of a Deathknight. So long as the cost of this charm remans comitted, an Abyssal ignores the Two-Handed tag, allowing her to wield even a Grand Daiklaive one-handed, and reduces all strength minimums for a weapon by her Essence, though they can never be reduced to below 1.
Necromantic Augmentations

Complex commands: 3pt: the creation has a greater comprehension capability than most of the undead. It can understand and execute orders as if it had Intelligence 3. It cannot think by itself, nor speak or change the commands in a great way, but it can adapt sightly. For example, you could send a creature with this augmentation to spy on a certain person. It wouldn't be able to speak without other sources of magic, but it could, for example, keep hiding and following the subject of spying, and later try to communicate the results to its master. It could also be commanded to look for a certain thing ("find all black-haired people in the crowd and point them to me") and to do similar tasks.

Seeds of Despair: 6pt: a true horror doesn't only destroy life. It procreates. Creations with this augmentation can, once per scene, lay an egg in any creature it has caused Lethal damage to. That egg will wait indefinitely. It can be spotted with a Medicine + Perception test with difficulty 3, if someone performs an exam in the infected person, with one automatic success if she is specifically looking for the egg. Once found, it can be removed with a Dexterity + Medicine test, with difficulty 4. Each time this is attempted, the infected suffers one unsoakable Lethal HL of damage, and a botch causes three LHLs. The pain is also a problem, like in any surgery, of course.

Should the egg remain in the victim until her death, it hatches. Small necrotic creations will consume the victim's flesh and Essence. After one day of "work", they will destroy the creature's lesser soul, and transform it into necrotic Essence that is used to animate the corpse. So, in the second night after the death of the infected, it raises as a regular zombie under the master of the creation's command. It will instinctively wander around and attack living things, until commanded to do otherwise.
Touching From A Distance


Type: Supplemental

Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious

Martial Arts:4 Essence:3

Pre-requisite Charms: None

Sometimes, the martial artist finds a foe beyond her reach. This charm allows her to bridge the gap. The martial artist must have at hand or nearby some small object, be it a stone, a vase, piece of wood or anything that comes to hand. Activating this charm, the martial artist tosses up and punches or kicks the item at his foe. The item flies towards the foe like an arrow, striking the target with the same force as the martial artist's strike. This charm allows a martial artist to make attacks up to (EssenceX5) yards away. This charm cannot enhance weapon strikes, only kicks or punches.


Is ok?
Tome said:
Nightmare Shadow Wielding Style
Cost: 1m; Mins: Melee 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-Basic

Duration: Indefinite

Prerequisite Charms: Void Sheath Technique

The weapons of the Deathknights are almost gone from the world, and their talent for destruction knows no bounds. Even the most formidible of weapons are as light as feathers in the hands of a Deathknight. So long as the cost of this charm remans comitted, an Abyssal ignores the Two-Handed tag, allowing her to wield even a Grand Daiklaive one-handed, and reduces all strength minimums for a weapon by her Essence, though they can never be reduced to below 1.
So, is it good to go?
Nightmare Shadow Wielding Style is a go ! :)

Touching From A Distance is a go too (I love that kind of stunts).

I am studying the necrotech mods.
Great. I must confess that (as explained in the off-topic), I have little understanding of Necrotech. I don't know, for example, how long it would take to create something able to lay such eggs (Coil at least 2).
Well ok for the complex commands. The seeds, I dunno yet, it seems pretty advanced for a necrotech mod compared to what there is in the book.

There are Three parts in the building of the reanimated: designing, building; and reanimation.

Designing and building follow the same rules than classic crafting (though special tools/parts can be required, and for Coil Rank greater than 5 a laboratory is an obligation). Rules for crafting are found in the corebook p.133.

There are no indications about the time the necrosurgery requires, though I could houserule a day of work is needed for each Coil Rank from 0 to 4.

All infos about necrotech and reanimations can be found in the aby book p.203 if you have it. My best guess would be you take the spells called Iron (CR 4)/ Onyx (CR 8) / Obisidan (no limit) Reanimation, to do it quickly (since it is in your concept, I'll allow a mod to your sheet). Yet this only takes care of the reanimation part, you still need to construct the undead beast.
I have the Onyx Reanimation. It's called Spurring the Beast of War (BT pg. 46).

Thank you for making that clear, I didn't find that stated anywhere.

Oh, let me know if you decide about the Seeds of Despair.
I changed the undead's name to Swift Finger, as I discovered he couldn't fly:

Swift Wing

Swift Wings are some of the smallest undeads there are. They are composed by a central body made of a single finger bone and have legs “legsâ€
Arthur said:
Swift Finger
Swift Fingers are some of the smallest undeads there are. They are composed by a central body made of a single finger bone and have legs “legsâ€
I took a look at Mantis style, 'cos I heard it had some minor issues to fix, and someone here learned it. Opinions on fixes?

This Martial Art is fully compatible with armor! There's no real reason for it not to be, thematically speaking. Kinda like Snake, in that way.

Leaping Mantis - Same!

Iron-Arm Block - Same!

Mantis Form - Can be kept the same. Looking at the 1e version, though, I think the intention was to make the attacks faster - a -1 to the speed of all unarmed attacks may be a more accurate replacement for the Join Battle bonus. (Minimum Speed 3, all increases that go below add to Rate instead. V. good and useful houserule.) Other than that possible change, it's a damn fine Form.

Grasping Claw Method - Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2.

Grasping Mantis Defense - If the Mantis user is successfully attacked - i.e., no perfect defenses were used and the attack beat her DV - this charm can be activated. Make a Martial Arts-based counterattack to make a grapple on Step 6, comparing your successes to the attackers. If you earn more successes, the attack is negated and the target is in a hold, instead.

Joint-Locking Attack - Same!

Joint-Disabling Attack - Min. Essence is 3. It is a Supplemental charm that must supplement a crushing clinch - a hold does not count!

Flying Mantis Kick - Same!

Crushing Claw Technique - Costs 3m, has a duration of Instant, is a Supplemental Charm not a Simple one. It adds (Martial Arts) raw damage to a crushing attack in a clinch.

Unfolding Retribution Attack - Martial Arts 5, Essence 4. Scene-Length, not Instant. It's a scene-length counterattack charm. Excellencies and other charms may be used to enhance its effects as necessary.
I like those fixes.

Can has? Seriously. I like Mantis, but even I acknowledge Unfolding Retribution Attack is, as written, the most piss-poor pinnacle charm in the game.

No, dammit, Void Avatar Prana does not exist.
Mantis is a good style that just needs a little fixing-up, like Righteous Devil Style. The only change I didn't make that I thought about was to Iron Arm Block, which'd make it add 1/2 MA to PDV, 'cos the 1e Charm just added MA to parries - in other words, its effectiveness doubled during the conversion to 2e.
Well, here's what I think about the fixes:

- armor wearing: no, since you can use the style with any sort of weapon, there has to be some kind of a limitation to this style, letting a character wear armor with it makes it just... very broken.

- Mantis form: I'd say your idea's not bad, but you forgot to mention that Mantis form is a speed 3 charm... so there again, there has to be some kind of limit compared with the other form which take 6 ticks to kick in :) , though a custom charm adding 3 more ticks and 1w to the cost of the form could be okay.

- Grasping Claw Method: sounds logical.

- Grasping Claw Defense: ... your fix is what the charm already does... I don't get it. Unless you just changed its prereq.

- Crushing Claw Technique : yup, but I'll make it reflexive instead of supplemental, like: if you controlled the clinch then you can use this.

- Unfolding Retribution Attack : yup I like the first ed version better :)
cyl said:
Well, here's what I think about the fixes:
- armor wearing: no, since you can use the style with any sort of weapon, there has to be some kind of a limitation to this style, letting a character wear armor with it makes it just... very broken.

- Mantis form: I'd say your idea's not bad, but you forgot to mention that Mantis form is a speed 3 charm... so there again, there has to be some kind of limit compared with the other form which take 6 ticks to kick in :) , though a custom charm adding 3 more ticks and 1w to the cost of the form could be okay.

- Grasping Claw Method: sounds logical.

- Grasping Claw Defense: ... your fix is what the charm already does... I don't get it. Unless you just changed its prereq.

- Crushing Claw Technique : yup, but I'll make it reflexive instead of supplemental, like: if you controlled the clinch then you can use this.

- Unfolding Retribution Attack : yup I like the first ed version better :)
Is Mantis Form Speed 3? My copy of Scroll of the Monk is pretty messed up. I'd make it Speed 5 and use the speed lower-er instead; there's almost no way you'll be getting that Join Battle bonus, 'cos it's a form charm.
Well, considering you can roll a Join Battle after a fight has started (fight an ebon shadow in his neighbourhood and you'll see what I mean), the bonus is good. It just means you have super reflexes.

Also there it gives a bonus to both soak, nullifies the onslaught penalty, and allows unarmed parrying of lethal damage and unarmed lethal damage dealing. For a speed 3 simple action... it's the one of the best.
Laundreu said:
Resplendent Shadow Blade

Cost: 6m+, 1wp; Mins: Melee 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple

Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Mirror (Glorious Solar Saber; Exalted, p. 192), Obvious

Duration: One scene

Prerequisite Charms: Blade-Summoning Gesture

The Abyssal conjures a weapon formed of Essence-hardened shadows adorned or intertwined with corpse-elements. The Exalt can summon this weapon to her hand from anywhere it has fallen, as a diceless miscellaneous action.

The player deï¬nes the appearance of this blade when purchasing this Charm. She can also deï¬ne its weapon qualities, as follows. If she chooses a light, agile blade with Speed 3, she can divide a number of points equal to twice the Abyssal's Melee score between its Accuracy, Defense, lethal damage (2L per 1 point), and Rate (at two points per one point of increased Rate). If she chooses a larger sword with Speed 5, she can divide a number of points equal to three times the Solar’s Melee score between its Accuracy, Defense, lethal damage (again 2L per 1 point), and Rate (again at two points per point of Rate increase). In both cases, Accuracy, Defense and Damage begin at 0 and cannot be lowered, while Rate begins at 1 and cannot be lowered. The player can change this choice and allocation only when the character raises her Melee score. He can spend no more than (Twice his permanent Essence) in points per stat.

Alternatively, if the Solar is wielding a physical weapon equivalent to his or her Glorious Solar Saber, he or she may activate this charm and add the stats of his or her Glorious Solar Saber to the stats of the weapon in question, as well as all the effects of GSS.

Characters can use this Charm to summon paired blades, one in each hand. Doing so increases the Charm’s cost by four additional motes, to a total of 10 motes, one Willpower. Players wishing to have multiple options can purchase this another weapon a number of times equal to the character’s Melee. Each purchase deï¬nes a different blade with distinct properties, and costs 2xp or 1bp.

Unlike its Solar mirror, Resplendent Shadow Blade is not Holy but imposes an Emotion effect of despair or horror whenever it inflicts any damage, draining one Willpower unless the target spends motes equal to the Abyssal’s Essence rating. Mortal extras who somehow survive being hit with this weapon drop prone and curl up in a fetal position for the rest of the scene, too spiritually broken even to defend themselves.
So, you could take the Speed 3 version, and with Melee 5 get +6L damage, Rate 2, +2 Accuracy, and +3 Defense? And that could overlay onto something like a reaper daiklave, or maybe paired short daiklaves? Would the Rates add together (like 2 for a short daiklave, +2 for the blade, total rate 4) or would they simply set to the higher/lower value?
Look at the profile of the Fallen Prince p.2

I've modified it to the following:

The player defines the appearance of this blade when purchasing this Charm.

It starts as a Speed 4 (summoned blade shall be better than regular) Rate 2 (most regular weapons have this trait) weapon with 0 points in Acc/Dmg/Def.

The player then defines the form of the blade (it can any weapon used with melee) and spends Essence x4 points on the blade with the following modifications:

Reducing/ augmenting speed = -5/+5 points (limit speed 2)

Augmenting acc/dmg/ def = +1

Reducing/ augmenting Rate = -2/+2

adding a positive/negative tag = -2/+2

Acc/Def/Rate shall not be raised higher than Essence.

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