[Custom] Charms, Artifacts, Manses... whatever... [Walking with the Darkness]

Mountain of White Death

This abyssal manse's name is simply due to the nature of its appearance; from a distance, the manse appears to simply be a small mountain of pure white ice, an unmelting glacier.

It takes bravery to approach the mountain, for it possesses a forboding aura. And even more to enter the many crevices that lead downwards, all of which all brings one to a massive entrance carved into solid rock in homage to the Neverborn.

A cold gale rips and roars in the entrance, as if the immaculate dragon of air had been chained there to defend the temple.

Once past that defensive barrier, the temple is hospitable with a host of ghostly servants to tend to the manse's master. What is not commonly known is that the ghosts are those who died in the manse.

The hearthstone produced by this manse is oval of a dark sapphire, with ivory lines deep within, as if water frozen in the shape of an oval. This is an Ice Gem (see Pademp;'s Codex page 102).


Abyssal Manse 4

Hearthstone 4 (Ice Gem)

Creation Points +8

Standard package -0 CP

- Attunement Recognition

- Basic Senses

- Cosmetic Display

Magical Conveniences -1 CP - page 67 of OC

- 4 items

- Automatic Doors

- Advance training room

- Lights within any room with someone in it

- soft music in the background

Fortress -3 CP - page 73 of OC

- will not go down with power failure

- (rating x 25) levels of damage before power failure

- 3 x level (manse 4) hazards

Howling gale force winds before its entrance, treat as if a supernatural ice storm (Damage : 2L/minute, Trauma 2)

- only one passage is safe to use to get to the manse entrance, the rest do have deadends and areas where the paths collapse under the weight of those walking on them.

Soul-prison -4 CP - page 77 of OC

- contains magnitute 4 ghosts (200)

- any who die in the manse adds to the prison

- the hearthstone owner may release them
Liege 3 I too have... I've not tapped on resources from Walker-sama yet. At least beyond what is automatically provided.
So :)

- Jewel of the Flying Heart: Granted (do remember that it works only in the underworld or in a shadowland)

- The Iron Fortress of the Seven Inauspicious Signs, Abyssal Manse 2: It can be an abyssal manse, unless you meant Underworld Abyssal Manse. As I said, Abyssal Manse are taken with the Manse Background (because they are more useful than Underworld Manses).

- The Stone of the Undead Physiology, Hearthstone 2 : you do realize that besides the Appearance reduction, this item grants you

* the appearance of a walking dead even while using essence sight or other types of charms

* the reproduction of 2 Essence 3 abyssal resistance charms suppressing the need for food, and air

I can't allow that...

- Jewel of the Glowing Blade: Granted

- Artifacts: The Head of Oblivion, Artifact 3:

This looks like an artefact 4 to me.

* it suppresses the need of spending willpower to use Whispers

* it adds the Whispers trait to any roll once per scene

I'll make it a 3 Artifact if when you commit a sin, gaining Resonnance, the voices inside your head are so displeased and furious, that you cannot concentrate on anything, inflicting an internal penalty to all rolls equivalent to the Whispers rating of the character for the rest of the day.
Abyssal Manse 4

Hearthstone 4 (Ice Gem)

Creation Points +8
Granted !
For the Liege Background:

In the 2e it gives you, at the equivalent rating of the Liege Background:

- Backing (deathlord dominion)

- Mentor

- Ressources

It allows you to request the temporary use of the following:

- Abyssal Command

- Allies

- Artifact

- Manse

- Mentor (uh ??? twice)

- Spies

As you will be sent on different missions during the game, the first one being : bring back Blood Pearl, I have opened a new thread for such requests.

The requests will be made in the interludes between the missions, and the background dots granted for the duration of the mission.

Be careful though, the higher the background is, the higher are the expectations of tha mastah !
Well, as I said, I have no balancing notions. :lol:

I've rearranged a few dots, the Head is now Artifact 4. I also changed the text sightly. To make it more clear, the idea of the Artifact was:

-Provides a small bit of soak

-Allows you to use Whispers for free once per scene

-Allows you to use Whispers in a fourth way at any time (but spending WP normally): you can add your Whispers rating to tests instead of substituting it for an ability.

As for the Hearthstone, I'll just substitute it for a Stone of Mending Flaws, and make it a Wood Manse.

If you approve, let me know and I'll update the text.
Lords of Creation, page 97

The Infinite Resplendence Amulet. Can I buy one of these with my experience points please? And if I can can, can the "new" Soulsteel version make fantastic garments out of liquid night and tortured souls, effectively mirroring the bonus Orichalcum gives a Solar?

Because if I can, that would be AWESOME.
Meme: uh ok for the Amulet (charter's: 3xp per 1 BP), but I'm not sure about the +4 Appearance, wearing liquid night and tortured souls doesn't make you sexier... maybe +4 to Charisma instead.
cyl said:
Meme: uh ok for the Amulet (charter's: 3xp per 1 BP), but I'm not sure about the +4 Appearance, wearing liquid night and tortured souls doesn't make you sexier... maybe +4 to Charisma instead.
What about adding that bonus to Manipulation and not inhibiting Stealth instead? The liquid night taps into the boundless malevolence of the Neverborn and enhance the Deathknight's ability to manipulate others.
Re reading what Manipulation is, clearly: +4 to manipulation, and no stealth inhibition.
Oh... do you mean I have to read and houserule the Social Combat ?

Aw crap... more work for me ^^'
My own little toy:

Badge of Celestial Authority

Artifact 4

Few in number as the Sidereals are, sometimes the Bureau of Destiny needs help. Loath though they are to trust anyone else with any measure of their authority, sometimes that's exactly what needs to be done; for such a purpose is this Artifact made.

The Badge of Celestial Authority is a small, circular disk worked in ornate astrological patterns from starmetal, orichalcum and moonsilver, with the symbols of the Maidens clearly inscribed. When attuned for 3 motes, it gives the bearer a subtle aura which can only be perceived by direct servants of the Celestial Bureaucracy such as gods and Sidereal Exalted, and identifies them thereby as an Agent of Heaven. Such beings who do not wish to attract legal trouble are required to aid such a person as best they can. It also serves as a form of anchor, carrying in itself a connection to the Loom of Fate which allows the bureau to send the bearer instructions in the same fashion that they are sent to Sidereals (See Manual of Exalted Power: The Sidereals, page 51-52), as well as to precisely track their position; this works only within areas governed by Fate, however.

As a precaution, attuning to the Badge places upon the bearer the same effect as the Sidereal Charm, Unhearing Dedication (pg. 179), giving them a supernatural Intimacy towards a plan described to them when they are given the Badge (usually something like "carry out all missions assigned to you by the Bureau", though sometimes with various secondary priorities and exceptions). Any mental influence to betray or abandon that plan becomes an unacceptable order as with the Charm, but unlike the Charm, the bearer of a Badge cannot themselves choose to drop or shift that Intimacy unless attunement to the badge is broken (which unless ordered to do so is generally against their Intimacy).

For undercover efforts, badges are usually hidden inside lockets, hollowed-out books, secret pockets and so on.
I'm buying Terrestrial Circle Sorcery and both the Summoning spells.

I'm not particularly set on any of the spirit charms at the moment but on the off chance I have some spare experience, are there any charms in the back of the RoGD: Gods and Elementals that you do not want me to take under any circumstances?

Wait, any major problems with Essence Plethora and Reserve of Will charms? Because there is just something about a Moonshadow with Maxed out Essence Engorgement Technique charms and Maxed out Essence Plethora charms is fairly interesting, don't you think?
Haku said:
Don't forget the Solar version and the Lunar versions as well ^_^
I need to find a couple of them and chain them to my will with unholy oaths before I can learn those. But all in good time. I might be able to pull Stern Essence Replenishment from the Green Lady though...

And there is Threefold Binding of the Heart. Damn it! Now I need to juggle things to be able to afford Essence 4 and Celestial Circle Sorcery.

Juk: your toy has been approved, I liked it very much :)

Meme: ouch, spirit charms and moonshadow... well you'd better have a good explanation to have learned the desired charms (allies/mentor outside of Liege)... because the poor spirit who's caught learning spirit charms to deathknight is in for a loooooooong celestial procedure.

Just remember they cost double experience, and cost double motes... so choose wisely :)

Anyway I'd have to approve all of them (and I will if there is a reason for me to).
cyl said:
...well you'd better have a good explanation to have learned the desired charms (allies/mentor outside of Liege)... because the poor spirit who's caught learning spirit charms to deathknight is in for a loooooooong celestial procedure...
Summoning Demons shouldn't give me any problems, I can just order them to. I can also summon elementals and compel them to teach me their tricks.
The Abyssal grows jagged bone spurs on his
knuckles or fingertips. The character is still considered

unarmed, but he can parry ranged and lethal attacks

without a stunt. The bone blades add an amount equal

to the Abyssal’s Essence to the Accuracy and Damage

of her punches and clinches, which inflict lethal

damage. The bonuses become part of the traits of the

character’s unarmed “weaponâ€
Can I assume I have an Exquisite Undead Aide (BT, pg. 40), with Occult 2, Craft [Necrotech] 3, Lore 2 and Craft [Fire] 3 with me?
Would you say that the Smashfists my Liege lent me are of the Cestus uber rare leathers and Soulsteel plates variety rather than the gauntlet style and that the spikey protrusions of the above charm would come through the gloves? Would you think that the use of a glove would count as a weapon use for that last part if you rule in favor of the charm and glove working together? If not that is still cool, the -3 internal wouldn't be so bad if the other benefits were still allowed.
The image is just a design. Yet, not knowing what this charm is (I suppose it comes from the DMS), I can't really say if it works well with the use of weapon.

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