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Fantasy Cursed Island

"Thank you," Jerry turned the collar over before fitting it around her neck. A collar like a pet's was definitely not the weirdest thing she'd have put on in this dungeon. Finding the dial, she turned it until it clicked. The reason for the eight hour cooldown was made clear when Jerry felt the monumental pull on her pool. If Niudisa was looking in Jerry's direction, Jerry was just a sliver from passing out from mana exhaustion when the thing did it's thing. scales, horns, claws, wings, and tail vanished, and her hair turned yellow again. Her leg stopped twitching, and actually responded to commands again. "Thank you," Jerry sighed as she could feel her feet again.
Erina dipped her head. “You’re welcome.” She took a moment to look Jerry over. “So, is this what you looked like before?”
"Pretty much, my hair was shorter but that's to be expected." Jerry nodded and started to walk before she realized that a portion of her kit hung loose without her tail, and she'd gotten quite used to that weight behind her, so walking normally again was awkward. "I just can't win, can I?"
Erina giggled. “At least you were getting used to it. I don’t think any of us have made the switch to human without some awkwardness.”
Well, Asta had adapted quite quickly, but Jerry had given Asta quite the motivation to do so. "Yeah, but I was born human." Jerry shuddered and took a few steps around the campsite to get used to not leaning forward to counterbalance the weight of four broad wings and a long tail.

"Has anyone seen Beri?", Adran poked his head out to ask. The leopard poked his head up at the mention of his name, where he'd been sniffing Shuffle's bundle.
Shuffle was well aware of Beri's presence and had gone quiet to avoid anyone noticing to shoo him away. She spoke up as Adran called for Beri. "No."

Corona raised an eyebrow. "Shuffle, we can see him."
"Beri, what are you doing?", Adran demanded.

"I am investigating," Beri replied, "Does this bother you?"
"As close as I need," Beri replied.


"No." Beri had never told Adran 'no' before. Insulted, corrected, and lectured, but never refused.
Erina crossed her arms. "Beri, you know as well as we do why you shouldn't. Or you should know."

Shuffle spoke up. "I don't mind!"

"Your opinion doesn't count right now."
Erina tilted her head. "By that argument, you should have no trouble stepping away from her then."

Asta glanced over, staying quiet for a moment. "I would... But he is still standing close to Shuffle. I have no interest in her, but instinct can cloud reason, and I would rather not take the risk..."
Jerry sighed at Asta's response, while Beri made the decision to park his rear on the ground without moving. "Erina?", Jerry tapped her wrist to indicate Erina's chains. "The thing?"
Erina glanced at Adran. "I did say I would try to avoid using it on party members. But I suppose this would be an exception." She looked over at Beri. "Beri, come here!"
"Aaand we're gonna have to lock the door tonight," Adran muttered as Beri's legs disobeyed him to obey Erina and brought him over to the arachne.
Erina nodded. "And for extra measure, I think I'll put Shuffle's bundle up out of reach, hanging from the ceiling."
"Good idea," Adran nodded, "Watch for bugs."

"Asta," Jerry gestured to their tent and started inside, "Can you guys keep an eye on Turac for a few minutes?"

"Of course," Veo nodded and smiled.
"Right. Remind me again before we go to sleep."

Asta looked over at Jerry and paused before following after her.
Adran nodded and ducked back into the tent.

"Asta," Jerry said as she sat down on the edge of the bed, "I need to know exactly what you meant you couldn't take the risk of going near Shuffle."
"...ah..." He should've expected this conversation. "I do not want to, believe me. But, intelligent as I am, I'm still a beast, and I still have instinct. In her current state, Shuffle's putting out a...scent that's meant to trigger certain instincts. They can be resisted with enough willpower, but I've never outright fought against my own instincts before, so I can't say for sure how well I'd be able to resist them. As such, I've been doing my best to simply stay away from her."
Jerry didn't even blink, "Are you seriously telling me that you would not be able to stop yourself from going after Shuffle?"
"She's a child." Jerry shook her head, "Asta, if I have to worry about both you and Beri going after Shuffle, I'm just gonna shrink you down so you can't get into trouble."
"I know that, but she's still putting off that scent, and that's what would cloud my mind." Asta sighed. "Do what you must. I just don't want there to be an accident."
Jerry shook her head, "I can't believe you're that easy." She stood and put her hands on either side of Asta's head and said the word to shrink him down to kitten size. The sling she'd used to carry him had vanished at some point from not being used, so she moved the chimera to her shoulder instead.

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