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Fantasy Cursed Island

Niudisa shook her head. "Well, do we have a deal? You show us the way forward, and we'll show you something unique."
"That's gonna depend on the uniqueness of the product," Ellone crossed her arms, "Show me."

"Not happening, deal first," Jerry crossed her arms.
Ellone thought for a moment, "Fine, I will study the crystal for a day, and lead you out of my maze afterwards. If it still intrigues me after the fact, Lenna and I will join you until it no longer hides secrets from me." She moved a crystal that grew into the shape of a hand towards Jerry, who she assumed to be in a leadership position based on the party's attitudes. "Do we have a deal?"

"Deal," Jerry nodded and shook the rock hand, and then placed Urodor in the palm.
Jerry watched Ellone flutter up to a ledge and fiddle with the rock, "If she..." She pantomined an explosion like when they used soul gems to kill tarrasques, "How big is that going to be?", she asked Niudisa.
Niudisa considered it for a moment. “Hm... Big enough to fill this room, most likely. And with enough force to possibly make a cave in and kill whoever survived the initial blast.”
So way too big to risk. "Can you see how many filled soul gems she has on her?" If Niudisa looked, almost every crystal in Ellone's possession had a soul of some sort in it. With that much raw mana at her fingertips her pool was effectively larger than Niudisa, but most of it seemed wrapped up in a multitude of spell effects.
Niudisa took a moment to use her magic sense. “Hm. A lot. She may not be a necromancer, but she must know how to trap souls, at least. Or she found something to do it for her.”
"So... keep an eye on her," Jerry nodded, "If you see her doing anything that might overload the gem, stop her."
Niudisa nodded. “Got it. I don’t think she would on purpose since that would kill her, too. It’s not a technique for doing up close.”
Jerry nodded, and tried her leg again, finding the dimensions had changed slightly. "Is she seriously remodeling my leg?", Jerry muttered, "Niudisa, do you think you could arrange to make me and the other me meet each other? I really wanna punch her."
"Mm, sort of? If you pull up your mirror self and then knock her out, she should wake up as the other Jeri. It's worked before."
"No, I mean," she pulled the purple crystal charm out, "The one in me. Talking to her reflection won't be productive at all."
“Yeah, no. Not right now, anyway. Maybe with some extensive research, but I make no promises.”
Niudisa shrugged. “He should be around.”

Erina glanced over. “Last I saw, he headed to our tent. Do you need him for something?”
"He said there were two collars," she gestured to the one around Asta's neck as the chimera and turtle played together as best as a giant chimera and a baby turtle could play.
“Ah... Yes, there are.” Erina tilted her head back a little to point out the collar around her own neck.
"Oh," Jerry looked at Erina's neck and the collar, suddenly a little less eager to wear and use it, "Did you and Adran... do anything with it?" Pot was calling the kettle black.
Jerry briefly looked down at Erina's legs, "Riiight..." By comparison, not that much, "Can I borrow the collar?" Jerry needed her legs, and if Jeri wasn't going to let her then a polymorph might shut her up.
Erina nodded. “Of course. I’m not using it right now anyway.” She reached up to fiddle with the collar, feeling around for how to get it off.
There was a small buckle next to the dial to activate the collar, the same way Erina had gotten it on. "I think it's... yeah, there."

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