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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Ryu smiled happily when the girl responded to her then she notices all the people in the gym " hmm wanna be my friend " she asked walking with her " also wanna leave this area ...I kind of wanna see more of school if you don't mind walking around with me ."

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Annabel stood there and thought for a second before she spoke. "Mmmm not right now, we should really stay here until the teacher dissmisses us. Plus I wanna see if I'm the leader of team two!!" She said excitedly to her

She just was at the library as she just yawned she just was hiding from the teachers she had a black eye from the fight she put makeup on as she was pouting as she fell asleep while reading shadowhunters she loved reading it calms her down she skipped class hoping her sister won't be upset with her since she skipped her class Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
After about an hour of running around the track wearing the 350 pounds worth of weights Ivy walked into the middle of the field located within the track. Slipping the weights off she started to feel lighter until she could no longer feel any excess weight holding her down. With one good, and loud, roar she slowly began reverting back to her normal self. No longer a light shade of orange and muscular, but instead her normal tan and slim appearance. The only orange found was her hair. Panting Ivy dropped to her knees, exhausted from what Duke described as training.
Luna's hair yet again went pink as she blushed and chuckled softly. "Well why don't we brows around the different sections of books together. Maybe you'll find something that peaks your interest while we both enjoy the others company." The woman smiled softly as she held her wrist with her opposite hand before walking with Fritz towards the fiction shelf.
After a few minutes of holding her hand she then decides to take Fritz's hand and leads him to the nature book section first. Recommending a few of the better ones to him as she takes him out from the shelves.
They sit down and read them together Fritz asks certain questions about the different animals with in the books. To which Luna chuckles while answering them to the best of her abilities.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Fritz gently rests his hand on hers and says" i know this really forward but i'm having a lot of fun reading and asking questions and you have a some impressive knowledge, i'm learning more from you then i did many of the teachers i was forced to be in class with because back in the day my grades sucked because i wasn't very good at the whole school thing".
He pauses for a minute or so then says" I don't want this to just be an question and answer thing but i do want to know more about you and what you like and with getting a rare chance like this during the long hours it would be great to make the most of it".

His eyes calm and have twinges of warmth in them and they could draw you in if you are looking and thinking to much, ' i bet misako is pissing around after that to try and forget it but seriously that stunt of hers worries me maybe i should tell raz just incase she's going through other troubles which i don't know about because there's a lot of people that play their troubles down so they don't freak out other'. ' after today i have to get back to my classes as well because it sets a bad example and it makes me a hypocrite if i don't do what i'm meant to be here for'.
Ryu nodded then she sat down near her " well I hope I'm second in command ..." She said then she looked around then she smiled at Annabel and she smiled " I'm Ryu BTW " she smiled at her happily as she held out her hand then she noticed Misako " wait no ...it can't be ...hmm well good thing she doesn't know what my new body looks like" she thought as she looked at her

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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She was rather taken aback by Fritz when she felt his hand on hers. Cheeks growing warm. Looking him in the eye Luna could feel the warmth they emanated, and felt drawn to them. "About me?" The word seemed to linger in the air when she said it. Luna never really talked much about herself before. She was more of a listener and one you'd usually go to for advice. But Fritz was right. A chance like this was rare during school hours. Rarer for Luna since she worked in the library which was open from just before school started to an hour or so after it let out.
Students need reading material right?
Luna smiled softly, not tearing her eyes from Fritz's. She began to briefly talk about her rather normal past. Got good grades of school and had a thirst for knowledge that sort of stuff. Moving on she mentioned how she enjoyed the peace of the library and the joy of reading. Even noting how she was vegetarian. But being a rabbit hybrid that was a given. When she finished speaking she blushed rather embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I normally don't talk about myself much. I'm rather boring aren't I," she snickered softly. Rotating her hand under his so that the back of it was resting on the table and their palms were touching. Luna smiled gently at him while brushing her thumb against the top of his hand.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

She just woke up as she snuck out the library quitely as she saw her sister at the track as she try to hide her black eye from the fight she gotten into at the class as she just sighed a little as she was curious what to do as she smiled a little trying not to worry her big sister she looked tired" yo" she say walking to the track as she smiled she had makeup on her black eye to hide it from her sister as she looked around as she skipped class she didn't want to be in class since she hurt herself she didn't care if her big sister will yell at her for skipping she just had her hood on her she try to hide herself Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"Izzy?" Ivy looked up at her, the exhaustion very much notable in her voice. "What are you doing out here? Shouldn't you," taking a minute to catch her breath, "Be in class?" Though she was worried and curious about her sister as to why she wasn't with the rest of the students, she didn't worry too much. Mostly because of how exhausted she is. "Dammit!" Ivy flopped onto the back, arms stretched out on either side. Her pupils constricted to slits as she looked up at the sky, "Damn Duke and his stupid training methods." The tiger hybrid continued to pant as she felt the warmth of the sun beating on her.
Texangamer Texangamer
Duke stepped out of the back doors to the gym making his way over to Ivy. Laughing as he picked Misako up tossing her up and onto his shoulders. "Well then it seems like someone had a good run" setting Misako down before he crouched down to look at Ivy he pulled a canteen from his belt and help it out "drink some water so we can start your actual training"

Misako blushed when was picked up and squeezed. "Easy!" She exclaimed almost falling off his shoulders.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

SHe just looked at her brother and back at her mother as she was reallly confused' brother but i thought me and sissy was the only ones whaaaaaaaat' she thought really confused as her head was hurting as she looked at her mom she just had a headache she just had a bad cough she didn't want to take the medecine she hated the homemade medecine her mother gives to her when she was sick like she is now" mom i'm done with eating the food" she say while coviering her mouth trying to focus as her head was hurting' ow ow ow' she thought" big brother hehe" she say she was nervous she was doddoling on her notebook everything hurts she just felt weak Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Ivy titled her head back a bit to see Duke crouched behind her head. With a groan she sat up, turning around to face him. Seeing the canteen he was holding out she took it with little hesitation. Unscrewing the cap she pressed the cool metal to her lips before drinking. Drinking about half of what it contained before putting the cap on and handing it back. Knowing fully well that if she drank too much she'd make herself sick. Glancing over at Isabelle she sighed, "You need to get to class Izzy. I don't want you in trouble." Turning her attention back onto Duke she asked, "So what are we going to do now?"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Texangamer Texangamer
Ivy titled her head back a bit to see Duke crouched behind her head. With a groan she sat up, turning around to face him. Seeing the canteen he was holding out she took it with little hesitation. Unscrewing the cap she pressed the cool metal to her lips before drinking. Drinking about half of what it contained before putting the cap on and handing it back. Knowing fully well that if she drank too much she'd make herself sick. Glancing over at Isabelle she sighed, "You need to get to class Izzy. I don't want you in trouble." Turning her attention back onto Duke she asked, "So what are we going to do now?"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Texangamer Texangamer
"She's fine, I won't turn Izzy in as long as she helps me out" putting the canteen up she smiled "you'll be having a bit of fun, we'll sort of" Duke stood up going through his key ring "to the pool ladies!" Duke exclaimed as he started walking "you'll be fighting Misako in the pool! All while protecting Izzy here from attacks" he had planned on tiring her out first so the excersise would make sense of what would happen if she didn't maintain a calmness about her. "Hope you still have some energy left"

Misako looked at Izzy "sorry, I'll get you an air tank so you don't drown" turning she quickly followed after Duke. "You are going to put Izzy in a shark cage right?" She asked Duke who only smiled
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at him than to the girl as she was afraid of the water but she just sighed" fine i'll do mr. Duke sir" she say as she smiled she just looked at the girl who was getting a air tank she was nervous about it but she had to do or the teacher tell someone of her skipping the class she looked around looking at her sister" don't worry i'll be fine i need to face my fear i'm not going to be scared anymore cause i'll be brave" she say as she looked around Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
"Wait, what?" Ivy looked at them both in shock. They planned on using her baby sister as bait to get Ivy to fight level headed? This was absolute madness! Hearing Misako mention the shark cage made Ivy glare a bit at Duke as he smiled. But this was going to be a rather difficult fight for the hybrid. Sure it was an advantage to be fused with a big cat who was number one at swimming. But against Misako? Who is part of a creature whose main purpose is to always swim. That was going to be a challenge all on its own. "Do I at least get a swimsuit so my clothes aren't soaked," she asked. Glancing at Isabelle she gave a mental sigh, I know you will be. But lets hope that I can still protect you.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at her sister" don't worry i be fine you worry too much big sissy" she say as she smiled" i won't drown or anyting i be prfectly fine no need to worry" she say as she just looked at her as she was waiting for her teacher and for the other come back as she was nerverous about this she just looked around" okay i'm ready for this" she say' hopefully the pool won't be too cold' she thought as she looked towards them as she was nervous about it she just sat on the ground as she started to relax" big sissy i be okay" she say smiling Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Ryu nodded then she sat down near her " well I hope I'm second in command ..." She said then she looked around then she smiled at Annabel and she smiled " I'm Ryu BTW " she smiled at her happily as she held out her hand then she noticed Misako " wait no ...it can't be ...hmm well good thing she doesn't know what my new body looks like" she thought as she looked at her

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Annabel giggled and shook her hand happily. "I'm Annabel." She said happily to her before she got a big "oh yeah!" Look and pulled out her Phone. Pulling ryu in tight as she held out her phone to take a photo with Ryu. Then once she took the photo she smirked and set it as the background on her phone with a happy smile
"Mhm....Misako can get you then, guys aren't allowed in the girls locker room here" going into the men's locker room he changed into some swimming trunks and a tank top.

Misako led the two of them into the girls locker room after they got to the pool. "Okay girls, I think Izzy should wear something more normal, but I don't see why we can wear something interesting" winking at Ivy as she set out a one piece bathing suit for Izzy. She then got a wetsuit and a plain black bikini and bottoms. "Okay Ivy which one do you want?" She asked as she tossed her clothes into a pile while she waited for Ivy to pick so she could take the leftovers.
Texangamer Texangamer Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

She just looked at the lady as she smiled looking around as she just went into the stall and changed as she was nervous about doing it as she looked around as she looked bored waiting for it to be over" okay all done" she say changed into the swimsuit as she felt a bit weird but it was okay she just calmed down" so what your name miss" she say as she just looked at her as she just smiled she didn't care she was putting herself in danger she didn't want to unless her anger anymore not with fighting it could hurt her" big sissy do i look okay" she asked Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
The tiger hybrid was honestly a bit jealous that her sister got the one piece, it was the best of both worlds. Sighing Ivy glanced between the two garments. After a bit of thinking she snagged the bikini and began to change. Picking it since she thought it'd have better mobility and would hold less water. Plus it seemed more stretchy for when she'd have to change into other form, again. Only downside was how revealing it was and how she wasn't so protected. Once she finished changing she looked at Isabelle with a smile, "You look great." All her stripes were visible now, but that was the least of Ivy's worries.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Texangamer Texangamer
Annabel giggled and shook her hand happily. "I'm Annabel." She said happily to her before she got a big "oh yeah!" Look and pulled out her Phone. Pulling ryu in tight as she held out her phone to take a photo with Ryu. Then once she took the photo she smirked and set it as the background on her phone with a happy smile

Ryu couldn't help but smile when Annabel pulled her into the photo " can I see ...." She asked wanting to know if the two of them looked cute together " hey Annabel what kind of powers do you have I think you already seen mind...I kind of showed off by hmm fighting with that jerk " she sighed then she sat down on a bench near her " oh Annabel do you have a roommate " she asked smiling ..., she still didn't have one even thought this was her third day .
Misako winked "I could just...eat...you...up!" She told Izzy and laughed as she leaned over touching her cheek. "I'm glad Ivy picked that one, because now I get to wear my blue and white stripped one" going back to her locker she slipped on the blue and white bikini "alright let's go!" Misako exclaimed as she ran out of the locker room.

Duke was waiting for them outside "hope you girls are ready!" He called to Izzy and Ivy. While they were inside the locker room Duke had teleported the the four of them to a water park on the northern part of the island. The inside of the changing rooms looked the same. Especially since Duke had spent years building everything on the island.
Texangamer Texangamer Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Ryu couldn't help but smile when Annabel pulled her into the photo " can I see ...." She asked wanting to know if the two of them looked cute together " hey Annabel what kind of powers do you have I think you already seen mind...I kind of showed off by hmm fighting with that jerk " she sighed then she sat down on a bench near her " oh Annabel do you have a roommate " she asked smiling ..., she still didn't have one even thought this was her third day .
She smiled and nodded as she showed her the photo. "Well my powers are that I can create any weapon i imagine in my mind, weather that be a suit of armor, a weapon, as long as I can kill someone with it I can materialize it." She said to her happily before thinking quietly. "Hmmm no I don't have a roommate.... want to be mine?" She asked happily to her
Ryu giggled before hugging her happily " really you mean it " she said moaning happily " yes I do wanna be your roommate " she said kind of excited " I have the power to control fire and I also can make weapons have a flaming touch " she said smiling at her new friend

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
Ryu giggled before hugging her happily " really you mean it " she said moaning happily " yes I do wanna be your roommate " she said kind of excited " I have the power to control fire and I also can make weapons have a flaming touch " she said smiling at her new friend

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving
"That's so cool!" Annabel said happily with a smile before she looked around. "Well I'm gonna head out to the track for a run I'll talk to you later." She said happily before getting up and walking off. Sighing softly as she got outside and headed for the track where she started to jog
Ryu sighed as she walked off then she texted misako " hey meet me out front of the waterpark OK " she said then she walked out to her car and she drove to the water park and she smiled as she walked up to the gates. Waiting for her.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Clara sat in the stands as she watched the girl run on the track , she smiled as she watched then she walked down to the track and she waited then she she got in range ,she called out to her. " hey " she said smiling looking at her with a cute girly smile.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

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