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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Kitsune looked over at the young man who stood up and smiled "I'm glad some of you are interested, our grounds keeper spent quite a bit of time building the park so he agreed to let you all be the first to enjoy it" laughing she pulled her phone out to text Lexi come down to the gymnasium honey we are going on a field trip with your class
TheWoopdieWop TheWoopdieWop Texangamer Texangamer

Naomi laughed as hugged Shika "come on let's get you changed so we can go have some fun!" She exclaimed, almost bouncing up and down. "I wonder what kind of rides there will be?" She asked herself
Kittycat Kittycat

Duke opened the portal back at the gymnasium. Stepping through with Misako and Ryu on his shoulders. "Come on guys, I know you don't want to miss a chance to see all the girls tanning?" He asked the group. Giving them all a thumbs up before helping Misako and Ryu down off his shoulders.
TheWoopdieWop TheWoopdieWop Texangamer Texangamer
Run blushed deeply as she was lead over to the group of friends " hey guys ...I'm Ryu ...misakos hmm old ...friend " she lied then she waved , she began to think about the old days then her thoughts about misako was broken by people having fun " so are we having fun today " she asked

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Clara watched the girl then she chuckled " wow your pretty cool you know " she said walking over to her and she held out her hand for her then she smiled a little.

Daniel Reaving Daniel Reaving

She just looked at her phone as she went to the gym as she smiled" hi mommy yay field trip where we going mommy" she say hugging her mother arm as she smiled seeing a boy as she was nervous hiding behind her mother she was shy around them Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Naomi looked Shika over, her tail started to wag rapidly as she grew excited. Blushing she licked her lips "it looks....I mean you look so cute...no...you look hot!" Giggling she reached out gently taking Shika's hand "would you mind putting some lotion on me so I don't burn?"
Kittycat Kittycat
She's nods for ok. They head out the door. Shims hasn't been outside for a few days. Needless to say she was blinded by the Sun. She had to close her eyes and hope not to trip.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Duke laughed as he led everyone to the water park and through his realm. "I hope you all have fun, you are the first group I'm letting in like Kitsune said!"

Kitsune reached down rubbing Lexi's head "don't be afraid of all boys, you might like one you know, now go catch up with your sister and her friend"

Misako blushed as she held ryu's arm "you have to meet my little sister, she's adorable and really smart, but be nice she is really shy"
Texangamer Texangamer Tsutarji Tsutarji
Serbian sighed as she walked with sora up to the water park " hey I guess this is the place let's go play sora " she said running inside when her " hmm I wonder where everyone is " she asked as she looked around wondering wear the others were. Then she saw ryu and misako " there they are let's go"

Kittycat Kittycat

Ryu blushed then she gasped " what misako when did you get a little sister and.....not tell me .." she blushed , being so close to her again was a dream come true " which one is she is she here " she asked looking around

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Naomi stopped quickly, holding Shika's arm so she wouldn't fall. "Shika are you okay?" She asked, sounding worried as she looked at her. "You aren't hurt are you?" Naomi's heart started to pound in her chest.
Kittycat Kittycat

She just looked at her sister going to her" big sissy I had fun fighting you at class it was fun" she say seeing someone new she just hide" um misako who she" she asked all scared holding onto her as she looked around trying to be brave like her Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Tsutarji Tsutarji
Naomi dug around in her small pack pulling some sunglasses out for Shika "here put these on, you can have any fun while being blind and mute ya know" giggling as she waited for for Shika to take them. "I want to bathe in the sun for a bit if you don't mind"

Kittycat Kittycat

Misako laughed at ryu's reactions to hearing about Lexi "not long after we left kindergarten, she's adorable right?" Misako looked down at Lexi "this is big sis's friend Ryu, don't worry she doesn't bite often" holding her sisters hand she relaxed as they arrived at the park. "You two would get along great, at least I hope you two will at least"
Texangamer Texangamer Tsutarji Tsutarji
She took them and turned to her and say no with her head. What she meant was "I'm not mute, I just don't like speaking. She put the sunglasses on and she could see again. Her tail was waving and her eat twitched with excitement.
Ryu nodded " I like her , she cute and adorable kind of like you...ahh misako I can't take it " she said hugging her happily " hmm remember when we first meet ...hehe I do it was like old times "

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Serbian walked up to Naomi and her girlfriend " hi there guys " she said then she giggled looking at them " so you two having fun...oh Naomi I'm dating sora " she said sounding excited.

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Kittycat Kittycat
"There we go, so how about you run some on me so I can get a good tan?" Naomi asked as she headed towards the beach like area of the park. "Hey Shika I've been wondering why is it you don't talk?"
Kittycat Kittycat

Hey guys Ima get some rest, my eyes keep closing while I'm posting, I'm super tired. I'll reply as soon as I wake up tomorrow. You guys have a good night
Shika waited for abit to answer. She took a deep breath and said "Talking is wasteful and I never talked at the lab so..... this is the last and first time you are ever going to hear of my voice" and then she closed her mouth and stopped talking. She felt embarrassed for talking. She was never mute. She just hated talking but she talked to Naomi. She noticed sora and another girl come up she waved at them.

She saw shika next to the girl Serbian was talking to. She saw her open her mouth over here but she thought she saw things. "Hello, and who may you be. I'm Serbian's girlfriend." She kissed Serbian as she said that.

She just looked at her sister as she smiled as she held her hand as she looked at her sister friend" hi big sister friend nice to meet you" she say smiling as she saw the park as she smiled she got a bit hyper she blushed when she was called adorable by her big sister as she felt her face turning red Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Tsutarji Tsutarji
Ryu smiled at her then she giggled " nice to meet you lexi " she said grabbing her hand " hey you know I used to know your big sister long time ago " she said then she winked " Lexi you know your adorable right " she smiled at her happily

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at the her as she smiled" it's nice to meet you too" she say holding her sister hand as she looked at ryu" really you knew big sissy long time ago" she say as she just looked at her as she looked at the park" hehe you think i'm cute" she say as she just looked at her as she was happy" i want to be friends with sissy friends" she say as she just giggled as she yawned a little" mommy says i'm cute too i'm 13 i just turned 13" she say as she smiled Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Tsutarji Tsutarji
Ray gently smiles and does as he's asked to gently and says in a low voice" sorry about that how about i make it up to you somehow with in reason of course i'm not richy rich as for potential that can be seen in a number of ways one being a leader that deals with things according if i'm going to follow someone that is".

"H-Hey honey I was just taking the students here out for a bit to get used to social interaction " laughing nervously as he offered Izzy a towel "I know by Ivy's profile and student information her and her sister don't have much experience with that so....it's healthy for their minds and...." looking over at Ivy then down at Izzy. "Izzy relaxe you aren't in trouble, we actually will be doing some learning here all the while getting you to open up to new people, plus the water here is good for recovery which will help Ivy after I put her through that little excersise "

Blood looks between the sister and then the cage then back at duke and you can feel bloods annoyance and then she says into his blood, i'll be do basic training with izzy since she's new to this and seriously stop letting misako piss around raz is under a shit load of pressure thanks to misako horrible grades and will be taking a forty percent cut if her grades don't go up. So me beating on you a little is time to think what he might do in his current mood and not even i want to deal with him and i'm a pure bred day walking vampire.

Violet sees a boy along the way to the door and stops and motions him to come with her and doesn't bother to answer the questions about the town at this stage but she would use him to have a good time and test him to see if he's more than just a mouthpiece and playboy.

Luna slept soundly, ears flicking every now and then out of habit. Though when she was moved she wasn't too bothered by it. But she felt her head against something softer, more comfortable. This caused her to give a tiny subconscious smile. The feeling of the blanket made her snuggle closer to Fritz. Soft mumbles could be heard if you listened closely. Right now however, Luna was rather happy.
After a while Luna's hand gently gripped the bottom of the man's shirt. Brushing the fabric between her thumb and her finger. Just barely touching Fritz's skin as she did so. A small groan escaped her lips as she opened her eyes a bit, "Fritz," she questioned sleepily, "How long have I been asleep?"

Frizts gently smiles and says" not more than fourty minutes or so thanks to you i've got a decent amount of my energy back i hope i didn't do anything to weird i sometimes do the most random things when thoughts of comfort or i have flash backs".
(Lol you should probably tag both of us cause I don't think the other guy knows you posted either XD)
Ethan looked at violet for a little bit, figuring she didn't have a definitive answer right now he nodded. "Alright then, though I would like an answer before tonight my little flower." He said to her with a teasing smirk before he looked up and over to the other guy she just motioned to follow her. 'What's this girls game? She asks me to come along then another random guy?' He thought to himself as he stood with her waiting for the other guy to join them.
TheWoopdieWop TheWoopdieWop
Selma looks around not used to the school yet and she tries her best to keep her scars hidden. Soon she came into the gym to see Combat class in session. Was this the class she's supposed to be at? She'd only find out by asking* "E-Excuse me, Is this Combat class?" She asked shyly

Texangamer Texangamer (Starting over since i can't find my post)
Selma looks around not used to the school yet and she tries her best to keep her scars hidden. Soon she came into the gym to see Combat class in session. Was this the class she's supposed to be at? She'd only find out by asking* "E-Excuse me, Is this Combat class?" She asked shyly

Texangamer Texangamer (Starting over since i can't find my post)

Lexi piped up "yes this is combat class, are you new here?v she asked

"My name is Alexis, what's yours?" She asked

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