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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Serbian giggled jumping on her back then she smiled happily " I'm glad I know you " she said
Frizts calmed down a fair bit then nods to what luna said about them not causing trouble and says" yeah things aren't off to the best start to say least I should be used to crap going wrong".

" Many say I'm to much of a hard headed and so on and to a point their right because I can feel it in my self even when I don't say or do anything".

He pauses for a minute or so then says" anyway enough about me it's boring going on for too long".
" There's a new book store off campus and where out can also treat you to some cake and coffee".

Lux is waiting at the connecting section as promised looking at his watch thinking please hurry up classes start in forty minutes.

Tiger gently pokes Lizzy cheek then pulls away and says" their instincts are good and their fast but that's not going to be enough against the higher tire fighters because many of them a sentinel types".
He pauses for a minute or so then says" enough about that by looking at your figure I could train you to be a mixed type their rare but I've trained about fivr others in the last two years".

The twins are heading down to the gym humming gently looking forward to working out @Daniel reaving
(You can pick who you want)

Ethan sighed softly as he walked through campus, hands in the pockets of his suit pants as he walked. "Boring day." He mumbled softly as he headed towards the music building which just so happened to be right next to the gym. Heading inside he went to one of the practice rooms that were there that had a door to outside that faced the front of the gym. Sighing as he entered he took his dress coat off, tossing it over a chair as he loosened his tie while heading to the door, opening it and propping it wide open he nodded. "There now it won't get to hot." He stated softly before he walked back to the grand piano that was in there and sat down, gently pressing a couple keys before he took in a deep breath. Then, he started to play, his fingers moving like water over the keys as he played Beethoven's tempest sonata

His eyes closed as he lost himself in the music as it filled the room and flooded out into the surrounding area through the open door.
(Open for interactions)

Annabel panted heavily as she stood in the middle of the field that was surrounded by the running track, sweat poured down her face and body as she stood there bent over with her hands on her knees. Being glad she had decided to wear some workout pants and a sports bra as she stood there. After a minuet she started to calm her breathing, then she activated her powers, her pupils became diamond shaped as she flowed a digital blue and air swirled around her. Then her clothes started to change as the light grew blinding. Her powers doing its thing as a loud hum rang from her. Then after a minuet a small burst of enrgy shot out and there stood Annabel in completely different clothing or armor instead
Taking a deep breath as she clenched the sword that had appeared with the armor right before she bent down a little then pushed off, blasting off into the air with tremendous force. Taking a large circle around the track before coming back and landing were she had been with a deep breath of relief. "Thank god I didn't crash this time." She said to herself
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Sora was surprised for a seconds. Then she opened then gym doors. Serbian was a little lighter then she expected for a demon cat. "I'm glad i meet you two Serbian." Sora said smiling.

Tsutarji Tsutarji
(You can pick who you want)

View attachment 339922
Ethan sighed softly as he walked through campus, hands in the pockets of his suit pants as he walked. "Boring day." He mumbled softly as he headed towards the music building which just so happened to be right next to the gym. Heading inside he went to one of the practice rooms that were there that had a door to outside that faced the front of the gym. Sighing as he entered he took his dress coat off, tossing it over a chair as he loosened his tie while heading to the door, opening it and propping it wide open he nodded. "There now it won't get to hot." He stated softly before he walked back to the grand piano that was in there and sat down, gently pressing a couple keys before he took in a deep breath. Then, he started to play, his fingers moving like water over the keys as he played Beethoven's tempest sonata

His eyes closed as he lost himself in the music as it filled the room and flooded out into the surrounding area through the open door.

View attachment 339923
Annabel panted heavily as she stood in the middle of the field that was surrounded by the running track, sweat poured down her face and body as she stood there bent over with her hands on her knees. Being glad she had decided to wear some workout pants and a sports bra as she stood there. After a minuet she started to calm her breathing, then she activated her powers, her pupils became diamond shaped as she flowed a digital blue and air swirled around her. Then her clothes started to change as the light grew blinding. Her powers doing its thing as a loud hum rang from her. Then after a minuet a small burst of enrgy shot out and there stood Annabel in completely different clothing or armor instead
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Taking a deep breath as she clenched the sword that had appeared with the armor right before she bent down a little then pushed off, blasting off into the air with tremendous force. Taking a large circle around the track before coming back and landing were she had been with a deep breath of relief. "Thank god I didn't crash this time." She said to herself

Ray and Morgan see then and walk up to her and say" that was amusing but in that form the draw back later is going to suck so we'd advise not using it for too long"
Frizts calmed down a fair bit then nods to what luna said about them not causing trouble and says" yeah things aren't off to the best start to say least I should be used to crap going wrong".

" Many say I'm to much of a hard headed and so on and to a point their right because I can feel it in my self even when I don't say or do anything".

He pauses for a minute or so then says" anyway enough about me it's boring going on for too long".
" There's a new book store off campus and where out can also treat you to some cake and coffee".
Luna smiled and chuckled a bit, "There's nothing wrong with being a hard head though. It can prove to be quite useful depending on the situation." When her chuckles ceased her smile stayed, listening to Fritz speak. Hearing about the book store made her ears bounce a bit. "That sounds nice, I should check it out the next time I get a day off." But looking at Fritz she felt something wasn't right with him. The creatures living in the forest would have attacked by now if they weren't so scared to come near him. Treading lightly she asked, "Fritz, is something bothering you?"
(Sorry guys my internet went out again)
Naomi hugged Shika's arm to her chest as she walked with her, her stomach rumbling again as she looked at her. Grinning she leaned up nibbling on Shika's ear "nom!" She exclaimed before pushing her back onto the bleachers.
Kittycat Kittycat

Misako made her way outside, sniffing Frizt out she made her way to him. Walking up behind him she stopped, her head lowered and her hand on her other arm. "Frizt...." she said meekly as she walked towards him ignoring the feeling he was giving off. Stopping just behind him she put on a smile. She had put on a dress for once just for him, it was while with blue trim and little clouds embroidered on the trim.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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Luna smiled and chuckled a bit, "There's nothing wrong with being a hard head though. It can prove to be quite useful depending on the situation." When her chuckles ceased her smile stayed, listening to Fritz speak. Hearing about the book store made her ears bounce a bit. "That sounds nice, I should check it out the next time I get a day off." But looking at Fritz she felt something wasn't right with him. The creatures living in the forest would have attacked by now if they weren't so scared to come near him. Treading lightly she asked, "Fritz, is something bothering you?"

Frizts sighs and says" well I broke up with my girlfriend because she got too flirty and kisses another guy I know she can be flirty and very playful but it was right after we confessed to each other and did it not long before that and it was a pretty boy and ther my most hated type for a number of reasons".
He pauses for a minute or so then says she probaly retreats it now but it hurts too much to forgive her given my past with pretty boys and such".
Shika touched her ear. She Was now somehow sitting on the bleachers with Naomi. She was very confused but she smiled at her anyway. Her butt hurt for some reason.
Ray and Morgan see then and walk up to her and say" that was amusing but in that form the draw back later is going to suck so we'd advise not using it for too long"
Annabel breathed softly now as she stood there before hearing a voice behind her. Turning around to see two kids as they rather Rudly criticized her armor she spoke. "Drawback? And what drawback do you see? I know you don't know this armor cause it came from my mind but. What drawback?" She asked curiously as she turned to face the two as the wings folded in on each other and moved behind her back to were they stuck straight out and diagonally up behind her
Naomi looked at Shika smiling "miss me kitten?" She asked as she leaned down kissing her briefly, for Naomi it was a bold move, she was usually shy and it was her first kiss. "So what are we doing in class today?"

Kittycat Kittycat

Duke yawned as he woke up from his usual mid day nap. He had decided to sleep under the tree line just outside the gymnasium so he could get some peaceful rest and get some entertainment once he woke up.
"Oh my..." bunny ears drooping as she listened to his story. She could understand why he felt that way, and would honestly do the same thing if she were in his position. "I'm really sorry to hear that." Luna moved closer to Fritz, stopping about half a foot in front from him. Without much thinking she leaned in and hugged him. It wasn't much, but she thought it might help. Worse that could happen would be either he'd yell or shove her away.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

She just looked at her daddy as she was confused as she held onto her mother as she was dizzy she coughed she had a high fever she haven't been this sick since she was a kid" daddy who were they" she asked as she felt weak she just felt over falling on her dad she hasn't had her flu shot she looked dad as she looked around' man why do I have to be sick I want to go back to class' she thought weakly she hated shots they hurt so much as she just looked around" since i'm sick i don't have to go to class right i wanted to so i can talk to my friends" she say sighing blushing slightly thinking of the boy she liked Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf


She just looked at him as she blushed slightly as she went to take a shower as she smiled after she finished she just got dressed and meet up with her potential boyfriend as she blushed as she was braiding her hair she had her jacket she wanted to fly so bad but didn't want to show her wings yet Leo Radomir Leo Radomir


She just looked at the fight as she was clapping as she was enjoying it as she smiled while she sat on the bleachers she wanted to be stronger she was happy that she tried to someone else she was trying to get her shyness away she didn't like being shy that much she wanted to be strong like her sister she just held onto the bag as she was looking her sisters movements' whoa she's sooooooo coooooool' she thought as she just smiled' i like it here big sister seems like she's happy' she thought to herself Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Kitsune looked down at Lexi, worried as she offered Lexi her hand "Lexi why don't you come lay down, just tell me who your friends are and I'll let them know you aren't feeling well, but in the meantime you need rest and some medicine" Kitsune held out a surgical mask for Lexi to put on "can't have you getting me sick otherwise I can't take care of you"
Texangamer Texangamer
View attachment 339940
Annabel breathed softly now as she stood there before hearing a voice behind her. Turning around to see two kids as they rather Rudly criticized her armor she spoke. "Drawback? And what drawback do you see? I know you don't know this armor cause it came from my mind but. What drawback?" She asked curiously as she turned to face the two as the wings folded in on each other and moved behind her back to were they stuck straight out and diagonally up behind her

Morgan sighed and says" while they have a lot of power etc they can place a lot of strain on the body and mind from the energy back lash sometimes its iriversable".

Frizts heard misako behind him and said" please just go away I was a fool for falling in love with you I should of kept my distance but the nagging voice in my heart kept saying try and love again".
Shika was confused, dazed and was also blushing as Namoi kissed her. Shika looked up at her and didn't know what to say or do for that matter. She noticed that she was still in the bunny hybrid. She switched real fast to her cat form.
Morgan sighed and says" while they have a lot of power etc they can place a lot of strain on the body and mind from the energy back lash sometimes its iriversable".

Frizts heard misako behind him and said" please just go away I was a fool for falling in love with you I should of kept my distance but the nagging voice in my heart kept saying try and love again".
"Well that's only if you aren't trained enough with the armor, this armor is one of my simpler and less straining designs, this one practically gives no effect on my body or mind, I could utter alt co like this for 4 weeks straight before I'd feel any effects, but if I used a more complex one then yes that would come into play. But I use my powers so much that very few of my weapons would ever give me permanent effects." She said happily to the two with a smile as her body fglowed bright blue, the armor disappearing and being replaced by her sports bra and excessive pants and sneakers once more
Luna's ears twitched hearing Misako's movements. Before she ever got in sight she quit hugging Fritz and slowly started to take a few steps back. By the way he spoke this girl must of been his girlfriend. It was saddening to hear how he spoke, he really was hurt by her. "I believe I should go," the woman said softly before turning to walk out of the forest.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Morgan sighed and says" while they have a lot of power etc they can place a lot of strain on the body and mind from the energy back lash sometimes its iriversable".

Frizts heard misako behind him and said" please just go away I was a fool for falling in love with you I should of kept my distance but the nagging voice in my heart kept saying try and love again".
"If that's what you want....then I will..." Misako fully transformed as sparks started to jump off her body, her stomach started to glow red as she started to distribute her flames throughout the inside off her body and then moved them all to her throat, starting to compress them so she could detonate the flames killing herself "if that's what you want then I'll leave forever"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Naomi chuckled as she got up and offered Shika her hand "want to spar against each other today? Although we should probably check with mason and see if that's okay, him being our team leader" a puzzled looked fell over Naomi's face as she looked around for Mason, her arm still outstretched towards Shika.
Kittycat Kittycat Hetrix Hetrix
Shika took her hand and also looked around for mason the soon to be leader. Shika saw the same confused looked on Naomi's face.
"Well that's only if you aren't trained enough with the armor, this armor is one of my simpler and less straining designs, this one practically gives no effect on my body or mind, I could utter alt co like this for 4 weeks straight before I'd feel any effects, but if I used a more complex one then yes that would come into play. But I use my powers so much that very few of my weapons would ever give me permanent effects." She said happily to the two with a smile as her body fglowed bright blue, the armor disappearing and being replaced by her sports bra and excessive pants and sneakers once more

Ray gently laughs and says" I like a women uses her head I know this very forward but I get the feeling life here will be a lot more fun with you at my side".

"If that's what you want....then I will..." Misako fully transformed as sparks started to jump off her body, her stomach started to glow red as she started to distribute her flames throughout the inside off her body and then moved them all to her throat, starting to compress them so she could detonate the flames killing herself "if that's what you want then I'll leave forever"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

For the time in a decade frizts darker self took over and he turns around and backhands misako it echoes through the forest and he says in a very blunt way" Are you shitting me your the one that went stupid yet you want me to take you back now it's finally sunk in".

"This time round I'll be the one holds the cards and it would be very selfish to leave your family behind".

Naomi chuckled as she got up and offered Shika her hand "want to spar against each other today? Although we should probably check with mason and see if that's okay, him being our team leader" a puzzled looked fell over Naomi's face as she looked around for Mason, her arm still outstretched towards Shika.
Kittycat Kittycat Hetrix Hetrix
Ray gently laughs and says" I like a women uses her head I know this very forward but I get the feeling life here will be a lot more fun with you at my side".
Annabel looked at him curiously as she tilted her head a little. "What do you mean by that?" She asked not getting what he was meaning by the saying. Staring him down with a curious look as she waited for an answer from him
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Annabel looked at him curiously as she tilted her head a little. "What do you mean by that?" She asked not getting what he was meaning by the saying. Staring him down with a curious look as she waited for an answer from him
Ray then says" it's simple really I want you to be my girl if you say no understand given we just met but I'm also fast on my feet and we'd be able to help each other grow".
Luna turned and watched in shock at what was happening. That seems incredibly extreme for a breakup! The woman with rabbit ears and tail thought. As she continued to watch she felt that something in the atmosphere had changed in the area where this was taking place. With a single hop Luna was standing with her back to a tree about twenty-five feet from the two.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

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