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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students


She just looked at her sister" um backbone what does that mean exactly that i need to grow or something" she say a bit confused what she meant she just picked up her bag as she went with her as she smiled a little she just looked at mason" hi.....there" she say as she had trouble talking to other people" you...... fight....... good....... yesterday" she say as she was trying to talk to him as she looked at her sister for help trying to help Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix
Ivy chuckled as she caught up to him, "You read my mind, but I'm not going to hold back either. However I promise not to go rogue." The girl felt comfortable when it came to talking to Mason. She wasn't as nervous as she had been. Glancing at Isabelle while they walked she patted her sister on the back. "What you're doing right now is you growing a back bone. Not to be so scared." Sure it was an unintentional baby step for Izzy, but Ivy was secretly happy that she talked to someone else.
Hetrix Hetrix Texangamer Texangamer

SHe just looked at her sister as she smiled" i spoke to someone beside you big sister" she smiled likking at her sister" i'm trying to let go my fear no more bad people no more fear" she say" miss blood and you helped to see it" she say as she just hold onto her her sister arm as she just " i'm doing okay talking to someone" she asked looking at her sister as she poked her check" hehe" she say Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Mason smiled as he turned his head downwards to look at Izzy
"Aw thanks, i appreciate that"
He thanked Izzy forthr compliment
"I bet you're an amazing fighter too"
He said happily
Mason then turned his attention to Ivy as they approached the small gym's doors
"Well, are you ready, because i know im ready"
He said with a grin on his face
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Texangamer Texangamer
"Glad I could help baby sis," smiling as her cheek got poked. Looking back up to see that they made it to the gym Ivy grinned back. "I'm always ready." Slipping her bag off her shoulder and handing it Isabelle to hold. When she knew her sister had a hold of it she looked back at Mason. A smile on her face and determination in her eyes, "Well what are you waiting for? Lets get in there and go."
Hetrix Hetrix Texangamer Texangamer
Mason smirked as he opened the Gyms doors and quickly headed to the middle of the Small gymnasium and began to stretch.
After he was done with his stretches he got into a boxing like stance. Both hands were in front of his face to guard, and both his feet were constantly moving.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Snickering she walked in behind him and followed a good pace behind. She stretched for a bit until noticing her opponent was ready to begin. Ivy herself got into a fighting stance of her own. Her feet were spread apart so her stance was a bit wider while she had her left about a foot away from her face, the other in front of her chest. They were open to catch any physical that he may try.
Hetrix Hetrix
Mason got suddenly serious as he used his screech on Ivy,however it was much weaker compared to the ones he used on Misako, considering that one, he didn't hate Ivy, and two he wasn't fighting for his life.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Throwing her arms up she formed an X as a form of defense. The muscles in her legs tightening to keep her from not being pushed back too far. Though in the back of her head something didn't feel right. But she just brushed it off. Ivy moved to the side before charging Mason. These types of battles always put the hybrid at a disadvantage since she could only do melee combat while people like Mason and Blood had powers that worked at a distance. However, that wasn't going to stop her. When she was about a foot in front of the boy she crouched down a bit before leaping over his head. Landing on her feet she quickly turned and went for a kick to the back of his shoulder.
Hetrix Hetrix
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Mason quickly turned around and blocked the kick with his arm, which still hurt him a bit. He quickly grabbed her leg to try and knock her off balance and Yelled directly at her. At such a short distance it would have to have some effect on Ivy.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
With her balance thrown off she was at a disadvantaged when he yelled. Without being able to get out of the way her ears started to ring and hurt. Growling in pain she needed to come up with a way to get her leg back to move away. So Ivy let her other leg come out from under her body, making her do a handstand to keep from hitting the ground. As she did that however her free leg came up, whacking Mason in the side of the head. Pulling her leg from his grasp and she hopped back a bit out of arms reach.
Hetrix Hetrix
When Mason got kicked he was dazed for a quick second, before he shook his head and got back into his stance.
He advanced on Ivy, using a barrage of faster, but weaker, yells as cover as he tried to go in close.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Ivy continued to move backwards as Mason advanced, arms up in defense. Her ears continued to making things a bit harder to hear. But she couldn't evade forever. If only she could counter his yelling, though she doubted that her roaring would help her. Instead she stood her ground in the same stance as earlier. Prepared for what she hoped to be a physical attack.
Hetrix Hetrix
Mason grinned as he began to run towards Ivy, when he was about
3 feet away from her he screeched at the ground, propelling him upwards into the air as he then,using the help of both him yelling upwards at the air to lush him downwards,aimed a skyward kick at ivys chest, to hopefully pin her to the ground.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
By the time Ivy looked up it was too late. She crashed onto the gym floor, landing on her back. A roar escaped her when she did. That crap hurt! Pinned to the floor she thrashed a bit under his weight. "I can't give up. Not yet," growling a bit, not because she was anger. This was because she was determined. Grabbing Mason's ankle tightly she began to lift him off of her, muscles rippling a bit. With one good roar, and his foot off of her, she pushed it up as high as she could before rising. Pushing him back by his leg she had ahold of.
Hetrix Hetrix
Mason was smiling, he was happy for Ivy. He saw his arm glowing and sighed
"Well then, i guess its time for the real battle"
When Mason said that Mason screeched at Ivy, now at its regular power. He kept this up for A good 3 seconds, he then rushed at Ivy looking for an opportunity to break her defense.

She just smiled as she looked at her sister" okay lets go" she say as she smiled" someday i'll be stronger than big sister" she say as she put her headphones around her neck as she put her hoodie back on as she smiled going to the cafteria since she haven't aten anything she just looked at her big sister" i'm not afraid to hit you i'm not afraid anymore i know we are safe so they won't get us so yeah i'm ready to fight i'll fight anything or anyone" she say determined as she felt good i was holding back before but not anymore i can't be scared" she say to her Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50


She just looked at him as she smiled" hi there" she say in her pajamas she was hidding her wings since she didn't want him to know about her wings yet she just looked at him as she just looked around" so whats up" she say" do you want to go eat before brekfest before we go to class my dad will kill me if he finds out i skipped school again i was nervous about yesterday so i didn't really go i was scared but i'm going today so come with me pleeeeeease" she say as she smiled Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Lux gently smiles and says" Sure it's the least I can do for a protenial girlfriend".
" I'll wait for you to shower and change then meet me by corridor that links to dorms".

Frizts twitch then took a few deep breaths and rubs his head and turns to Mrs Luna and says in a low voice " I hope I didn't scare you this year's students are a Pain in the ass". As he looks at her as a women his heart races and his face goes a little red.

OOC: don't know what's happened to c but she can catch up later.

The twins come into the cafeteria and scan the place then go and sit down at another table a few other second and third years join them.
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She just looked at her daddy as she was confused as she held onto her mother as she was dizzy she coughed she had a high fever she haven't been this sick since she was a kid" daddy who were they" she asked as she felt weak she just felt over falling on her dad she hasn't had her flu shot she looked dad as she looked around' man why do I have to be sick I want to go back to class' she thought weakly she hated shots they hurt so much as she just looked around" since i'm sick i don't have to go to class right i wanted to so i can talk to my friends" she say sighing blushing slightly thinking of the boy she liked Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf


She just looked at him as she blushed slightly as she went to take a shower as she smiled after she finished she just got dressed and meet up with her potential boyfriend as she blushed as she was braiding her hair she had her jacket she wanted to fly so bad but didn't want to show her wings yet Leo Radomir Leo Radomir


She just looked at the fight as she was clapping as she was enjoying it as she smiled while she sat on the bleachers she wanted to be stronger she was happy that she tried to someone else she was trying to get her shyness away she didn't like being shy that much she wanted to be strong like her sister she just held onto the bag as she was looking her sisters movements' whoa she's sooooooo coooooool' she thought as she just smiled' i like it here big sister seems like she's happy' she thought to herself Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Mason was smiling, he was happy for Ivy. He saw his arm glowing and sighed
"Well then, i guess its time for the real battle"
When Mason said that Mason screeched at Ivy, now at its regular power. He kept this up for A good 3 seconds, he then rushed at Ivy looking for an opportunity to break her defense.
"Bring it!" Ivy grinned as her nails grew out as she stood rather nonchalantly. Hearing him screech again she put a foot behind her to help anchor her a bit. Ears ringing more than they were earlier. She wasn't going to let that bother her right now. Seeing Mason rush at her she decided to rush him back. Before they collided she moved to the side and held the hand closest to Mason out, letting the tips of her nail rake against his skin. But since it was only the tips of her nails the scratches wouldn't be deep, though the would break skin.
"No worries Fritz, I'm not the one scared right now," gesturing to area around them where you could make out some of the predators backing away. Looking back at him, Luna smiled some, "Well I hope the trouble makers don't make it to the library to disrupt the peace that it holds." She walked a bit closer to him as her ears twitched, picking up the sound of movement in the forest. "I guess this is why you're out here and your normal aura is off," she asked in a questioning tone, now standing five feet in front of him. Though she had not known Fritz long she had a good understanding of his low tolerance for bullshit.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
"No worries Fritz, I'm not the one scared right now," gesturing to area around them where you could make out some of the predators backing away. Looking back at him, Luna smiled some, "Well I hope the trouble makers don't make it to the library to disrupt the peace that it holds." She walked a bit closer to him as her ears twitched, picking up the sound of movement in the forest. "I guess this is why you're out here and your normal aura is off," she asked in a questioning tone, now standing five feet in front of him. Though she had not known Fritz long she had a good understanding of his low tolerance for bullshit.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Frizts calmed down a fair bit then nods to what luna said about them not causing trouble and says" yeah things aren't off to the best start to say least I should be used to crap going wrong".

" Many say I'm to much of a hard headed and so on and to a point their right because I can feel it in my self even when I don't say or do anything".

He pauses for a minute or so then says" anyway enough about me it's boring going on for too long".
" There's a new book store off campus and where out can also treat you to some cake and coffee".

Lux is waiting at the connecting section as promised looking at his watch thinking please hurry up classes start in forty minutes.

Tiger gently pokes Lizzy cheek then pulls away and says" their instincts are good and their fast but that's not going to be enough against the higher tire fighters because many of them a sentinel types".
He pauses for a minute or so then says" enough about that by looking at your figure I could train you to be a mixed type their rare but I've trained about fivr others in the last two years".

The twins are heading down to the gym humming gently looking forward to working out @Daniel reaving
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Serbian gasped then she raced after her " hey no fair you got a head start your gonna be punished later " she smiled running beside her

Kittycat Kittycat
( it's OK)
Sora stuck her tongue out playfully at her and ran ahead of Serbian. She got to the gym doors first and stopped she panted. She was waiting for Serbian to catch up.

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