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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Ivy couldn't help but to smile at her sister's attempts to fight. "Keep steady footing Izzy," she told her as a helpful tip. Glancing over she could spot the shadow and hear Blood's voice coming from it. Coming up behind the shadow her nails extended and she swiped at it. Not sure whether it was the back or the front, but hoped to land a hit.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer
Ivy couldn't help but to smile at her sister's attempts to fight. "Keep steady footing Izzy," she told her as a helpful tip. Glancing over she could spot the shadow and hear Blood's voice coming from it. Coming up behind the shadow her nails extended and she swiped at it. Not sure whether it was the back or the front, but hoped to land a hit.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

Blood let hit the shadow then reappears and locks ivy leg and arm with some strength but not enough to but her badly and says" from this angel dear I could break both bones at once you've got good instincts I'll give you but what I said before, if your sister doesn't get a back bone your luck could run out at any moment once you leave the safty of the campus".

Blood then leans in and whispers" I'm a fair women so I'll give you and advanced warning if you choose to do the field combat class next year then pay attention".
" why some ask simple really unlike today the foes won't wait for clowing off and yapping like a fool etc and while you won't die there are creatures here can poison or break your bones etc".

Blood then loosens her grip but before gets up whisper" I don't give a crap how nice pretty boys voice may sounds to you and I don't care if you don't like me unless your learning battle dancing or and spell casting etc it has no place in the classroom, last off if one annoys the teachers enough they will lose points".

Blood gently taps ivy face and then smiles softly in a way to say I caught you evens dropping do a better job.

Blood then finally gets up and claps hands to dismiss the barrier and say training is over. Blood coldly smirks at the sister and says" your right I don't but how long are you going to live in the fear of your own past and I don't say the things I say with out life experience, I'm sixty going to be sixty one this year".
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Mason was finishing up his breakfast, which was a muffin and a cup of strawberry yogurt. After he finished up he would go and look for Ivy.
Grimm began to think about his current situation. Mason liked Ivy, really liked in fact, but then again Misako was so nice to him and looked like she cared about him...
With a quick shake of his head Mason quickly dismissed the thoughts from his head and kept eating.

She just was looking at her sister" I want to protect my friends and my sister I don't want to live in fear anymore I want to be brave" she say as she took her sisters advice" um miss blood can you help me train too I know I'm not as strong enough like my sister she was the one that strong and brave she saved us from that horrible place but I have people to protect so miss blood can you please train me" she asks Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

She just was looking at her sister" I want to protect my friends and my sister I don't want to live in fear anymore I want to be brave" she say as she took her sisters advice" um miss blood can you help me train too I know I'm not as strong enough like my sister she was the one that strong and brave she saved us from that horrible place but I have people to protect so miss blood can you please train me" she asks Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

Blood gently and warmly smiles and says" if you vastly improve in the beginners course over six months then we have a deal good luck kiddo and well done in starting to face your fear".

Lux on his morning run could be seen as he's about to pass over the girls side of the dorms he hadn't even broken a sweat not out of not trying but being very fit".

Flizt knew he had to go back and get washed and changed but he's still hurt and angry at what misako did.
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After hitting the gym floor with a small thud when Blood released her grip she slowly got up. As she got up she let what Blood was saying soak in. Ivy needed better focus and to hone her instincts if she was ever going to reach her potential. "Yes ma'am," her voice was serious. Face written with determination. She wanted to get better at fighting, not for herself. But for the sake of Isabelle. Her old way of fighting wouldn't work here and she now realized that. "Ma'am," looking at Blood, "Is there anyway that you and I may spar again sometime?"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer
After hitting the gym floor with a small thud when Blood released her grip she slowly got up. As she got up she let what Blood was saying soak in. Ivy needed better focus and to hone her instincts if she was ever going to reach her potential. "Yes ma'am," her voice was serious. Face written with determination. She wanted to get better at fighting, not for herself. But for the sake of Isabelle. Her old way of fighting wouldn't work here and she now realized that. "Ma'am," looking at Blood, "Is there anyway that you and I may spar again sometime?"
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

Blood grins and says" it's very rare that first years jump right to intermediate there's only a handful but they have skills and more why they are there".

" As for the training I can't just favour you but I'll make you a deal if you can rank in the top ten I'll train you, and now I'm thinking about it you shouldn't Molly coddel your sister after she's finally some back bone".

Frizt is leaning against a try his energy far colder than it normally is and the near by preditors started to back away sensing the difference in power.
Shika went into the gym without Naomai, She remembered about her forms she only knew like three or four Bunny hybrid, Dragon hybrid, Her Hybrid and,a Serpent hybrid which she never used. She didn't know why she didn't use it. She looked at the girl who was growling and a other girl. She tilted her head at them. Her eyes narrowed and her ears twitched as she tried to hear her conversation.
Shika went into the gym without Naomai, She remembered about her forms she only knew like three or four Bunny hybrid, Dragon hybrid, Her Hybrid and,a Serpent hybrid which she never used. She didn't know why she didn't use it. She looked at the girl who was growling and a other girl. She tilted her head at them. Her eyes narrowed and her ears twitched as she tried to hear her conversation.

Blood could sense some and a shadow appears to the side of the girl and says in its own voice this time" well well what do we have here you have a few different scents on you could you be what I think you are"
Serbian smiled as she hugged her and cuddled close to her " hey don't we have to go to the training today " she asked
Kittycat Kittycat
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She just looked at her big sister as she just smiled" I'm not scared I'm brave no one can hurt us anymore I want to learn how to fight more I'm not scared and I have to learn to fight my own battles my sister won't be always battling my own battles I do it on my own no more fear" she say as she looked at her sister as she wanted to train her sister" ill rank up I won't back down from learning to fight we here to learn I'm not scared anymore" she say Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
It spooked Shika and she transformed into a her bunny hybrid and she fell on her butt. She did not plan on doing this. She got up and moved slowly away from whatever or whoever was talking to her. Her bunny hybrid was only good for jumping and sort of good at attacking. Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
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"Yes ma'am," you could hear the determination in her voice. There was even a tiny smile on her face. With this information now in her mind it would be part of the motivation she needed to get better. If she could earn a place in the top ten she'd be able to learn with Blood, who could help her understand to fight with your head. When Isabelle started to speak she smiled at her, "That's what I like to hear." Ruffling her sister's head, "And I won't caudle you so much anymore. We can spar with each other sometime Izzy, just don't be afraid to hit me." Though as she heard the gym doors open new scents caught her attention. It appeared to be girls from the previous day. Glancing at her sister she nudged her, "We should go grab something to eat before classes." Turning her attention back to Blood she bowed out of respect before walking over to her backpack. Picking it up she made her way out of the building.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

Luna was wondering through the forest located outside of the campus. It was too early to open the library so she decided a nice walk would help pass the time. As she walked though the atmosphere felt off. Ears flicking she could hear some of the predators that lurked in the area starting to back away from something. And it must have been something far more scarier than any of themselves. As she walked further she saw Fritz leaning against a tree, and a cold feeling seemed to be given off by him. So this is why they're going to hide. But I don't blame them.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

She just smiled as she looked at her sister" okay lets go" she say as she smiled" someday i'll be stronger than big sister" she say as she put her headphones around her neck as she put her hoodie back on as she smiled going to the cafteria since she haven't aten anything she just looked at her big sister" i'm not afraid to hit you i'm not afraid anymore i know we are safe so they won't get us so yeah i'm ready to fight i'll fight anything or anyone" she say determined as she felt good i was holding back before but not anymore i can't be scared" she say to her Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50


She just looked at him as she smiled" hi there" she say in her pajamas she was hidding her wings since she didn't want him to know about her wings yet she just looked at him as she just looked around" so whats up" she say" do you want to go eat before brekfest before we go to class my dad will kill me if he finds out i skipped school again i was nervous about yesterday so i didn't really go i was scared but i'm going today so come with me pleeeeeease" she say as she smiled Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
"Glad to hear that. It's better to be feared than to feel fear," snickering a bit, "It is our blood after all." Slipping her hoodie on that was still a bit damp she pulled the hood on over her head. Making it outside to embrace the rain yet again. But it wasn't a big deal for her, she actually enjoyed the water. After a bit of walking she stood under the covered doorway that led inside. Peeling her damp hoodie off yet again before making her way inside towards the counter. Ivy ended up getting a breakfast burrito with sliced chicken and scrambled eggs. Everyone needed a bit of protein in their diet right? With that she sat down at an empty table and waited for Isabelle, her bag and sweatshirt sitting on the floor behind her.
Texangamer Texangamer Hetrix Hetrix

She just jumped in the puddle as she giggled as she just went inside as she got french toast as she smiled she usually gets super hyper when she eat them as she giggled" big sister do you like someone" she say as she eat the french tost as she was hyper she had a lot of energy this morning" do you think i can become strong just like you" she say as she just looked at her as she was smiling looking at the other students" after school do you think we can train again" she asked as she smiled Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Ivy smiled and rolled her eyes, there she went. Zero to sixty in just thirty seconds. But the hybrid listened carefully so she wouldn't miss anything Isabelle said while eating. "Of course we can train after school. It will be for studying purposes after all. But I'm not going to go easy on you," giving her sister a playful wink. "Though I think you might end up stronger than me. You more than likely won't fight like I do." But the first question that was ever asked caused the orange haired girl to set the other half of her food down on her plate. She seemed, sadder in a way. Shrugging her shoulders she sighed, "I do, but... I'm not sure if he completely likes me back. Honestly, trying to understand these feelings are hard. We never got the chance to really explore all the different emotions we hold." Running a hand through her hair before it slowly fell to the table. Staring at the stripes on her fingers and hand when it was in her view.
Texangamer Texangamer

She just looked at her sister as she felt bad" i hurt sissy" she say sad " i'm sorry" she say as she took off her glasses as she looked at her sister as she got up as she hugged her big sister" it be okay we always figure it out right" we different we don't know about feelings that much anyways but it be okay" she told her sister as she was happy" i don't mind if you don't go easy i just want to get stronger thats it" she told her as she smiled looking at the other kids as she walked back to her seat as she ate Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Mason sighed as he finished up his food, he cleaned the table he was sitting at and went to go throw out his trash. He spotted Ivy and Izzy and waved. He began to make his way over to talk to them
"Hey Ivy, Hey Izzy"
Mason said with a smile
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Texangamer Texangamer
She couldn't help but to smile a bit as she hugged her sister back, "You could never hurt me Isabelle, even if you punched me. But you're right. We always manage to figure things out in the end." Her voice was a whisper when she spoke to Izzy before the girl sat back down in her seat. But as she did that she heard a voice say her name. Looking up from her food she saw a familiar blonde. "Oh Mason," Ivy gave a small smile, "Hey what's up?"
Texangamer Texangamer Hetrix Hetrix
"Hey Ivy, not much what about you?"
Mason asked kindly. Mason wasn't very good with the whole small talk think so he felt a tad bit awkward.
"I just finished breakfast and was thinking of doing a bit of training before Class, could you help me with that?"
He asked the girl with a grin
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

She was scared to talk to other people she just looked down she just eat her food she could kinda talk to her teachers to other people not so much she can only talk to her sister as she sighed she just looked around as she finished her food as she just was listening as she was kinda uncomfortable she just shrugged it off as she wanted her big sister happy as she got out a reading book as she smiled her favorite book the hunger games she just wasn't a socialize person other than her sister Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix
"Of course," she replied with smile, "I just got done sparing with Blood a while ago, but I could honestly get all the help and training that I can." Turning her attention away from him she took one last bite of her breakfast before throwing her trash away. Walking back to the table she picked up her hoodie and tied it around her waist, then snagged her bag. Looking at Isabelle she smiled, "You can tag along, but remember that backbone you were told to grow." Ivy looked up at Mason, "Shall we go?" Her smile was still there as she slipped a hand in her pocket of her jeans.
Hetrix Hetrix Texangamer Texangamer
Mason grinned
"Yes, yes we shall, also just because i like you alot doesnt mean I'll hold back. But knowing you, you'd probably have it no other way"
Said Mason jokingly as he began to walk to the exit of the cafeteria slowly so thay Ivy could catch up to him.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

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