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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Ivy slowly moved into a somewhat defensive position before moving a bit towards the woman. But something felt off that she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Keeping this feeling in mind she let her nails on one hand grow to the shape they always took when they grew out. With that she lunged at Blood with a closed fist.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Ivy slowly moved into a somewhat defensive position before moving a bit towards the woman. But something felt off that she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Keeping this feeling in mind she let her nails on one hand grow to the shape they always took when they grew out. With that she lunged at Blood with a closed fist.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Blood sways out of the way of the predictable attack and she flicks her hand swiftly to go for a quick side strike then says" your sister will be at a even bigger disadvantage if you don't do something"
The hybrid bit her tongue as she held back a growl, remembering to not let her anger get to her. Turning on her toes Ivy swung her leg into Blood. A roundhouse kick. With that she quickly moved to the side, out of the woman's reach. The girl stayed silent as she prepared for another attack.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Mason had kept walking past the small gym door. He was still singing as he made his way outside the school to relax a bit before classes start.
He laid down on some grass and just stared at the sky, Mason felt happy and kept singing.
"March winds and april showers, make way for sweet May flowers, Then come June, A moon and you...."
The hybrid bit her tongue as she held back a growl, remembering to not let her anger get to her. Turning on her toes Ivy swung her leg into Blood. A roundhouse kick. With that she quickly moved to the side, out of the woman's reach. The girl stayed silent as she prepared for another attack.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Blood let her kick and didn't move but as soon as she girl came again a shadow swiftly moves in and goes to take her open leg then moment's later her eyes flash and she continues to look at her.

She just looked at her dad" who are they daddy" she say wait ther are my half brothe and my half sister" she say as she looked at them as she smiled as she looked around she liked her new glasses she was blushing a bit looking at her brother and sister as she was still slightly scared of them as she looked around she forgot she was still in her pajamas as she held onto her mom she was shy around new people she just cover her ears again as she had tears in her eyes again as she was trying to calm down she didn't feel comfrotable around them she thought her parents would fight again she was scared" don't ague again daddy mommy" she say sounding scared Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf


She just was nervous about fighting as she was breathin in and out as she took her sisters advice as she was watching them fighting as she was shy she liked when her sister when she call her izzy" your so strong big sister as she just looked around as she was playing with her hair" whoa so strong" she say as she smiled looking at her sister fight she didn't know what to do fight or just watch them she wanted sleep again as she yawned a little bit Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Serbian smiled walking to the counter to get her breakfast then she smiled a little before she went to go sit
Catching movement out of her peripheral vision before leaping away. Her eyes trained on what she had seen, A shadow? That must be one of her powers! But Ivy knew that there was no physical way of fighting against that, most she could try to do is evade. So Ivy stood, watching. Waiting for Blood to come at her.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer
Sora got her breakfast and sat next to Serbian. "What did you get?" She looked down at her own food she got. She looked over at Serbian and waited for an answer. Tsutarji Tsutarji

She was drumming on the bleachers as she was getting bored as she just watched her sister was fighting the girl she didn't want to hurt anyone' what if i hurt big sis i don't want to hurt her or my friends' she thought as she was readdy to fight as she just layed on her bag as she just watched them fight she just sighed she was pouting a bit she just wanted to fight she wanted to train to become stronger just like her sister Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
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Serbian smiled at her " I got some bacon , eggs and pancakes " she said as she took a bit of her food then she giggled looking at her friend.
Kittycat Kittycat
"Ok" Sora says heading toward the lunchroom. "What's your favorite color Serbian?" She said trying to make a conversation. Sora looks down at her sword then looks up and smiles at Serbian. Tsutarji Tsutarji

Shika points at Naomi. Her face wasn't blushing which was nice for a change. Shika noticed Naomi tail wrap around her tail. Shika ears popped up. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Naomi froze as her face turned bright red, she could feel her face getting hot as her ears twitches rapidly "I...um..." covering her face with her hands she looked peeked out. "Really?" Looping her arm around Shika's her stomach growled which caused her to just feel embarrassed
Kittycat Kittycat

Kitsune leaned over poking Raz with her tails "um....sweety are you okay?" She asked the. Looked up at the ceiling "great now we have pay for that...." annoyed she looked at the two of them and started growl "there are doors you know!" She yelled keeping Lexi behind her "it's okay daddy won't die from that...I think.."
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

Misako nodded as she went to Raz's bathroom and started to shower "geeze I didn't think he would react so badly but I can understand it if that is how his life has been..." letting the water run over her she relaxed
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

She just looked at the ceiling" um how do we fix that mommy" she asked as she just was behind her she was safe from the two new people as she was scared of them she just push her glasses up as she start to calm down" daddy are you okay" she say from behind her mother" do we sleep at hom tonight" she asked as she just held to her moms shirt" are they bad" she say as she just held onto her all she wanted to do was eat she was hungry as she looked at them as she hid her face behind her mother Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Shika nodded and headed toward the cafeteria. Shika pulled Naomi with her toward the cafeteria. She was stronger than she looked. She smiled at the thought of Naomi blushing and being embarrassed. She actually was really hungry.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Naomi made her way to the line practically being dragged by Shika "Shika I usually eat a lot at breakfast I hope you don't think badly of me for that" looking at the food she started pointing to things, everything short of radishes. The ladies and gentlemen who worked the cafeteria started piling everything on one tray. "Shika would it be okay with you if I.....never mind it is a bit embarrassing "
Kittycat Kittycat

( Texangamer Texangamer ima wait on Leo to post I'm kinda stuck atm)
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(That fine plus getting off to watch some shows and maybe sleep since I work talk to you tomorrow see ya)
Shika tilted her head at Naomi. She pointed at the milk and salad. She loved milk and she needed something to eat. She looked around and pointed at a breakfast dessert. She grabbed her plate and sat down at one of the tables.
Naomi sat next to her with all the food she had gotten, quickly inhaling it all she turned to Shika and opened her milk for her then put a straw in it. "Want a saucer?" She asked as she looked Shika over and blushed "Are we girlfriends?" She asked brushing some hair from her face. Naomi reached up unable to take it anymore, she started to rub Shika's ears, hesitating for a moment before touching them.
Kittycat Kittycat
"Sure" Sora says smiling at her. She stood up and put her tray away and headed toward the gym but paused to wait for Serbian.
Serbian put her tray then she ran to her buddy and she hugged her happily " so we gonna fight each other Sora" she asked as they entered the gym.

Kittycat Kittycat
Sora nodded. As they walked into the room Sora hugged her back. Sora wing twitched in excitement.

(Are you going to make a character in my roleplay? It's fine if you don't.)
Serbian smiled then she ran to the other side and she smiled " I use magic for this round so...get ready"

Kittycat Kittycat

( yes but I didn't know how it should be made so I was waiting for someone to make one)

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