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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Frizts was somewhere on campus violet uses his bed as she would as a kid and sees misako had been crying all night thing are going to be awkward for a while she gently hugs misako.

Raz comes back in just as he heard the end of the Mini story and says" Being what you are is tricky but with in the couple of years you'll get more control and more of my abilitys".

Misako gently pushes violet away "violet....Why did he say that? He knows I wouldn't hurt him..." rubbing her eyes she looked over at her still hugging his pillow to her chest "he didn't even come home last night, am I that horrible?" She asked as tears started to well up in her eyes again

She just giggled as she smiled without realizing it she turned into her dragon self as she looked at the tails as she was trying to grab for the tails she didn't know exactly how to transform back as she was cuddling with her mother she broke her glasses since she was laying on them she was tiny as a dragon she was biting on her mom finger Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf


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Misako gently pushes violet away "violet....Why did he say that? He knows I wouldn't hurt him..." rubbing her eyes she looked over at her still hugging his pillow to her chest "he didn't even come home last night, am I that horrible?" She asked as tears started to well up in her eyes again

Violet deeply sighs then says" Not intionaly but you shouldn't of kissed mansion or been flirting with him there was several way you could of delt with it"
" I'm not saying him getting a little flirty with girl is right but you two slept together he doesn't just sleep with any women so you were special to him".

Violet pauses and gently rubs misako s head then says, he may not say it but e despise pretty boys for good 4 reasons which you'll have ask him your self".

" If you stop and think about would you really be ok if he was kissed by another girl or women just as good looking or better and he got really got into the flirting it's very easy to read it as betrayal and I'll tell you one last other thing your the second women hes ever loved".
Shika grabbed her tail back in confusion. She noticed Naomi wake up. Shika grabbed Naomi tail to wake her up. Shika smirked at her and purred softly. Shika waited for reaction. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Sora woke up and fell off the bed. ''ow ow ow" Sora said loudly. Then she looked over at the other bed. She stood up and looked at Serbian. She was pretty sure she was sort of sure she was half way drunk when she meet her. Tsutarji Tsutarji

(I'm so bad at posting, when i'm posting it like 50 mins later form the first post)
Misako looked up at her "then that makes me a monster, I'm terrible! I hurt him!" She yelled and sat up "violet is there anything he likes to do or eat....or anything? I have to make it up to him" she admitted and held violets hands, her own still shaking.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kitsune kept moving her tails just as Lexi was about to grab one of them. "Oh...Lexi you broke your..." looking down she let Lexi bite her fingers "yep....definitely still my little girl, teething still is adorable" running her hand over Lexi's scales petting her as she laughed at her daughters antics
Texangamer Texangamer
"Ah!" Naomi opened her eyes wide as her face turned bright red "what where am I?" She asked confused for a moment before realizing she was in her dorm room with Shika. "I didn't do anything weird did I?" She asked as she looked down at Shika's tail seeing toothpaste on the end. Naomi's cheeks turned bright red "Shika I am so sorry! I'll wash it for you, well that is you planned on taking a bath this morning"
Kittycat Kittycat
Misako looked up at her "then that makes me a monster, I'm terrible! I hurt him!" She yelled and sat up "violet is there anything he likes to do or eat....or anything? I have to make it up to him" she admitted and held violets hands, her own still shaking.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Kitsune kept moving her tails just as Lexi was about to grab one of them. "Oh...Lexi you broke your..." looking down she let Lexi bite her fingers "yep....definitely still my little girl, teething still is adorable" running her hand over Lexi's scales petting her as she laughed at her daughters antics
Texangamer Texangamer

Violet gently kisses her forehead and then says" I wouldn't go as far as monster thoughtless yes

Wip don't reply going to take a shower.
Shika looked at her tail and saw the toothpaste and nodded to say i was going to take a bath this morning. Shika blushed as she nodded. Shika found her notebook and wrote: 'I can take a bath on my own. I don't want to be any trouble.' She set down her notebook to brush her teeth. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
(Day 2 has started, its early morning, today's weather is rainy with high of 45 degrees Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 @Hetrix Kittycat Kittycat @NightTerror Tsutarji Tsutarji )

Texangamer Texangamer
During the night Ivy had a rough time trying to sleep. It was still early in the morning when she crawled out of her bed. She went to the bathroom with clothes in her hand before shutting the door behind her. When she emerged about ten minutes later she was clad in a black muscle shirt, slightly torn skinny jeans, and her brown combat boots. Her hair combed and her teeth brushed. Glancing at her clock she could tell that there was some time before school officially started for the day. So she slipped on her jacket and snagged her backpack, then headed out for the day. Leaving Isabelle to sleep a while longer.
Her limp had faded, but the bruise and a bit of pain was still there. It was too earlier in her mind to go to the gymnasium to train with a practice dummy. So Ivy set out for a clump of trees nearby. Once she made it over she climbed a tree and hung her bag on a low hanging branch. Jumping back onto the ground she cleared her mind, letting it go blank. Then with swift movements she began to attack the tree with punches and kicks.
"I know but wouldn't hurt to get to know each other better would it? Plus I like washing backs, tails, wings and ears!" Giggling as she got her toothbrush this time and brushed her teeth. "Besides it isn't abnormal where I'm from to help each other " winking at Shika as she finished up with her teeth and put her toothbrush in her cup.
Kittycat Kittycat

Misako rolled back over falling back asleep.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

She just looked at her as she continue to bite her finger she couldn't really could see as she was playing she was super playful when she was dragon as she just bite she was called she liked when her mother pets her scales she just went onto her moms lap as she snuggled she was looking for her daddy she was pretty much dead with him since she broke her glasses Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
"You remind me of myself when I was younger, but to be honest you ended up with your fathers powers and sometimes you act like, especially when it comes to pop tarts, he sneaks them when blood isn't home" whispering the last part into Lexi's ear. "But you know it's funny how dragon hybrids age, even your father isn't full grown yet" leaning back she peered out the window watching the rain come down and watching Ivy train on the tree. "Oh....I wouldn't do that too long if I were her, Duke is likely to get mad if she hurts the tree"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

Duke drunk yet again stumbled through the campus, getting drenched in the rain, he had snuck out when blood fell asleep. Making his way over to an odd noise he found Ivy hitting a tree "hey Kitten, what are you doing?" He asked as he put his hand on the top of her head "I've been growing that tree for years...if you wanted to train I could have unlocked the gym for you" his grip tightening a little bit on her head.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

She just looked at her as she smiled she turn back to herself as she bumped to the wall" ow" she say as she couldn't see" daddy is going to kill me when he finds out I broke my glasses I don't think I can go to class today" she say tripping over her shoes Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Shika blushed a little harder and nodded. Shika finished brushing her teeth. She started the bath and took her notebook and set it on the little desk in the room. Shika felt flustered. She never felt flustered before around Sora. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Hearing a voice and feeling a hand on her head Ivy ceased her attacks. Glancing behind her she saw Duke, "Sorry, I didn't know. Wait you will?" Feeling his grip tighten some she gave a hiss, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I promise I won't hit the trees anymore. I just wanted to follow your advice." She shook her head in attempt to get the man to release his grip on her head, but that also made the water in her head fly a bit.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"Here let me get your back....someone's blushing" Naomi teased as she put some soap on a rag before joining her in the bath. Starting to wash her back she hummed to herself "wow your skin is really soft....just like your ears" Naomi gently touched her ears making them move.
Kittycat Kittycat

"Probably, but it's better to be honest with him about your glasses and own up to it" kissing the top of Lexi's head where she hit it "he would be more angry if he found them or asked and you lied to him"
Texangamer Texangamer

She just woken up as she got ready as she saw her big sister outside with a adult she just looked at her big sister as she was stretching as she was tired" ivy can you help me train" she say ignoring the teacher since she couldn't speak to them as she was afraid' don't speak to me' she thought scared Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Kitsune kept moving her tails just as Lexi was about to grab one of them. "Oh...Lexi you broke your..." looking down she let Lexi bite her fingers "yep....definitely still my little girl, teething still is adorable" running her hand over Lexi's scales petting her as she laughed at her daughters antics.

Raz gently sighed knowing it wasn't on purpose and then pulls a new case with glasses and says" that's true it's also true misako has most of kisunes ability but from the report it seems her animal side took over for a bit it's an issue but I'll be gentle with her"

" She hasn't shown any signs of the blood demon side yet but from my research it can suddenly awaken at the age of 19 or 20 so need to get blood to start training her as a safety precaution".

Raz pauses for a minute or so rubs his head then says" But before i forget theres something i need to tell you all, last night I got a call out the blue from my son but in the family's case a half brother and sister will be coming today".
" To be honest the events happened so long ago in a different time from how things are now".
" I was young and stupid to say the least but what surprised me is this particular vampire women from my past was supposedly infertile".

Violet rips off the covers andambushs misako by harassing her with kisses etc then says" Get up or I'll think of a more and not so fun way to get you up".

Blood is on her morning run and sees a ivy then says" I'll be your sparing partner after all I do sometimes take over frizts classes".
Hearing a voice and feeling a hand on her head Ivy ceased her attacks. Glancing behind her she saw Duke, "Sorry, I didn't know. Wait you will?" Feeling his grip tighten some she gave a hiss, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I promise I won't hit the trees anymore. I just wanted to follow your advice." She shook her head in attempt to get the man to release his grip on her head, but that also made the water in her head fly a bit.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Duke started laughing as he released his grip and ruffled her hair. "You really aren't a bad kid, so how's the leg today? I hope I didn't hurt you too badly" leaning against the tree to get out of the rain he pulled a flask from his back pocket taking a sip from it. "I'm glad to see that my beating and advice made it through to one of you kids" digging around his pockets with his free hand he tossed the keys to Ivy "yeah, it isn't against the rules to study, combat is a course that do here so I can let you in any building you need as long as it pertains to classes"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

(I'll be back in 10, gotta eat real quick)

She just looked at her daddy as she frowned a bit" I'm sorry daddy I was in my dragon form thank you daddy" shesay as she put on the glasses but it was blurry" daddy I have a big brother and a big sister coooooool" she say feeling a bit dizzy she just leaned on her mom she just looked at her as she rubbed her head she felt like she had a fever she was ice cold Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir
Looking up at Duke she gave a small nod and smile, catching the keys. "Thanks. And my leg is fine, just a bruise," she replied quietly. Hearing Blood shout over at her caught her attention and managed to catch that she'd be who Ivy sparred with. Nodding her reply she glanced to Isabelle, "Why don't you come watch for now?" Hoping that her sister wouldn't get upset over choosing to spar with someone else.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer
Her eyes fattened at touch of her hands. She tried to keep her tail still but failed badly. Shika blushed a little harder. (can skip over this part Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf and go to walking to class.)
Looking up at Duke she gave a small nod and smile, catching the keys. "Thanks. And my leg is fine, just a bruise," she replied quietly. Hearing Blood shout over at her caught her attention and managed to catch that she'd be who Ivy sparred with. Nodding her reply she glanced to Isabelle, "Why don't you come watch for now?" Hoping that her sister wouldn't get upset over choosing to spar with someone else.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

Blood then turns to Isabella and then gets an idea and says" it just occurred to me I can train you both at the same time and I'll go easy because the difference in skill and I don't want you to get hurt before school"
"What do you think, Isabelle?" Looking at her sister after Blood suggested the idea. Ivy was honestly up for the idea, thinking that it might help her. Isabelle might help her keep her head while she trained.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Texangamer Texangamer

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