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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students


She just yawned looking at her mom" okay mommy help my friend wake me up when school done" she say as she closed her eyes as she fell asleep the medicine was working as much as she hated it as she just yawned just sleeping she usually sleeps cute her head was still bleeding but she just hold onto the blanket she felt safe' yay I don't have to go back to class I wonder how mommy found out about my head though' she thought Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Tsutarji Tsutarji Kittycat Kittycat
"Keeping calm keeps you alive" Duke lessened the blow by throwing his weight so her kicked made him do a backflip. Stumbling a bit when he landed. "And paying attention to your opponent does too!" Duke jumped up aiming to stomp Ivy's leg. With ivy distracted, at least against Duke it would be an easy win, if she were against Misako it would have been them just beating the hell out of each other.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Masin said nothing as Ivy all but proved that she had some feelings towards him, he did blush however.
He kept laying on Mikaso's lap as he then grinned
"So what does a team leader do anyways?"
Asked Mason being a bit confused
She started petting her tail. She started purring. The surprised her because thats the only time she purred was when someone was petting her. She rarely purred to. Shika like this girl. She wrote down on her notebook: Whats your Hybrid and what can you do?
Her head turned sharply as she managed to catch Duke stomping on her leg. Causing her to roar out in pain. With a growl she snatched him by his ankle and lifted his foot from her leg before she stood a bit, still gripping his ankle. "I made it this far in my life on anger!" With a shout her muscles rippled under her skin before she threw him towards the wall.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Duke made quite an impact with the wall, the wind getting knocked out of him on impact. Peeling himself off the wall he coughed and looked down pulling his pant leg up looking at a bruise "you may have gotten this far but that won't work when you have a narrow mind and leave your team mates open to attack, what if this wasn't an exercise, right now if I were serious I'd be holding Masons head because you got angry!" Duke yelled as he walked over to her offering her his hand to help her up. "We are done, go back to the bleachers and...pick a roommate or a room by yourself"
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50

Kitsune turned her chair around and stood up walking over to sora "okay young lady what seems to be the problem?" She asked with a smile. Giving sora a quick once over she touched her cheek lifting her head "ah....something in your eye, just relaxe and try not to close it okay?"

Naomi blushed and leaned against Shika holding onto her arm "im an empath, I can read a persons emotions and feelings" relaxing as she reached up up petting Shika's ears as her tail wagged slowly in Shika's hands "Naomi likes Shika too, want to be my roommate?"
Kittycat Kittycat
"A team leaders main job is the coordination of the team and is in charge of learning the strengths and weaknesses of each member to see how to effectively use them" Misako gazed down at him "It is important because you have to put the lives of your team first, just like Duke said if Ivy was in a mood like that and didn't cover you he would be holding your head, which means the healers and the support units of your team would be child's play" stroking his hair still grinned and winked at him
Hetrix Hetrix
Ivy stood crouched, panting. Nails and teeth going back to her normal size. Watching the man peel himself from the wall she slowly hung her head as she listened to him yell and point out her flaws with going with her anger. She had really done it now. Peering up from the ground she could see Duke's hand held out to her in an offering for help. But Ivy shook her hand and gently pushed his hand away, "I-I don't deserve anyone's help.. I'll just go back to the bleachers now.." Pushing her self up on her good leg she slowly made her way back to the bleachers, a limp in her walk. Silently she made her way back to Isabelle. Sitting beside the girl as she slipped her hoodie on and pulled the hood as far forward as she could to hide her face. Leaning against the girl she quietly asked, "Would you be my room mate Isabelle, please?"
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Hetrix Hetrix Texangamer Texangamer
"Ok" Sora said relaxing and opening her eye some more. Her eye went over to the girl that was acting like a cat and it reminded her of Shika. She smiled and she put her sword on the other seat.

(Can Shika fight next plz^;3^)
Mason nodded
"Ok i can do that"
He said with confidence in his voice. Though he quickly lost it when Misako winked at him, the confidence being replaced with a blush on his face.
He saw a saddened Ivy walk back. As much as Mason wanted to go talk to her, he didnt think he could get up.
"Shika, come on you are next" Duke called out as he looked at Ivy then to Misako and gave her a signal before going back to the middle of the gym. "Come on kitten quit playing with your lover and get over here we don't have all day!" Duke took a deep breath and readied himself.

Kitsune opened up Sora's eye lid and carefully removed the bug. "There we go, now just to keep you from getting an infection please put a couple drops of this in your eye twice a day" getting a bottle of medicated eye drops "your eye is a little agitated so please be careful okay kiddo?"
Kittycat Kittycat

Shika nodded. She rubbed her face on Naomi face. Then she realized what she was doing. She heard her name get called and went toward the middle of the room. 'I hope i can do this' Shika thinks. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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Serbian drunk the cocktail then she blushed " ahh what was that...you I can talk " she said getting up and she looked at the new girl in the office " hi..sorry I was meowing I...put a curse on myself well I stole a soul then I reversed it on myself.." she frowned then she smiled " I'm Serbian what's your name ...you have a sword cool. I have a katana but I not good with it " she sighed , she never had anyone teach her and skills other than the skills she taught herself.

Kittycat Kittycat Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Misako nodded in reply to Duke and helped Mason sit up "you may be beaten and bruised but your teammate isn't feeling well, go check on her team leader" Misako kissed his cheek to try and give him a boost of confidence "she has a crush on you, so be a good team leader to her and if she needs it be more if it is what you want, oh and the kiss was for good luck now go get her"
Hetrix Hetrix
Sora thought for a moment and says 'I can teach you' Sora says her eye was still irritating her. 'I know we just met but i'm guessing everyone else has a roommate soooo do you want to be mine?" Sora was hopeful for a roommate. She knew Shika all ready had one.
Duke turns his attention back to Shika and laughs "kitten are you ready?" He asks as he throws a quick jab aimed for her shoulder. As a general rule he knew at the very least that Shika would be agile, he didn't want to hurt the students he went up against but he wasn't the best as holding back
Kittycat Kittycat
Serbian smiled happily " really you mean yes I would love to..." She smiled then she noticed her eye " hey what's wrong with your eye Sore" she asked frowning a little hoping she wasn't hurt " I'm a cat demon what about you " she asked looking at her small bat wings and cat tail and ears

Kittycat Kittycat
Ivy made no movement, no sound, nothing. She just sat against her sister and stared at her own lap expressionless. Not bothered to observe her surroundings. Just sat thinking about what Duke had told her, and honestly. He was right. There was a time years ago where she thought she'd lose Isabelle over her anger and how she let it get to her. She had tried to control it the best she could over the years, but it never truly went away. It was just something she'd always live with.
She felt a shiver down her spine and her eyes start to well up. When she heard a voice her eyes widened and she turned to see who it was. "Mason!" He had caught her with her guard down and she quickly started to wipe her tears away. "Y-yeah I'm fine. It's no big deal."
Hetrix Hetrix
Shika ducked. She hated fighting but she knew she had to do it. Shika transformed and there was a split second of weakness when she did.
She went into her bunny form and bounced up over his head. She was going to bounce on his head. 'hopefully this works' Shika thinks. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

"I'm a Sky tiger" Sora says "See my wings? My sword is supposed to fight like a tiger." She jokes. "I turn into a tiger with wings". Tsutarji Tsutarji
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Duke paused looking up at her, he raised his arm to block her attack, when her feet made contact the force knocked him down onto one knee. Reaching up Duke grabbed her leg and pulled her towards him while aiming a punch for her abdomen.

Naomi rushed in, her tails splitting into four as she cocooned herself and Shika in the tails to absorb the blow. Naomi and Shika went flying into the same wall that Duke had hit earlier. Naomi released the cocoon and stood still breathing heavily and keeping an eye on Duke.

Duke had stopped attackingnfor a moment and was laughing as he clapped "good job, you two could use a sword and shield technique and attack together, keep going I like this" Duke crouched down preparing himself.
Kittycat Kittycat
Before she knew what was happening Ivy felt the boy's arms around her, pulling her into a hug. Slowly she found herself wrapping her arms around him, returning the hug. "It's just.... I'm sorry..," a snivel escaped her, "I don't know why I'm feeling this way... I don't understand why I got so jealous.. Why I used that as my reason to fight.." Ivy rested her chin on his shoulder as she glanced away.
Hetrix Hetrix
Mason sighed as he kept hugging Ivy
"Its ok, let it out, you can talk to me"
He said this and many other reassuring words and phrases as he lightly rubbed Ivys back, trying his best to comfort her.

Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Shika nodded slowly. She was easy to hurt in this form. She transformed into a tanker hybrid.

This was an ice tank dragon thing. Shika Didn't know what it was really but it worked well for team work. She flies up her ice tail just touching the ground. Grab on to my tail, Grab on to my tail please' Shika thought. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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