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Fantasy Crystal Island for special students

Duke moved in knocking Naomi to the ground and sending her rolling past Shika as he slid in grabbing Shika's tail, using the same maneuver as before by pulling her towards him and aiming another punch for Shika "come on Shika you are leaving yourself open again"

Naomi tried to get up but had the wind knocked out of her, Duke had already managed to find a gap in Naomi's defense only after attacking it once.
Kittycat Kittycat
Serbian smiled at her and she reached out and she gently touched her wings " there beautiful " she said then she hugged her " I think I got to go fight next...wanna watch me sora " she asked smiling at her new friend happily. " or go watch the current one I don't mind unless we could help each other with training I need sword skills " she smiled at her

Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf Kittycat Kittycat

( so can she fight next)
Despite feeling stupid at the moment she just pushed it away. Allowing her tears to fall. A few minutes passed before she pulled away from him, her tears having ceased. "Thanks," she mumbled softly as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. Letting her hand fall to her lap as she looked at Mason. Eyes a bit red. Taking a deep breath she mustered up a bit of courage before speaking again. "I know that you've already been made aware of my feelings. They didn't make it subtle. But I don't care if you know. I won't be bothered if you don't feel the same towards me. Just means my life gets easier by learning the truth and not hiding those feelings."
Hetrix Hetrix
Serbian nodded happily " yeah let's go " she said grabbing her katana and she smiled going to the training grounds with her friend.
Kittycat Kittycat
Duke relaxed his arm "okay okay you got me kiddo, you set a trap and purposely left an opening for me to go for" laughing as he looked up at Shika "your ability in combat is different based on which form you take which means you can be good at recon, defense, or attacking and that is unique"

Naomi sat up holding her chest as she caught her breath.
Kittycat Kittycat
Mason sighed as he cupped his hand around Ivy's cheek.
"I will admit, i do have some feelings for you too. So how about we go slow and see how it works out?"
Said Mason with a smile on his face, he did like Ivy, alot. But he didn't want his feelings getting in the way of his job qs probable team leader.
Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50
Sora smiled. She had two friends now. Shika and Serbian. Shika will always be her first friend ever but this might work out for her. She liked the drunk demon cat.
Tsutarji Tsutarji

Shika Smiled and nodded. She slammed him on the ground. Not wanting to hurt him badly she didn't do it as hard as she could. She smiled so more. She flew down to Naomi.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
Ivy looked at him surprised. In all honesty she was a bit prepared for rejection, not a yes. Well, it was more of a maybe. But her cheeks grew warm as a small smile found its way to her face. Unsure of what to say she gave a nod in reply. Only things she was sure of was that she was happy, and that now she needed to find a better way of fighting.
Hetrix Hetrix
Serbian drew her sword and she got in her stance well she thought she did then she looked at her " hey am I doing this right"
She asked unsure about it
Kittycat Kittycat
"Owie, Naomi got hit really hard, Naomi couldn't breath" she told Shika as she grabbed her friends leg and stood up slowly, covering her mouth she ran over to a trash can. Leaning over Naomi started puking into it, her skin turned a bit pale as she gripped the trash can tightly.

Duke landed flat on his back, blood flying from him mouth as he kept laughing. "Pack a little punch don't you" standing up he popped his arm back into place and looked at Naomi "now just if we can stop her doing that when she sees blood....Shika go to your new room and please take Miss Naomi with you, you two seem like you will get along"
Kittycat Kittycat

(I'll be closing up for the night so please start working on your final posts for the night to get your characters to bed. In the rp the rules state that no student shall be out after dark, but rules get broken ;p , just please don't move onto the next day until a majority of us return I don't want anyone getting behind Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror Tsutarji Tsutarji )
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Hearing that school had ended for the day she looked at Mason with a tiny smile, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow." With that she went with Isabelle down the bleachers. Though for Ivy it was more of limping due to the bruise on her leg. Making her way out of the gym she headed towards the girl's dormitory building. After a while of walking she made it to the building. Walking inside she followed the instructions on her paper and found the dorm that her and her sister would be sharing while they were here.
Ivy walked into the room and made an immediate b-line for the shower. Once she was cleaned and clad in pajamas the tiger hybrid flopped onto the closest bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep.
Mason nodded and waved bye at Ivy. Well today wad eventful, he thought to himself.
He began to get up and limp his way over to the boys dormatories. He followed some stuff on a paper and found his way to his dormatory he shared with no one.
He took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and went to bed, thinking about things that would happen tomorrow
Serbian sighed then she put her sword up and she ran to sora and took her hand leading to their room and she smiled when she opened it and she giggled " yes two bed for two friends" she smiled then she laid on her bed and sleep

Kittycat Kittycat
Kitsune stayed in the infirmary with Lexi during the night to keep an eye on her. Changing into her pajamas she cuddled up with with her on the bed and held her close, rubbing her head gently as she sang softly until she too fell asleep.
Texangamer Texangamer
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Frizts walks over to misako and use a little if his energy to set the bones back till blood can fully heal her and flipantly says" what ever that was is what ever the motion at the time".

Then leans and says with calmly but with not a hint of affection then says" I get your intentions but you got jelly of me over words image if I'd kissed another women in front of you" " I'm not going to break it off however when it happens you have no night to complain".

He starts to walk off not caring what misako thought and looks up at the roof for a moment wanting to lash out but then realised that would be pointless".

Blood then comes over and gently pats her shoulder and says" it's best you dont go after him he might lash out and you for real and then i would become even more strained"

Raz is outside he suddenly gets a call and picks up and not long after a male voice speaks up" Sorry for contacting you out the blue father I got this number from one of the mercs" " We should be at school tommrow me and my sister have a lot to catch up on".

Raz is conflicted about this but doesn't want to be an ass so he says" I see I don't expect you to forgive me at this stage but I'll make up for my screw up it seems I'll have a far share of explaining to the others".
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She just smiled as she felt her mother next to her as she smiled snuggling with her mother as her head was hurting while she slept she just yawned she was still tired she just wimper in her sleep she couldn't take the pain she hugged her stuffed rabbit as she cries in her sleep she just opened her eyes as she saw her mother was sleeping next to her she just winced in pain her head she shake her mom awake" mommy my head hurts" she say sniffing as she been crying in her sleep Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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She was awake as she just looked outside as she was still in her pajamas her head was ok but it still hurts she just looked outside she was hungry she just sighed' why every time I fight I'm a failure I'm weak that what the bully says' she thought as she wore her glasses since her contacts will hurt" mommy I'm hungry" she say to her sighing looking at the birds Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
(Day 2 has started, its early morning, today's weather is rainy with high of 45 degrees Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror Tsutarji Tsutarji )

Kitsune rolled over looking at Lexi, sighing she rubbed her back "honey you aren't weak, physically you may not be as strong as the other kids but you have something they don't" smiling she sat up moving behind Lexi as she wrapped her arms around her darling daughter. "As far as fighting goes it is true your limit right now is two minutes, but in those two minutes you need to use your brain, how could trick or weaken your opponent so that you can beat them?" Chuckling she started to brush Lexi's hair to get some of the tangled starnds free "your father couldn't always control his either, and besides when you change don't you turn into a little dragon?" She asked
Texangamer Texangamer

She just felt her mother brushing her hair as she smiled a little " yup I turn into a little dragon daddy is a big dragon I'm learning how to use my powers I almost lost control that why big sister knocked me out how can I beat big sister she fire like you I'm like daddy ow mommy that hurts" she say she hates tangles in her hair the brush was stuck in her hair at the moment" um they don't have a family you big sister and daddy" she say smiling as she was humming" my head still hurts but it feels much better than yesterday" she told her Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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Misako nodded as she held herself, she hadn't kissed Mason to make Frizt jealous or anything. Holding her tears back she went to Frizt's room. Crawling to his bed she curled up under the covers, holding his pillow close to her chest as she cried herself to sleep.
Leo Radomir Leo Radomir

(Day 2 will behin shortly Texangamer Texangamer Leo Radomir Leo Radomir Charcoal_Lilly50 Charcoal_Lilly50 Hetrix Hetrix Kittycat Kittycat NightTerror NightTerror Tsutarji Tsutarji )

Frizts was somewhere on campus violet uses his bed as she would as a kid and sees misako had been crying all night thing are going to be awkward for a while she gently hugs misako.

Raz comes back in just as he heard the end of the Mini story and says" Being what you are is tricky but with in the couple of years you'll get more control and more of my abilitys".

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(I'm sorry, i wasn't on because i was sleeping)

Shika woke up and winced where duke punched her still hurt and her arms felt sore. Shika sighed and got some clothes on. She tried hard not wince at every step. She looked over at Naomi and then at the window it was raining and she hated rain but for some reason she liked swimming. She had went swimming once when she was with sora. She smiled at the memory. Her cat ears twitched and her tail started waving. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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Naomi sat up with a bit of drool on her face. Rubbing her eyes she yawned as she stumbled out of bed. Still partially asleep she grabbed Shika's tail thinking it was her toothbrush. Wincing a bit from where her back hit the wall as she started to brush her teeth with Shika's tail.
Kittycat Kittycat

She just felt her mother brushing her hair as she smiled a little " yup I turn into a little dragon daddy is a big dragon I'm learning how to use my powers I almost lost control that why big sister knocked me out how can I beat big sister she fire like you I'm like daddy ow mommy that hurts" she say she hates tangles in her hair the brush was stuck in her hair at the moment" um they don't have a family you big sister and daddy" she say smiling as she was humming" my head still hurts but it feels much better than yesterday" she told her Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
"You sure are full of energy this morning" Kitsune laughed as she set the brush down and brought tails up infront of Lexi's face "you know it used to be I could just use these to make you happy, when you were little you'd try and catch them for hours" blushing as she remembered those days "but you can beat her it will just take some time, there's no reason you can't do something that you put your mind too"
Texangamer Texangamer
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