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Fantasy Crystal Bridge

Tiny Turtle

¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ง-]—- ᴇɴ ɢᴀʀᴅᴇ

Name (First and Last, Middle name optional):

Age (15+):


Appearance (please include height):

Positive Personality traits (At least 3):

Negative Personality traits (At least 2, must make sense with positive traits)

Biography (at least one relatively thick paragraph):

Supernatural (If human just put human):

List of Supernatural Creatures
Human With the Sight




*Add phoenix form into the Supernatural section*

Dragon *Add dragon form into the Supernatural section*

Demon *didn't receive a letter but wants to tag along, must state purpose in bio, must state in Supernatural section what they did to get sent to hell*

Light Magic Witch/Warlock/Magic User *Specify in the Supernatural section*

Neutral Magic Witch/Warlock/Magic User *Specify in the Supernatural section*

Dark Magic Witch/Warlock/Magic User *Specify in the Supernatural section*

Angel *Cannot play this role*
Details about each Supernatural
Human With the Sight:

This is the only class that does not really have any powers. The only thing special about them is the fact that they were naturally born with the sight meaning that they grew up with it naturally, and had it before Thomas infected the waters and caused the masses to riot. These people also side with the Supernaturals despite not technically being one.


Creatures of the night, vampires are very allergic to the sun. Having so much as the tiniest bit of skin exposed to it will cause harmful and permanent burns on their fast healing bodies, though with a large enough sun blocking umbrella, these creatures can walk the earth during the day. Nothing can protect them from holy water and crosses though, making all holy ground a big fat no for them. They also happen to be quite allergic to wood, and a stake through the heart will end their everlasting life. The plus-sides to these creatures are that they are very strong (twice as strong as the average human), very fast (five times as fast as the average human), and have powerful and venomous fangs that numb their victims so that they can't move while they feast. The one downside to their bloody diet is that if they eat anything besides blood, they get quite a bad case of food poisoning. Humans can become vampires through the simple process of drinking the blood of one and then dying, though undoing said process is what one might call impossible, so those who wish to make the choice must do so wisely.


Full moons are always a party with these creatures. Generally travelling in packs werewolves are more powerful in numbers than alone. Silver swords and daggers can do one of these guys in, although wolfsbane does some damage too. Generally being twice as tall in their wolf form, most injuries are quickly healed while in their four legged state. Despite their friendliness towards other wolves in their pack, neighbouring packs tend to clash, and the dispute between werewolves and vampires is quite a scary one, especially considering the general temper of most wolves. Humans can become werewolves by being bitten by them during the full moon and then waiting a month, within said month they'll get cravings like the need to eat raw meat, intense heat flashes, and fits of anger. Then during the next full moon their most painful transformation shall be complete. Until werewolves get a hold of their powers, they will turn at every moon, the only exception being when there isn't one. The transformations shall also grow less painful and become more quick with time. In human form these guys can run 1.5 times faster than normal humans, and lift 1.5 times as much. In wolf form they can run 5 times faster than humans, and lift 4 times as much. Unfortunately they can only summon their powers at night, making them rather vulnerable during the day because all their weaknesses still apply.


These insect-like creatures only really come in one size, tall. Their bones are hollow so that they may be lighter, and each of their insect-like wings are each an average of 8 feet long. Fairies are quite the social creature, with large and complex social structures within their own community. These beings stop aging at around 24, and continue living unless an unnatural source ends them. They're quite keen on details, and an easy way to stop a fairy in its tracks for possibly hundreds of years is to pour salt onto the ground because bound by a curse they must pick up and count every single grain until it is in it's proper place. Iron will also do these guys in, causing severe burns when touched, and killing them if they're stabbed through the heart with say an iron sword. These creatures happen to hold some magic, and can heal both plants, animals, and people quite well.


These massive birds are quite the powerhouses. When in their winged form they can fly at over 900 miles an hour, and burn entire cities to the ground. Unfortunately the transformation from human to bird is quite tiresome, and the recovery rate before they can do it again can range from two weeks to several years. While they're in their inferno bird-form of a body, water is their greatest enemy, and if it extinguishes their fire, they will die. In human form just about any regular weapon can kill them. These creatures are quite rare, and only a few have thus survived Thomas's terrors. The plus side to these winged creatures is that even in human form, they have an ever-burning flame that can be called upon whenever they so please, plus the promise of immortality, with these creatures ending their aging process at around 30.


Cousins of the Phoenix, dragons are known for their power. They are not nearly as graceful as the Phoenix, Dragons are more solitary creatures, living on their own amongst humans. Hungry for both human and animal blood, they must feed every twenty years. The process of turning into a dragon is a long and painful one, forcing many to remain in human form for decades afterwards if they remain in their full dragon form for too long, although they can transform partially with little problems. Their size is their greatest weakness, and a spear dipped in gold can kill them in they are hit in the heart. Though doing that may be hard considering how hard their scales are. Dragons age slowly, so what may look like an eight year old boy may actually be eighty. Able to breathe fire and harden parts of their body using scales at will, plus being capable of transforming parts of their bodies into that of their dragon selves, these creatures are quite powerful, even without having their full form unleashed.

*Please feel free to PM me suggestions on how to make this one better because I am having trouble with it*


These cheeky little bastards have done all kinds of evils. From murder to theft or simply because at heart they have a wicked soul, they've ended up in hell. Not burned by sunlight, these creatures walk the earth with the power to possess people, although each has a goal to have their own body. Holy objects are lethal, and with a silver or iron blade or any sort of weapon that has been blessed, chopping off the head of these creatures will kill them. Despite their evil nature, demons also have morals, and have quite strong views on sins. An example being rape. The lowest of the low. Any creature who commits that crime is sent to the worst parts of hell, and not even Demons enjoy them. Murder on the other hand is far more looked up upon, especially if done well. But then again, there's a reason these people are in hell, and one shouldn't look to their morals as something to follow.

Magic User:

Technically just humans with their eyes open, the thing that differentiates them is the fact that they happen to have more magic than most. Each and every magic user can use universal magic, and one other form be it light, neutral, or dark magic, and no, they don't get to decide which one they're able to use. These beings can be killed with just about anything, although if they wish to seek a little extra protection they can sell their souls to a demon and become immortal and gain a part-time body guard (full time depending on if the demon has more than one client or not). Magic users sort themselves into three categories: Witch, Warlock, and Magician. Each one is the same, simply different titles. Most woman tend to favour the term Witch, men leaning towards Warlock, and those who simply don't feel at home with the genders male and female tend to go for the term Magician


These creatures stand at around fifty to one hundred feet tall. With golden blood no mortal can set eyes on these beings in their true forms. They can take over the bodies of humans if the human is willing, although it is very rare to ever interact with one of these celestial beings. Nothing can kill them, although if they fall from the heavens then the rules that apply to demons apply to them. These angels were sent to guard over the Earth, although have turned a blind eye to the events that have unfolded due to Thomas.

Types of Magic
Universal Magic: Every single magic user can use this magic. It allows them to make things levitate/move and make pacts/promises/deals with other magic users.

Light Magic: This magic deals mainly in healing and the balance of the body. This magic can make plants grow at a very fast rate, heal wounds, help to relief pains, remove demons from homes/objects/places/bodies, bless areas, move and control water and air

Neutral Magic: This type of magic deals with the mind and cards. This magic can aid in seeing into the future, use tarot cards for predictions, make inanimate objects come to life, communicate with ghosts, read minds (must be touching the person), move and control the earth/ground

Dark Magic: This type of magic deals with cruelty. This magic can bring the dead back to life temporary, summon ghosts and demons, kill plant life, cause someone to go mad (must be touching the person, they lose a lot of power when they do this), curse areas, move either electricity or fire

Any magic user who uses their magic too excessively can suffer from nosebleeds (when their magic is wearing thin), to blacking out (when they've used all their energy). It takes an estimated four hours for large spells to charge up once more.
Types of Demons

Highest Ranking is A, lowest Ranking of demons capable of thought is D

All demons can use dark magic, and are 10x more powerful with it

Fallen Angel (Rank A) - A demon that used to once be holy but has since fallen from the heavens

Deal Demon (Rank A) - A demon that makes pacts with both humans and the supernatural in exchange for their soul. They are responsible for then dragging the Spirit of the person they've dealt with down to hell

Alp (Rank C) - Demon/Spirit associated with nightmares

Bajang (Rank B) - A demon that is very vampire like (often mistaken for one)

Incubus (Rank D) - Male demon that attempts to have sexual relations with people so they can kill them

Succubus (Rank D) - Female demon that attempts to have sexual relations with people so they can kill them

Jinn (Rank D) - Ghoulish demon that feeds off of human corpses

Cambion (Rank B) - The offspring of a succubus

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Elizabeth Hathaway

"I may be a witch with dark powers, but that does not mean my heart isn't light"

  • Name: Elizabeth Henritta Hathaway

    Age (15+): 18

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: She stands at 5 feet tall and her wavy hair which goes down to her hips has electricity at the ends of it.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Witch_by_Daisuke_Kimura.jpg.3f4920d5ac7379daff3df32b29f49fd9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96683" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Witch_by_Daisuke_Kimura.jpg.3f4920d5ac7379daff3df32b29f49fd9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Claude Black

"I may be an artist at heart, but that doesn't mean I'm not willing to take up arms"

  • Name: Claude Black

    Age: 18

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: He stands at 6'2 and has blue eyes with grey and gold specks in them

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mt2qni6NCU1s9yb5lo1_400.jpg.cf282284a48aee4c4583e6f6de2d2a64.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96682" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/tumblr_mt2qni6NCU1s9yb5lo1_400.jpg.cf282284a48aee4c4583e6f6de2d2a64.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Joshua Xander

My body may have stopped aging at a young age, but do not mistaken my mind for that of a child's, for I am far older and wiser than you can imagine"

  • Name: Joshua Xander

    Age: 446, stopped aging at 26

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Joshua stands at 6'5 and originally had black eyes and black hair, though due to his time on earth his eyes have begun to turn blue, and his hair white.

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ag37.jpg.4f90e1804652f68c56f699f161c1ed15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96681" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ag37.jpg.4f90e1804652f68c56f699f161c1ed15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    *please ignore the eyepatch*



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@Tiny Turtle


Karisse Nayame

  • Name: Karisse Delena Nayame

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Appearance: Karisse is 5'4" and has blue eyes that are somewhat bright.

    Supernatural: Human *whips*


Cameron Nayame

  • Name: Cameron Kai Nayame

    Age: 17

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Cam, as he's commonly called, is 6'3" and has a very similar eye color to Karisse's, though more muted.

    Supernatural: Human

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Name: Constantine Rosenthal

Age: 500.

Gender: Male.



Apart from the picture, he's got a lovely set of iridescent wings, they look like that of a dragon fly. they're roughly 8 feet in length. He himself stands at an impressive 6'8. The bark covering is entirely optional, he can be assumed to be wearing simple robes beneath it. His skin below the oaken armor is coated in various marking, tattoos of sorts. It's rarely removed.



Positive Personality traits:

Humor- He likes to think he has quite the positive sense of humor. Granted sometimes it can be truly an annoying one at that. From time to time he might manage to offend with it, but in earnest he's attempting to be a kind soul and cause a laugh or two. He's a big fan of laughing. Sometimes at the expense of others. But in truth he's doing his best at not hurting others with his sense of humor.

Wit- Constantine is a witty enough person, he's quick to learn, and he's doing his best to consume as much knowledge as possible. He's always been a quick study, so long as the topic was one he found interest in. If it bores him, he's likely to cast it aside. But what he does know is in vivid detail, so long as he's read it in the last hundred years or so. Immortality has it's downfalls from time to time.

Steady- He's driven by the constant behavioral rules placed upon him as a child. Something that, in a sense can be seen as slightly uptight, also gives him the characteristic of being steady, reliable. His actions are predictable, and he's a constant in a world of unsteady times.

Negative Personality traits:

Vanity- Perhaps one of the most vain people there are, his looks are very much important to him. He relies heavily on them. He's willing to argue about them, and in a way, his vanity is easily a weakness. Especially with the opportunity to increase his appeal, perhaps it's something to do with his species, but the fairy is certainly interested in the idea of looking great while doing what he must.

Aloof- He can be characterized as aloof quite easily, perhaps because of his age, he's learned that attachments aren't always a key thing. That, and his isolation, have left him with a searing cold. Sometimes, talking to Constantine and freezing to death are similar, both leave you deeply unsettled, and icily cold.



The war didn't hurt Constantine himself directly, his parents are very much a different story. Constantine was born to two faeries, both of higher stature in the culture and hierarchy. They weren't overly protective of Constantine, but he was born into a time of war. Or the time before war. He barely recalls the start of it, only the years of growing up with the truth hidden behind closed doors. There was always something looking over the home. Constantine himself was never informed as to what it was going on out in the world. The faeries, after leaving, started to dwindle down, people didn't return, entire families were missing. Of course, at a young age, he hardly recognized the truly negative turn of events that came with such things. They had simply moved on, although faeries being the social creatures that they were, never left in such mass droves. Eventually, his own parents decided they needed to depart, even though departing became a larger danger. On the road, Constantine reached roughly sixteen, before they reached a rather homely place. They settled down, isolation is never kind to the faeries, but it was needed in a time of war. They were content, his father was confident. When no news came and Constantine reached twenty, his father departed in search of others. He did not return. His mother went in a similar manner. Constantine remained very much in isolation until he found a letter on his doorsteps. An invitation. Years, upon years, of isolation, had left quite the social gap, and perhaps on a whim he set off. Slightly sick, and beyond stupid, he set off until reaching the town. An outsider with looks that don't quite match.

:Fairy, full blooded.

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  • Name: Ricardo "Ricky" Valium

    Age: 20 years

    Gender: Male

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  • Name : Jericho Rae

    Age : Chronologically 1000+ Physically 19

    Gender: Male

    5 ft. 10 in.


  • Name : Audrey Jackson

    Age : 17


    Height: 6 Ft. 11 In.

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Reserved for my flame-ball (and the newly-added hot one)


"It's not my fault that my soul is made out of fire."

  • Name: Celina M. Tate

    Age: 17

    Gender: Female

    Height: 5'5”


(hair goes to about his chest)

"Of course I'm not good. But neither are you, right? Or are you really that blind?"

  • Name: Ashre Exen

    Age: Physically 23, ~800 in actuality

    Gender: Male

    Height: 6’1”

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"In spite of it all, I still love you..."

Alistair O' Connor

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance (Click on each form to see image.)

Human Form: In this form, Alistair is a rather tall and skinny individual. Standing at about 6'3 and weighing roughly 130 lbs, he looks like he's wasting away. He even looks really unwell with his skin taking a rather deathly pallor and the heavy shadows beneath his brown eyes. His hair is unkempt, looking as though he hasn't brushed it in months. This changes as dusk approaches, however. During the late evening when his powers begin stirring, he transitions from being a weak and sickly looking individual to someone who fits the part of a noble hero to a tee. Over these hours, he puts on an extra twenty something pounds of muscle and his facial features become more chiselled, bringing out a considerably more handsome appearance. One feature that is always very prominent, though, is the horrible looking scar that mares the left side of his face.

His clothing mostly consists of torn and dirty outfits. Loose fitting shirts and tattered trousers scrounged from people who stray too far into the woods. He stopped bothering with wearing shoes, finding it far more comfortable travelling in bare feet.

Werewolf Form: Alistair's transformation is one that is truly terrifying. Standing just shy of eight and a half feet and weighing over three hundred pounds, he is a furry mass of muscle, tooth and claw. Completely covered in dark grey, matted fur, save for his underside which takes on a much lighter shade of grey, the only feature he retains from his human form is his scar, which now looks horrifically stretched out due to his increase in size. His arms are considerably longer in proportion to the rest of his body with his knuckles almost brushing the floor when he's hunched over. What clothing he has is utterly destroyed during the transformation. After the transformation, he reverts back to his human form and is left feeling much weaker for the first half of the following day, as well as having a lingering smell of wet dog about him.


Caring and honest. Alistair is the kind of person who wears his heart on his sleeve and, once someone has gained his trust, he is extremely loyal and protective over them.

Easily aggravated, particularly when the day is nearing it's end, Alistair is prone to extreme fits of violent anger. He is extremely quiet and awkward when meeting people for the first time and overly wary of them to the point of coming across as paranoid that they might be out to get him.


Before Affliction:
Alistair was one of the many who aided Thomas Acworth in vanquishing the supernatural. He was a skilled hunter of demons, monsters, witches and wizards. He was also the lover of a young lady by the name of Mary Acworth; the niece of Thomas Acworth who was doted on as though she was the man's daughter.

Through killing many of what had become known as "the tainted ones", he had earned Thomas Acworth's approval in taking Mary's hand in marriage. But things took a horrible turn for the worse...

Alistair and a small band of hunters were tracking down a werewolf that had been preying off the people from a small hapless village. It seemed a simple and routine job, easy enough for the four of them to handle. But the werewolf proved to be far more than they bargained for. A predator in the truest sense of the word, this werewolf picked off Alistair's team one by one until only he was left.

What followed was a long and brutal battle. Eventually, Alistair came out victorious, but not before the werewolf very nearly tore off half of his face. Knowing what happens to those wounded by such beasts, Alistair realised he had little time left before this curse would take over his body. He needed to go and say goodbye to Mary.

The First Transformation: It was on the day before the next full moon that Alistair managed to reach the new Acworth estate. He begged Thomas for a chance to say goodbye to Mary before offering himself up for execution.

Thomas obliged, and later that evening Alistair found himself kneeling before the man with a gun pointed to his head. He looked at Mary, brow creased with concern. She was fraught with grief. "Don't cry," he said tenderly. "My love for you will remain, even in death."

He could feel something stirring in him as he spoke, a bubbling rage and a surge of adrenaline. Looking directly at Thomas, he nodded. "It was an honour fighting by your side," he said.

Thomas nodded grimly before pulling the trigger.

Alistair felt himself being cast off into the depths of oblivion. His last thought was one of regret. Regret at missing the chance to spend the rest of his life with Mary, or maybe raising a family of his own. The thought lingered for a moment before he surrendered himself to the darkness encroaching upon him.

"We're supposed to cut off their heads, aren't we?"

His back was pressed against a cold and hard surface.

"To make sure they don't come back."

Alistair's head was hurting.

"What's going on?" he thought to himself, wondering if this was some weird transition into passing through the pearly gates.

"Christ, he's twitching!" someone uttered in alarm, the same voice that debated the need to cut off his head.

Alistair's eyes snapped open and rapidly changed from their natural deep brown to bright yellow. He sat upright, in more pain than he thought imaginable. To say he was angry was an understatement. He was absolutely livid. "Why didn't you finish me?!" he roared, standing up and staggering to the men.

Utterly terrified, their mouths opened and closed, but only barely managed to let out an incomprehensible stutter. Alistair screamed in pain as he felt his body increase in size, muscles expanding to the point of tearing through his skin. Beneath, a layer of fur was visible. "How could you let this happen?!" Alistair yelled, his voice changing into a wolf-like howl.

He blacked out.

The next morning found him laying naked in the woods. He didn't know where he was, or exactly what had happened, but the taste of blood in his mouth and sight of it on his hands gave him a good idea. "God, no..." he uttered, sinking into an even greater sense of despair.

Adapting to the curse: Suicide was something that was constantly on Alistair's mind since that dreadful night, but whenever he put a gun to his head or a knife to his throat, he found that he could not bring himself to carry out the deed. Ashamed and afraid, he isolated himself in the woods. Every month, he underwent the same transformation. Over time, he learned to control himself a bit more. During the full moon, he hunted deer and boar, eating them raw. Better that than attacking innocent people.

Up until the month of the Blue Moon, his transformations occurred on a monthly cycle. After that, he found that he could transform at will during the night. He tried to not transform at all, thinking that maybe he could purge the curse from his body, but repressing it only made it all the more worse whenever there was a full moon.

So, he spent his time learning to manage his curse so that he could fully control it. He was determined to find a cure, but he knew that he needed to control these newfound powers of his.

Overtime, he saw the practicality of his new life. His transformations became a guilty pleasure and the more it happened, the less he wanted to lose the ability. Eventually, he grew content just living out in the woods and indulging himself in nightly forays, chasing prey and giving in to all his primal urges.

That is, until he happened across some of Acworth's men...
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[QUOTE="Fremont Humphreys]Finished my main character. I might make a bio for Mary Acworth as well if that's okay.

Perfect! The one thing with the bio is that in the time period Thomas would not have had a gun because they hadn't been invented yet. I would rather write up a character sheet for Thomas first (working on it now actually), because I didn't quite plan for him to have any family left, and I don't know if I would be able to fit that in, although she can always be a trusted lady of his court.
[QUOTE="Tiny Turtle]Perfect! The one thing with the bio is that in the time period Thomas would not have had a gun because they hadn't been invented yet. I would rather write up a character sheet for Thomas first (working on it now actually), because I didn't quite plan for him to have any family left, and I don't know if I would be able to fit that in, although she can always be a trusted lady of his court.

Sure! I'll wait until you've done all that and then I'll make some changes then. :)
[QUOTE="Fremont Humphreys]Sure! I'll wait until you've done all that and then I'll make some changes then. :)

Awesome. Thank you for understanding!

"I might be old, but I'll still kick yer ass!"

  • Name (First and Last, Middle name optional): Olaa Hallström

    Age (15+): 1028

    Gender: Female

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Name: Rythian Varyn

Age: Appears 23, is actually 1362 (Going on the assumption his species ages significantly slower than humans)

Gender: Male

Appearance: In his human form, Rythian stands six feet and one inch tall with short, well kept hair that falls just behind his ears. He is quite slim with a slightly athletic build, with sky-blue eyes. On his right arm, normally hidden away under his clothing, is a patch of dragon scales. He would normally be wearing a hooded cloak to hide his face.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Laikas.jpg.38a33266af7309c5e7d858a9702e2b87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Laikas.jpg.38a33266af7309c5e7d858a9702e2b87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In his dragon form, he's easily two stories tall with a wing span of ten metres. His eyes are a similar colour to his human form, and his scales are a noticeably deeper shade of that as well.


Positive Personality traits: Rythian is never one to act out of hate, nor is he easily to provoked. He prefers to listen to others than lash out at them, and will wait with patience to hear every point before he speaks his mind. Because of this, he is quite a temperate and controlled individual who only takes what he needs from humans to survive. With this comes a resonating intelligence that seems to be old and full of wisdom, and a diligent mind that always tries to see something through once it has started something. Because of this, you could argue that Rythian is a bit of an optimist.

Negative Personality traits: Rythian is quite a proud being, bordering on an arrogant one, which has done very little to soothe arguments he has been in. Perhaps because of this, he speaks cryptically quite often, trying to keep information from others; he believes in the saying 'Knowledge is Power', and the more he knows and the less others do, the more powerful he thinks he is. He may come across as heartless at times and won't prevent injustice sometimes as there's no benefit for him. He's not exactly selfish, but he's certainly getting there.

: Rythian never met his parents, though he's not sure he ever had any; as an egg, Rythian was gifted to the Roman Emperor as a sign of peace and trust from a Germanic tribe. In the eyes of the Romans, it was nothing more than a shiny and large stone, perhaps with some pretty designs on it and some odd textures, but a stone nonetheless. While the tribe were not pleased with the reception of their gift, their seer, a human which could see supernatural beings, was happy to have gotten rid of the egg; who knew what kind of destruction the creature that hatched from it could have caused.

After the second sacking of Rome, the egg fell into the hands of a Swedish tribal chief by the name of Karl, who too could see the world of the supernatural. His son, an ever rash person, quickly encouraged his father to get rid of the egg but the chief recognized what it meant to have a dragon by his side: no other tribe would be able to stand before him. It wasn't long before the egg hatched, revealing a young, bawling hatchling; Karl named it after his father: Rythian.

As the dragon grew, Karl tried numerous times to tame it, which he eventually did: he rewarded it with meat, took it hunting, sometimes treated it like a son. He couldn't have been more delighted to find out that Rythian could turn into a human, and started teaching him the ways of the court. He grew significantly slower than the other boys in the tribe, but this didn't bother him nor did it bother the chief; he saw the potential of having a dragon for an heir and while the idea was suggested, it never came into fruition.

It was only a few more years later that Karl died, but Rythian stayed in the tribe, helping Karl's children in battles and eventually helping the current chief unite South Sweden. However, as the kingdom converted to Catholicism, the King became distrustful of Rythian, knowing him to be supernatural. In a sinister plot, Rythian was tricked into attacking a royal entourage on their way back the palace in Stockholm, and when word reached the delighted King's ears he was banished to Norway.

Used to the relatively relaxed life of court, the dragon found it difficult to survive at first and with scarce resources in Norway, he traveled to Denmark, a move that turned out to be unrewarding. In 1040, he began to lose complete sight of his humanity and began to live purely on survival instinct; he started raiding villages around Saxony to gain sustenance, slaughtering humans and livestock alike in acts of barbarism and cruelty.

In the year 1066, however, he was approached by a young Duke from the North of France, one with the gift of the Sight. In exchange for the dragon's services in helping him in a campaign to come, he would show him the Crystal Bridge, a wondrous contraption that led him to a world of supernaturals. Rythian accepted.

The last few centuries, Rythian has been watching humanity's fate grow ever darker, and watched the world fill with hatred for the supernatural. He has begun to control himself around humans, and has tried to blend in with their society occasionally to some success. He has fought the humans countless times over the past ten years, both for vengeance of others and for his own interests, and has begun to grow a brooding hatred for all humans. His patience was wearing thin, until he received a letter...

Supernatural (If human just put human): Dragon



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Silas Newheart


  • "I have nothing to offer but the blood in my teeth and the word that I will never sharpen your knife with the intention to turn you around and stab you with it."

    name / Silas Daugherty Newheart II

    age / Appears thirty two, though is truly four hundred and seventy-four.

    gender / Male

    supernatural / Dragon

    height / 6"4 / 192cm

    bad habits / Bites nails for an unhealthy amount of his life.

    skills / Trade, art, linguistics.

  • When eating meat, Silas has to consume is raw, as cooked meat causes him to become ill on the similar basis of food poisoning, though he is able to eat other foods which do not necessarily come from an animal. He also speaks with a very proper British accent despite his family's original establishment in Germanic Europe, and is bilingual.​
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Name: Clarabell Archambault

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5’ 8” in human form

True form-

Positive Personality traits: Calm and collected, Brave, Perceptive, reserved

Negative Personality traits: Does not express emotions well, blunt, uncaring, quiet


Clarabell was born in a small rural town in Southern France. Her entire family had lived there for generations. There were not many people in the town and it was a well known secret of the town that her family was special somehow. The other townspeople did not pry but also tried to keep away from anyone from her family. Because of this Clarabell spent most of her time alone and never really associated with people outside of her family.

Clarabell soon got tired of the life she was living in that small village. Everyone in her family had expectations of her since she was the first child in the past years. They made her train her powers and learn to control them. They wanted her to stay in the village and continue the family, marrying someone they pick for her and having kids. But Clarabell was already tired of living in the village. She hated it there, since there was nothing to do and she was lonely. When she turned 16, she escaped to a school outside the village, getting a scholarship.

She spent the next two years living in Arles attending school. Most of the year she lived in the dorms in the school she attended but when school was out she was able to live at a friends house never returning home. She was able to hide the fact she was a phoenix from all her friends and had not transformed in those two years and controlled her flame.

Soon after she graduated from school she started traveling having saved up all the money from working. She traveled all around France. While traveling it was the first time she ever experienced other supernaturals and hunters. There were many close calls that she had to transform to escape leaving her weak afterwards. Eventually she left France and headed to other countries.

Supernatural: Phoenix
Sorry if this isn't very good, as I'm not really all that awake right now. I'll add in coding later, and fix up her bio too, when I'm more awake.

Name (First and Last, Middle name optional): Sivelle Calico Briar - She prefers to be called Calico over her first name

Age (15+): 19

Gender: Female



Relatively average in height, for a fairy, though she's still tiny.

Positive Personality traits (At least 3):

-Quite caring

-Light hearted

-Often quite happy

-Fond of good natured and light humor

-Quite loyal to friends

Negative Personality traits:

-Highly dislikes violence

-Not a fan of crude humor

-Likely to lash out verbally at those who threaten her or her friends


Sivelle has lived a life of hiding, and a life of seclusion. Those around her, fellow fairies like her, were always insisting the same thing. 'It's not safe out there' or 'Your better off here' and she was never, ever allowed to leave their sides. She grew up not knowing the rest of the world. That continued, until those she was being protected by, suddenly disappeared. To where, she didn't know, but left all alone in a world she knew nothing about, the young fairy stayed hidden, only moving when she felt it safe, and then disappearing into hiding again.

Eventually, she settled down into a normal routine, caring for the plants and animals around her in a small valley. She never bothered to think about the rest of the world, or where her so called family had gone to. After a while, the girl was forced out into the world, when her valley fell into ruin and she could no longer dwell there. She eventually came across a human dwelling, and the idea of it startled her. She soon came to realize, she had never been alone in this world, and what the others had been trying to keep her from. Up until a little while ago, she lived simply, still ignoring the world. That changed when she received a letter summoning her to Night falls. She, due to her secluded life, had no idea where in the world that place was, and as such, she found herself needing to actually communicate to figure out where she was supposed to go. Eventually, she figured out her path and started on her way.

Supernatural: Full Fairy
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Name: Takeda Ryuu Kisho, goes by Takeda.

Age: 19, His Birthday is January 18th.

Gender: Male

Supernatural: Neutral Mage, Magician.

Height: 6'4, fairly tall for a being of his nature.


Positive Personality Traits(At Least 3):



-Not Argumentative

-Kindhearted (To those he likes)

Negative Personality Traits(At Least 3):




-Cold (To those he doesn't know)



Takeda was born into a poor family. He never knew his father, due to the fact that he abandoned him at a young age. When Takeda was young, he was very sickly. His mother poured all the families funds into helping him grow better, and soon they lacked any money whatsoever. Around the age of 5, when his mother was working, his siblings cast him out of the house due to envy and rage that their mother spent everything on him. As the young Takeda roamed the streets, he was stumbled upon by a group of, what seemed to him at the time, thug like figures. He only discovered later that they would become his greatest roll models. These men took him in, invited him to their hideout. They had plenty of food and water, enough to share with even more people. When Takeda told them he wanted to go get his siblings to join the group, they told him that it was him or his siblings, and he had to decide who could stay. Remembering that his siblings were the ones who forced him out Takeda decided to satisfy his greed, and he picked himself. This helped him discover at a young age the cold harshness of the world, and the reality everyone really lived in.

After the course of one year, Takeda grew to the age of 6, and the men in the group revealed to him why they took him in. He was special, one in a million. He had the sight, and not just a being with normal sight. No. He had the ability to become a Mage. The group gave him the option to pick a path. Light, Neutral, or Dark. Takeda thought for many days over which side to pick, and eventual sided with Neutral, the decision, he felt, suited him. Upon the decision, he was told that he didn't really have a choice, however they had known he would've picked Neutral from the start. Takeda was soon taken in by an older member of the group, Yoshiaki Kudo. His mentor was 22 when he took in Takeda, and his home became Takeda's. Takeda grew up with Yoshiaki, and Yoshiaki taught Takeda the ways of a Neutral Mage.

At the age of 19, Takeda left Yoshiaki's residence to live alone. While in solitude, he decided to become a Magician, and to this day, he still uses the knowledge passed onto him by the particular group of wandering Neutral Mages.

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