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Fandom Crusaders of Harmony Pt. 2 (Started by Action Pony) (Continuation) A MLP :FIM roleplay

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Drakalian said:
As the human kissed Moon, she turned her head to face him and placed her lips on him, closing her eyes as she melted into the loving embrace. (and fade to black)
I got back into my cloths and thought 'I just did the one thing I never did freely and I did not regret a second of it.' I could see Emerald smiling behind Blood Moon, along with my teacher, Emerald beckoned me to her and I mouthed 'one second.'
[QUOTE="Shadow Dancer]I got back into my cloths and thought 'I just did the one thing I never did freely and I did not regret a second of it.' I could see Emerald smiling behind Blood Moon, along with my teacher, Emerald beckoned me to her and I mouthed 'one second.'

Moon simply curls up, a sleepy but satisfied look in her eyes, not really paying any attention to her surroundings at the moment, nor does she really care. Finally, after all of those countless decades, almost centuries of being alone, she has someone to be with, someone...someone to love. (This comment brought to you by Freddy Mercury :P )
I got up and waked towards Emerald, when I was close she came up to me and lightly kissed my cheek before speaking. "Indicus, I have been granted a short time with you, all I want to say is that you don't have to hold onto your regrets, I forgive you. But please put more faith in others around you before stab them for betraying you." Emerald and I chuckled at her comment. She always had a way with turning anything into something you could laugh at.
[QUOTE="Shadow Dancer]I got up and waked towards Emerald, when I was close she came up to me and lightly kissed my cheek before speaking. "Indicus, I have been granted a short time with you, all I want to say is that you don't have to hold onto your regrets, I forgive you. But please put more faith in others around you before stab them for betraying you." Emerald and I chuckled at her comment. She always had a way with turning anything into something you could laugh at.

Moon continued to sleep, seemingly oblivious to the conversation happening before her.
" Yea I won't make that mistake again." We laughed some more and then Emerald kissed me, I embraced her and kissed back, we eventually stopped and both of us had a sad smile. "Good bye my love." Emerald said, "Good bye Emerald." I responded. With that she shimmered away to the afterlife, whatever that may be.
Drakalian said:
Dux remained motionless, though he did mentally wince a little from the blow. Light was surprisingly strong with her hooves, and he was pretty sure she left a small bruise there. He was quiet for a few seconds, trying to think of something to say. "If I may ask, how many abled bodies would be able to join the fight in this city?"
The main councilpony arched an eyebrow. "We have not yet decided who to fight for, or even if we shall fight at all. And yet you ask this question first?"

Little Light glared at Dux. He really needed to get his mind out of soldier mode.
ActionPony said:
The main councilpony arched an eyebrow. "We have not yet decided who to fight for, or even if we shall fight at all. And yet you ask this question first?"
Little Light glared at Dux. He really needed to get his mind out of soldier mode.
Dux could feel the stare that Light was giving him, but he just ignored it for the time being. "I don't mean t0 offend you, it's just that I have a duty to my soldiers first, just as you have a duty to the beings of this city. If the question did offend you, then I do apologies for it." He replied before falling silent, thinking over his next question a bit more carefully. "And since you brought it up, may I ask your thoughts on choosing which side?"
Drakalian said:
Dux could feel the stare that Light was giving him, but he just ignored it for the time being. "I don't mean t0 offend you, it's just that I have a duty to my soldiers first, just as you have a duty to the beings of this city. If the question did offend you, then I do apologies for it." He replied before falling silent, thinking over his next question a bit more carefully. "And since you brought it up, may I ask your thoughts on choosing which side?"
The council pony nodded in respect to Dux. "I see that you are newly defected from the side of order. May I ask, what drove you to leave? Please answer, it shall be useful in our decisions.

"You see, yes, we have a duty to our citizens, and that duty extends to not sending them out to die for a doomed cause, or a cause ready to take advantage of our resources for their own gain. Heaven knows, we've been deceived before. You are a soldier, Dux, and that seems to be all you are, and that's how we know that you came from Order. Order specializes, and you are specialized. But we don't have the luxury of that much specialization. All of the city is in our care, and we are to protect all of it, not just its military resources. The city of Hawaiki is more than military resources."
ActionPony said:
The council pony nodded in respect to Dux. "I see that you are newly defected from the side of order. May I ask, what drove you to leave? Please answer, it shall be useful in our decisions.
"You see, yes, we have a duty to our citizens, and that duty extends to not sending them out to die for a doomed cause, or a cause ready to take advantage of our resources for their own gain. Heaven knows, we've been deceived before. You are a soldier, Dux, and that seems to be all you are, and that's how we know that you came from Order. Order specializes, and you are specialized. But we don't have the luxury of that much specialization. All of the city is in our care, and we are to protect all of it, not just its military resources. The city of Hawaiki is more than military resources."
Dux nodded as he listened to the reasoning behind it all, and then he replied, "Well, you're right about me coming from the side of Order, and I was...specialized for being a solider. However, that isn't all that I learned to be...at least...it's not what I choose to be." He then fell silent, thinking about his past before he snapped back into reality. "Anyways, you still haven't answered my question about what you have heard about each side in this fight. I understand why you want to choose carefully, but I fail to see why you would choose either Order or Chaos to side with. If you could explain it, then it would help in our understanding of it."
Drakalian said:
Dux nodded as he listened to the reasoning behind it all, and then he replied, "Well, you're right about me coming from the side of Order, and I was...specialized for being a solider. However, that isn't all that I learned to be...at least...it's not what I choose to be." He then fell silent, thinking about his past before he snapped back into reality. "Anyways, you still haven't answered my question about what you have heard about each side in this fight. I understand why you want to choose carefully, but I fail to see why you would choose either Order or Chaos to side with. If you could explain it, then it would help in our understanding of it."
"For the same reasons that we might choose your side. There were two sides in this war, and now there are three. Each side promises that their philosophy, if it were to win the endless war, would grant us a perfect world. How do we know that your side is any more legitimate than either of theirs? Do you think that you can win? And some people will merely take sides because it is what has always been done. It's a habit."
ActionPony said:
"For the same reasons that we might choose your side. There were two sides in this war, and now there are three. Each side promises that their philosophy, if it were to win the endless war, would grant us a perfect world. How do we know that your side is any more legitimate than either of theirs? Do you think that you can win? And some people will merely take sides because it is what has always been done. It's a habit."
Dux fell silent after that, bringing himself deep into thought, his eyes gaining a faraway look. It was true, everyone always picked a side just for the sake of survival. They would always choose who they thought would keep them safe in times of danger. It was what he himself decided to do when he had first joined the Order. He thought that they were in the right, fighting a just fight to save the world of a certain evil...and for a while, it was indeed like that. But then...then it happened.

He quickly shook his head to clear himself of that horrendous thought, not wanting to think about it at the moment, especially when he was supposed to be doing business. Once his mind was cleared, he looked up at the councilponies to make sure that they would believe what he was going to say next.

"It's true, each side does say that they can bring a perfect world, and you know, they are all right. However, just because it's perfect, doesn't mean it's right. They say that they can bring salvation, redemption, and all of that other bullshit, well...maybe they can. I can't promise the same thing. I can't say that we fight for the best cause, or that we will win the war, or even this battle. I can't say that you will all live or not, or that we will survive all of this. However...I can say that we WILL fight this battle, we WILL hold our positions, and we WILL protect those that need it. You can choose to be a part of us, to help those that need saving, or you can choose to join one of the others, that of Order or Chaos. If you choose us, then I promise you that my men will fight to the death...to their last, dying breath...to make sure that your city survives. However...if you choose to join one of the others...be that Order or Chaos...then I won't hold it against you, and on your word, I shall order my men to pack up and we shall all leave you to your own devices." Dux then fell silent, seemingly out of breath from the little speech that he gave. He stared at the council for a few more seconds before he finished. "So...will you join us, or as us to leave? I won't force you to do what you don't want to do."
Drakalian said:
Dux fell silent after that, bringing himself deep into thought, his eyes gaining a faraway look. It was true, everyone always picked a side just for the sake of survival. They would always choose who they thought would keep them safe in times of danger. It was what he himself decided to do when he had first joined the Order. He thought that they were in the right, fighting a just fight to save the world of a certain evil...and for a while, it was indeed like that. But then...then it happened.
He quickly shook his head to clear himself of that horrendous thought, not wanting to think about it at the moment, especially when he was supposed to be doing business. Once his mind was cleared, he looked up at the councilponies to make sure that they would believe what he was going to say next.

"It's true, each side does say that they can bring a perfect world, and you know, they are all right. However, just because it's perfect, doesn't mean it's right. They say that they can bring salvation, redemption, and all of that other bullshit, well...maybe they can. I can't promise the same thing. I can't say that we fight for the best cause, or that we will win the war, or even this battle. I can't say that you will all live or not, or that we will survive all of this. However...I can say that we WILL fight this battle, we WILL hold our positions, and we WILL protect those that need it. You can choose to be a part of us, to help those that need saving, or you can choose to join one of the others, that of Order or Chaos. If you choose us, then I promise you that my men will fight to the death...to their last, dying breath...to make sure that your city survives. However...if you choose to join one of the others...be that Order or Chaos...then I won't hold it against you, and on your word, I shall order my men to pack up and we shall all leave you to your own devices." Dux then fell silent, seemingly out of breath from the little speech that he gave. He stared at the council for a few more seconds before he finished. "So...will you join us, or as us to leave? I won't force you to do what you don't want to do."
The council pony smiled.

"That is a nice speech, soldier. And it is true. But I can see that you have no career ahead of you in politics. You must remember, that if we do not go to you, we go to your enemies. And then, you are in big trouble. We ask for your opinion because we are an old city, and have seen much. We know that there are always things we do not know. What do you know, that we do not, that led to your decision?"

Little Light told him: "I am the Crusaders' founder, and I cannot speak for everyone. We all have are own motivations. We are like chaos in that respect. But I created the organization because it was needed. I saw callousness, Councilpony, from both sides. I may not have seen all of the war, but I have seen heartbreaking things. Order has sacrificed my friends and family, and one of my sisters died because she happened to be in a village that an Order general thought that if it burned, it would slow down Chaos troops. One of my men's former girlfriend died because of a Chaos minotaur that went out of its way to cause harm, and that was not an isolated incident. Many of the tricks Chaos performs hurt others, and I don't want that to happen again. We are a bit like Order that way, seeing a problem and taking steps to stop it. Our difference is that we think that both Order and Chaos, taken to extremes, are problems."
ActionPony said:
The council pony smiled.
"That is a nice speech, soldier. And it is true. But I can see that you have no career ahead of you in politics. You must remember, that if we do not go to you, we go to your enemies. And then, you are in big trouble. We ask for your opinion because we are an old city, and have seen much. We know that there are always things we do not know. What do you know, that we do not, that led to your decision?"

Little Light told him: "I am the Crusaders' founder, and I cannot speak for everyone. We all have are own motivations. We are like chaos in that respect. But I created the organization because it was needed. I saw callousness, Councilpony, from both sides. I may not have seen all of the war, but I have seen heartbreaking things. Order has sacrificed my friends and family, and one of my sisters died because she happened to be in a village that an Order general thought that if it burned, it would slow down Chaos troops. One of my men's former girlfriend died because of a Chaos minotaur that went out of its way to cause harm, and that was not an isolated incident. Many of the tricks Chaos performs hurt others, and I don't want that to happen again. We are a bit like Order that way, seeing a problem and taking steps to stop it. Our difference is that we think that both Order and Chaos, taken to extremes, are problems."
Dux gave a mental chuckle at the pony's remark. He was glad that he would never be a politician...they were rarely honest with anyone. He also gave a very small smile to Light's response, glad to be working with somepony like her.
Drakalian said:
Dux gave a mental chuckle at the pony's remark. He was glad that he would never be a politician...they were rarely honest with anyone. He also gave a very small smile to Light's response, glad to be working with somepony like her.
The councilpony nodded to Dux. "Well? Is there something that you know that we ought to?"
ActionPony said:
The councilpony nodded to Dux. "Well? Is there something that you know that we ought to?"
Dux simply shook his head. "Not what I can tell. If you have any actual questions about the group itself, you may talk to Light here, for she is the leader and founder of the Crusaders of Harmony." He replied, motioning a hoof to the purple unicorn.
[QUOTE="Shadow Dancer]I went back to bed and cuddled up with Blood Moon content with the conversation with my dead lover's spirit

Moon gave a small murmur and placed a hoof on Indicus, holding the human close to her.
(so...I guess I'll just start something to get you guys back here)

Drak was busy meditating, trying to concentrate on the oncoming attack that will soon be here. Vakti had already gone somewhere else, having gotten bored attacking the human to keep him on edge. While Drak did like the challenge, he was starting to get bored now after a couple of hours, so he slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

To his slight surprise, Scartail was the only one there, sharpening his axe with a whetstone, though the blade looked plenty sharp enough. After a minute or so of watching, Drak carefully got up as to not disturb the minotaur before he began to walk away.

"I saw Alexius in the city, if that's who you're looking for." Said Scartail, startling the human slightly.

"But...but how did you know?" He asked, confused.

This caused the warrior to give a short bark of laughter. "Simple: you're practically reek of pheromones, so I'm assuming you want to either talk to her or mate with her. Since I doubt you will do the later, it's most likely the former." He said, still sharpening his weapon.

Drak opened his mouth to object to 'mating' with Alexius, but then he closed his mouth. He didn't see any point in arguing with the minotaur, since he would just say something about his scent not lying or something along those lines, so with that, he just gave a nod to Scartail and walked towards the entrance of the city, hoping that it wasn't too crowded.
I wake up after a while now well rested I quietly teleport as to not wake Blood Moon and I spread my wings and fly to the clif where I encountered the stranger.
The council pony nodded. He told Little Light and Dux: "We must deliberate on this alone. Please, wait outside."

Little Light nodded and left the room with Dux. Their guide remained inside, and closed the doors.
ActionPony said:
The council pony nodded. He told Little Light and Dux: "We must deliberate on this alone. Please, wait outside."
Little Light nodded and left the room with Dux. Their guide remained inside, and closed the doors.
Dux, not sure what to do now, decided to just lean against the wall and rest, wondering what they would decide on.
Drakalian said:
(so...I guess I'll just start something to get you guys back here)
Drak was busy meditating, trying to concentrate on the oncoming attack that will soon be here. Vakti had already gone somewhere else, having gotten bored attacking the human to keep him on edge. While Drak did like the challenge, he was starting to get bored now after a couple of hours, so he slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

To his slight surprise, Scartail was the only one there, sharpening his axe with a whetstone, though the blade looked plenty sharp enough. After a minute or so of watching, Drak carefully got up as to not disturb the minotaur before he began to walk away.

"I saw Alexius in the city, if that's who you're looking for." Said Scartail, startling the human slightly.

"But...but how did you know?" He asked, confused.

This caused the warrior to give a short bark of laughter. "Simple: you're practically reek of pheromones, so I'm assuming you want to either talk to her or mate with her. Since I doubt you will do the later, it's most likely the former." He said, still sharpening his weapon.

Drak opened his mouth to object to 'mating' with Alexius, but then he closed his mouth. He didn't see any point in arguing with the minotaur, since he would just say something about his scent not lying or something along those lines, so with that, he just gave a nod to Scartail and walked towards the entrance of the city, hoping that it wasn't too crowded.
(Woohoo, I'm back!)

Alexius hummed quietly to herself as she marveled at the city's beauty, stopping by several shops along the way. She came to a halt in front of a clock store, and was about to enter when something caught her eye. She swiveled her head towards it, and her smile grew slightly when she saw who it was. She cast a wave over in his direction, then trotted inside the shop.
Surprise said:
(Woohoo, I'm back!)
Alexius hummed quietly to herself as she marveled at the city's beauty, stopping by several shops along the way. She came to a halt in front of a clock store, and was about to enter when something caught her eye. She swiveled her head towards it, and her smile grew slightly when she saw who it was. She cast a wave over in his direction, then trotted inside the shop.
(glad your back)

The stranger was not there so I decided to enter the city, folding my wings against my back I entered and looked around seeing some peddlers, trying to sell their goods, and the streets being lined up with the early risers and filling up by the minute. It was normal, something that I sometimes always wanted to be something I was not. But I was given my lot in life and I must go with it and to be honest finding that special someone really helped.

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