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Fandom Crusaders of Harmony Pt. 2 (Started by Action Pony) (Continuation) A MLP :FIM roleplay

Surprise said:
(Woohoo, I'm back!)
Alexius hummed quietly to herself as she marveled at the city's beauty, stopping by several shops along the way. She came to a halt in front of a clock store, and was about to enter when something caught her eye. She swiveled her head towards it, and her smile grew slightly when she saw who it was. She cast a wave over in his direction, then trotted inside the shop.
As Drak lookde around, thankfully able to avoid the more crowded parts of the city, he finally found the white unicorn, just looking around at all the big buildings. Once she spotted him, she gave him a wave and then trotted into a clock store. Curious, the human carefully picked up the pace and soon entered the store as well.
Drakalian said:
Dux, not sure what to do now, decided to just lean against the wall and rest, wondering what they would decide on.
Little Light asked him: "Dux, is being a soldier all you are? At first you seemed to also be a little bit of a flirt, and even if that did end up with a kick to the family treasures, it was a hint of something that could be an actual pony. After that time, you reminded me of my sister. I really don't want to talk about her."
ActionPony said:
Little Light asked him: "Dux, is being a soldier all you are? At first you seemed to also be a little bit of a flirt, and even if that did end up with a kick to the family treasures, it was a hint of something that could be an actual pony. After that time, you reminded me of my sister. I really don't want to talk about her."
Dux remained silent, a bit taken aback by what Light said, keeping his head turned away from the unicorn, not wanting for her to see his face. It's true, he was a bit of a flirt at times, but that was mostly after a big fight or when they weren't in the middle of a job. Right now, he needed to keep himself focused at the task at hoof, so flirting with pretty mares is off the table...and most likely will be, considering if things are going where he thought they were. After a minute of silence, he let out a small sigh before turning to face her, a solom look on his face. "Yes Little Light...it is one of the very few things that I was taught to do. I wasn't raised in a noble home or a poor one, I didn't go to school, didn't get a job, never even...well, dated. The closest thing that I ever did besides being a soldier is what you already saw: just me hanging with my comrades in arms after a fight, getting a fling every once in a while if I could to ease the nerves, along with the drinking. I...I was born in a soldier life by soldier parents who were loyal to the Order through and through, never questioning the higher ups. The only thing that I was taught to do was to fight and be a proper pony, dressing up in fancy outfits, learning how to dance properly...learning how to kill effectively." As he continued to speak, his eyes started to glaze over, a far off look could be seen in them.

Meanwhile, in a nearby alleyway, there was a tall figure hiding in the shadows, though nothing would have been able to see him thanks to his skills in hiding. He was currently watching the two ponies talking to each other. Knowing what Dux was telling Light, he began to think to himself about his next steps once he got an opening.
Drakalian said:
Dux remained silent, a bit taken aback by what Light said, keeping his head turned away from the unicorn, not wanting for her to see his face. It's true, he was a bit of a flirt at times, but that was mostly after a big fight or when they weren't in the middle of a job. Right now, he needed to keep himself focused at the task at hoof, so flirting with pretty mares is off the table...and most likely will be, considering if things are going where he thought they were. After a minute of silence, he let out a small sigh before turning to face her, a solom look on his face. "Yes Little Light...it is one of the very few things that I was taught to do. I wasn't raised in a noble home or a poor one, I didn't go to school, didn't get a job, never even...well, dated. The closest thing that I ever did besides being a soldier is what you already saw: just me hanging with my comrades in arms after a fight, getting a fling every once in a while if I could to ease the nerves, along with the drinking. I...I was born in a soldier life by soldier parents who were loyal to the Order through and through, never questioning the higher ups. The only thing that I was taught to do was to fight and be a proper pony, dressing up in fancy outfits, learning how to dance properly...learning how to kill effectively." As he continued to speak, his eyes started to glaze over, a far off look could be seen in them.
Meanwhile, in a nearby alleyway, there was a tall figure hiding in the shadows, though nothing would have been able to see him thanks to his skills in hiding. He was currently watching the two ponies talking to each other. Knowing what Dux was telling Light, he began to think to himself about his next steps once he got an opening.
[um, Dux, they are in the top floor of the Hawaiki Citadel. There are no alleys nearby.]
ActionPony said:
[um, Dux, they are in the top floor of the Hawaiki Citadel. There are no alleys nearby.]
(son of a...redo on that part)

sitting in a chair nearby in one of the more darker corners of the room, there was a man sitting down, seeming like he was asleep, yet he was very much awake, and listening to everything that they have said so far. As he listened, he began to plan his next move once he got a opening.
Little Light grumbled: "It's dark in here. I hate it when it's dark."

She then cast a light spell, creating a hovering ball of light in the center of the room, lighting it up.

"Ah... much better."
ActionPony said:
Little Light grumbled: "It's dark in here. I hate it when it's dark."
She then cast a light spell, creating a hovering ball of light in the center of the room, lighting it up.

"Ah... much better."
Dux doesn't really notice what she did, his mind still 0n his past as he continued to speak. "The very first thing that I was told was that I was going to be the best soldier in the Order, and for a while, I believed it myself. Not wanting to disappoint my parents, I joined the army at the age of eight, learning as much as I could. Of course, after a while I did start to notice that there where some...things, that just didn't sit right with me. I'm not sure when it all started, but after a while, I just...well, left. I...I wonder what they are doing now? Heh, most likely at some fancy party with that Order leader talking about other ways to improve their 'system' of theres. Well, they did say for me to either come back with my shield or on it. Guess I choose the third option: Don't come back at all." He continued staring ahead of himself, still lost in thought, a single tear escaping from his eye without him noticing.
Drakalian said:
Dux doesn't really notice what she did, his mind still 0n his past as he continued to speak. "The very first thing that I was told was that I was going to be the best soldier in the Order, and for a while, I believed it myself. Not wanting to disappoint my parents, I joined the army at the age of eight, learning as much as I could. Of course, after a while I did start to notice that there where some...things, that just didn't sit right with me. I'm not sure when it all started, but after a while, I just...well, left. I...I wonder what they are doing now? Heh, most likely at some fancy party with that Order leader talking about other ways to improve their 'system' of theres. Well, they did say for me to either come back with my shield or on it. Guess I choose the third option: Don't come back at all." He continued staring ahead of himself, still lost in thought, a single tear escaping from his eye without him noticing.
Little Light felt kind of sorry for Dux. She more than most others knew how cold Order could be.

At that point, she spotted the human. She said nothing, but her eyes flickered towards where he sat. He was too comfortable looking. It was pretty obviously an act.
Dux remained silent for a while, still staring off into the distance before he remembered where he was at. Blinking his eyes a few times, he shook his head and gave a quick glance to Light before getting up and leaving. "I'm going to go walk around a bit, need to...clear my head." With that, he left the building, not giving her a chance to protest.

A few seconds later, making sure that Dux had truly left, the human finally made his move. He carefully got up and walked towards the purple unicorn, though he was quiet in his movements, it didn't seem like he was trying to be stealthy, as if it was just second nature to him. Once he was in the light was he more noticeable recognized as someone familiar...and not a human.

"So, you got Dux to open up to you about his past life in the Order. That's pretty impressive, considering he only ever told Tumult about that, and that was after a few years of working together." Said Vakti, an impressed look on his face.
ActionPony said:
Little Light jumped in surprise.
Vakti raised in eyebrow in slight amusement before giving a small chuckle. "Yea, I have that effect on others. I try to make some noise when I walk to a friend, but as you can see, I forget at times."
Drakalian said:
Dux remained silent for a while, still staring off into the distance before he remembered where he was at. Blinking his eyes a few times, he shook his head and gave a quick glance to Light before getting up and leaving. "I'm going to go walk around a bit, need to...clear my head." With that, he left the building, not giving her a chance to protest.
A few seconds later, making sure that Dux had truly left, the human finally made his move. He carefully got up and walked towards the purple unicorn, though he was quiet in his movements, it didn't seem like he was trying to be stealthy, as if it was just second nature to him. Once he was in the light was he more noticeable recognized as someone familiar...and not a human.

"So, you got Dux to open up to you about his past life in the Order. That's pretty impressive, considering he only ever told Tumult about that, and that was after a few years of working together." Said Vakti, an impressed look on his face.
[He's at the top floor. Leaving the building would be quite a feat, unless he used the window.]
ActionPony said:
[He's at the top floor. Leaving the building would be quite a feat, unless he used the window.]
(must you ruin everything...just assume he left the building quickly walking down the stairs in say...5 minutes)
Drakalian said:
(must you ruin everything...just assume he left the building quickly walking down the stairs in say...5 minutes)
[Let's just say he walked down the stairs, and make his whereabouts undetermined. It really wouldn't make much difference to Little Light, who would probably use the window if she needed to get down. She has just discovered that she hates stairs.] 

Drakalian said:
(must you ruin everything...just assume he left the building quickly walking down the stairs in say...5 minutes)
[i'm just reminding you of some things you've forgotten.]
ActionPony said:
[Let's just say he walked down the stairs, and make his whereabouts undetermined. It really wouldn't make much difference to Little Light, who would probably use the window if she needed to get down. She has just discovered that she hates stairs.] 

[i'm just reminding you of some things you've forgotten.]
(I know, I'm just messing with you :P anyways, just answer Vakti whenever you are ready)
ActionPony said:
[Yeah, I'm not sure what to say.]
(well, let me fix that then)

After a few moments of silence, Vakti cleared his throat so he could address the unicorn. "So...you going to follow him or not?"
Drakalian said:
(well, let me fix that then)
After a few moments of silence, Vakti cleared his throat so he could address the unicorn. "So...you going to follow him or not?"
Little Light stared pensively at where Dux had left. "I don't think so. We need to wait for the Council to finish debating. They said they'd call us back when they were done, and so I'm waiting for the call."

She waited a few seconds, and then added: "Plus, I need some time to clear my head, and I think Dux feels the same."
ActionPony said:
Little Light stared pensively at where Dux had left. "I don't think so. We need to wait for the Council to finish debating. They said they'd call us back when they were done, and so I'm waiting for the call."
She waited a few seconds, and then added: "Plus, I need some time to clear my head, and I think Dux feels the same."
The vampire shook his head and crossed his arms in front of his chest as he gave a disappointing look to the pony. "Honestly, you should go see him as soon as possible. He has never talked about his parents with anyone before, not even Tumult. If you don't, he'll just go back to his old self of doing things for the right reasons and...well, he just won't live his life for the right reasons."
Drakalian said:
The vampire shook his head and crossed his arms in front of his chest as he gave a disappointing look to the pony. "Honestly, you should go see him as soon as possible. He has never talked about his parents with anyone before, not even Tumult. If you don't, he'll just go back to his old self of doing things for the right reasons and...well, he just won't live his life for the right reasons."
"What's our excuse, then?"
Vakti raised an eyebrow at that. "Excuse? You really need an excuse to go and find Dux?" He let out a small sigh and lowered his head, shaking it slightly.
Drakalian said:
Vakti raised an eyebrow at that. "Excuse? You really need an excuse to go and find Dux?" He let out a small sigh and lowered his head, shaking it slightly.
"I need an excuse as for why he should come back."
ActionPony said:
"I need an excuse as for why he should come back."
Vakti chuckled at this as he realized what she meant. "Oh, that. Well, you don't really need an excuse to bring him back, he'll come back on his own. However, what he will do afterwards...well, it's nothing to write a book of, that's for sure." The vampire then turned to face the stairs where Dux walked back down. "If I may, when you do find him, try bringing him to the building two blocks south of here. I have a feeling that it might be helpful" With that, he then wrapped himself in his dark cloak before taking a step back into some shadows. The next second and he simply vanished, like fog that instantly vaporized, as if he was never there.
Drakalian said:
Vakti chuckled at this as he realized what she meant. "Oh, that. Well, you don't really need an excuse to bring him back, he'll come back on his own. However, what he will do afterwards...well, it's nothing to write a book of, that's for sure." The vampire then turned to face the stairs where Dux walked back down. "If I may, when you do find him, try bringing him to the building two blocks south of here. I have a feeling that it might be helpful" With that, he then wrapped himself in his dark cloak before taking a step back into some shadows. The next second and he simply vanished, like fog that instantly vaporized, as if he was never there.
"I wonder what his talent is."

Little Light dashed off after Dux.

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