Crossed Spears of Eschaton (Exalted: Abyssals/Infernals)

Harbinger of Blood and Bone

Dusk Caste Abyssal

Concept: Bloodthirsty Madman

Motivation: Drown Creation in a sea of war

Backstory WIP:

Before, he had been a member of the Seventh Legion of the Dragonblooded Host. His home was Lookshy, a bastion of honor. He had been a warrior, one among many, risen to some height for his deeds, remembered for his valor. He was a model citizen, the epitome of the warrior. For all that, however, he was still mortal. And, he was still destined to die.

How did he end up bleeding in the mud, his sword broken in a futile attack against overwhelming forces? How had his valor, his honor, led him to this kind of end? They had left him here, dying in the muck like some common ashigaru. Those he had called brothers, comrades even, were running for their lives, too scared to care about him any longer. They were cowards.

The rage built inside him until he felt he might burst. They deserved to die like the dogs they were, for leaving him here like this. Him, their commanding officer! His vision went red, and then black. The rain soaking the battlefield was strong, plinking on his armor incessantly. It was so strong he almost didn't hear what came next.

A tiny voice, no louder than the buzzing of a fly, called to him. It offered him power, if only he would accept its offer. It offered him new life, if only he would throw away his old one. It offered him vengeance on those who had wronged him, if only he would take vengeance on its betrayers too. He would walk with his master amongst the pathways of darkness, bringing the grasp of Oblivion to all before them.

Their was never a moment of hesitation for him. He accepted without a second thought, and as he did, the ground swallowed him up. Darkness took him, and remade him in an image of perfection. Now, he could bring agony to those fools that thought him dead. They would lie bleeding in the dirt, just as he had done, and he would make sure that no one escaped his vengeance.

Before, he had been stable. Now, his desire for vengeance had broken his mind, leaving only pain and a love of vicious slaughter. The Walker in Darkness brought him before the Neverborn that fateful day. Once, he had been a man.

Now, he was a Harbinger. And Creation would burn in the fires of his apocalyptic war.
Name: Piercing Eye of Oblivion (aka The Dark Eye, Eye of the Silver Prince, Claw of the Abyss)

Caste: Day

Deathlord: The Bodhisattva Anointed By Dark Water

Motivation: Destroy Creation for the Silver Prince

Intimacies: The Silver Prince (Loyalty), Silver Shade (Curious Affection), Skullstone (Patriotism), Oblivion (Faith), -Sidereals (Always mucking up the plans, also, cheating)




Jace was a dutiful servant of the Silver Prince for many years, a skilled spy and informant serving in courts abroad. Her years of good and faithful service were rewarded with more than just the everlasting death she prayed for. Dying from disease she was brought back to Skullstone to die where she could continue her service. It was her wish. Though she knew her new assignment would not be so far flung as her last, she was comforted by the tenants of the New Order. As she waited for the day to come, her lord summoned her directly. Terrified something had gone wrong with the network of informants she worked to build for him she begged her family to take her. Carried to Ebon Skull and left she waited alone for a mere moment before the pale visage of her master was upon her. Seeing him this close she forgot to be afraid for a moment and smiled at him. Chuckling at some internal joke he took her head in hand and made his offer. The rest was history. Now she is Piercing Eye of Oblivion, the Eye of the Silver Prince. And she did so much more than plant seeds to gather whispers. She hunted the disloyal among Skullstone and used the information the spies gathered to craft artful assassinations that pitted kingdom against kingdom. Sometimes it was enough just to wear the right face in the right place at the right time. Sometimes confusing a diplomat was all it took. Other times she stalked the quarry herself. Now as the realm grows weak her missions expand. Leading forces with speed and silence she strikes at more than just heads of state. Now their food, later their starving masses. She does not always have her master’s patience, but soon it will not matter.

Silver Shade

The lunar followed the woman through the cold tundra with an abject fascination that he couldn’t shake. She saw him. Her attack was fast, but she could easily be beaten. Toying with her he finally pinned her and kissed her. Completely taken aback she laughed. Her laughter like cold wind was nonetheless infectious and their strange lovemaking in the snow awakened a part of him he had never suspected would be so strong. Clearly she was his and he was hers, now he only had to show her.

Silver Shade serves Piercing Eye of Oblivion rather than the Silver Prince, and is torn by his conflicting loyalties. So far his connection to her has been too strong to break or ignore, and he sees what she does through tinted glass. Eradicating a weak village makes room for the strong. Is not overcoming death to become the ultimate survivor? Etc. Yet there are times when he is overwhelmed by it, and he hates the Silver Prince for all that he asks of his mate.

For her part The Dark Eye does feel something for Silver Shade, just not enough to listen to his protests over the orders of her master. She feels that as long as he is hers he is a useful tool of Oblivion even if he does not yet have true faith. That will come in time.


Strength ●●●

Dexterity ●●●●●

Stamina ●●

Charisma ●●

Manipulation ●●●●

Appearance ●●

Perception ●●●●

Intelligence ●●●

Wits ●●●●




●Martial Arts ●●●●●



●War ●●●


●Integrity ●


Presence ●





●Investigation ●●

Lore ●


Occult ●


●Athletics ●●●

●Awareness ●●●

●Dodge ●●●

●Larceny ●●●●●

●Stealth ●●●



Linguistics ●● (Seatongue, Skytongue, Old Realm)


Sail ●●

●Socialize ●●●


Undead (Occult) ●

Good Guys (Integrity) ●●

Martial Arts (Lore) ●


Martial Arts

First, Second, and Third Martial Arts Excellency

Tiger Style

Crimson Leaping Cat Technique

Striking Fury Claws Attack

Tiger Form

Hungry Ghost Style

Blood-Scenting Hunger


Second War Excellency

Dread Warlord Stratagem


First, Second, and Third Athletics Excellency

Spider Pounce Technique

Shadow Races the Light

Nowhere is Safe


Second Awareness Excellency

Void Stares Back


Second Dodge Excellency

Uncanny Impulse Evasion


Second Larceny Excellency

Face Drinking Bite


Second Stealth Excellency

Shadow Cloak Technique


Second Linguistics Excellency

Scathing Cynic Attitude


Second Sail Excellency

Deck Striding Phantom


First and Third Socialize Excellency

Exquisite Etiquette Style

Imprecation of Ill Manners


Ally ●● Silver Shade, Full Moon Lunar Mate

Artifact ●● Soulsteel Hearthstone Bracers

Artifact ●●● Soulsteel Gauntlets of Hidden Claws

Liege ●●●● (typically used for Abyssal Command and/or Spies)

Underworld Manse ● (Ghostwalker Crystal)


Compassion ●●

Conviction ●●●

Temperance ●●

Valor ●●

Willpower ●●●●● ●●●●●

Essence ●●●●

BP 18/18

Backgrounds, 4

Willpower 5->10, 5

Socialize 1->3, 2

Martial Arts 3->5, 2

Awareness 1->3, 2

Stealth 1->3, 2

Larceny 4->5, 1

XP 100/100

Essence 2->3, 16

Essence 3->4, 24

Stamina 1->2, 4

Appearance 1->2, 4

Investigation 1->2, 1

Liege 3->4, 3

6 charms, 48

Striking Fury Claws Attack

Tiger Form

Shadow Races the Light

Nowhere is Safe

Face Drinking Bite

Imprecation of Ill Manners
Name:Twisted Document of Undestined Servitude


Deathlord: The Walker in Darkness

Motivation:Bring down the Dragon-bloods for their vanity and depravity like they did the same to the Anathema.

Intimacies: The Realm (Disgust) House Cynis (Hatred) Dragon-bloods and/or Dynasts (Loathing) Slavery (Contempt)

Intimacies:The Realm (Disgust) House Cynis (Hatred) Dragon-bloods and/or Dynasts (Loathing)

Attributes: Strength 3 Dexterity 3 Stamina 1 Charisma 2 Manipulation 5 Appearance 4 Perception 3 Intelligence 3 Wits 3

Abilities: Martial Arts 4 Melee 2 Integrity 4 Presence 3 Investigation 4 Lore 3 Awareness 3 Dodge 4 Bureaucracy 3 Linguistics 2 Socialize 4

Specialities: Dealing with Ghosts 1

Essence: 3 Personal: 17 Peripheral: 39

Willpower: 7 Virtues: Compassion 1 Temperance 3 Conviction 5 Valor 1

Health Levels

Bruised [][][][]

Hurt [][][][][]

Wounded [][][][]

Crippled [][]

Incapacitated []

Dying []


Undying Stagnation Defense

Eternal Enmity Approach

Poisoning the Will

Sanity-Eroding Diatribe

Deception-Piercing Stare

Spider in Society´s Web

Essence-Draining Touch

Will-Feasting Onslaught

Superior Hearing and Touch Focus

Fitting Shadow Form

Flickering Wisp Technique

Caustic Hatred Diatribe

Cunning Subversion Style

Blood Calligraphy Technique

Scathing Cynic Attitude

Exquisite Ettiquette Style

Imprecation of Ill Manners

Blood-Scenting Hunger

Leaping Horror Approach

Lunging Phantom Method

1st Excellency (Integrity, Presence, Investigation, Lore, Awareness, Dodge, Bur, Ling,, Soc, MA)

2nd Excellency (Integrity, Presence, Investigation, Lore, Dodge, Bur, Ling,, Soc, MA)

3rd Excellency (MA)

Background: Artifact 3 (Soulsteel Grand Daiklave) Whispers 3 Spies 2
Stupid question but when raising abilities etc, is the ability multiplier based on current rating or desired rating? My group always used desired rating :P (eg stamina 3->4 is either 12xp (current) or 16xp (desired)
As far as I know, the only White Wolf game where the XP cost to raise traits depended on the desired rating was oWoD Mage. I guess they justified it as a balancing factor for their ability to wreck everyone's shit. >_>
So I think I have my sheet about where I want it. I'm still debating on a charm selection or two, but I always do after I finish things up. Oh... though I suppose I should fluff up my backgrounds a bit more. I'll do that tomorrowish.
Won't have an actual sheet posted today. Working all day. It's done in anathema, I just have to port it over.
Twisted Basalt Shard of Joy and Despair

Caste: Midnight Caste

Concept: Zealot & warrior-priestess

Motivation: To destroy the joy of life

Positive Intimacies: Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears (adoration and obsession), Neverborn (faith), hatred (love) (at GM request)

Neutral Intimacies: Quicksilver Hammer (curiosity and amusement)

Negative Intimacies: love (hatred), mortal existence (dislike),


Wielding a standard daiklave instead of the grand pictured

Standing at the side of her Master, the Abyssal graced by her masters with the title Twisted Basalt Shard of Joy’s Despair whispered her name to the horrors deep beneath the world whom consumed it utterly.

Basalt Shard, Twisted Basalt, Twisted Despair, known by which ever combination of her title suits her whimsy, she only remembers her betrayal in the bedchamber by the one she loved and the arms of death squeezing her throat. Pleasure undeniable in its’ intensity and demands broke first her body then her mind washing away any memory of life underneath the Sun. With her life and the unbearable sensations ebbing away Twisted Despair was offered to suckle on the teat of Oblivion and latched on with her new razor sharp teeth.

Like the many wretches of the afterlife, Shard takes joy in neither pleasure nor pain, victory nor sacrifice. Nothing except a bored ennui and adoration of her Deathlord. All that gives her existence solace is the burning in her heart for Master and the warm satisfaction of warping the Living and the Dead into twisted reflections of themselves and nudging them towards Oblivion. Her only regret is that she must wait until the last soul has been devoured by the pit before she can join them all.

As she leads prayer services for the Masters’ chosen the Whispers of the End of All Things wrap tightly around her like a cloak. They tell her things. She listens. And obeys.

The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears had worked her craft well, her new protégé is an empty vessel into which she poured her disdain, her beliefs and convictions creating the perfect weapon to extend her reach into Creation. The burned out hollow wretches begging for Oblivion’s sweet embrace surrounding the Lover only reinforced the honeyed teachings being whispered in her ears.

Danger is exciting, death is attractive and your life is completely meaningless

Achievements since Exalting:

  • Claiming her Manse. It was found in mist, gloom and thick fog shivering with chill during the depths of Winter in the East. It was warm within its’ confines as its’ host welcomed her. The servants and priest guarding the temple sensed her innate connection to the forces of Oblivion and allowed her to claim the buildings’ heart.
  • Working with Sage of Dark Truths to claim one of the Lunars’ whom in another life was her First Age mate. His present incarnation has taken the title Quicksilver Hammer, a Full Moon besotted with Basalt Shards and overwhelmed by both First Age memories of their union (Solar Bond 4) and her own personal Charms. She finds his attachment, and his weakness to her, amusing and curious.
  • Slaying the women and children of a town under threat from Wyld Barbarians giving them all clean, pain free deaths to spare them being cooked alive or worse. Convincing the men of the mercy of her actions and inciting them into a futile sortie against them leaving not a single person alive.


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 4

Stamina: 3

Charimsa: 4

Manipulation: 4

Appearance: 5

Perception: 2

Intelligence: 2

Wits: 3

SKILLS (28):


Archery: 0

Martial Arts: 0

Melee: 4

War: 0

Thrown: 0


*Integrity: 4

*Resistance: 2

*Performance: 5

*Presence: 5

*Survival: 1


Craft (): 0

Investigation: 3

Lore: 1

Medicine: 0

Occult: 0


Athletics: 2

Awareness: 3

Dodge: 3

Larceny: 0

Stealth: 0

Moon shadow

Bureaucracy: 1

Linguistics: 2

Ride: 1

Sail: 0

Socialise: 3

Languages Spoken: Forest Tongue (Native), Riverspeak, Old Realm



2nd Melee Excellency (2m/success)

Elegant Flowing Deflection (2m, page 130)


2nd Integrity Excellency (2m/success)

Heart Of Darkness (6m, p 139, Mirror p 200)


2nd Performance Excellence (2m/success)

Morbid Fascination Style (5m, p 141, Mirror p202)

Inescapable Massacre Technique (5m, p141)

Haunting Apparition Trick (Mirror p202)

Withering Phantasmagoria (variable+1wp, p 141)

Soul Desiccating Style (6m, p 142, Mirror p202)

Irresistible Succubus Style (10m 1wp, p142, Mirror p203)


2nd Presence Excellency (2m/sucess)

Dread Lord’s Demeanor (7m, p144, Mirror p204)

Heart Stopping Mein (1wp, p 144)

Sanity Eroding Diatribe (5m, 1wp, p146)


1st Resistance Excellency (1m/die)

Injury Absorbing Discipline (10m, p 147, Mirror p208) (Hardy Charm - Free Resistance Excellency)


2nd Socialize Excellency (2m/success)

Hate Sowing Bitterness (5m 1wp, p 182)


Whispers: 5

Artifact: 3 (Broken Dreams)

Manse: 3

Leige: 2

Resources: 2

Ally: 2 (Quicksilver Hammer)



Compassion: 3

Conviction: 3

Temperance: 2

Valor: 2



-0, -0, -0, -0

-1, -1, -1, -1, -1

-2, -2, -2, -2

-4, -4




Personal: 17/17

Peripheral: 39/39

Experience: 2/100

Essence 2à 3 16xp

Performance 4 à5 7xp

Charm: Dread Lord’s Demeanour 8xp

Presence 4 à 5 7xp

Charm: Heart Stopping Mein 8xp

Charm: Sanity Eroding Diatribe 8xp

Investigation 1à2 1xp

Investigation 2à3 3xp

Resources 0 à 1 3xp

Resources 1 à2 3xp

Ally 0 à 1 3xp

Ally 1 à 2 3xp

Linguistics 1à2 4xp

Lore 0à1 3xp

Melee 3 à 4 5xp

Awareness 2à 3 4xp

Manipulation 3à4 12xp

Soulsteel artifacts normally have trapped faces of the ghosts’ whose bodies comprise the terrifying device. The daiklaive christened ‘Broken Dreams’ by its’ creator does not. It is almost completely pitch black with only the occasional glimmers of hopelessness defining its’ texture. Fragments of the dreams of the Neverborn were alloyed with the soulsteel and layered. Pieces of dead Primordial souls, still seething with Hate, were beaten into thin layers again wrapping around the central shaft. Finally the outer skeine of soulsteel was quenched in the icy depths of despair.

Broken Dreams was given its’ name for its’ innate power. Whenever used to parry a blow, it attempts to weaken the determination of the attacker. For every successful parry made by the opponent, she must roll her highest rated Virtue at standard difficulty. On a failure Broken Dreams successfully shows the attacker a vision of the futility in continuing the fight as an Emotion effect, inspiring futility and inflicting an internal penalty of -2 on all actions against the wielder of Broken Dreams for the rest of scene, if the character does not negate it with a point of Willpower.

Speed 5, Accuracy +4, Damage +5L/2, Defense +2, Rate 3, Tags: O


The Temple is located in the East in amongst the Scavenger Lands, wrought of rusty iron tempered with soulsteel. Five spires of unequal lengths rise up from the seemingly jumbled collection of buildings appearing in the right lighting like fingers reaching into the sky. Iron chains stretch out from the corners of the manse and sink into the earth with barbs of soulsteel, anchoring the necrotic essence into Creation. The entrance to the Manse is warm and welcoming, shining with light from lanterns and a soft murmuring chant can be heard.


Shard of Terrors’ Truth

This hearthstone is a black, oily hexagonal piece of basalt with sharp edges that could cut the unwary handler and aids in the swaying of peoples’ opinions. It adds 3 dice to any Charisma or Manipulation roll involving fear, intimidation or corruption.

Maintenance – 2pt

Once a year the Manse demands a sacrifice to be made in the lowest chamber of its’ sprawling complex.

On the stroke of midnight during the heart of Calibration a heroic mortal must willingly drain his blood over the central dais of the hearthstone chamber praising the end of all things. Without the offering of blood, soul andpotential the hearthstone, wherever it is located, immediately becomes inert and offers no benefits to the wearer.

Necrotic essence build up continues until the end of Calibration whence the Temple suffers Power Failure.


Guardian (3pt)

A powerful nephwrack who has spent long years in the Labryinth before being called to serve those horrors beneath the ground. He has heard the whisper of the End and guards the Manse. He acts as warrior-priest and will at first welcome any mortals that come to visit the Temple in an attempt to convert them to Oblivion however will defend the Manse and then attack with his age old cunning if the visitors' intentions are hostile.

Servant Force (3pt)

All mortals who come to the Temple seek its’ solace and wisdom. This team of mortals catalogue and add to the blasphemous library dedicated to Oblivion and preach sermons of joy about death. They offer food and hospitality to weary travellers and willingly let any interested view the tomes on the dead while shooing them away from the owners' quarters or the hearthstone room. Their regular prayer services to the Neverborn are led by the Guardian.

Archive (2pt)

Archive Areas

·Socalize (Discern Motivation & Etiquette of the dead)

·Linguistics (Old Realm)

I have two questions, if possible.

Do Sorcerous Initiations grant a free spell along with their access to sorcery?


Can you buy backgrounds with XP from character creation?

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