Crossed Spears of Eschaton (Exalted: Abyssals/Infernals)

We don't really know if a full circle is necessary, or how many they want. :-P

I'm mid way through working out a day or moonshadow servant of the bodhisattva.
Oh, by the way, I made some edits to my sheet, having observed some errors and worked to fix everything. If the STs have not looked at the sheet already- then this message is happily meaningless. :D
Feantari said:
We don't really know if a full circle is necessary, or how many they want. :-P
A full circle would be poetically neat, but it's not necessarily a requirement as long as the combination makes the team ideal for the task provided.

As for the number of players, we were looking at about 4 people in each, but we might go up to 5 if the PC concepts jive too well with each other. =p A concern was the size of two games as a single total.
I believe with such a huge task before the PCs that full, perfect, Circles are a must :D

EDIT: And are you going to post an Abyssal concept as well Ebon?D
So far, I'm liking that the Abyssals listed vary quite a bit, even in terms of which Deathlord they come from.

Should we assume Immortal Malevolence Enslavement's off the table as a starting charm?
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Should we assume Immortal Malevolence Enslavement's off the table as a starting charm?

Hm. My opinion is actually split. It could make sense IC, considering that the PCs are the most favored of the Neverborn. OOC... I've always been wary of that Charm.

Let me think this over a little.
eszett said:
Hm. My opinion is actually split. It could make sense IC, considering that the PCs are the most favored of the Neverborn. OOC... I've always been wary of that Charm.
Let me think this over a little.
On that count, (I know this can be a dividing subject for some) are Ink Monkeys charms allowed? (I ask because the 2.5 Abyssal errata references Overdrive charms, but all of the Abyssal Overdrives that I'm aware of are Ink Monkeys charms).
What did you think of those two Ebon Dragon charms on the second page? I wanted to take them, as they are essential to how my character functions, and I will have to rethink things if they don't work.

Here is a first draft of my backstory, with more stuff to come in a bit.



All her life, the only thing Jeanara ever wanted was a chance, a single opportunity to improve her lot, to make her world better, to allow her to live a life of dignity. She never expected to become rich, to have luxuries; she just wanted the chance to be treated like someone who mattered. Jeanara never received that chance. Every day in her life she was treated as something to be used, not a person to be valued.

Jeanara doesn’t know who her parents are. All she knows is that her family sold her when she was barely a month old. Jeanara’s owner was a wealthy Dynast, named Amarakia, from Serrat. The Dynast was a whimsical individual who managed her slaves like toys, casting them about in different directions and giving them new duties constantly. This made it difficult for any of her slaves to form attachments, and punished them with separation if they did. As a result, most of the slaves kept to themselves, and dealt coldly with each other.

Jeanara’s most consistent task was as an entertainer; she served as a singer, a dancer, a storyteller, and in several other demeaning roles. Her life was empty, but she still tried to make the best out of her hollow existence, partaking in whatever joy she could. She even had a child, a little girl named Miasa. It became the one ray of hope she still had in the world, the one source of joy in a life where everyone she knew hated and used her.

And then she was sent away to a different city and mansion, and prevented from taking her child. All she did was drop a vase, but that was enough for the ever whimsical Amarakia. Cruelty was an art for her, and when reminded of Jeanara’s existence she jumped on the chance to make Jeanara’s life worse. She knew that the true art of pain lay not in the physical, but in the death of hope as the spirit withers away.

A lesser woman would have given up this point. Her child taken away, driven from all the she had ever known, Jeanara declared that enough was enough. She knew she could not do anything immediately, but she would not stop fighting. In a strange manner, being sent away was a blessing.

Jeanara was able to start anew, away from Amarakia's toxic influence and overbearing presence. Putting all her skill of persuasion to the test, Jeanara began to organize a rebellion. With nothing to hold her back, Jeanara was able to let loose her natural talents. Jeanara began ferreting out other rebellious slaves, approaching them, and convincing them to organize and unite against their oppressors.

Her work paid off as she slowly formed a nuclei of rebellious individuals, all of who discreetly spent years recruiting for their cause. During this time she taught herself how to fight, taking what little hours of the night she had to herself, and passed these lessons on as the rebellion’s leader and warmaster. She spent endless hours honing her body and her mind, achieving a level of skill that surpassed anything a slave like her should be able to achieve.

Inevitably, rumors began to spread. The rebels knew that their masters would learn of the rebellion soon, and so Jeanara called her righteous army to order. Over the course of a single evening they rose up. The guards and slave keepers, weakened by poison and with many of their leaders assassinated, were overwhelmed with ease.

All the slave holders in the city died that night, even the two Dragon-Blooded. To Jeanara's regret Amarakia was not present for this night of slaughter. The victory festivities were immense, the greatest event that Jeanara had ever experienced. Everyone knew that worse was yet to come, but they felt confident they could hold out against anything thrown after them.

They were wrong.

The cities in the Deshan slave states are made mostly out of wood, but with great encircling walls of stone. The reason for this is very simple; in the case of a successful slave rebellion, it is a trivial task to burn the city to the ground and kill every last slave. All the army has to do is watch.

A full brotherhood of five Dragon-Bloods stood at the sole gate of the city, taunting the inhabitants of the burning streets to try to make their way through them and get away from their fiery demise. Hundreds died in their attempts before Jeanara reached the gates of the city, flames licking at her heels.

Jeanara witnessed these grinning, laughing, disgusting Dragon-Bloods surrounded by mountains of corpses. For a brief moment Jeanara knew her purpose in the world; it was her destiny to break these evil beings, and lead the remnant of her people away from their deaths.

But reality came crashing down. What could one lone mortal do against five Princes of the Earth? The cadavers surrounding them gave the answer to that question: nothing at all. Jeanara fled back into the city, abandoning all hopes of saving her people or herself.

A week later a newly born demigod emerged from the still smoldering ruins.
I have most of a sheet up now. 100xp to spend, Intimacies to build, artifact 2 to decide to have or not, appearance to do, and then likely to flesh out that background a bit more.
Incendius said:
What did you think of those two Ebon Dragon charms on the second page? I wanted to take them, as they are essential to how my character functions, and I will have to rethink things if they don't work.
Thank you very much for asking ahead of time. Really appreciate that.

Eldritch Secrets Mastery will have FAR reaching capabilities. That ins't to say Charms cannot defeat the deception, but those Charms will have to be something greater than All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight (off the top of my head).

The additional Charms you have listed are approved.
Looks like no Defilers were grabbed so I will go toward that way. A slight reject from Nexus given his eccentricities and great interest in the blending of different bloodlines; whether supernatural or mundane. He is not very interested in Helltech and more as is typical for his Caste, but his love is in Genesis or the Infernal blend thereof. I will get a better story soon enough.
Great start from everyone here so far. Keep up the good work. Now that I can, I'm going to start rolling through the Infernal character ideas and sheets to start making suggestions.
Myllinnia said:
I've a Malefactor (Favoring SWLiHN).
This is a great start so far. When you write the full backstory, make sure to include how or why she has become an elite/aged/experienced/powerful Infernal. Look forward to her full sheet...

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