Crossed Spears of Eschaton (Exalted: Abyssals/Infernals)

Ok! So the minute hand has reached the midnight. All fates are sealed, for doom is now upon us. Doom. DOOOOOOOM.

Here are the characters who will join Team Death (circle name temporary until you guys come up with a better one):

  • Harbinger of Blood and Bone
  • Twisted Basalt Shards of Joy and Despair
  • The Sage of Dark Truths
  • Piercing Eye of Oblivion
  • Obsidian Lotus Emissary

Sorry about the others D= Maybe we can run another game some time in the future. But for now! These will be the chosen Deathknights to destroy the world. Go crazy =D
I'm sure it was a difficult decision for you esz as everyone had fantastic character ideas.For craziness infernals and abyssals that didn't make it could form a team of renegades trying to save Creation rather than destroy it > :)
Here's the chosen Infernal players and their characters for team Hell-in-a-Handbasket(yeah, you can rename the team :rolleyes: ):

  • Coyotekin: Donovan Whoreson, Defiler

  • QuicksilverFox85: Yatagir, Scourge

  • Arion Wind: Flitting Wren, Fiend

  • Myllinnia: Sy'Veria, Malefactor

  • Incendius: Jeanara, Slayer

A huge thanks to everyone who submitted. This was a really tough decision with so many talented people. Stay tuned for the END OR REBIRTH OF CREATION!!!
Yay to be in. Congrats to all others, Infernal or Abyssal who made it. Condolences to those who did not. Let's mess Creation up!
Thank you for accepting my chara. ^^ And condolences for those that didn't get accepted. Like most of us that said in this thread, the concepts were all fun and good. I believe more than anything this must have been a hard attempt for our STs when they chose us. And I'll say this as well here! Yay to the STs! Picking up this idea, the both of you made me surprised. xD
Thanks for accepting me as well! Congratulations to all who got in, and I hope all the others get to play their guys in another game soon.

I am very excited; this is shaping up to be an amazing game with amazing players.
Huzzah! Thanks for accepting my character even without a backstory (which has been added, btw >.>), and I look forward to the havoc that is to come. :D
This game has been archived, by request of the Storyteller. It will be still be available for viewing access in the Archives.

Captain Hesperus

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