Crossed Spears of Eschaton (Exalted: Abyssals/Infernals)

We are saying no on the free spell. Going by as written on this one. =p

And yes on purchasing Backgrounds with XP.
Just a heads up -- We are working on making our selections for the game. The target time frame is about 8-9 hours from now (I need to pass out soon, and when I wake up I'll be too much of a zombie to make a meaningful decision), so if you still want to make any finishing touches, it'd be good to finish by then! =D
Made a minor edit based on that info, also, pics! I pity you STs choosing, there are lots of sweet characters here. Also, Twisted Basalt and Eye should totally hang out, compare notes, corrupt societies/lunars, etc.
Shards has worked with Sage in the past ^_^ .. One of her favorite things to do with Quicksilver Hammer is to use Sanity Eroding Diatribe on him. Forcing Limit Break is so much fun!
Made minor edits to formatting, added intimacies, and altered Favoured Yozi to SWLIHN after rereading the fluff and excellencies and realizing that Wren's methods and ultimate goal is more in line with the Principle of Hierarchy than the Endless Desert.
Arion, I'm not sure if you know this, but you don't have an excellency. Unless I am mistaken, you need to have (Essence) charms from a Yozi to get their excellency.
Yes, I am aware. Still kicking some changes around in my head to make room for one. The favoured yozi change fits the fluff, but needs a few changes to the mechanics that are still shaking out.
Not a problem. It's actually a relief to know that someone has taken a glance at it who hasn't been staring at it for a few days. ;)

And on that note, at the risk of jinxing myself, Flitting Wren should be done (unless there is something more one of our STs would like me to add).
I just need to write out the details for my character... Still a work in progress. ;)

Born in a dilapidated home to the infamous Maheka Damaj, a DB Akuma, and a rare Neomah Citizen known as Wandering Jade. Sadly enough the child was meant as an experiment with no love from either parent for the child was not the first like him in the last few centuries. All the same he was allowed to leave, left in the streets to survive. Thankfully a harlot wandered by, previously finished with servicing a client. Something about the child made her pick him up and bring him home, where several harlots lived. And he was such a beautiful child, with eyes that captivated the harlots, even the most jaded ones. They named him Donovan

Growing up in Nexus was never easy, for anyone really. For Donovan life was especially hard because he had nothing, and neither did those that raised him. And to top it off, with word travelling so fast in the city, everyone knew the child was both an orphan and raised by whores. And it hurt his feelings to be treated as he was, but he sucked it up even as people called him Donovan Whoreson. And because of this he learned to have tougher skin, and eventually started to wear the name with pride like some of his foster moms wore their job with pride and to snub their nose people with their holier-than-thou attitudes.

It was no surprise when Donovan took an interest in anatomy, but ironically enough his focus was more toward the academic. All the same his many years of experience around the girls had paid off, and his roguishly handsome looks didn't hurt whatsoever. Girls never left unsatisfied and his reputation grew. Ironically enough Donovan never learned how to have a proper beside manner or to seduce like a flesh-peddler should. So thankfully for him he knew how to work with what he had. And this also applied with his education in academic studies as well. He had a keen mind and paid a lot of attention to anything he studied. And Donovan learned all he could from whatever source he could get access to.

Things took a strange change one day during his 16th winter when he was petting two stray animals, a cat and a dog, when suddenly they both cried out in pain as Donovan accidentally ripped away large clumps of fur. The animals ran way, but what surprised Donovan more was what happened to the fur. The fur clumps moved toward one another within his hands and started to pulse, undulate, and throb. Donovan dropped it in surprise, fear, and revulsion. He then jumped back in surprised as a creature started to mewl from the fur blob and slowly took shape to look similar to the two animals he had just petted. Thankfully he was being watched at the time. She secretly cheered for the experiment had finally shown some promise. Her master would be pleased.

Donovan's training changed immediately as one of his foster mothers started to educate him in his new powers. This was a blessing to him given that these new changes really freaked him out as his ability to wield Essence made his world seem different, as well as the Charms he suddenly had access to. And thankfully for Wandering Jade, being a Neomah, she was able to use her own charm to keep Donovan calm even as she revealed what she was. And in the following years Donovan came into his own abilities building a confidence that both attracted more suitors as well as potential teachers and sponsors. His skill with medicine grew significantly as he had many bodies to work on, both living and dead. And his reputation continued to grow and grow to the point that he would rich clients secretly come to him to help heal them, with his specialty being helping people have children that normally couldn't. And given where he lived and the confidence needed from his customers there were rarely any questions ever asked.

Life improved for the many harlots of Nexus as Donovan remembered all that was done for him by the many women that helped raise and educate him. Donovan used most of the money he earned to improve their lifestyles by purchasing a building, renovating it, furnishing it, and hiring guards to defend the place and the women. The building became a proper home and brothel for the women, and even their clientele improved a bit more as richer clients visited more often given the discretion, protection, and class of the place. It also helped to know that the women were all kept clean and customers might enter with diseases, but the girls would neither contract anything nor given any diseases to their customers. Donovan had a very strong hand in this with rare assistance from Wandering Jade. Money soon began to flow comfortably for the women as a whole to the point that Donovan didn't have to support them. And while he still was a socially awkward man he never wanted for anything due to his skills, wealth, and looks.

Things changed when a criminal lord and his wife came to Donovan to help them have a child. A procedure like this would've been simple, except for the fact that this man had caused much harm and trouble to the women that he called family. There were many times one of the girls had come home black and blue for not paying for "security fees". This seriously angered Donovan because of how the man had treated the harlots of Nexus, like they were to be compared to the beggars and con artists. And with a steely gaze he told the man and his wife he couldn't help them and wouldn't. This broke the woman's heart and the man left in rage throwing threats left and right at Donovan.

Unbeknownst to Donovan the crime lord and his wife were hoping to start a family and actually leave the crime behind and start anew. And with Donovan's act of defiance a new war was started, and many harlots and other people of the area were either killed or severely hurt. Battles ensued throughout the entire district and almost brought down the wrath of Council in the process.

Name: Donovan Whoreson

Caste: Defiler

Favored Patron: Cecylene

Motivation: To rule an entire layer of Malfeas

Urge (Pyrian): To raise the harlots of Creation into a higher caste of society


Str 3 Dex 4 Sta 3

Cha 1 Man 3 App 5

Per 3 Int 5 Wits 3



Bureaucracy 2 Craft (Water) 3 Craft (Flesh) 3 Dodge 3 Integrity 2 Investigation 3 Lore 3 MA 3 Medicine 5 Occult 3 Resistance 2


Athletics 1 Awareness 1 Larceny 1 Linguistics 2 Stealth 1


Craft (Flesh): Breeding +2

Dodge: Essence Wielders +1

Medicine: Childbirth +1

Presence: Seduction +2

Occult: Demonkind +1


Demon: Weaving of Flesh

Excellencies: Cecylene (x5) SWLiHN (x5)

Cecylene: Transcendent Desert Creature, Hellscry Chakra, Demonic Primacy of Essence, Unquestionable Yozi Authority (x2), Inarguable Word

SWLiHN: Mind-Hand Manipulation (x2), Principle Invoking Onslaught, Constructive Convergence of Principles (x3), Tool-Transcending Constructs

MA: Retribution Will Follow


Compassion 2

Conviction 3

Temperance 2

Valor 2

Willpower: 10


0 x4

-1 x5

-2 x4

-4 x2


Essence: 5

Personal: 25

Peripheral: 54


Artifact 5: (Green Sun Tattoo, Demon Ink Tattoo [Neomah])

-Provides immunity to environment of Malfeas and adds +1 Dex/Man/App, +2 Craft (Water), Spec

Artifact 4: Key to the Infernal Gates

Demonic Inheritance 2: Wandering Jade

Resources 3

BP: (30)

7: Charm (Weaving the Flesh)

5: WP

7: Essence 3

7: Backgrounds

4: Abilities

XP: (100)

24: Ess 4

32: Ess 5

3: Craft 3 (Water)

3: Craft 3 (Flesh)

3: MA 3

3: Dodge 3

16: 2x SWLiHN Charms

16: 2x Cecylene Charms
I won't be able to post the sheet before the cutoff, simply because i'm at work until after the cutoff time.
The man who would later call himself Yatagir was given no name at birth. He, unlike his brothers, was actually born in one of the Silent Legion’s laboratory cloisters that dot the Imperial City and shaped to join their number almost immediately. He was meant to be an experiment conducted by the Scarlet Empress herself, to determine if the process that created the Legionnaires could be even more effective if begun at an earlier age. Naturally, the customary gelding occurred later to allow him to grow up properly, but human speech never crossed the boy’s lips as his tongue was removed not long after his birth. The secret Charms that reworked all of the Silent did their work on his impressionable mind and body, ingraining a deep devotion and obedience to the Throne as they sped his growth and created a great strength over even his brethren in the Legion.

Seen as a grand success by the Empress, Yatagir was assigned to the protection of one of Her granddaughters, a young girl named Aja Lahera. He accompanied his young ward for many years, watching her grow into a charming young woman who, despite his silence, confided in him in all things. Much to the surprise of his handlers, he began to develop feelings for her, channeling the devotion to the Empress through the lens of the young woman. To their greater surprise, the Empress allowed this behavior to continue; the two became almost as one being, never leaving the other’s side.

This happiness, however, was not to last. Six months after the Empress’ disappearance, a new order was programmed into the young man’s mind: Stand aside. And, unable to even move, he looked on in horror as an assassin’s blade pierced the heart of his devoted as she cried out to him for protection. His mind broke as the light left her eyes, the work of decades of Charm use shattering and leaving him able to think freely for the first time in his life. He cradled the body of his ward, taking her to a secret place on the grounds of her family’s villa where they had spent much time together.

The sounds of a single drum greeted him once he arrived there, held by a woman that towered over even him bearing sigils on her skin not unlike his own. The woman offered him revenge against those that had taken his life from him, righting wrongs done both now and millennia before. The world is too bound in itself, the being said. You have been freed from its chains; now grant this gift to others. The man agreed, and within an instant the woman’s form liquefied and wrapped around him in a grim cocoon.

By the time he emerged five days later, Lahera’s murder had been ‘avenged’ by her family, the blame pinned on another Dynast who had something against the family. This claim was false, naturally, but those who held power were polite enough not to talk about it. The man, newly Exalted, escaped from the Isle with the assistance of Yozi cultisis buried deep within the Imperial City’s populace, heartened with the task of protection one of their master’s highest servants. His arrival in Malfeas was heralded, and his time in the Silent Wind’s embrace was…enlightening, to say the least.

The man known at Yatagir now has a purpose of his own, augmented by the command of the Demon City itself to see the family that killed his beloved reduced to dust in the wind. The Silent Legion has lost their prized specimen due to its own hubris, and the Dynasty will soon find itself usurped as its ancestors did centuries ago.

Name: Yatagir

Concept: Former Silent Legionnaire

Caste: Scourge

Anima: Trio of faceless men beating large drums

Motivation: Discover the true cause of the death of Aja Lahera

Urge (Malfean): Erase the bloodline of Mnemon from the face of Creation

Intimacies: House Mnemon (Hatred), Aja Lahera (Love), Adorjan (Respect)



Strength 5

Dexterity 2

Stamina 4


Charisma 3

Manipulation 2

Appearance 2


Perception 3

Intelligence 3

Wits 3


* for Caste, + for Favored



+ Martial Arts 5 (Multiple Opponents +1)

Melee 3

Thrown 2

+ War 2 (Gateway +1) (Scale-sized Units +1)


+ Integrity 1

Performance 1

Presence 2

+ Resistance 3

+ Survival 2


Craft 1


Lore 1

Medicine 2

Occult 1


*Athletics 2

*Awareness 4

*Dodge 3


*Stealth 3



Linguistics 2 (Non-Verbal Communication +1)





- Old Realm

- Riverspeak

- Low Realm (Native)


Artifact 1: Green Jade Smashfists

Artifact 2: Green Jade Hearthstone Bracers

Artifact 1: Green Jade Reinforced Buff Jacket

Backing 2: Adorjani

Cult 1: Green Sun Prince

Influence 1: Adorjani

Influence 1: Malfeas

Manse 1: Unfailing Path, placed in hearthstone bracers

Resources 2

Unwoven Coadjutor 3: Cervella (


Compassion 3

Conviction 4

Temperance 2

Valor 2

Willpower: 8

Essence: 3

Personal: 17/17

Peripheral: 27/40

Frequent Committed: 13 (HSB, RBJ, Smashfists)


- First Adorjan Excellency x 3

- Hateful Wretched Noise

- Eloquence in Unspoken Words

- Wind-Borne Stride

- Thousandfold Typhoon Hand

- Joy in Violence Approach

- Self as Cyclone Stance

- Unimpeded Perfection of Exertion

- Gravity-Rebuking Grace

- Running to Forever

- Murder is Meat

- Gift of Silence

- Who Strikes the Wind?

- Kalmanka's Grace


- By Pain Reforged

- Scar-Writ Saga Shield (x2)

- Insignificant Embers Intuition

- Skyfire-Seizing Repast

Weapons and Armor

Clinch [spd 5, Acc +0 (7), Dmg +0B (5), Defense -, Rate 1, Tags (C, N, P)]

Kick [spd 4, Acc +0 (7), Dmg +3B (8), Defense -2, Rate 2, Tags (N)]

Punch [spd 4, Acc +1 (8), Dmg +0B (5), Defense +2, Rate 3, Tags (N)]

Green Jade Smashfists [spd 4, Acc +1 (8), Dmg +5B (10), Rate 2, Tags (C, M, P)]


- 7B/7L/0A (natural soak w/ SWSS) (Hardness: 4)

- 17B/14L/7A (Green Jade RBJ) (Hardness: 4)

DDV: 4

PDV (Smashfists): 5

PDV (Kick): 3 (no lethal)

PDV (Punch): 5 (no lethal)

Health Levels:

-0 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ] [ ]

IC [ ]

Artifact 1 (RBJ) – 1

Backing (Adorjani) 2 - 1

Compassion 3 - 1

Conviction 4 - 1

Essence 3 - 7

Willpower 8 - 3

Artifact 2 (HSB) - 2

Influence 1 (Malfeas) - 1

Performance 1 - 1
I haven't created N Exalted character in quite some time and would appreciate a second pair of eyes looking over my work.
Same here, the sheet looks good. The forum did screw up the formatting for your XP expenditure though, turning your dash (I think) into some weird symbols.

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