Crossed Spears of Eschaton (Exalted: Abyssals/Infernals)

This has been approved, the two storytellers may now proceed to the storyteller forum to have their request processed.

To Abyssal players: I strongly recommend not to take Immortal Malevolence Enslavement from the beginning. It's not banned or anything, but I have two reasons against having it from the start: 1) this one is flimsy, but how an Abyssal acquires this Charm is a significant in-character event. Foregoing this sounds like a waste of possible personal storyline. 2) Continuing on the last point, IME closes down alternative Abyssal character development paths (Unconquered Hero's Faith and certain other options are exclusive with IME).

This is, still, not definitive. If you want to start with it, I won't stop you -- but it's my opinion that we will have more options if we start without it.
eszett said:
To Abyssal players: I strongly recommend not to take Immortal Malevolence Enslavement from the beginning. It's not banned or anything, but I have two reasons against having it from the start: 1) this one is flimsy, but how an Abyssal acquires this Charm is a significant in-character event. Foregoing this sounds like a waste of possible personal storyline. 2) Continuing on the last point, IME closes down alternative Abyssal character development paths (Unconquered Hero's Faith and certain other options are exclusive with IME).
This is, still, not definitive. If you want to start with it, I won't stop you -- but it's my opinion that we will have more options if we start without it.
See, this is the kind of response I was actually hoping to elicit when I asked about that charm earlier. It's nice to see Roleplay Opportunity charms treated as such.

EDIT: Now if I can just finish getting acquainted with Abyssal charms. ._.
Twisted Document of Undestined Servitude

Vicktor Cynis was his name. A minor representative stuck in one of House Cynis´ satrapies, at the beck and call of those worse than him that, to Creation´s misfortune, had become true Dynasts. Even then, he was able to see the spoiled, rotten things that ruled the realm where he was born, and where he was cast away forever as what they really were. Depraved beings for which the definition "anathema" belonged more than the one they desperately claimed to be. It is neccesary to say that, as a Cynis, he was not without depravation or decomposition. It was him sometimes the one who bought the slaves his house trafficked with to the Realm when the dragon-blooded were too busy pleasuring themselves with the last slaves to bother. And when the Guild asked too much? Then it was him who had the task to take young boys and girls under the cover of the night to the Dynasts that would take their souls and dreams with a greed and hunger that would leave the Fair Folk shocked in shame. The moment a younger and more eager Cynis thought he could take the same province and give his house more slaves, Vicktor´s crimes came to catch up with him in the form of a Magistrate, curiously a client of the satrap´s trade, as the attractive archons behind his back told about him. To quell the anger of the populace, for the daily obscenities and atrocities commited of those he could never consider his betters, a cruel and slow execution was prepared for him. It gave him time, for when the pain inflicted started to develop into a numbness, and death could not be any more late, he heard a voice. An offer to expose his bosses as the wicked devils they were and purge them and the world that brought them forever. In exchange, the name that held the hated mark for which he was killed, and his servitude to a new master that wanted those Dynasts as dead as he, and would help him achieve that objective. When he rose from the crude hole, far from the sight of the parlor´s party, it was clear that he had become a monster, one that all other monsters would call monster, and one that would drag them to the black deep abyss where his loyalty now belonged.
MrSerious said:
EDIT: And are you going to post an Abyssal concept as well Ebon?D
@MrSerious: Thank you for your interest. I'm reading up a bit on Abyssals and Deathlords in general and I'll try to have a concept - background ready by tonight. It's kind of a busy day though, so I'll see how I'll manage. :) Good thing is that I've most of the background already figured out, with only minor tweaks needed depending on my caste etc.
I did have a charm question: Since Walking Cadaver Grotesquerie is now required for Wounds Mean Nothing, would it qualify as a Hardy charm under that Houserule?

And where does one find Wound-Eating Invulnerability?
The Scroll of Exalts section of the Scroll of Errata. They should both be hardy now, since they are now mirrors of hardy Solar charms.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]
And where does one find Wound-Eating Invulnerability?

In Scroll of Exalts, pg. 160. It is a charm developed by the Deathknight of the Midnight caste called Lady of Darkness in Bloodstained Robes (the signature Midnight from MoEP: Abyssals).
Starting to wonder if I shouldn't just bite the thematic bullet and go with grabbing melee defenses or Dodge charms instead of Resistance ones, much as I love the feel of Abyssal Resistance charms.

I edited in most of the Huntress' sheet, short spending most of her xp and finalizing charm selection.
Apologies for the double-post, but do Apocalyptic Evolution of (Ability) and Supreme Perfection of (Ability) count as Excellencies for the free excellency houserule?

Beyond getting an answer to that, all I lack (to my knowledge) is to go in and edit in DVs, weapon stats, and the like.
Good to know. That means I guessed correctly and I don't have to go back and edit my charm selection again. :)

Speaking of, I hope I managed to make a viable Abyssal character, as I've only ever made one of them before, and the game that character was in died out not long after the character was introduced. (I'm hoping the two weren't related.)
How Wlf and I talked about it before was that we were looking at probably 4 and at maximum 5 people on each side. Should we have more applicants, we would select character concepts based on how they complement each other for the given task. So submit away, it's always fun to see more characters. =p
Here is a rough draft of my character sheet, as requested. It is likely (near certain) to undergo revisions, as I like to endlessly play with things. :P

All her life, the only thing Jeanara ever wanted was a chance, a single opportunity to improve her lot, to make her world better, to allow her to live a life of dignity. She never expected to become rich, to have luxuries; she just wanted the chance to be treated like someone who mattered. Jeanara never received that chance. Every day in her life she was treated as something to be used, not a person to be valued.

Jeanara doesn’t know who her parents are. All she knows is that her family sold her when she was barely a month old. Jeanara’s owner was a wealthy Dynast, named Amarakia, from Serrat. The Dynast was a whimsical individual who managed her slaves like toys, casting them about in different directions and giving them new duties constantly. This made it difficult for any of her slaves to form attachments, and punished them with separation if they did. As a result, most of the slaves kept to themselves, and dealt coldly with each other.

Jeanara’s most consistent task was as an entertainer; she served as a singer, a dancer, a storyteller, and in several other demeaning roles. Her life was empty, but she still tried to make the best out of her hollow existence, partaking in whatever joy she could. She even had a child, a little girl named Miasa. It became the one ray of hope she still had in the world, the one source of joy in a life where everyone she knew hated and used her.

And then she was sent away to a different city and mansion, and prevented from taking her child. All she did was drop a vase, but that was enough for the ever whimsical Amarakia. Cruelty was an art for her, and when reminded of Jeanara’s existence she jumped on the chance to make Jeanara’s life worse. She knew that the true art of pain lay not in the physical, but in the death of hope as the spirit withers away.

A lesser woman would have given up this point. Her child taken away, driven from all the she had ever known, Jeanara declared that enough was enough. She knew she could not do anything immediately, but she would not stop fighting. In a strange manner, being sent away was a blessing.

Jeanara was able to start anew, away from Amarakia's toxic influence and overbearing presence. Putting all her skill of persuasion to the test, Jeanara began to organize a rebellion. With nothing to hold her back, Jeanara was able to let loose her natural talents. Jeanara began ferreting out other rebellious slaves, approaching them, and convincing them to organize and unite against their oppressors.

Her work paid off as she slowly formed a nuclei of rebellious individuals, all of who discreetly spent years recruiting for their cause. During this time she taught herself how to fight, taking what little hours of the night she had to herself, and passed these lessons on as the rebellion’s leader and warmaster. She spent endless hours honing her body and her mind, achieving a level of skill that surpassed anything a slave like her should be able to achieve.

Inevitably, rumors began to spread. The rebels knew that their masters would learn of the rebellion soon, and so Jeanara called her righteous army to order. Over the course of a single evening they rose up. The guards and slave keepers, weakened by poison and with many of their leaders assassinated, were overwhelmed with ease.

All the slave holders in the city died that night, even the two Dragon-Blooded. To Jeanara's regret Amarakia was not present for this night of slaughter. The victory festivities were immense, the greatest event that Jeanara had ever experienced. Everyone knew that worse was yet to come, but they felt confident they could hold out against anything thrown after them.

They were wrong.

The cities in the Deshan slave states are made mostly out of wood, but with great encircling walls of stone. The reason for this is very simple; in the case of a successful slave rebellion, it is a trivial task to burn the city to the ground and kill every last slave. All the army has to do is watch.

A full brotherhood of five Dragon-Bloods stood at the sole gate of the city, taunting the inhabitants of the burning streets to try to make their way through them and get away from their fiery demise. Hundreds died in their attempts before Jeanara reached the gates of the city, flames licking at her heels.

Jeanara witnessed these grinning, laughing, disgusting Dragon-Bloods surrounded by mountains of corpses. For a brief moment Jeanara knew her purpose in the world; it was her destiny to break these evil beings, and lead the remnant of her people away from their deaths.

But reality came crashing down. What could one lone mortal do against five Princes of the Earth? The cadavers surrounding them gave the answer to that question: nothing at all. Jeanara fled back into the city, abandoning all hopes of saving her people or herself.

A week later a newly born demigod emerged from the still smoldering ruins.

Name: Jeanara

Caste: Slayer

Motivation: Rid the world of chains and shackles.

Cecelynian Urge: Become the commander of Creation's most powerful army.

Coadjutor: Neomah

Positive Intimacies: Malfeas (Terrified Awe), Miasa (Love), Those Who Follow Her (Protectiveness), Singing and Dancing (Release), Fighting (Clarity), Fellow Infernals (Camaraderie), Fire (Inexplicable Fascination), Herself (Pride)

Negative Intimacies: A lot. She has an infinite capacity to hate, and her heart boils over in rage. Notable ones include Amarakia (Utter Loathing), Slavers and Slaver Owners (Hatred), Slavery (Disgust), Drug Lords (Spite), Drugs and Intoxicants (Fear), Dynasts (Seething Anger), Being Commanded (Outrage), Being Alone (Loneliness), Those Who Bear Arms Against Her (Contempt)



Strength 2(3), Dexterity 5, Stamina 3(4);

Charisma 5, Manipulation 1, Appearance 5;

Perception 2, Intelligence 5, Wits 2


Dawn: Melee 5, War 5

Zenith: Integrity 5, Performance 5, Presence 5, Resistance 5

Twilight: Lore 1, Occult 1

Night: Athletics 2, Awareness 3

Eclipse: Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics 1


Melee: +3 Heavy Blades

Performance: +1 Song and Dance


High Realm (Native), Old Realm

Backgrounds and Equipment:

Infamy 4 (Currently granting Manse 4)

  • Jeanara has ardently supported the reclamation from the very first day. Urged on by the rare whispers of her Coadjutor, Jeanara made her way into the Demon City to meet those who had granted her power. They explained their plight with eloquence beyond compare, and Jeanara's anger rose in sympathy. She has put her full efforts into the Reclamation, and has been rewarded beyond her wildest dreams. She is starting to understand that her best interests may not lie with the Reclamation, but she has kept her reservations quiet, and has not yet acted on these impulses.
  • Manse 4 (The Indomitable Halls - Granting Gem of Adamant Skin)
    Jeanara is perhaps the foremost shocktrooper and warlord amongst the ranks of the Warlocks. As befitting her station and her expertise, her demon masters have granted her a palace beyond compare. This wondrous manse is Jeanara's home in the Demon City. Its walls are made of the finest obsidian, and all of its proportions are tremendous and beyond compare. It is aspected towards Isidoros, as Jeanara's temperament was judged to fit closest with the Black Boar That Twists The Skies.

Artifact 3 (Vitriolic Orichalcum Grand Daiklave)

Artifact 2 (Vitriolic Starmetal Reinforced Breastplate)

These two artifacts were gifted to Jeanara from the armories of the Demon City. They are well bloodied, and will doubtless see much more use.

Cult 1

Backing 1 (Malfeas)

Influence 1 (Malfean Demons)



First Malfeas Excellency x4

Hardened Devil Body x3

Effortless Malfeas Dominance

By Pain Reforged

Scar Writ Saga Shield x2

Nightmare Fugue Vigilance

Crowned With Fury

Beauty Without Malice

Ebon Dragon:

First Ebon Dragon Excellency x4

Shadow Spite Curse (Second Ebon Dragon Excellency Equivalent)

Loom Snarling Deception

Eldritch Secrets Mastery

Gilded Gloaming Arcana

Insidious Phantasms Applied

Conjured Figments Made Manifest


First Kimbery Excellency x4

Second Kimbery Excellency

Effortless Kimbery Dominance

Intolerable Burning Truths (Never Forgive, Hate Springs Eternal)

All Things Betray

Retributive Tsunami Force

Join Combat: 5

Essence: Permanent 4, Personal 22, Peripheral 30/48 (18 Committed)

Willpower: 10/10

Attack: Grand Daiklave: Speed 5, Accuracy 16, Damage 14L/4, Defense 14, Rate 2; O, R

Defenses: Dodge 4, Parry 7

Soak: 18L/17B (8L/8B Natural + 10L/9B Armor)

Hardness: 9L/9B Armor


-0 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-X [ ]

Social Defenses: Dodge 9, Parry 5

Virtues: Compassion 1, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 2

Limit: [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ]

Bonus Points: 0/18

5: Willpower 10

7: Essence 3

5: Favored Attributes

1: Conviction 5

XP: 100/100

24: Essence 4

32: 4 Favored Charms

10: Conjured Figments Made Manifest

4: Strength 2

4: Perception 2

4: Wits 2

4: Awareness 3

1: Athletics 2

3: Lore 1

3: Linguistics 1

3: Bureaucracy 1

3: Infamy 4

3: Artifact 2

2: Large Mutation

Gilded Gloaming Arcana

Cost: —; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Illusion

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Eldritch Secrets Mastery

Just as the sun’s light annihilates darkness, so too does the truth wither the Ebon Dragon with its touch. He must hide behind a sheathe of lies and deceptions, keeping his true nature hidden so that he might not be found out. This Charm upgrades Loom-Snarling Deception. Whenever the Infernal activates an Obvious Charm while Loom-Snarling Deception is invoked, he may warp the Obvious aspects of the Charm. While

he cannot disguise its function, he may change its visual appear-ance however he pleases, allowing him to mask the Charm’s Infernal nature, or emulate the Charms of other Exalted. Only characters capable of seeing through the Loom-Snarling Decep-tion can pierce this secondary Illusion.

Insidious Phantasms Applied

Cost: -; Mins: Essence 3; Type: Permanent

Keywords: None

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Eldritch Secrets Mastery

Building on the ability to disguise his motes, The Ebon Dragon is able to extend his mastery of false existence onto his magical implements. This charm is a permanent upgrade to Loom Snarling Deception that allows the Infernal to disguise artifacts and other magical items when he disguises himself. The disguised items benefit from all the enhancements of Eldritch Secrets Mastery, allowing the Infernal to change their appearance. If he wishes, a hellforged grand daiklave could be disguised as a simple steel greatsword, or a Tainted Orichalcum blade could appear pure. If the Infernal choses, he may add half the attunement cost of the item to the activation cost of Loom-Snarling Deception. Doing so alters the magical material bonus (if any) to match the disguise. The Infernal may only disguise personal scale items this way. Overcoming this illusion requires the usual means.

Conjured Figments Made Manifest

Cost: —; Mins: Essence 4; Type: Permanent

Keywords: Compulsion, Illusion

Duration: Permanent

Prerequisite Charms: Gilded Gloaming Arcana, Insidious Phantasms Applied

The truth of the Ebon Dragon's existence is that he has none, and thus all of his myriad deceptions are equally true. This charm permanently enhances Loom-Snarling Deception in the following ways.

  • All characters who interact with the Infernal are subject to a compulsion effect that forces them to ignore or rationalize any details that are incongruent with the Infernal's chosen disguise. Resisting this unnatural mental influence costs (Essence/2) Willpower, but the character must have a strong reason to doubt the Infernal's identity in order to do so. Once this compulsion is resisted, the character is immune to its effects for a given identity. Witnessing the Infernal transform into his chosen disguise reduces the Willpower cost of resistance to 0, and always counts as a valid reason to resist.
  • All attempts to read or gather information about the Infernal's Motivation, Intimacies, or Virtues instead return information consistent with that of his assumed persona. The Infernal defines these qualities when he assumes a disguise. Overcoming this illusion requires the usual means.
  • All lies that the Infernal tells that are solely meant to reinforce his existential deception are automatically perfect, and always return that they are true to relevant rolls or charms. If another effect contests this, the Infernal adds (Essence) bonus successes to the roll of.
Just some more quick info about the character before I go to work.

Child of a Citizen Neomah, born of an experiment of a certain DB Akuma focused on breeding DB children. He was an orphan from the beginning in the city of Nexus, raised somewhat by the many prostitutes, harlors, and whore of the city. One of them was very focused on him and acted much like an older sister or foster mom, encouraging his interest in medicine, anatomy, and even his curiosity into how people got certain traits depending on who their parents were. Unbeknownst to him it was his actual mother in disguise, long ago summoned and bound to guide the child to learn more of his abilities and perhaps gain a similar passion to his unknown father the DB Akuma. He learned about certain powers of his own, like the ability to warp and meld flesh together using bits of Essence he seemed to be able to wield.....

More to come. ;)
Name: Flitting Wren

Caste: Fiend

Favoured Yozi: She Who Lives In Her Name

Motivation: Bring all governments under her rule.

Ophidian Urge: Expose all mortals for the depraved creatures they didn't know they were.

Intimacies: Scarlet Empress (Loyalty), Ebon Dragon (Grateful Worship), Realm Deliberative (Hate), Manosque Cyan (Vengeful Loathing), Realm Citizens (Disgusted Antipathy)

Coadjutor: Bisclavaret

Many years ago, on one quiet Threshold day, there was born a girl who was named Flitting Wren. Her life was both as normal and as peaceful as one could be in the Age of Sorrows and, as such, she was suitably grateful to the gods. Her parents cared for her and taught her right from wrong and, as any dutiful daughter should, she loved them in return and always finished her chores without complaint.

But all was not well in the lands in which they lived, for they were ruled over by a greedy and oppressive satrap who taxed their poor household far more than they could afford. Being good citizens of the Realm, the family paid their taxes and made ends meet through loans given by the same cruel official. Sadly, in time they fell too far behind and the satrap sent his men to take the girl as payment. When her parents took up arms to defend their child, they were killed and the crying girl was taken by force to the satrap's manor.

It was here that the girl's fortunes took a turn for the better. Just as the satrap was preparing to sell her to a cruel Guildsman, the door splintered inward and shattered to reveal a hero wreathed in shining cherry blossoms. It was a Magistrate! The hero demanded that the satrap return with him to the Imperial City to answer for his crimes, but the spiteful ruler instead chose to answer with a flame-shooting relic. The barking fire clashed against the the hero's perfect songs in a stunning display until a bad turn gave the satrap the upper hand. Unwilling to see his savior fall, the girl -- forgotten in the fray -- took up a decorative blade and drove it through the tyrant's back.

With nowhere to go, the girl begged her rescuer to take her with him and, moved by her plight, he agreed on the condition that he train to assist her in her works. Without a second thought, she took up the weapon that had so recently menaced the hero and vowed that it would be both his tool to fight at the Magistrate's side and constant reminder of why there was a need to fight.

In time, the girl became a woman and, true to her word, she battled oppression at the magistrate's side. With every wrong righted, with every life saved, camaraderie deepened and eventually turned to love. But the weeding that was planned would never come to be. While reporting back to the City as all magistrates must do, the woman's lover was branded a traitor to the Realm by his enemies and sentenced to death.

Without a moment's hesitation, the woman set out to clear her hero's name, but arrived too late. Taken by grief, the woman searched for the source of the deadly slander and eventually tracked it to a woman from the Lesser Chamber. When confronted, she made no denials, but only said that the woman could change nothing and if she tried, she would only die. And with her passing, her love's memory would fade forever.

The woman fled. In her sorrow and shame a voice whispered to her in the shadows. It assured her that this was not how the world was meant to be and explained that the true fault lay in the weaknesses of those she had fought to protect. After all, did any of them raise a voice in his defense? Did any of them join her in her search for truth? No, in their selfish corruption they took the aid of her hero and then stood by while he died. But then the voice promised her hope. She could be given power enough to expose them all for the vile fiends they were and even power to take control of the institution that condemned her love and ensure nothing like it ever happened again. All she had to do was promise to help fix the world and return it to the ones who first designed it.

When she agreed, the woman died and was reborn in the darkness. She traveled for days across an endless desert and, in a realm outside Creation, learned at the feet of her new master. When she was ready she returned to the world and for a time roamed her magistrate's old protectorate. Everywhere she went, bandits fell and corruption ceased and the people were left freer than when she came. With all the good she does, nobody seemed to notice that the people use their new freedoms in ever more base and unnatural ways and nobody finds it odd either that she leaves every town with some kind of standing authority written into law. And that is just the way Flitting Wren wants it.

Now, with her influence spreading close to the shores of the Blessed Isle, she has been called to serve the greatest duty she could have hoped for. Her master needed guards for the Empress's return. She would stand at the side of the one who appointed her Hero to his position in the first place. Better still, their task was nothing less than the obliteration of the twisted system that had taken her love from her. Truly, the Ebon Dragon was kind.


Strength 1, Dexterity 5, Stamina 3;

Charisma 5, Manipulation 5, Appearance 3;

Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3


Archery 2, Martial Arts 5, Investigation 3 (Legal research 1), Lore 2 (Realm Laws 2), Bureaucracy 4, Linguistics 1, Socialize 3 (High-Society Parties 1), Performance 4, Presence 5, Athletics 2, Awareness 3, Dodge 3


Low Realm (Native), High Realm

Backgrounds and Equipment:

Backing (Ebon Dragon): 4

Influence (Realm Threshold): 3

Spies: 3 (All-Seeing Eye, Priests of Cecelyne)

Artifact (Plasma Tongue Repeater - Tyrant's Cry): 3

Cult (Ebon Dragon Demons): 1

Influence (Ebon Dragon Demons): 1

Exceptional Buff Jacket (Soak +1/+1, Fatigue -1)



Transcendent Desert Creature

Untouchable Infinitude Reflection

Counter-Pronouncement of Enthymemic Law

She Who Lives In Her Name:

Factual Determination Analysis

Ebon Dragon:

First Ebon Dragon Excellency

Witness to Darkness

Life-Blighting Emptiness Attack

Our Little Secret

The Face in the Darkness

Righteous Devil Style:

Kiss of the Sun Concentration

Lightning Draw Stance

Blossom of Inevitable Demise Technique

Cloud of Ebon Devils

Blessing of Righteous Solar Spark Meditation

Righteous Devil Form


Invisible Street Performer Technique

Vibrating Strings Defense

Join Combat: 4

Willpower: 8

Essence: 4

Personal: 20

Peripheral: 45


Tyrant's Cry: Speed 5, Accuracy 12, Damage 10L, Rate 1, Range 20; F

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 11, Damage 1B, Defense 8, Rate 3; N

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 10, Damage 4B, Defense 6, Rate 2; N

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 10, Damage 1B, Rate 1; C, N


Dodge DV: 6

Soak: 8B/5L/4A


-0 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ][ ]

I [ ]

Social Defenses:

Dodge MDV: 6

Parry MDV: 5

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 1


[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Bonus Points: 18

14: Essence 2 > 4

2: Willpower 5 > 7

1: Martial Arts 4 > 5

1: Spies 0 > 1

XP: 100/100

4: Intelligence 1 > 2

4: Appearance 1 > 2

8: Factual Determination Analysis

8: Our Little Secret

8: The Face in the Darkness

16: Invisible Street Performer Technique

16: Vibrating Strings Defense

3: Backing 3 > 4

6: Spies 1 > 3

8: Witness to Darkness

3: Investigation 1 > 3

3: Influence 2 > 3

3: Socialize 1 > 3

3: Awareness 1 > 3

3: Dodge 1 > 3
Title: The Huntress of Silence and Shadows

Caste: Day

Concept: Oblivion-annointed Huntress

Motivation: Hunt down the last souls living and dead and consign Creation and the Underworld to Oblivion.

Anima Banner: Countless glowing eyes watch from the midst of the spectral grasses of a black-and-grey savanna.

Positive Intimacies: Hunting (Fierce Joy)

Neutral Intimacies: The Labyrinth (Wary Curiosity)

Negative Intimacies: Meticulous Owl (Wary Distrust), The Dusk Caste (Growing Resentment), Faith (Mocking Contempt), The First and Forsaken Lion (Fearful Obedience), Oblivion (Dread Fascination), Inaction (Frustrated Impatience), Enclosed Spaces (Claustrophobic Trepidation)


Str: 3

Dex: 4

Sta: 4

Cha: 1

Man: 3

App: 3

Per: 4

Int: 2

Wits: 3


Caste: Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Larceny, Stealth

Favored: Melee, War, Integrity, Resistance, Survival


Melee: 5


Martial Arts:

War: 2

Integrity: 3



Resistance: 5

Survival: 4





Occult: 1

Athletics: 4

Awareness: 3

Dodge: 1


Stealth: 4


Linguistics: 1



Socialize: 1


Melee: Premonition of the End +1

Survival: Hunting +3



1st Melee Excellency

2nd Melee Excellency

Supreme Perfection of Melee

Savage Shade Style


Ox-Body Technique (x5)

Cadaverous Torpor Technique

Spirit-Hardened Frame

Walking Cadaver Grotesquerie

Wound-Eating Invulnerability

Wounds Mean Nothing (Temperance Flaw)


1st Survival Excellency

2nd Survival Excellency

3rd Survival Excellency

Maelstrom-Weathering Indifference

Dark Paths Found

Infallible Barghest Mien


1st Athletics Excellency

3rd Athletics Excellency

Spider Pounce Technique

Shadow Races the Light


1st Stealth Excellency

2nd Stealth Excellency

Shadow Cloak Technique

Shade Walker Prana


Artifact: 4 Premonition of the End (Soulsteel Direlance)

  • Huntress' weapon differs from most made of soulsteel, for only a single face screams in the dark surface of this direlance. Smooth and unornamented, the surface of Premonition of the End seems to quiver in anticipation when unlimbered for combat. However, it is when the weapon draws blood that the full extent of its nature is unveiled. Premonition of the End contains a single soul: Huntress of Silence and Shadows' predecessor. The Lion's former assassin, Premonition of the End is said to have been seduced into double-agency by the Lover Clad in a Raiment of Tears, a fact uncovered by Meticulous Owl and dutifully reported to the Lion. The Lion slew his errant Deathknight, and trapped his ghost in the soulsteel forge-room of the Thousand. Over the course of many days, Premonition of the End was forced to watch the agony imposed on souls the Lion forged into Soulsteel, knowing that was the fate that awaited him. Once Huntress had been recruited and recovered, Premonition's fate was sealed. The new Deathknight's first lesson was in the price of betrayal and failure: she was forced to watch as the Lion forged her predecessor into a weapon of her choice and then told that she would bear it ever after as a preemptive lesson in the cost of treachery.
  • Premonition's stats are identical to a normal Soulsteel Direlance, but (to be continued later)

Liege: 3

Whispers: 1

Essence: 5

WP: 5


Compassion: 2 [Flawed]

Conviction: 3

Temperance: 2

Valor: 3


-0: [][][][] 4

-1: [][][][][][][][][][]10

-2: [][][][][][][][][][][][][][]14

-4: [][]2

Incap: [][][][][]5

BP Log

Essence +2: 14

Artifact 4: 2

XP Log

Essence 5: 32 xp

Resistance 5: 7 xp

Appearance 4: 12 xp

Melee 4: 5 xp

4 Favored Charms: 32 xp

keeping last 2 xp
If you can answer this: will this game be taking place over a long time scale, for purposes of training things (especially Essence, for example), or will it be really faced paced most of the time?
We talked about using seasonal arcs. That might give you an idea about the kind of time frame we are looking at (at least from the beginning).
Obsidian Lotus Emissary, the Harbinger of Eternal Silence

Moonshadow caste Abyssal


Years ago, quite some time before the sudden dissapearance of the Scarlet Empress, a family belonging to the Great House Nellens of the Scarlet Dynasty received his youngest member. The newborn was a boy, the newest addition to this happy patrician family, residing in the Blessed Isle. The boy grew up and became a young and handsome man. The name given to him was Ishiro, belonging to his grandfather, a clever dynast and excellent politician. He received the best education his family could provide and showed a natural aptitude for swordplay and social interaction and communication. His family was proud of him and did all in its power to assist him in becoming a good, honest man, jewel to the family's lineage and helpful to the society of the Realm.

Because times were tumultuous and he had displayed a great interest in the techniques of martial arts, young Ishiro was trained extensively in combat and soon his skills in fighting either unarmed or with the weapons most commonly associated with martial styles, was astonishing. His trainers speculated that it wouldn't take him long to reach the final limit of his potential and surpass even seasoned soldiers and veterans in his aptitude for the ways of the fist and his genius regarding the various aspects and nuances of sparring and dueling. He was also taught the noble art of horsemanship and gradually evolved to a fine rider, enjoying the sense of freedom that galloping in the fields gave him and finding an inner calmness and closer bond to nature while he had the chance to ride by himself, in the Blessed Isle and in the Threshold.

In addition to that, Ishiro enjoyed social interaction very much and also seemed to absorb endlessly all information from scrolls and others sources, as elder family members and visitors, regarding the government and bureaucracy structure and methodology of the Realm. For some reason, Ishiro's mind grasped very well the role of each member in a given bureaucratic or governmental setting, suggesting where each one would be most useful or what should be done to improve the efficiency of an organisation or agency of related interests.

Regarding his views on dynastic life and the Scarlet Empire, Ishiro was truly a scion of House Nellens and a son of his father. Like the majority of his House, he valued greatly every useful man, be he simple mortal, noble patrician or exalted dynast, with a slight dislike to the latter, due to their arrogance and excessive way of life as well as their over-reliance on their supernatural powers to achieve anything. This view, in addition to the political situation in the Realm's politics, due to the recent vanishing of the Scarlet Empress that seemed to have thrown the government stability to a tumultuous state of instability, had also influenced his opinion on the government and administration methods, resulting in his vision for a new and august governing body over a unified and prosperous Creation even more.

Ishiro strongly believed in and fervently pursued a new way of government, one that would not involve a major figurehead with all powers in its hands but instead a group of worthy individuals - in resemblance to the Deliberative of the Old Realm - that would be able to function as a team, cooperating efficiently, pooling resources and expertise. Thus they'd be able to achieve greater flexibility in their governmental duties and retain their capabilities in the unfortunate event that someone is rendered unable to perform his duties.

So, his life was going on and after he finished his studies, he was appointed as a junior diplomatic envoy to pursue his Great Houses interests in the Threshold. His first assignment, after a year of training in House affairs, was to serve as trainee diplomat in the great city of Nexus. His family, and especially his uncle, believed that Nexus' society and environment would do much in opening the eyes of Ishiro, broadening his horizons and teaching him, by experience, things that no school lessons can impart on anyone.

The journey to Nexus, was a great experience of itself and Ishiro was amazed. He saw the Inland sea, the Imperial Fleet under the command of House Peleps to conduct pirate hunts and blockade operations and then the lands of the Threshold. Also he studied extensively prior to his journey and during it as well, managing to learn Riverspeak to a very good level, enabling himself thus to communicate with greater ease when he'd reach his destination. Nexus was indeed (as his family had hoped) the greatest academy for young Ishiro. His open mindedness and natural charisma made him a valued negotiator and his aptitude in bureaucracy and government structures turned him to an envoy worthy of attention. Dealings with the Guild increased his acumen while wondering in the most exotic of Nexus' taverns improved his socializing skills. During his stay in Nexus, he saw, heard and learnt many things, like never to mess with higher powers for example and that the motto "the jade must flow" hid a much greater significance and power than one who heard it could understand at first.

He made friends there, the most important of whom was Kenji, a Guild functionary who taught him quite a lot on trade policy and negotiations as well as various rules, regulations and their respected loopholes for additional profit and bureaucratic flexibility. Another one was Toshiro, a naval officer of House Peleps who actually acted as his own security advisor (that's a nicer word for bodyguard) assigned to him by intervention of his family who pulled some favours to ensure Ishiro's safety in the great city of Nexus. They did a lot of sightseeing together (and alongside some pretty Nexus ladies as well that is, since Toshiro's naval posture and Ishiro's natural charm went a long way regarding interactions with beautiful members of the opposite sex). It was a fine stay and when the time for departure came, Ishiro left with a heavy heart and with the promise to stay in touch with the people who were closest to him. Little did he know of the strange whims of fate and of the events that would lead him back to Nexus and the Scavenger Lands sooner than he'd ever expect and with a whole new perspective in life.

After the Threshold, his family decided to test Ishiro's diplomatic skills as well as his hard-earned knowledge and experience to work in a different place and situation. He was sent to the city of Cherak, north of the Blessed Isle, participating in a diplomatic mission to tribes of the northern regions in order to secure their aid versus the Bull of the North's expanding tendencies and promote House Ferem interests by forging agreements for new trade routes and acquiring trading rights for the region. Ishiro wasn't overtly fond of this assignment, at first, but he hoped this was the chance he needed to prove himself a capable and adequate ambassador and bureaucrat and catapult himself to the higher governmental echelons of his House upon the completion of his duties in the north and his return to the Blessed Isle. By then, he hoped that he'd be ready to pursue his dream of making his own family as well, expanding his lineage and combining his rise in professional level with the love to his future wife and children, since he thought very highly of his own family and still aspires to follow on the same steps, establishing a happy family and a successful household some day.

Then, one fateful day during this mission, the unthinkable happened and his course in life changed forever. Ishiro was acting as the official diplomatic envoy, despite his non-exalted status, while also providing much needed local knowledge to the Realm dignitaries that were accompanying the mission. In truth though, the purpose of this mission was different, unknown to the young and idealist Ishiro, who – despite his restless nature – saw that mission, perhaps as a hope for union of people and cultures for common interest and as a soothing of pre-existing disputes, that could somehow alleviate the already troubled Nothern city-states. The mission was to be accompanied by a small military detachment as an honour guard, but this was only a distraction. The soldiers accompanying them were elite commandos of the Realm, set on eliminating the threat posed by this place. As the strategists of the Realm had decreed the place was to be destroyed and used as a forward operations camp, for a further military campaign in the region. But since the needed force to overcome its defences was not possible to be diverted at that time and they had to move fast, they chose deceit and trickery over honesty and bravery. The negotiations went initially well and Ishiro was content. He even doubted his own suspicions, regarding those Realm soldiers. They acted strangely, talked very little and were surveying every detail, and not in a naturally curious way, but in cold calculation and precision. He had originally attributed this behaviour to the supposedly rigid discipline of the Realm’s army. Then, at night, when the settlement was quite and all were asleep, he just couldn’t rest... He got out of his tent in the biting cold of the North and went on a little walk.

Harbinger - the smart youth he was at the time - had suspected something being out of place already and before the planned incursion overheard their officer giving the orders for the massacre. He just couldn’t let that happen. All of his fears were coming true and the corruption of those people was so great that they’d kill in cold blood those defenceless diplomats with whom were shaking hands and agreeing on trade deals just a few hours before. He stepped in, confronting the officer and threatening to alert the guards and avert his plans. The dragon blooded tried to convince him of his wrong and then to blackmail and threaten him. This was a mistake. Ishiro, looking upon the dragonblooded, saw all the evil, cruelty and injustice of the Realm that had heard about while in the Scavenger Lands. He would not allow it, not if there was anything to do in his power, the fact that an exalted was against him notwithstanding.

He should have thought better.

The cruel dynast was not about to let a young upstart diplomat ruin his carefully laid plans, and neither were the rest of the Realm's commandos, that joined him in a moment's notice. Strong hands, encased in the fearsome gauntlets of Ashigaru armor, seized him and dragged him away from the camp, as the Dragonblooded, with a sardonic smile on his lip, gave the order to his operatives to execute him.

They walked in the snow covered land until they were a good distance away from the camp. One of the soldier's spoke, the sound of his voice distorted beneath his helmet. "You do not defy the Dragons. You should know it. Your life is forfeit for your disobedience. The will of the Realm will be done and you'll be dead alongside those diplomats, you wanted to protect".

Ishiro did not respond. He merely cast his gaze over the northern sky for the last time, letting the breeze cool his face and disturb his hair once more, as he tried to convince himself that all hopes and dreams for his future were coming to such an abrupt end. He tried to understand but he could not. Maintaining his composure he gave a faint smile to his executioners and then fell to the ground, as the cold blade of a sword sank in his chest, puncturing his heart and wounding him fatally.

The soldiers left and Ishiro's eyes darkened, as his blood was running, painting red the snows of the North. His eyes darkened and he felt plunging into nothingness. And then something happened. Something stopped his descent. There, at the doorstep to death, a voice came to his mind. A calm, serene voice, saying that life was a burden, that all people suffer, and Oblivion a release from the frailties of flesh and anxiety of everyday life that all should aspire to reach. There is no easy way, but there is a Shining Path. To reach that destination though, one should be prepared. The voice, akin to that of an old and calm sage, offered power to Ishiro. Power to stand before those who would harm him, power to contest the mightiest of the corrupted Realm's champions and thwart their petty schemes. Power to make them pay for betraying the trust of people and taking their lives as if they were cattle. And also a purpose and a grand destiny. To know the higher mysteries of the world, to serve the Old Gods, who were betrayed and killed by the exalted, much like they had done to Ishiro himself. To mediate not between mere cities and nations but between the very Titans who forged Creation. To be the ambassafor of the Old Gods and the Arbiter of honoured dead and dreadful beings of unimaginable power. And finally, in the End of All Things, to plunge the whole of Creation into the eternal silence and serenity of Oblivion.

Ishiro thought of his broken hopes and dreams. Thought of death and the supposed reincarnation that Immaculate dogma preached. There was no assurance it would be any better. But here, now, there was a chance. A chance for something greater. Alien in its concept, but strangely familiar, now that he was standing in the precipice of Death. And thus he accepted. The bargain was sealed and Ishiro returned to the world, not as the man he had once been, but a Chosen of the Neverborn, a servant of the Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible, as a Moonshadow caste diplomat and ambassador, who would one day shake the very foundations of Creation.

1) Normal appearance


2) Under the influence of the fearsome Hungry Ghost form

Character Sheet [W.I.P]

Name : Obsidian Lotus Emissary

Exalt Type and Caste Moonshadow caste Abyssal

Concept Ambassador to the Yozis

Anima A spectral figure arises behind Emissary, taking the shape of a Barrow King as the anima reaches iconic levels, with his obsidian crown etched with the Old Realm characters for "silence".

Motivation Unite the forces of the Underworld in the service of Oblivion.



Strength ●●

Dexterity ●●●●●

Stamina ●●


Charisma ●●

Manipulation ●●●●●

Appearance ●●●●●


Perception ●●●

Intelligence ●●●

Wits ●●●



[F]Martial Arts ●●●●●




[F]Integrity ●●●

Performance ●●●

Presence ●●●

Resistance ●



[F]Investigation ●●●

Lore ●●


[F]Occult ● [Ghosts +1]

Athletics ●

Awareness ●●●

[F]Dodge ●●●



[C]Bureaucracy ●●●

[C]Linguistics ●●●

[C]Ride ●●●●●

[C]Sail ●●●

[C]Socialize ●●●●●


Liege [backing, Resources, Mentor] ●●

Artifact ●● [silken Armor]

Artifact ●●● [soulsteel Gauntlets of Distant Claws, stats as Soulsteel Razor Claws]



Artifacts and Equipment



1st Excellency [free]

2nd Excellency [free]

Undying Stagnation Defence


2nd Excellency [free]

Morbid Fascination Style


2nd Excellency [free]

Spider In Society's Web


2nd Excellency [free]

Raiton's Nimble Perch


2nd Excellency [free]

Calculated Avarice Understanding


1st Excellency [free]

2nd Excellency [free]

Blood Calligraphy Technique

Scathing Cynic Attitude


1st Excellency [free]

2nd Excellency [free]

Soul Reins

Spectral Steed


1st Excellency [free]

2nd Excellency [free]

Deck Striding Phantom

Dark Water Odyssey


1st Excellency [free]

2nd Excellency [free]

Exquisite Etiquette Style

Honey-Tongued Serpent Attack

Martial Arts

1st Excellency [free]

2nd Excellency [free]

3rd Excellency [free]

Hungry Ghost Style

Blood Scenting Hunger

Leaping Horror Approach

Lunging Phantom Method

Shrouded Claw Attack

Hungry Ghost Form

Join Combat: 6


Dodge DV

Parry DV

Soak: B/L


-0 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ][ ][ ]

-4 [ ][ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV

Parry MDV


Compassion ●●

Conviction ●●

Temperance ●●●

Valor ●●

Flawed Virtue Compassion


Bishop of the Chalcedony Thurible [loyalty]

Neverborn [wary respect]

Dynasts [contempt]

The Realm [opposition]

Hungry Ghost style [aspiration to master fully]

Martial Arts [internal fullfillment]

Cold breeze [refreshment]

Willpower: 10


Permanent: ●●●

Personal: 19/19 (0 Committed)

Peripheral: 30/40 (10 Committed)

Bonus Points [18]

Willpower 5 to 10 (5)

Integrity 2 to 3 (1)

Martial Arts 3 to 5 (2)

Ride 2 to 5 (3)

Socialize 2 to 5 (3)

Dodge 0 to 3 (3)

Occult 0 to 1 (1)

Experience Points [100]

Essence 2 to 3 (16)

8 caste/favoured charms (64)

Stength 1 to 2 (4)

Stamina 1 to 2 (4)

Investigation 1 to 3 (4)

Bureaucracy 1 to 3 (4)

Sail 1 to 3 (4)

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