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Fandom Crisis of Convergence[OOC]

hey hey! I'm here-
Hello hello! It’s me! Time for me to actually put thought into which character(s) I wanna use lol
I can't decide who I would go with, especially with my brainrot for particular characters right now. orz
You see, I was going to do Tanjiro and now I've seen Zenitsu there. I feel obligated.
Laughs in I may just bring in Hatsune Miku, cause she's been in an anime
I was thinking a KH character since Ace okayed that, but I'm still torn on who LMAO. Man the pains of character selection
Alrighty woooo I decided on Kairi for now! Sorry I skimped out on writing out her whole history (writing out events from like 4-5 games was too much and very spoilerly)
for the weapon portion of the profile skeleton since Luffy relies on his devil fruit more than an actual weapon should I leave it blank or would adding N/A be fine?
Okay, we've got a lot of, I guess you could say, offensive hitters, so I think I'll bring in my defense buffer/ healer.
That's good enough to qualify as offense. Not sure how a magical girl is going to protect a full-on giant robot, but at least she can cover the human side.
I would say Kairi is more of a mix of offensive and defensive rather than a pure offensive hitter tbh
Decided on a character based on a cardgame anime that I like, but I don't think they would use their deck to attack though. Might as well mention that they're also great at fighting empty-handed.
Do I have time to work on Luffy’s profile I’ll work on his tomorrow.
for the weapon portion of the profile skeleton since Luffy relies on his devil fruit more than an actual weapon should I leave it blank or would adding N/A be fine?
yep! i meant to add a power/abilities part..oops

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