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Fandom Crisis of Convergence[ Main]

Zenitsu Agatsuma
Location: Harmony plaza
Forevermore Forevermore
"I...got nothing against that...that you are a angel of course!" Zenitsu said to Pit." I met alot of demons,they are scary...except Nezuko,she's nice!" he added. " I'm a demon slayer,even though I didn't want to join at first.." he explained.
"Wait,you said you were going to get ice cream? I had some potato mochi not too long ago but I'm still hungry for some dessert." Zenitsu added.

Location: Harmony Plaza--Digmon Savers -- Tags: Amy,Luffy,Kaitlyn [ Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat redraider redraider , AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc ]


Marcus turned his attention towards Kaitlyn as she approached the group, her curiosity and surprise evident in her expressions and words. He couldn't help but find her reaction amusing, especially when she referred to Agumon and Tiamat as a "monster" and a "dragon."

"Sup" Marcus greeted with a friendly smile, not taking offense at Kaitlyn's description. "This is Agumon. He aint a monster, he's my best friend" he gestured to the small dinosaur-like creature beside him, ".They're actually Digimon, digital creatures from another world."He tilted his head at her comment about Agumon being an expensive pet. "Agumon isnt a pet. He's my partner and we're they ultimate fighting team."

Marcus nodded."Yep! A dangerous journey throughout the digital world..had to save the world, ya know..the good ol hero stuff." he noticed someone else joined the group and was about to greet, but glanced at his partner when his stomach started to growl

As Agumon's hunger became more apparent, Marcus looked down at his Digimon partner with a fond smile. "Looks like someone's getting hungry," he said playfully, patting Agumon's head.

Turning to the group, he suggested, " Sorry to have to dip, but agumon's stomach cant seem to settle down."

He glanced around at the various vendors and food stalls that filled the bustling plaza. The aromas of different cuisines filled the air, making his own stomach rumble in response. Marcus was eager to try some new dishes from different worlds, and he thought it would be a great opportunity for everyone to share a meal and get to know each other better.

"Agumon, do you have any specific cravings?" Marcus asked with a grin, knowing that Digimon could have unique tastes just like humans. "Let's find a food stand that has something you'd enjoy!"
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Location: Harmony Plaza
Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Ploegy Ploegy

Suguri tilted her head at Kairi's question. Was darkness something you could actually battle to begin with? "Beings" you could fight, but that somehow didn't feel very specific with darkness being the only qualifier. Bats or raccoons were probably not the beings of the night they were talking about.

Upon hearing Aya's response, the silver-haired girl felt as though she got a clearer picture about what Kairi meant. She'd overlooked magic being brought up before, but with it being mentioned once again Suguri recalled that such things as "witches" had been thought to exist at one point in history. Supposedly, they were humans that could use something called magic. What exactly that was supposed to entail, she wasn't sure. Perhaps they really were real, at one point? Or maybe it was just a function of the whole different worlds thing. Either way, they seemed vaguely dark enough to count.

"I don't really know what that means, so it's probably a safe guess that I'm not used to it. I can see well in the dark though," Suguri responded while shrugging her shoulders. "Is a being of the darkness...a witch? Where I'm from we don't have witches or anything. Not on Earth anymore, at least. Those who aren't physically strong usually fight using robots. Most people like me just have weapons built into us. Probably like the type of gun Aya says she uses, I think."

That last bit was probably not a correct assumption.

"...What exactly does magic entail, anyway? I've never seen it myself," Suguri spoke up again after a brief pause.
Luffy nods, thinking Rengou seems like a nice guy. It’s rather heartwarming to see someone supporting another person despite them being complete strangers or his friend Zenitsu. “ Demon Slaying sounds cool, a lot of hard work, but neat. Thanks! Not only my Gomu-Gomu No Mi gives me the ability to stretch or twist. I can inflate my body! Just see for yourself.”He latched his mouth onto his forearm blowing air into it. It inflated like a balloon. As quickly as he inflated his arm it deflated back to normal. He also had his abilities that fall under his gear movies, a perk of his devil fruit but for later. Using either of his gears took a large chunk of his energy, which he delegated to using only in battle. “ There’s my gear abilities, but you probably have to wait until there’s a use for them.” He left it at that. Just as he spoke his stomach grumbled he’s still hungry after all. He stepped forward, deciding to grab a bite to eat. Luffy would rather be happy and full to perform at his best. “ It’s nice to meet you. I’m Monkey D Luffy but you can call me just Luffy. We can talk later.”

He spots Marcus and Agumon not too far. “ Oi!” He runs to them waving. A meal with familiar faces sounds better like the saying goes the more the merrier. It makes the food taste better. “ You don’t mind me joining you guys for a meal?” He took a long and deep breath, his rubbery body inflating a little bit but then returned to normal. “ Meat.. Meat..Meat.” He gets this dreamy look whenever there’s good food around, the smell of cooking meat is already enticing, a line of drool trickling down his cheek.

Acethekidd Acethekidd SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15
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"Good idea young Luffy! Agatsuma and I will be joining for a meal! I am hungry myself." Rengoku replied.
"Well...Demon Slaying is not a work you would like..." Zenitsu replied to Luffy. "Your life is always on the line bacause of those dsngerous demons we have to fight."
"All the more reason to enjoy every minute of our lives!" Rengoku replied.
They witnessed more of Luffy's powers. "The Corps would need of someone with such power in their ranks!" Rengoku added.
Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat

  • airi

    Location: Harmony Plaza | Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist
    Kairi quietly listened as both others spoke and she gave a small bob of her head. Neither seemed to be directly involved with beings directly tied to darkness itself- nothing that could be akin to the Heartless or even Nobodies or Unversed. That wasn't surprising, though it might complicate things if the darkness was like she was thinking it was. That was a problem for them to address once they knew the form their enemies would take on though.

    Focusing on what did matter, the keyblade wielder took mental notes of what both Aya and Suguri mentioned of their own abilities. Aya seemed like a capable fighter from how she spoke. Firearms seemed like her primary choice of weaponry, though she did allude to having some power akin to magic. Whatever it was, it was clear she wasn't fond of it, thus it was probably best not to press her on such matter. It was none of Kairi's business after all. Sure, it would be useful to know the full extent of her ally's capabilities, but if it was at the expense of making them uncomfortable somehow, she saw no need for it.

    Suguri, while seeming to lack an knowledge on what magic might be, was somewhat similar to Aya in her weaponry of choice, though from how she spoke of it, she was built to have weapons in her. Kairi hadn't suspected it before, but did that imply she was a machine of some kind? It would explain a few things, though admittedly, Kairi herself had little knowledge about such things. Was it even a question she could ask without it coming off as offensive? She wasn't sure. It was probably best to keep it to herself and simply answer the question that had been posed to her, as well as offer up information about her own fighting style.

    "Well, even if you haven't fought darkness, at least you both seem to have combat experience, probably even more than I even have," Kairi admitted with a small shake of her head. Even if she did lack the experience, she could still play her part though, whatever that may end up being. "As for what a being of darkness is, well, I supposed it could vary. Heartless are what we call them. They're typically beings born from the darkness in people's hearts. However, there are also Nobodies and Unversed as well. Nobodies are born after someone who has lost their heart to darkness and Unversed are born from negative emotions. They come in all shapes and forms, though we wouldn't call any of them witches."

    Pausing, Kairi wasn't sure how to explain witches to begin with. While she had minimal encountered with such, Maleficent could be considered one which would only prove the point that witches were tied to darkness. Was that even true though? She wasn't sure. It was likely best to leave it at that and continue on.

    "As for me, well, I clearly have a different fighting style compared to what you both have explained."

    Before she would continue on, Kairi stretched an arm out to her side and in a flash of light willed her keyblade to manifest itself. Holding the blade up for a moment for them both to see, she moved it to the table and laid it down in front of herself. To anyone outside of a keyblade wielder, it would seem like an odd weapon. The flowers forming the teeth of the key hardly looked like a functional blade, but of course, looks could be deceiving.

    "This is the keyblade which I wield. It is a magical weapon, one which only I can wield unless I will it to be used by another," she explained. "It is similar to a sword in terms of general combat, but it is a natural conduit for casting magical spells as well."

    Picking the key up once again, Kairi held it directly upward. After a few seconds passed, fiery flames slowly began swirling around the neck of the blade as they made their way upward towards its tip, however, as soon as they reached it, the girl forced them to die out, canceling her spell from activating itself.

    "This is only a small display of magic, but to answer your question, magic is something we normally would not be capable of. There are an array of kinds, though the most simple are elemental ones and healing ones. We use these magics in tandem with her chosen blades in order to fight the darkness and protect the worlds from the darkness that tries to consume it. That is likely why someone like me would be summoned here to help, even if the enemies are different."

Kaitlyn Saint Cole

images (11).jpeg
Location: Harmony Plaza -- Tags: Marcus, Luffy, Amy ( Acethekidd Acethekidd , redraider redraider , Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat )

Kaitlyn was now finally got some explanation on what is going on right now, the man explained that the monster is called a Digimon named Agumon? She was curious because Digimons are from a digital world and it is his partners and they are the ultimate fighting team, which is kind of a oddball but she shrugged because she ain't going to criticize about it. Anyway, she waved at the man because the Digimon might be real hungry just as he left in the conversation. The street racer wonders on where are they going to do later on if they met once again.

'Wonder what else could happen,' Kaitlyn thought to herself, taking her last bite of the hotdog before she threw the paper onto a trash bin, she does have a bit of range. 'Guess this city's a whole lot more interesting...'

Now the girl, who is now transformed into a beautiful yet powerful entity is now the cynosure of this conversation right now. Yet Kaitlyn remembered back then at New York City where she met a person, a woman that she met, who is cordial and sweet towards her until that day. The street racer would never forgot that day, she was there, heartbroken and cried for hours which made her question her mental health about it. But she moved on past by it and will never ever forget on what happened. She sighed a bit, thinking on what will her azure moments going to be.

The future might be look grim for Kaitlyn, until she looked back at the group. Trying to think about something else.

"So, how's everyone's life in this city?," Kaitlyn sighed a bit after she might be having this conversation turned from curiosity to awkwardness, feeling the tension going on in these surroundings. "Don't get me wrong, I started to feel this city like home already."

The feeling might be way too short for Kaitlyn but she needed to think about not interrupting someone during a conversation. Anyway, she still has some cherry soda left in the cup, trying to stay vigilant on what else is happening other than the conversation is currently going on. There may be some tension later during the conversation, yet Kaitlyn feels something is wrong, feeling that there is a time-ticking moment on her eyes.
Aya Brea
Harmony Plaza

Just like Aya, Suguri was at a loss when trying to define what constituted a creature of darkness. The answer from Kairi proved a touch esoteric, as such novel and abstract concepts as monsters born from emotions and negativity were outside the scope of anything MIST handled. Still, she recorded the information on a small notepad as it was relayed to her.

The sudden appearance of the keyblade caused Aya to recoil. Indeed, it didn't look like a viable weapon, but she knew better than to underestimate it. Now that she was in such unfamiliar territory, it could prove fatal to downplay any weapon or potential trap. The display of magic prompted a look of recognition, almost as if she had seen something uncannily similar before.

"Well, it's a memorable weapon," Aya finally commented after a pause. "My department is full of unique choices, in terms of weapons. My colleague Rupert uses a large revolver, and my gun is classified as a machine pistol—not exactly your standard issue sidearms." She brushed aside her leather jacket for a moment, revealing a shoulder holster underneath with the weapon seated inside. The extended magazine supported her claim; higher capacities were necessary to feed a beastly weapon with such a high fire rate.

Letting her jacket fall back over the holster, she motioned with her head for the two girls to walk with her, so they could find some more answers. "Suguri, you said you have weapons built into you...?" Given how casually Suguri had stated it, Aya didn't feel bad prompting the stranger to explain.

Interactions: Ploegy Ploegy Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist

  • 264

    |The Noble Lady of Caelin|
    Location: Harmony Plaza
    Interactions: Minato
    Tags: Ploegy Ploegy


    Lyn turned her green gaze towards the young man, a bit surprised that he had taken the initiative to keep conversation flowing. She had no problem with more silent people, as many of her past comrades had been more on the anti-social side, but still, Lyn was accustomed to be the one that started an interaction.
    "Perhaps we should go on…maybe we could bring Pit some back as well." suggested Lyn, looking back at the angel, busy in conversation. She hoped Pit wouldn’t mind that they left him, as he was the most excited over the affair.

    Now that she thought about it, Lyndis realized she had no idea what ice cream even was. She was embarrassed to find that the first thing that came to mind was a chunk of ice covered in some sort of cream (even though she reckoned that probably wasn’t what it was). Lyn simply hoped that Minato knew what it was, and would play the main role of locating the stand.

    “Right, well, after you, I suppose.” The young swordswoman gestured for him to go on ahead; she would follow. A faint pink permeated her cheeks, accompanied by a question, “…For my future reference, is ice cream a block of ice paired with cream? I’ve…never had it before, or even heard of it until today.” She admitted meekly.
Amy descended back to the ground. The simple act of keeping up her magical form took energy- not a lot, it was true, but it still wasn't smart to waste it. Another snap of her fingers and the words, "Dragon Down!", and she was back to normal. "Life... it could be better. I'd rather be back home, rather than dumped here on some vague mission. At least back in New York, it was easy to spot the bad guys. Still, it beats getting blasted with negative energy, or slammed into the ground so hard you leave an impact crater."

Tiamat landed on Amy's shoulder. "I wish there wasn't any evil left to fight, too. But it doesn't seem like that will happen anytime soon. So that's why you and I have to do this. Because there's too many out there who can't." The dragon looked at Kaitlyn.

"You, on the other hand, Miss Mysterious. You've been rather quiet about yourself, compared to the rest of us. Haven't said anything about where you come from, or what you can offer the team. If we're going to work together at our best, we have to know what you can do."

AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc
Zenitsu Agatsuma and Kyojiro Rengoku
Location: Harmony plaza
Forevermore Forevermore Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat
"You...did..defeat demons?!" Zenitsu shouted. " Oh,so you do have experience in fighting demons!" Rengoku replied. " I will talk with Lord Ubuyashiki if he let you join."
"The potato mochi here is just as good as those back in my world!" Zenitsu added.

Location: Harmony Plaza
Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Ploegy Ploegy

"Hm, I'm mistaken...I suppose that's to be expected."

Suguri crossed her arms and nodded along as Kairi explained the whole darkness thing. She'd never heard of something being born from emotions or hearts. Their worlds must have been a lot more different from each other than she'd imagined. So they weren't witches after all, not that she was really any more familiar with witches to begin with though.

She didn't react much when Kairi summoned her keyblade. It was definitely a weird looking weapon, but other than that it wasn't anything too surprising. But the fiery follow-up was a little unexpected, especially with the following explanation. From what she understood, it appeared that the keyblade itself assisted with the whole magic thing. "Healing, huh? Magic seems like it can be a very nice thing," Suguri commented with an admiring look.

Looking over as Aya mentioned her own weapon, Suguri saw something both familiar and unexpected. The shape of a gun was far more familiar to Suguri than something like the keyblade, but actually having it be there like that was something she'd never seen for herself. Those from her far distant past had spoken of something similar though if she was remembering right. Upon seeing Aya's motion, she moved to walk with her.

"That's right, I suppose that might not be normal," Suguri responded to Aya's prompting. She held out her left hand and after a moment, a small handle appeared in her grasp. A beam of energy about the length of a sword burst forth from it soon after. "Stuff like this. Personal arms are usually built into us, and we materialize them externally when we need them."

As if to accentuate her last statement, the beam sword disappeared and was immediately replaced by what looked like some sort of large rocket launcher. The weapon was nearly as large as Suguri herself, which may have made the sight of her holding it up effortlessly with one hand look perhaps a little strange.

"My father did operate on me and add a few things. I have rifles, force fields, and a couple of extras built into me too, but a weapon or two was pretty common for soldiers on Earth," she commented before allowing the rocket launcher to suddenly disappear too.

Location: Harmony Plaza--Digmon Savers -- Tags: Luffy,[ Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat


Marcus chuckled warmly at Luffy's enthusiasm and friendly demeanor. He was impressed by the display of Luffy's Gomu-Gomu No Mi abilities, watching as he inflated his arm like a balloon and then quickly returned it to its normal size. It was indeed a unique and fascinating power "Whoa! That was pretty awesome what you just did" Marcus remarked with genuine admiration. " I would show ya what we could do, but it might not be safe"

As Luffy's stomach grumbled, Marcus rubbed the back of his head, understanding the importance of a good meal to keep up one's energy and spirits. "Of course, join us!" he said warmly, gesturing for Luffy to come over. "We were just about to find a food stand for Agumon here, and I'm sure there's plenty of choices here"

Reaching the food stand, Marcus ordered some grilled meats for himself and Agumon, as well as a variety of dishes to enjoy. As they sat down to eat together." Can't save the whole multi-verse on an empty stomach now can we?" the young man rubbed his hands together."Man..where to start."
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Somehow Zenitsu’s words struck a nerve in him. It would take a lot to set him off like this. He would get angry if people insulted people’s dreams or their very livelihood. His most notable action was punching that Celestial dragon he deserved that punch for being a racist jerk and shooting Hachi. “ Hey! Hey! Being a pirate isn’t all fun and games. Me and my friends saved countries from people with dangerous devil fruit abilities. We raided Enies Lobby, which is a world government facility for our friend Robin. She was in danger and they were after her for 20 years.” He remembers like it was yesterday he yelled to get her to say she wants to live. He knows they wanted her for poneglyph reading abilities. That’s where he went toe to toe against Rob Lucci of CP9 who had his leopard hybrid zoan form to deal with. It was a brutal battle as Rob was a strong man. He came out of that fight with terrible injuries. “ I went to war against the marines to save my brother, Ace, from execution so I know a thing or two about risking my life!” He snapped, though the whole paramount war was long and terrible it ended on a tragic note. He can’t unsee Akainu jamming his molten fist into Ace’s chest or the simple fact Ace had sacrificed his life to save his. He was fuming. If there was a thing he wanted to do was turn back time and tell Ace how much value he brought to the world or be stronger than maybe, just maybe he’d save Ace from Akainu’s magma devil fruit. He didn’t want another tragedy like that day on Marineford happening again. He guessed Zenitsu’s words reminded him of his failures of that day. “ I’m sorry for going off like that. I know you don’t mean anything by it.” He looked at Rengoku next, shaking his head. “ I’ll have to say no to that offer. My friends are waiting for me and I have a lot of things to do back home. I want to be the next king of pirates there’s that on my mind as of late. Let’s talk later, see you soon.” He waves to them, walking off after Marcus and Agumon. He stopped noticing Pit and his angelic wings. “ You will fit right in Skypiea with the angels there. It’s a sky island that was only reachable by taking advantage of a massive water blast; we used our ship, the going merry for that. We saved Skypiea from the false god, Enel. He was actually an ursurper. His thunder devil fruit was something.. ” It was unfortunate bad timing and his Gomu-Gomu No Mi made Enel useless. He waved at Pit before continuing.

The smell of frying foods put him in a better mood right now. He sighs like Marcus he didn’t know where to start. Everything seemed so good and delicious he ought to make a suggestion to be safe. “ Of course we can’t save this place on an empty stomach. I need food and lots of meat. Maybe start with the kabobs and cheeseburgers?” He could eat them out of house and home if allowed to. He’ll eat any meat as long as it’s good. He tilts his head as Marcus compliments his Gomu-Gomu No Mi. “ Heh, stretching, twisting, bending and inflating isn’t the only thing my fruit does. There’s my gear forms. I just use them in battle.” He knows his own abilities are dangerous. Perhaps Marcus will use them when it’s necessary like he does. He grabbed a kabob skewer and cheeseburger taking big bites out of each. “ This is goooood!! Try iiiiiiiiiit” He could eat and eat until he’s the size of an inflatable balloon though that indicates he can’t eat anymore. Almost laughing at the memory of having to let his body digest that much food for him to maintain a normal body.

Acethekidd Acethekidd SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 Forevermore Forevermore
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Zenitsu Agatsuma and Kyojiro Rengoku
Harmony plaza
Interactions: Kaiju Cat Kaiju Cat Forevermore Forevermore Acethekidd Acethekidd
Zenitsu listened to Luffy's argument. Luffy's pirate life wasn't easy too. And he risked his life to try and save his brother.
" I...once risked my life as well...to save Nezuko...my b....my best friend's sister. I got hurt in the process. Tanjiro was grateful. " Zenitsu added. " It's fine,I'm used to being scold." He added,remembering the lectures he received from Gramps." I try not to be a coward...to be more brave just like you are. I want to change." He added.

" He did make some improvements!" Rengoku added. " He did help in saving passangers on the Mugen train!" " I do not remember!" Zenitsu replied.
" It is fine if you don't accept. You need to be there for your friends and familly. That is important." Rengoku added." You know what,for now, I'll join you in a feast. Like you say,we can't go in the next mission on a empty stormach! Let's go Agatsuma!" " S...Sure!" Rengoku and Zenitsu followed Luffy to the food stands.
"I accept this foid. I enjoy trying new dishes!" Rengoku replied as he took a kebab and cheeseburger from Luffy.

The flame hashira took a bite of the kebab first.
It was the best thing he ever tasted. He tried the cheeseburger next. "TASTY!!" After each bite,Rengoku screemed "tasty" as he savoured each bite.
Zenitsu looked toward Marcus and Agumon. "Well,if it can help,I tried potato mochi from that stand nearby. They are really good. They are crunchy,creamy,warm and filled with warm cheese. I should really get some more."he added.
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  • dcjsjefptq331.jpg

    The Wise Princess of Hyrule•
    Location: Harmony Plaza
    Interactions: Sora
    Tags: Ploegy Ploegy


    It was a bright, pleasant morning at Hyrule Castle. Zelda had been preparing herself for the day in her bedchamber, her maids helping her into her dress (although she was more than capable of putting her royal attire on herself). One asked her if she would like them to help her brush her hair, but the princess politely declined.
    "You all are dismissed, I can manage." Zelda watched as the maidens filed out.

    She picked up a comb from her armoire and quickly passed it through her hair before putting on her headdress. Humming to herself, she pulled on her shoes and quickly took a glance at herself in the mirror. She and Link were going to spend the day adventuring around Hyrule, and her father always used to tell her to look her best in the public eye.

    Zelda walked over to her bedroom door and opened it up. She stepped through.

    However, when she emerged on the other side, she wasn't in the hallway outside her bedchamber. Instead, she was met with winding paths that had food stands and cafes alongside them. Zelda's blue eyes widened as she looked around, her confusion slowly beginning to turn into panic.

    "Where in the world am I?" She whispered, her heart rate speeding up. The last time she had been transported against her will, it was to the Dark World where the sealed Ganon resided. How in the name of Hylia was she supposed to get back to Hyrule?

    "Calm down, Zelda, calm down..." Zelda mumbled, taking deep breaths as she walked around, glancing around at the food stands and the people that worked at them. They didn't look very evil to her. She had to be there for some purpose, Zelda reasoned, but for what?

    Zelda stopped walking along the path as she stumbled upon two people talking a couple feet in front of her. One of them appeared to be a disgruntled, older individual, and the other was a boy that appeared to be around her age. She took a step or two forward and listened to their conversation from a distance.

    The boy was looking for a girl around here? The person the young man was talking to walked away, but the princess felt a small surge of hope. Perhaps if Zelda helped him find this girl, the boy would tell her where she was and what she was doing here, maybe even help her get home!

    The young maiden hurried the last few feet towards the boy, and tapped him gently on the shoulder.
    "Pardon, but I take it that you need help with something. I, too, require assistance, I don't know what this place is, let alone what I'm doing here." Zelda explained patiently. "My name is Zelda. And who are you?"
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  • airi

    Location: Harmony Plaza | Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist
    It came as no surprise that her explanation seemed to be rather complex to entirely understand. Kairi couldn't fault anyone for that. She was still trying to wrap her own head around most of it as well and she was involved in it all. Everything surrounding the darkness that threatened the worlds was something they were trying to fully understand, though she figured they never entirely would.

    Pushing the thought aside, the teen quietly listened as Aya began speaking further about her own weapon and even going as far as to reveal it. Quietly looking at the firearm, Kairi was unfazed by how different it was compared to a normal on. In her eyes nothing was all too strange about it. She wasn't all too versed in such weaponry anyways and given the odd weapons she was accustomed to seeing, something like this hardly seemed to strange.

    Watching the older woman get up and signal both her and Suguri to follow, Kairi gave a small bob of her head before she quickly gathered her things. Shoving her gummiphone into her pocket and allowing her keyblade to despawn from sight, she pushed her chair back once again and climbed to her feet in order to allow herself to follow after the older woman. As she did, she heard the conversation shift more towards Suguri.

    When the other manifested her weapon, the girl couldn't help but be reminded of how her own weapon was materialized. While Suguri's explanation was much different than that of a keyblade's manifestation, it seemed they were hardly any different. Maybe her explanation held some truth for her own weapon, though perhaps without the part of being built with it. Maybe the keyblade was stored inside them... It was a weird thought, but it certainly got Kairi thinking of the oddities of her own blade.

    Her thoughts didn't go too deep when Suguri's weapon suddenly swapped to something entirely different right before their eyes. Now that was a bit surprising to her, even if the concept of weapons changing on a whim was nothing new. She personally had no experience with it firsthand, though she had heard of other keyblade wielders being able to transform their blades into different weapons or even an entire vehicle entirely. Kairi herself hadn't learned to do either.

    Before she could think to question any of it though, she took in the other's next words. They were odd to her and caused her brows to crease. "Operate...?" she parroted with a small tilt of her head. "Pardon me if this is crossing some personal line, but..." Kairi pursed her lips momentarily as she paused to briefly think over the words that were about to escape her lips. "You're not human, are you...?" The question felt rude to even ask, but she wanted to make sure. Everything so far had led her to think in such a manner, but the girl's appearance made her hesitate. It wasn't as if she didn't look the part after all.
Just as he thought he was sent into an odd realm it was nothing like he sensed earlier though. He can only guess the gate Lavos created had sent him somewhere far away; it doesn't matter he’s lost the kingdom is gone. He has no home to return to that thought left a weight on his chest. Although he sensed he’s not alone perhaps he’s here for a reason like the others. Whatever reason it may be his cynical thought is this realm is doomed like the Zeal kingdom before it. The sharp meow snapped him out of his dark thoughts to stare at his cat Alfador who seemed to understand what he’s thinking. He laid his paw on his foot as a source of comfort. “ Alfador..” Janus mumbles he kept on going with his cat padding alongside him appreciating he’s trying to help. He hopes he can figure out what the heck is going on here. Maybe some will know he’ll just have to investigate.

Once again his thoughts went back to a dark place an hour before the kingdom was struck down. He recalled the ocean palace disaster leading to Chrono’s death. The guilt left a lump in his throat he did say one of them were to die he didn’t know it was the red haired man who died a horrible death. Everything went wrong that day. No, it began when his mother became power hungry the gurus warned her of chasing after Lavos they knew of the repercussions. Yet, they did nothing to stop the worst from happening. His sister paid the price with her freedom putting all her time in the mammon machine, which was used for harvesting Lavos’s power. He doesn’t think of her as his mother effectively disowning her. Referring to her as Queen Zeal and nothing more. That led to the ocean palace incident.

The kingdom is gone, his sister is gone. Chrono is dead. He’s in this strange world lost and confused. The saving grace is he has his cat to keep him company. He felt alone though. The auras he linked to the people left him feeling unsettled. Who knows what type of people they are? He’s attuned to magic. He knows all three advanced elemental spells but his magic prowess lies in his knowledge of shadow magic, which in his opinion is the strongest form of mana in his universe. Although lacking training with a weapon he believes he’s capable of holding his own with magic. He noticed people were in their own group chatting away and feasting; he had more on his mind than his stomach. Like figuring the reason he’s here. All he could think of was where is Schala if she’s displaced like him. The last thing he remembers was her warm smile and gentle air. She’s popular and rightly so. He can’t imagine anyone not loving her for her warm and gentle nature. He kept on going, his face dropping, having doubts he’ll see her again.

Eventually he crossed paths with a girl who gave off a strong magical aura. It was almost overwhelming to him. She was talking to a boy, both seemed lost. It’s relatable because he’s lost too. Though the older boy was looking for a lost friend it seemed. He too gave off magical abilities. It felt nice he’s not alone in that aspect. “ You two are lost aren’t you? I’m lost and confused…” He stood in front of them. Alfador was drawn to Sora’s shoes though. The cat batted at the clown shoes having never seen anything like it in the palace before. Janus looked at Sora next. “ You’re looking for a friend, right? I can probably help. What does your friend look like? I can magically teleport so I can be at different places. My magic is incomparable back home. I can also sense auras with my magical awareness. Both of yours are pretty strong. ” He noticed Alfador pawing at Sora’s shoes; he sighs of course he has never seen shoes with that style. It must be some sort of fashion in Sora’s world. “ Sorry about Alfador. I’m Janus Zeal.

Forevermore Forevermore Ploegy Ploegy
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  • 264

    |The Noble Lady of Caelin|
    Location: Harmony Plaza
    Interactions: Minato
    Tags: Ploegy Ploegy


    Lyn listened intently to Minato's explanation, and she nodded promptly.
    "Right. I believe I have eaten something similar to it before." Lyn mumbled, following the blue-haired boy towards the end of the stand's line. She stood on tip-toe, trying to see the front of the line. "No, I do not mind waiting." Lyn replied, looking back at Minato and lowering herself back down. Thankfully, one of the virtues that Lyn possessed was patience. She twirled a lock of green hair around her finger and looked down at her feet as she thought about what she ought to say.

    'Perhaps nothing at all,' the swordswoman chided herself. 'He does not seem to like talking too much. You don't want to tire him, do you Lyn?'

    Instead of making more small talk, Lyn took to inspecting Minato again. She found him interesting to look at, although others might find him ordinary-looking. Maybe it was simply how different he appeared compared to people from her world. Her green eyes landed on the weapons on his hips. One of them, she knew, was a sword resting in its sheath. He was a swordfighter, like her. But he bore another weapon she didn't recognize. Forgetting her former resolution, Lyndis spoke once more. "What is that?" she asked, pointing at his gun. "I don't mean to be nosy. I just...all of this makes me feel uneasy, you know? Like...these stands, and horseplay, and merrymaking among us...it feels like the calm before the storm." Lyn sighed, her worries finally pushing through. "I know we are comrades, yes. But seeing as I am quite...outdated...compared to others here, I can't help but wonder if the enemy is more advanced as well." The young woman glanced down at the Mani Katti resting on her hip. It was true that the sword held great power, but what good would a sword be if the opposing side had weapons that she knew nothing about?

    What if she would be more of a hindrance than helpful to the noble cause of Nexus? The thought made Lyn's stomach sink.
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  • inato risato

    Location: Harmony Plaza | Interactions: Forevermore Forevermore
    As they waited, silence seemed to grow between the two of them. That was unusual, though more so along the lines of he was used to being talked at even if he was quiet. His friends never cared much about his introverted tendencies. They simply kept talking to him if that was how they felt. He couldn't blame Lyn if she didn't know to do that. Minato was aware how some people treated quieter individuals like himself. Admittedly he probably could be difficult to speak with, even if everyone back home seemed to confide in him. It was never easy starting off. He knew that much, but it wasn't like him to usually take the first step.

    Pursing his lips in thought, Minato wondered if he should try and spark up a conversation, but uncertainty clouded him. What could he even speak of? Their situation? Even he was still trying to wrap his mind around the whole thing and understand it, thus it made it hard to form much of a conversation off it. Besides, he hardly understood why he had been chosen to help. Was he a hero? Such a thought never had crossed his mind, though in the long run it hardly mattered to him. All he did was what he needed to try and bring the Dark Hour to an end. Nothing more, nothing less. Did Lyn even think of herself as a hero? Glancing towards her, it was hard to tell. In his eyes, he wasn't sure if she was one, but she was a swordswoman in the least.

    It was almost one cue that Lyn spoke up as his eyes studied the sword at her hip, however her question was directed towards his own weaponry. Her eyes seemed especially trained on his evoker. He supposed that was no surprise. A weapon like that likely didn't exist in her own time, though it hardly functioned like what it would even in his own times. Before answering her though, Minato let her continue on. In a way, she had a point. Everything around them seemed far from what they had been told they'd be dealing with. There was no danger, no threats, no nothing bad. It was all so carefree and relaxed. He supposed it made him nervous too, though he wasn't vocal or willing enough to admit it.

    As she continued on even more, Minato gave a small shake of his head. While she had a point and he couldn't speak on the behalf of what technology they would be up against, he was sure that even with their weaponry they would be of some use.

    "If you're outdated, then I'm almost as outdated," he stated bluntly as he moved a hand to rest against the crossguard of his sword. "I primarily wield a sword as well." That was true weapons wise at least, though not entirely for his combat style, but he couldn't say his real method of fighting was all that modern. It was simply odd, though summoning was a concept brought into many fantasy games he had played, so it couldn't be too farfetched for a time like Lyn's. Deciding he had lingered long enough on his blade, Minato moved his hand to his other hip and quietly flipped open the holster holding his evoker. "This weapon, well... you may see others here wielding something similar, but mine won't function like theirs does. It's not made for direct combat."

    Pausing, the teen creased his brows, trying to figure out how he wished to proceed. A demonstration would make it very clear what it was used for, but it'd be foolish to do in a crowd, especially given how things were done. He doubted the people here wouldn't be petrified to see a boy put what appeared to be a gun to his head and pull the trigger. Panic would only ensue. That was something he wished to avoid. Explaining it was the best he could do.

    "Generally a weapon like this is known as a gun. They shoot metal bullet at high speeds," Minato briefly explained as he drew the evoker from its place and held it up. "Mine does not fire these bullets. It's more of a, well, uh... trigger, I suppose. It represents acceptance of death and when I use it on myself it allows me to draw upon power of my other self... A summon in simple terms."

    Did any of that even make sense? How was he supposed to know. Nobody would want to accept such a grim description. He couldn't blame them. To most death was a terrifying thought, though to him it hardly fazed him. Death came for everyone eventually after all. Accepting that wasn't as simple as he made it seem though.

    Lowering the evoker back into its holster, Minato snapped it back in place and let a soft sigh slip from his lips. "Sorry for making things heavy."
Aya Brea
Harmony Plaza

The display seemed to confirm some of Aya's suspicions, though not quite all of them. She took mental note as Suguri cycled through the weapons. Their designs were definitely from some distant future Earth; their forms and supposed functions hearkened back to modern weapons with which Aya was familiar. The main difference was the level of technology. "To have an arsenal at one's fingertips... I'm a bit jealous," Aya finally admitted. The best she could do was get more holsters and rifle slings, though weight was still a concern.

As the agent led the two girls towards Seraphina's location, the FBI agent listened to Kairi's questions. "I had the same question. From what you told us, Suguri, you may simply have a lot of nanotechnology of some kind integrated into your body. We're not here to judge, so feel free to be open with us." She was hardly one to judge, given nearly every MIST field agent except Rupert was afraid or incapable of working with her due to her powers.

Interactions: Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist Ploegy Ploegy
Janus thought using his magic is efficient as his abilities are incomparable not to sound too conceited; he is strong in that alley. It didn’t make sense to waste time looking for Sora’s lost friend when he could use his magic but on the other hand his reasoning is sound. He sighs, “ If you say so..” Alfador took his place near Janus’s side who had his fun batting at the older boy’s shoes as he had never seen a style like his clothing back home. “ Sorry about Alfador again. I have never seen a clothing style like that before. We are from the 12,000 BC time period you call it antiquity I think. As far as advanced technology goes we have the black bird. It's Dalton’s invention and his sole aircraft. There is the sky base network; it was the only connection between the three sky islands and the surface below. The Zeal kingdom was best known for being the birthplace of magic..” he used the past tense because the kingdom is gone, everything is gone.

He shook his head and as if on cue Alfador placed his paw on his foot offering comfort once more. He frowns, “ The four magic elements are fire, water, lightning and shadow. I know all of the advanced forms of the first three magic. But I’m more attuned to shadow magic.” He released weak black flames in his palm. Although it’s incomparable to his other spells it could work as a demonstration. “ Actually magic works fine standing alone and is strong but pairing it up with someone else’s say like a friend’s ability makes it even stronger. That’s how one way combat works in my world.” He was barely scratching the surface of how magic works in his universe or the way combat is. He had seen in prior in a tournament before as entertainment for Queen Zeal; it probably counts as experience.

Forevermore Forevermore Ploegy Ploegy
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  • 264

    |The Noble Lady of Caelin|
    Location: Harmony Plaza
    Interactions: Minato Arisato
    Tags: Ploegy Ploegy


    The young woman looked up from the Mani Katti upon hearing Minato's voice. She supposed that he was right, seeing as they both wielded swords. Yet Lyn couldn't shake the feeling that she was at some sort of disadvantage in this impending war. Nevertheless, she put her dread aside and instead turned her attention to Minato's explanation of his weaponry.
    "I see. A fellow wielder of the blade." Lyn commented, smiling. She wondered what kind of sword-fighting style he had. Perhaps it was similar to her cultivated quick-draw style, or maybe a more aggressive and adaptable form. Lyn made a mental note to ask later.

    The swordswoman watched, intrigued, as Minato raised the evoker. It was used for indirect combat? A bow and arrow came to mind as she listened to his explanation, although from what Lyn could understand, this 'gun' weapon was much more deadly. But Minato's weapon didn't fire the usual ammo. Lyn, enthralled, observed silently as Minato finished his exposition and returned the weapon back into its holster.

    "Mm? Oh, no, don't apologize. Thank you for taking the time to explain to me, it's most interesting, in fact." Lyn said quickly. She understood that death could be a sore topic for some, but after her horrid experiences on the Sacae plains as well as her brazen crusade to Caelin, Lyndis was more than used to it. "From my past experiences, I believe that those who are willing to face death in order to do what is right is nothing short of valiant." Lyn added earnestly. At least, she assumed that Minato had done some sort of noble deed before, since he was one of the Nexus recruits...

    The swordswoman felt like she ought to explain her weaponry to him- it seemed like the right thing to do after Minato took the time to walk her through his. Lyn gripped the handle of her sword and drew it from its sheath in a flash.
    "I only carry one weapon with me as of right now." Lyn said, presenting the sword to Minato. "This sword is the Mani Katti, a blade of the utmost strength and value in my world. People from all over would travel to the temple it rested in to try and unsheathe it, but none were worthy, until..." Lyn trailed off, feeling as though telling the whole tale of how she found out she was the one that was destined to wield the Mani Katti would be tiresome. Instead, she simply returned the sword to its resting place on her hip. Lyndis felt like people wouldn't be too chuffed with them waving around weapons in a public space.

Location: Harmony Plaza
Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Ploegy Ploegy


As both of her walking companions questioned the nature of her being, Suguri tilted her head in confusion for a moment. She hadn't thought about how odd her situation could have seemed. Her own operation certainly wasn't normal, but operations on humans as a whole weren't such an odd occurrence, were they? But with the people she'd met before, whether they be from space or from 10,000 years ago, they hadn't really ever questioned her status as a human before. However, they had all been altered humans like herself. The normal humans she interacted with saw her as the reason they could even continue living on Earth, so even if they had those thoughts they probably wouldn't voice them.

"It's true that I'm an altered human. But there's a good number of us out there. Though, my lifespan has gotten too long, and I no longer have the same atmosphere requirements..." she answered, one hand under her chin. Even in comparison to the other altered humans she knew those last two things set her apart. But any of her fellow altered humans possessed the same quality of having turned into human weapons, able to fly around and produce arsenals of weapons at will.

As she thought about that Suguri let out a small laugh, a somewhat somber smile resting on her face afterwards. "...Haha, perhaps you two do raise a point. Maybe it's weird to consider human weapons still human. I was definitely human at one point, but how many changes does it take until you don't qualify anymore? I bet some people would get hung up on that, but I can't say I mind too much either way as long as everyone can get along. My father would have probably been sad if his daughter stopped calling herself human though, so I'll have to still call myself human in the end."

As they continued walking, Suguri didn't seem too bothered by the apparent revelation. Perhaps rambling a bit helped her confirm her feelings about the matter. Perhaps she'd already thought about it once upon a time and simply forgot until now. She wasn't sure herself but whatever the reason, it didn't really matter. Right now she felt comfortable enough being, or at least masquerading as, a human.

"Whatever you want to call me, that does make me wonder what exactly this 'Enigma' is. A human? A robot? That 'darkness' thing? All of the above? I get we're here to save people and worlds, but besides being grand sounding that's not much to go on," Suguri wondered aloud, looking towards Seraphina as she did.

  • airi

    Location: Harmony Plaza | Interactions: Goonfire Goonfire Miserable Alchemist Miserable Alchemist
    It seemed her assumption wasn't entirely on the mark, but at least she hadn't been the only one thinking it. While operations were indeed normal occurrences, Kairi had never heard of the kind Suguri spoke of. That was clearly just the difference between the worlds they came from. There were always strange things out there, or at least that's how it sounded from Sora's stories of his many adventures. She was far less traveled after all. Even so, it was interesting to experience such differences herself. It was a unique experience to say the least.

    Pushing the thought aside, Kairi put her mind back on track. "I see... Humanity sounds much different in your world. I suppose that is to be expected though," she mused, curious of whatever differences there might be between them all. As much as she would have loved to ask, she figured now was hardly the time to delve into such things. They had more important things to worry about, though admittedly, the girl wasn't sure what exactly she should ask Seraphina. Sure, they had pondered some difficult questions which only the woman would likely be able to answer, but were those even enough to give them a full picture of what was happening?

    Quietly pursing her lips as she trailed behind both Aya and Suguri, Kairi's mind had long gotten off track. Questions regarding their current situation slowly began to surface in her mind, though she didn't ponder many of them too deeply. There was hardly a reason to. Making assumptions before they received answers would get them nowhere. Still, she couldn't shake the thought that somehow this whole ordeal was somehow highly tied to the one back home. Maybe what they had been experiencing had only been the beginning of it all. Perhaps this was Xehanort's plans all along.

    Such a thought caused her brows to crease, but still she said nothing. Instead, Kairi lifted her gaze and silently looked around her, trying to get a read on just how far they had to go before they would arrive at their destination. It wasn't far now, but even when they did arrive she didn't plan to be the first to speak up. Maybe it was cowardly of her, but it seemed best, given she wasn't sure where to even begin with her own questions. Even if she did ask of the comparison between this and her own home, would Seraphina have the answers? It was hard to say. She would simply have to wait and see once they arrived.

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