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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy

kurol said:
Troy slowly woke up. His eyes were frightened and large. She knew this too well. Had he had a nightmare too? She had one. About running away... About Mama and Papa. "Commoner?" she said slowly. Yuliae walked into the common room and sat on the seat near the window, looking at the cherry blossoms that peacefully flew down from their branches. It brought back many memories that Yuliae thought she had erased from her mind. Looking at Troy she wanted to help him, or at the least talk to him, but she could only look out the window.
(Sorry it's short)

Troy breathed deeply as he calmed down. His partner in the upcoming battles was there. She greeted him in her usual way and he nearly cracked up laughing. "Yuliae, you know if you keep calling me commoner, we may have problems out on the field right?" Troy remembered his talk with the headmistress, she left no room for him to argue. Especially when she mentioned that if he left, his partner would be sent out solo. He didn't want to do that to Yuliae, despite her personality she was a good girl. Troy walked over to the window and enjoyed the view with her. "The cherry blossoms are beautiful this year. Maria would've loved to have seen them."

Kyo Yuki

About to arrive at the commons area, Kyo decided just simply proceed to the closest window and leap on out, casually walking straight up the side of the academy until at the top, using her magic to freeze and unfreeze her feet one at a time, doing so in order to keep one on the wall while the other stepped. Not too long after beginning, Kyo arrived at the very highest point of the building. "Perfect, somewhere I can relax..." Kyo'd said with a yawn, before basically falling asleep while sitting atop the building though not falling due to being used to such odd places for sleeping.

Cecilia Bloodthorne

Now back at her little room in the, well, back of everything, Cecilia opened her drawer and took a change of clothes, more specifically changed into a white button-up shirt she used for pajamas, as she was quite tired right now. Flopping down on the little bed they'd managed get in here for her, she instantly fell asleep. Sneaking into her room shortly after she'd fallen asleep, Mr. Shimamoto came in silently. Knife drawn, he spun it in his hand before throwing it, straight at Cecilia's neck. A quick spin from laying on her stomach to her back and not only did the knife miss Cecilia, but a loud bang was sent through the back areas of the academy from the firing of her Geared Assassin, which had still remained upon her arm. "Toshikazu Shimamoto, huh... More like Joe Okura, son of the elder who disapproved of me since day one... Go let him know that next one he sends is dead."

With that, the teacher abandoned the room and left, immediately leaving the entire school, up and vanishing entirely. Cecilia hadn't actually shot Joe Okura, rather having landed a shot right into the large chunk of titanium laying against the wall which'd been behind him, that chunk of metal having at one time been on her titanium golem, although she still had planned use for it. There was now a slight dent from where the bullet had hit, though it'd be easy to fix up when she decided to make use of the metal. Rolling to her left, opposite she'd rolled before, she returned to laying on her stomach with her right arm, which had the gun on it, hanging off to the side of the bed toward the wall.

((Eheheh... Don' mind me, just doin' as I see fit X3))
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He laughed as she called him commoner. A grin appeared out of nowhere on Yuliae's face. "Well that's too bad, commoner," she said. He neared her and looked at the pastel pink scenery that radiantly flew outside. Cherry blossoms dove and landed in the sky like small pink and white birds, leaving their nests in the trees. "Spring is beautiful," she murmured to herself, eyes glazed with an adoring longing.


"The cherry blossoms are beautiful this year. Maria would've loved to have seen them," Troy said, a sad smile on his face. Yuliae didn't look at him, keeping her eyes on the cherry blossoms. But she did reply. "That's her name, isn't it?" she said quietly, staring outside at a distant focal point.

kurol said:
He laughed as she called him commoner. A grin appeared out of nowhere on Yuliae's face. "Well that's too bad, commoner," she said. He neared her and looked at the pastel pink scenery that radiantly flew outside. Cherry blossoms dove and landed in the sky like small pink and white birds, leaving their nests in the trees. "Spring is beautiful," she murmured to herself, eyes glazed with an adoring longing.

"The cherry blossoms are beautiful this year. Maria would've loved to have seen them," Troy said, a sad smile on his face. Yuliae didn't look at him, keeping her eyes on the cherry blossoms. But she did reply. "That's her name, isn't it?" she said quietly, staring outside at a distant focal point.

"Yes, Maria Mishkenof. She was a third year water mage. She was very important to me." The cherry blossoms fell and Troy opened the window, catching some of them. He created a small fire out of it and the pink flame continued to burn as he held it with magic. "One time when I was learning to control my power I accidentally set the falling petals ablaze. Many feared and hated me for it. Maria found the beauty of the pink fire flowing through the sky. She was the only person at this school that could see the beauty in the destruction I caused. She became my first real friend. And I was her only friend." Troy leaped out the window and started igniting the falling petals. Only some, not all. He didn't want to tarnish Yuliae's memories of the blossoms.
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Yuliae stared outside the window, but she had heard what Troy had said. They were friends... But Maria dies. Yuliae watched as Troy leaped outside the window, and ignited the drifting blossoms into small bursts of pale pink fire. He didn't burn all of them. Yuliae fought to keep her emotional wall standing as memories of the cherry blossoms, her family and their laughter mixed in with the sight of the beautiful cherry blossoms lighting up in pink flames. A tiny smile crept onto Yuliae's face. Even though it had appeared because of the joy of the cherry blossoms in front of her, flying in the air, some aflame and some not... it was still a sad smile.

Yuliae held her stare on the cherry blossoms, watching them fall from the trees and some being lighted up by Troy's fire. It was a beautiful sight. But there was a sad story behind it, and Yuliae knew this. And she needed to know more, no matter how much it would pain Troy. "She died, didn't she.." Yuliae said sadly.

Marble had stepped off to the side during the last part of the conversation, she was still adjusting to having to interact with people so much. Now that the meditation with Christian was over with her mind moved on to the next task of their classes and of finding her new partner Kael. They'd need to set up some sort of training time in order to prepare themselves as a team. Already Marble was working out the different ways their powers could build upon each other to increase their strengths. As all of this went through her head she stood as still as if she were made out of her name sake staring off into space, as her vision was turned in ward to plans and powers.
kurol said:
Yuliae stared outside the window, but she had heard what Troy had said. They were friends... But Maria dies. Yuliae watched as Troy leaped outside the window, and ignited the drifting blossoms into small bursts of pale pink fire. He didn't burn all of them. Yuliae fought to keep her emotional wall standing as memories of the cherry blossoms, her family and their laughter mixed in with the sight of the beautiful cherry blossoms lighting up in pink flames. A tiny smile crept onto Yuliae's face. Even though it had appeared because of the joy of the cherry blossoms in front of her, flying in the air, some aflame and some not... it was still a sad smile.
Yuliae held her stare on the cherry blossoms, watching them fall from the trees and some being lighted up by Troy's fire. It was a beautiful sight. But there was a sad story behind it, and Yuliae knew this. And she needed to know more, no matter how much it would pain Troy. "She died, didn't she.." Yuliae said sadly.

Troy nodded as he swirled the fire together and turned it into a giant cherry blossom. "You see, I've battled the demons before." Troy focused on the flaming blossom before him. This was a symbol of his friendship with her. This what he made when she told him how lovely the cherry blossoms were and how beautiful the pink flames were. She said that they really matched each other well. "With Maria's help I was able to reach the same skills as some of the third years. I was sparring with her on a daily basis and it made us a lot stronger." Troy's left eye turned orange as Kiro spoke. "That woman was a firecracker let loose in an explosives factory. Wild, unpredictable, easily the best fighter ever, but only during combat. She trounced both Troy and me every time." Troy interrupted. "All but one time when we worked together that is." Kiro smiled. "True enough." Troy sat down as he shrank the fire blossom and set it in his lap.
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Troy extended his sad story. "You see, I've battled the demons before. With Maria's help I was able to reach the same skills as some of the third years. I was sparring with her on a daily basis and it made us a lot stronger. That woman was a firecracker let loose in an explosives factory. Wild, unpredictable, easily the best fighter ever. She trounced both Troy and me every time. All but one time when we worked together that is. True enough." Somewhere in the middle, Kiro had shared Troy's conversation, both explaining parts of the story. They smiled. What was behind that smile? Pain? Sadness? Another demon, waiting to be released from it's hidden cage?

Yuliae didn't need to hear the ending yet. Both Troy and Kiro, even, had shared so much with her. A silly girl who'd only just began the Academy a few days ago. She decided, if she wanted to be fair, she'd need to release her past from it's dark depths. Yuliae leaped from her higher position and onto a branch. Cherry blossoms danced around her. "It's only fair if I tell you my story, commoner."

Yuliae's eyes hardened, looking at the cherry blossoms sadly. "Once upon a time, there lived a little girl, and she lived with her parents. It was a joyous household of ever lasting happiness. The girl thought it was her happily ever after. The girl would go out with her parents, and they would laugh and play until the sunset. Spring was their favorite, when the cherry blossoms burst onto the trees. And then one day, the girl was told she was a metal mage, and she couldn't have been happier. It was a perfect dream, and the girl believed it would never end." Yuliae's eyes glowed, reliving the memories of joy and love. A cherry blossom landed on her palm. "But then... it ended." The cherry blossom turned into rock hard metal on top Yuliae's tiny palm.

"The girl had only gotten home from school when it happened. There were guards from the government. They had the parents chained up, and cut their faces and bodies with no mercy. Blood spilled on the carpet. Tears spilled as well. The two mixed as they formed puddles of despair. The girl screamed and tried to save her parents. But she was flung against the wall, and knocked out as her parents were dragged from the room, almost dead." Yuliae's eyes began to wet, and a small tear ran down her cheek. She wiped it away quickly. "When she woke up, they were gone. And just like that, the meaning in her life vanished. Afterwards, she ran away and lived in an abandoned apartment, on scraps of food found in the garbage. She practiced her metal magic, and tried to become stronger. On the inside, as well as the outside. She decided to be better, to call people commoners, and to be the best mage there was. And then she arrived at this school." Yuliae said. "That's my story."

The small girl trembled, the wall around her soul breaking down.

Troy listened to her story and lifted the fire blossom to her. "You're a lot stronger than I am Yuliae. To this day I can't face my past. Reliving my mistake makes me hate myself so much." Troy sighed with the darkness gripping at him as he tried to fight his own heart. "Maria and I ended up as partners much like you and me. The headmistress chose us. We were a great duo though our powers didn't mesh. A sister school to Crimson Knight was attacked a few months back. Maria and I went out despite our orders. We couldn't let others get hurt. We nearly cleared out the school when one particularly nasty demon appeared near the dorms. There were still students inside. Maria told me to leave. We had done what we could, but I was cocky. I told her that I could beat the demon and ran off." The fire blossom wavered as the flames began to turn white. "I fought with the beast and the students escaped, but I was hurt......severely. Maria..........she came in to save me, but was pierced by one of the beasts horns." The flames continued to grow in heat and power, the flames were white now. "I lost myself at that moment and consumed the remnants of that school in a blaze so hot, that all that remained was a desert. I left that school as ashes. Maria had managed to protect herself with water in the air. She was the only one left." Troy looked up at Yuliae. "Everyone thinks the demon I became caused the damage, but it wasn't. I did it. The demon was......the manifestation of my sorrow." Troy looked at the ground. "Maria's last words to me were to never stop smiling." Troy laughed hysterically. "She said that my smile was as warm and inviting as the yellow sun." Troy shook his head. "I wasn't smart enough and Maria died. My friend, my partner, and the only person I let close since the day that Kiro destroyed my home and killed my dad."

"That man was scum that killed your mom and beat you daily. He deserved to die." Kiro was irritated. He hated the memory of Maria's death. She was the only person Kiro respected even in comparison to the headmistress.

"Anyway, you know the story now." Troy sighed as the fire blossom dissolved into nothingness.

He lifted the large burning cherry blossom to her, and she wrapped her arms around it. She silently listened to his story. The ending provoked tears. She couldn't let them out..! I am not a weakling. I am not a weakling. I... am... n-n-not... a...

"C-c-c-commoner!!" she yelled, and burst into tears. They were cold, yet hot and stingy as they ran down her cheeks. Yuliae didn't look at Troy, embarrassed by her weakness. Her body trembled, and the salty water ran down in constant streams from her overflowing eyes.

kurol said:
He lifted the large burning cherry blossom to her, and she wrapped her arms around it. She silently listened to his story. The ending provoked tears. She couldn't let them out..! I am not a weakling. I am not a weakling. I... am... n-n-not... a...

"C-c-c-commoner!!" she yelled, and burst into tears. They were cold, yet hot and stingy as they ran down her cheeks. Yuliae didn't look at Troy, embarrassed by her weakness. Her body trembled, and the salty water ran down in constant streams from her overflowing eyes.

"It's fine Yuliae, but now you know why I REALLY don't want to fight the demons. I-I just can't do it. Every time I think of a demon, I see Maria impaled on the horn of a demon." He felt nauseous as he remembered her face of pain yet again. He also left out the part that they had just started dating a week before that. "The only thing that I still have of her is a photo." Troy pulled out his phone and gazed upon the picture again. "She really was my rainstorm of joy."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e3d0bca_MariaMishkenof.jpg.4a686f91adcf3b00551189518deda988.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e3d0bca_MariaMishkenof.jpg.4a686f91adcf3b00551189518deda988.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yuliae looked at Maria's picture. She was beautiful, and the way Troy described her made Yulaie adore this girl she had never met before. And in some way, the girl reminded her of herself. Her eyes. Yuliae shifted her face angle to look directly into Troy's eyes. She wiped away the tears with her sleeve, and focused on his eyes with a piercing stare. Even if she was looking up at him from her tiny height, her eyes looked into his own with a glare like a metal blade. She was good at this, of course. And then, she punched him. In the stomach. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough to startle him. "Listen to me, commoner. You can't run away, okay? I'm telling you, from my own experience, that running away from this battle isn't going to do anything but prove you're too coward to stand up to your fear! I'm sure Maria would want you to fight for her! But instead, you're going to back away? That's no good! You have to fight the demons! For Maria and I!" Yuliae yelled. She punched him again, also in the stomach, but it was one with strength that couldn't even hurt a fly.

Troy rolled onto his back as Yuliae screamed at him. She said the same thing the headmistress told him. But the thought....the image appeared in his mind and he rolled onto his side, letting dinner come back to haunt him a second time. "Ugh, it tastes worse on the way out." Troy looked at Maria's picture and thought of all the sparring they did. Then he thought of when they disobeyed a direct order from the headmistress. Come on Troy! If we don't save those kids nobody will. Those were the words she said to him when he said they should stay. Then when she said that they should leave he told her to go on ahead without him. He was an idiot. If they'd both gone, they could've saved the students AND lived. "I'm just an idiot that'll get you killed Yuliae." Troy felt his insides caving as he reached for the white fire. That sorrowful white fire that burns away the pain and everything. The fire that leaves him empty again. The fire inside his mind became real, the white fire formed a tight circle around him. He was shutting the world away again. It was how he survived. Ignore the problems and move forward, but this time there was no ignoring it. He was alive, she wasn't. That's all that mattered.

He was slowly shutting her out, as he rolled onto his back. "I'm just an idiot that'll get you killed Yuliae."

"Yuliae... we are sorry." So... many guards. Were they all from the government? Yuliae screamed, paralyzed to the spot she stood. "Shut up, child. We're going to have to take away your parents for raising you, since you're a magic user. We can't allow that." The guards mercilessly stabbed and slashed at the couple's arms, legs, chests and faces, making sure they stayed alive but only just, so they could feel all the agony and pain. This was their punishment for raising Yuliae. She screamed again. "Let them go!" She tried to use her metal magic, but all that happened was a few small sparks of steel before it faded away. Arcana wasn't working. She didn't know how to activate her armor yet. Tears rolled down her eyes as she ran at the guards, even if she didn't have a chance. "Forgive us. Grow stronger, Yuliae." They blacked out from the pain. Yuliae was thrown against a wall by one of the guards with brute force. "Waste of a child. Might as well not bother with her. She'll die anyway, with all the strength she's got on her own. Wretched tiny girl." Yuliae blacked out.

Yulaie was about to burst from the anger, sadness, and shock that was bubbling in her stomach. "I don't care if I die! I know you won't ever mean to kill me! AND DYING KNOWING THAT YOU WERE ABLE TO STAND UP TO YOUR FEARS IS BETTER THAN DYING ALONE ON THE BATTLE FIELD AGAINST THOSE DEMONS!"

She's a strong girl Troy. You made a good friend. Troy could hear Maria's voice. I know Maria. She's a good kid. Maria wasn't there but he could hear her laughing. The white fire became a sphere around him. You know that she's going to keep screaming at you until you give in right? Maria was doing what she had always done, been Troy's light and his savior. Maria, I-I can't do it. After I lost you, I just can't make magic work the same. My power is nowhere near where it was when I was with you. I've lost the fire for life that you helped me find. Troy pleaded with this voice he wanted to hold onto it as long as possible. Troy, you have more reasons to be here than you realize. But you just push the people away. That's where we were so much alike. Troy shook his head. I'm just not good at dealing with people. That's all. Troy sighed. Maria, I'm not fighting demons anymore. I'll watch, I'll be a mentor to students, but....I can't do it. I'm not the same Troy without you. He almost could feel her arms around him as she'd hug him like before. If that's what you decide Troy that's fine. Just remember what I told you before, just keep smiling. You know how much I loved it when you smiled. With that, Troy felt her presence was gone. No, she'd never been there in the first place. He'd just created that to help him put his thoughts together. The fire died down and Kiro stood there. "I'll teach you what I can Yuliae, but I'm not going to fight. I'll make you strong enough to be paired up with someone that CAN help you. Okay?"

Yuliae silenced. She breathed, her breaths silent. She looked at her feet. Of course. This would happen, and she knew it from the start. She wasn't meant to be strong. She wasn't meant to have a happy ending. She wasn't a princess, and not even a commoner. She had no happy ending. But one where her story would end in blood and tears, on the battlefield. Alone.

"No." Yuliae summoned her strength. "No! I'm going alone! That's my ending, isn't it? So... Goodbye!" Yuliae yelled. Her eyes were fighting to hold back more tears, which she thought wasn't possible with the amount she'd already cried. A lump was in her throat. She leaped off the ground and onto the window sill. She looked at the boy standing among the floating cherry blossoms sadly behind her expressionless mask. Goodbye.


Yuliae turned away and fled into the dorms. She tripped at the doorway, and ended up on the floor of the boys dorms. There wasn't enough strength in her to get back up, so she lay there, softly fading into a world of no dreams, but only a haunting nothingness.

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Troy sighed. "Well, guess it's back to the gym Kiro."

"Are we REALLY going to try that AGAIN?!"

"What else are we to do? You heard the mistress. And you heard Yuliae. She's gonna be stupid and go out alone if we don't." Troy sighed. "I may get both of us killed yet Yuliae. You just wait and see." Troy started walking over to the gym and slipped inside. He called up one of the fourth years that he knew from his connections with Maria. The boy was an electric mage that had built a contraption to help Troy train. They were going to spend quite some time there. It was important. "Just keep smiling Troy, that's all you have to do."

Yuliae was stuck in a world of darkness, where nothing existed for miles.

First came Maria. She glowed with a blue aura. "You're a lot like me, Yuliae." she said, smiling. Yuliae didn't move a muscle. She couldn't, anyway, not in this paralyzing world of her nightmares. "I don't know you that well. But you're a good girl. Keep Troy company for me." She smiled, and then disappeared into the blackness.

Then her parents. "Forgive us, Yuliae." They said. Then they smiled. Yuliae wanted to say a million things in reply, but she couldn't. Her mouth wouldn't move. "You're very strong. On the outside, yes. And on the inside. But when you build those protective walls of yours, you should make some gates to let people pass through, okay?" They smiled. A cherry blossom floated onto Yuliae's head. She wanted to touch it, but it disappeared. So did her parents.

Then he arrived into her world of nothing. Troy. He didn't say anything, and neither did Yuliae. They just held a strong stare, both looking into each other's souls. Then he smiled. It was a sunny smile. One that lit up the world of darkness with a radiant beauty. Troy disappeared into the light, smiling. Yuliae reached out, but grasped onto nothing. Then, at once, the world faded into black again, swallowing up a despairing Yuliae with it...

Blood filled his mouth as Troy stared down at Kiro. The strain that the device put on the physical body was immense. Being split apart was like having an empty husk. Troy used to be able to fight with Kiro despite this disadvantage, but without real motivation, he just got beat down a lot. The onlooker continued to monitor their health and gave a thumbs up. Troy stared at the red dragon surrounding Kiro. Three fights in and Troy hadn't even landed a single attack. It wasn't that his strategies weren't working, but every time he attacked it fell short as the vision of Maria dying filled his mind. It was like there was a giant blockade in Troy's mind that stopped him from letting loose with his powers. Kiro clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Give up already Troy. You've tried this time and time again. Nothing works! You just can't fight seriously with her gone."

"And then what?" Troy didn't want to fight, but knew that Yuliae's chances of survival were 2% without a strong partner. "What am I supposed to do Kiro? I'm not like you. I'm not able to just let go of her as easily."

"You think it was easy to let go of that woman?" Kiro started laughing. Troy had never heard this before. "You're a fool Troy. Love is probably the only feeling we have ever shared once. And that was for Maria, but she's gone. It's not easy to let her go. And more than likely it's harder for you because you were so close to her. You were who she fell in love with." Kiro glared at the electric mage. "Tell a soul and you die." Kiro then returned to talking with Troy. "But what Yuliae said was right. Do you really think Maria would want you to sit around for months, wallowing in the memory of her death? She brought you out of the darkness because she saw the beauty in destruction. What would she have said about that desert you made?"

Troy smirked. "She'd have said give me a week and we'll have our own private beach!" Troy started laughing as he remembered that despite how classy she dressed, she was just a tomboy that found destruction more beautiful than creation because you can always create something new through destruction, but creating something from something already created was difficult. "So what can we create with her death?"

"Well, have you figured out anyway of controlling that white fire demon you created?"

"Nope. It's just a single thought. It's something I can pour everything in....to.........." Troy's eyes lit up as he started coming to the understanding of how the white fire worked. It would take him a few years to master it without Maria to encourage him, but this was a good start. "Maria, you really are my rainstorm of joy." Troy chuckled as he looked to the sky and started working on how to control his magic better.

Yuliae sat in her place of nothing. She found a metal stick sort of thing, and drew line. It turned into a circle that she drew around herself. "My new wall." She remembered what her parents had said. Her heart felt sick. Yuliae closed her eyes, stood up, and erased the smallest section of the circle, the size of an ant. But it had been erased from the circle. "And the gate." Yuliae just sat there for a while, staring out into the world of eternal darkness, waiting for something to wake her up.

( Got to go too ^^ )

Marian wandered around the grounds silently, her crimson eyes glowed eerily in the dark covers of a black night. Slowly she fell against a tree, exhausted. "Eh..hehe..." She started to laugh, the effects of her kill finally getting to her. "I...haha...thought... it would be easier...that killing a man, a stranger you know not off..." She allowed herself a small but sad grin. "It's not...it really isn't..it gets you at the end of the day..." From within her sleeve, metallic dust seemed to crawl out and gather in front of her. She reached with her hand and molded it into a little figurine of a boy roughly her age. She lifted the figurine up. "I'm sorry...you probably had a family...someone who cared and loved you...people waiting for you, to be proud off...and I've just taken that away on a whim..." Her tears glinted in the pale moonlight before she wiped it. She chuckled darkly. "I guess I'll be seeing your face in my nightmares then? Just another soul lost to a cruel world, to me..."

She slowly stood up and planted Bloody Cross onto the ground. She glowed as she gathered magic. "I guess this isn't much...but a part of you gets to fulfill your dream..." The figurine dissolved into iron dust that floated around her before forming into a small blade and slipping itself into her sleeve. She then cried her troubles, alone in the dark.
Lloyd a guy nobody knew was around was walking to the boys dorms after a long day of solo training. As he's walking stretching his arms hi sees a little girl face down in the males dorm.'the heck is that?" he says from a distance. he walks up to the little girl she was having a nightmare, shaking and talking about weird words, something about Troy, her parents and little cries for help. Lloyd standing beside her shaking little body, he proceeds by poking her with his foot, Nothing.... "ehm... is she okay? " "you could cut her up to see how she taste, she would maybe wake up then" said Kaudus with a low growl ,kinda like a whisper."shut up Kaudus! she still human. ill do this my way." he then shakes her with his foot 'they say don't wake someone from a nightmare i wonder wh...." before he could end his sentence the little girl got up with a scream and lunged at Lloyd to punch him, Lloyd dodged it with a quick movement thanks to his agility training , Lloyd at a young age was trained by a village elder for ninja training and now knows a multitude of flips and dodges."COMMONER!!!"she yelled "yikes! that was a close one! your a feisty one are ya?" says Lloyd with a mocking tone. He looks at the girl and quickly sees that she was crying and immediately says "hey hey hey! im not the bad guy here! i just found you here like this, speaking of that... its a very odd place for a girl like you to be sleeping ?" @kurol

(like it ?)
Hearing Elden techie that he was ok seemed half hearted. But Christian did not want to push the subject. He was he's partner after all. They had plenty of time to speak and confide in each other... Right?

Christian yawned and Began feeling the effect this boisterous night had offered, his arms and legs felt like they were about to fall off. Looking at both Elden and a staring into space Marble he scratched the back of his head while yawning once more. "I don't know about you too, but in dead tired." It must of been near eleven o'clock after everything that had happened. "I think I'm going to head on over to bed.

(( so I'm thinking maybe we all go to sleep to start a new day? Cause since @kurol made dinner happen and the headmistress appear it was about 7pm right? So like this entire time has been in the middle of the night. @everyone))

(P.S. Welcome aboard Rexus434 :D )
(( Yeah the time jump was weird because we did breakfast, no classes or mission and then suddenly supper? ))

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