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Fantasy Crimson Knight Academy


1000 Minus 7! Stay sane.. To feel the pain.
I will start the RP once we've got characters! So sign up quickly ^-^
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There was a huge crowd of teenagers huddled inside the towering golden gates, in front a giant castle like school. Among them stood a tiny black haired girl with a sword at least five times her size slung easily on her back. That's me.

I'd received some sort of letter from this place. I was the first communication with the outside world I'd had in months, ever since... I push the thought away with might before it threatens to bring up tears. Can't make these people think I'm a weakling, or I'll never get anywhere. I'm above all these people, even if we're all magic users.

There was quite a bit of commotion. "Why are we here?" and "What's happening?" I was asking those questions to myself at that very moment. All I knew from the letter was that this place was called Crimson Knight Academy, and that we were going to be students for the new year. I'm sixteen, and already went to a school. Well, I ditched it for a while. And then this pops up from the blue? Well, it'd be a nice change to be surrounded by commoners than moths.

At last a woman emerged from a balcony up on the tower. She silenced the students immediately. "Welcome, new students. Welcome, to the Crimson Knight Academy! I am the Head Mistress, Lady Oregan." Lady Oregan was in her forties, with silvery hair flowing down her emerald gown in a single plait, and cloudy grey eyes. There was one thing that seemed quite peculiar; she was decked out in clinking armor with a leaf-obscured clutched in her hand. Was this what an Earth user looked like? I hadn't the slightest idea, being from a place where magic is rare, and you only find out you're a Metal element the night before your parents--- KI stop my mind from any continuation.

"You never would have hear about this school before, but it is a high school for magic users. And these magic users are you all, and we will turn you into faithful Crimson Knights. More will be explained after the orientation." Orientation? What was that going to be? I didn't have to think much before the answer was replied.

"Fight to the death. Last eighty four standing are new students. The rest..? Well, I think we know the answer for that. And there's no backing out now."

(Everyone please do what I did before actually beginning the fight to the death thing, kay?) And it has started :3 @too much idea
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Marble stood in the crowd still as the stone her name came from, observing. Most of those around her were nervous and jumpy. Unsuited for fighting they looked more like they would fit into an academic setting with books pilled to the ceiling and debates on the mundane workings of magic. She really hoped this school didn't cater to those types as it would be a complete waste of her time then. Marble had control of her magic, knew how to use it, and it moved fluidly with her fighting. It was something that had always been there a part of her for as long as she could remember. Though that wasn't very far back.

Her first solid memory was one of fire, fighting, screaming, and death. She had stepped out of the fog that had been floating out of the forest to the edge of a small village set a flame as monsters gorged on the frightened villagers. One of the monsters had lept at her and her reaction had been pure instinct without thought. In one fluid motion she'd unhooked the weapon from her back and brought it over her shoulder. The hammer had seemed to sing a song of death as it swung over and into the skull of the disfigured creature. A crunching had told her its skull had caved in and its limp body dropping to the ground had told her it would cause no more trouble. She hadn't even really intended to do anything else until a single scream of terror had cut through the chaos and noise. Focusing in on it she had seen a young woman hold a broom out like a weapon trying to defend a small group of children. It had been one of them whose scream had caught her attention. Without thought she'd set her feet against the earth and pushed off, seeming to skid and glide across its surface at a surreal speed. That night had seen many monsters slain, many villagers lost. But it had also gifted the village with a mysterious guest who could defend them.

Her memories had kept her entertained as she continued to scan the crowd. It was easy when you were nearly a head or more taller then those around you. The large war hammer strapped across her back kept well off of the ground. She counted very few of the students as being actually armed, but she guessed magic was its own sort of weapon as well. There was one younger girl in the crowd who stood out just from the purely ridiculous spectacle. A tiny girl with as sword way too big for a grown man ten times her size, yet she seemed completely at ease with it. Like it hadn't been a haphazard purchase by family before rushing their child off to this mysterious school but something that had been created for her. It was a pity not everyone look as comfortable with their weapon and its use as she could see the young girl clearly was.

Then an older women who seemed to be in charge stepped onto a balcony over looking them and informed them of their entrance exam. To kill each other. Gasps of shock and indignation had started rising from the crowd at that declaration. Marble figured it was because they were afraid they would be the ones dying. It might seem inhuman but she hadn't even blinked at the command. She was here for a reason. A very specific one that she had determined out weighed any cost. It was something she'd see to the end. If that meant more death then so be it. Marble had dispensed death daily in the village that had welcomed her to any creature stupid or unlucky enough to venture near its bounds. Subtly she resituated herself into a more comfortable fighting stance and waited. Soon the chaos that came with a fight for survival would ensue, but for now it was just waiting.
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Kael still didn't know why he was even here. He wasn't one to mingle in a crowd, but after he recovered his family heirlooms, he had found a letter tucked into his clothing. He didn't remember grabbing it at any point. Sure things were rushed as he broke into the safe, but he would have noticed a letter. And despite running through the streets and over roof tops the letter had managed to stay with him. He wanted to get rid of it, but curiosity got the better of him as he soon read its contents and wound up here. "This is an academy, but for what exactly..."

Kael planned to stay near the back, but with the constant increase of people he found himself somewhere near the center of the crowd. Everyone around him gave off the aura of a magic user while a select few seemed to be proficient in combat. He took note of two girls, one with an enormous sword and the other a war hammer. His former suspicions were confirmed when the 'Head Mistress' made her announcement. Kael laughed to himself as he heard the title Crimson Knights or rather the word that came before it, faithful. He had no intentions of becoming someone's dog.

He was ready to leave this place. It no longer held his interest, but then he heard her final words to the crowd. "To the death, huh?" Something changed in Kael's eyes. Whatever this place really was, he'd at least get the chance to do some killing. Still he held in the urge and began planning, processing the situation as fast as possible.

The majority will voice their concern, after the fighting starts some will break just from the sight of death, and then the fun would begin.
Adlett sulked, clearly bothered by the amount of people present. Unfortunately , Adlett was one of the first to get swept by the wave of newcomers. Adlet groaned, the mob's confused chattering was starting to get to him. Why was he here in the first place?

Adlett glanced at the crimson tinted envelope in his right hand. Adlett had head that there were schools which specialized in the instruction of magic. But those schools always had costly tuition fees which an orphan like him could never afford. It was suspicious that this school difn't require any payment or prerequisite to enter. In fact, everything about this school was suspicious. It didn't take a genius to figure out that everyone here was a magic user. How exactly did they manage to track all of them down? People from every corner of the world were gathered here. This was no ordinary academy.

Adlett's thought were interrupted as an authoritative voice silenced the crowd. Adlett's heart stopped as the true nature of this gathering was announced.

"She can't be serious." A mixture of shock and disbelief coursed through Adlett. He was unsure how things would unfold. It's not like everyone's going to start killing each other because some hag told them to. Deciding that it would be best just to leave before finding out, Adlett pushed his way through the crowd and made his way to the entrance. But just as he was about to leave, as if some unseen force was taking effect, the pair of golden gates closed to a shut.
Avong was between the crowd of students more exactly in the first line ,the reason behind his decision was because Avong wanted to pay attention to any anounce the school could give , waiting he started to thought .

At first now he was totally free , his family didnt care too much about him so he wasnt sad because he may never see them again , instead he only worried about all the books he couldnt bring with him or all the amulets that couldnt made it into his bag , but that problem could be easily fixed after all he was now in a magic school kinda..... , but something was strange all of the contacts he made didnt even knew about this school and therefore it could be more exciting or dangerous.

The answer to his thoughts was going to be known very soon , Avong soon saw a woman in a balcony , he gave all his introduction and everything things that he didnt worry too much before he hearded the part where all of them will fight until there are only eighty four standing and the rest death. Well this was not chivalrous or anything like that , but Avong was determined to join that school regardless of the after effects to his mind.
Eldin opens his eyes as he looks around, his tiger eye colored eyes scanning the massive amount of people. He didn't even remember how he got here. Last thing he remembered, he was crossing through a forest, searching for answers to help his tribe. Sadly, that wasn't what was happening. He still didn't know where he was, or who these people were.

His ears perk up as he hears the headmistress talking. He looks over at her, her green, earthy armor clinking around. He remembered how his grandmother was an earth magic user, and for her ceremonies, she would wear green earthy clothes as well, but with less metal. He lustens to her closely as the kids started to squirm around, and one boy pushed Elden farther into the crowd. Elden pops back up and clears some room for himself as he listens to the woman.

He looks around at anyone in particular. First of all, thwre was a large sword that seemed to levitate in the air. Ince he got closer, however, he was surprised to see a luttle girl as the owner. He looks back at the headmistress to continue listening.

He heard the part about a fight to the death, which Elden was a tad surprused about. Luckily, the boy was confident, and he felt he would knoe how to fight. He holds his dagger as he hears her saying no backing out. He was more or less dragged into this, but this school cohld be a goldmine of answers for him. He was ready.
Christian slowly walked within the gates of the school. Absentmindedly following the crowd of people chattering, some giggling, all with questions on what this school was really about and how excited they all were to be here. He hugged his body, tugging the sleeves of his sweater so they covered half of his hands, making himself smaller within the drowning wave of students. Christian wasn't very good with crowds. It didn't help that this was the first time he had ever left the house further then the edge of there drive way. He quickly stopped moving and let the massive amount of noise pass him until he was on the back end of the crowd.

Looking around he noticed the multitudes of people. Some visibly younger then him but surprisingly looked stronger and more put together then him. One girl had a massive looking sword on her person so large he was shocked at how easy she handled it. while others were older, taller and a lot more built compared to his lanky and skinny body. He quickly noticed a white haired guy with unique eyes almost animal like wearing what he could only describe as Arabic clothing. He looked so cool and otherworldly he wished he had the courage to just say hi. but before he could even ponder at a possible conversation, the man was pushed froward, deeper within the ocean of people.

Suddenly everyone became silent all at once and above them a graceful looking older women stepped out from the shadows silencing everyone for attention. Talking about why they were all here and the sheer mystery of this school had answered some of the students questions, but Christian was still confused as why he was brought here. Why was he given a letter when a clear view of everyone here compared to himself, clearly showed he was not cut out for this. "Fight to the death. Last eighty four standing are new students. The rest..? Well, I think we know the answer for that. And there's no backing out now." All the fear and anxiety suddenly hit him like a bullet. This was a joke right? She wasn't seriously considering pinning everyone here to fight to the death? Why would they invite him here to such a carnival of blood?!

He felt sick to his stomach and fear became a lump in his throat. slowly backing farther from the now strangers with sharp weapons and an aura to kill, he noticed that he wasn't the only one second guessing there decision to come here. A boy with blue hair shoved through the masses and headed for the gates. about to follow in the boys footsteps wanting nothing more to leave as well, the gates shut with a massive roar. the sheer weight of the gates created a deafening sound that made everyone realize there was no escape. Christian put both hands on each of his guns and prayed.
Standing there was an expressionless girl, a face that showed zero interest and eyes that reflected fifteen years of living in literal hell. She stood there uncaring, a small area around her completely devoid of people as her uncaring and emotionless eyes from hell seemed to creep out most around her. She noticed another white-haired student a little ways away, though didn't really care all too much. She also didn't care for miss 'big sword', as Kyo knew size to be irrelevant. Size was nothing more than something used for intimidation by those with no actual skill, to get their opponent shaking enough to be an easy target. "Such trivial weapons..." Kyo muttered, seeing many a weapons she deemed quite useless opposed to her two blades.

More killing...? In Kyo's mind, she was disgusted. Once more, humans were being their mindless selves and relying solely on their desire to kill one another. "This is idiotic... I shall simply leave now before I have to needlessly get blood on my hands..." Kyo said emotionless, though continued on after a few seconds' pause. "Actually, I think I should simply kill this Headmistress..." Kyo added. Everything was just dumb as hell around here. "No, I shall just go back to that hell where only I was able to survive... I can get stronger there..." Kyo finished up, turning around and beginning walk away without care or interest, that is until the gates closed leaving her to simply stop. She blankly stared for a moment, before deciding no to the idea she had of using her blades to cut through the gate with ease, as she'd be able to freeze the door at the molecular level to make it shatter like glass.

"Of course... This is the bloodthirsty ways of these human beings... I would rather not get blood on my hands, and as such I shall let them fight it out..." Kyo was still as an emotionless person, seemingly lacking what most would call a soul. A spear suddenly flew through the masses and at Kyo's face, though Kyo reached right up into the air and caught it by a single hand, the point of the spear just barely residing against her forehead without leaving a mark. Slowly moving the spear, she simply let go as it was pulled away from her and back through the crowd to the hands of a student through use of a chain. Kyo took two casual steps backwards as the spear was once more thrown, this time stopping on its' own just inches from the bridge of her nose due to the chain's length being barely too short.

"There's three of them..." Kyo said to herself, pretty much thinking aloud just because. Two spears on chains flew at her from the sides, Kyo spinning around a hundred and eight degrees as they came close, her catching them mid-spin and thus pulling both to the opposite sides of her in which they'd come. Pulling both the spears some more, Kyo pulled the spear owners to the ground before letting go; the reason for which, being the first throwing his spear again. Jumping up as the spear flew at her, she spun around and kicked the spear on the side, sending it in a circular motion around the user of said spear and almost hitting the one to Kyo's left. At this point the general area of the fight she participated in was clear, enough for this fight to take place without any real interference.

"Just give up," Kyo said as she glared demonically at the person whose spear she'd just kicked away. She hadn't even brought the blades off her back yet, hilts of the two sticking downward as she would normally pull the blades out by holding them in a reverse style. "If you wish to live, I recommend finding another opponent, you three... You see, I..." Kyo said, getting cut off momentarily by a spear flying from her right side. She simply leaned back and caught the spear as it went in front of her face with her right hand before returning to speech. "... have no tolerance for humans and their sick desire to kill one another..." Using her left hand to pull her blue blade out, she tossed it up to where the blade would point downward as it fell, pulling the spear further with the blade falling down right into a loop from the chain of the spear.

Kyo was rather tired of these three. Two of them'd already given up at least, but this third one... She was really irritated inside by this one. Left hand getting placed on the sword within the spear's chain, a quick shove downward on the hilt of her sword caused it to break straight through the chain itself. Tossing the spear to the side, Kyo walked away and through a crowd which cleared out. From that display alone, Kyo'd basically guaranteed her survival as she probably showed just how intense combat with her would be, plus all had been able to see her eyes in which had witnessed unending hell. On the other hand though, the three with the spears were about to be dead, as the moment attention left her it'd go back to them with them being prime targets to take off to reduce the number of survivors.

((Sorry, sorry... Hopefully I didn't jump the gun or anything by getting into fighting first post, @kurol... If not, I'll be more than glad to cut the fighting bits out, work on one or two more paragraphs just to keep it with detail, then save the fighting bit for the very start of the fighting; assuming you'll be doing it that way.))
"No questions, no rules. At the sound of the cannon fire, engage in combat. Hunt or be hunted. Good luck, and may the best win." The Headmistress vanished behind doors that closed magically in front of her, concealing her from what would happen next.

Yuliae's mind was drowning in thoughts. The idea of fighting to the deaths sounded... inhumane. Death always seemed to be an answer for everything in this cruel world, just as it was in the non-magical. Nothing really would ever change. Yuliae was fine with killing people. It seemed like an exciting task, even. But for the enjoyment of some Head Mistress of a mysterious magic school? That was idiotic. But she wasn't going to cave in just yet. If that cruel lady wants a fight to the death, that's what she'll get. A cannon blasted through her thoughts and into the sky, and immediate combat began. There was already bloodshed, cries of agony. She glanced around. Over half the people were bleeding on the grounds. The grass was a deep red.

Being new to this kind of world, it was odd to see others using magic normally, as if it was an everyday thing. She had practiced with her sword, Arcana, ever since they... were taken. Her Metal Magic enabled her armor and Arcana to do incredible things. Now it was the final test. To see if she was actually better than these commoners.

Many people began to close in on her. She activated her armor. A bright silver light encased her (BTW this is how you activate your armor), and her armor appeared, glinting and shiny. She drew Arcana, whose blade was shining with deadly anticipation. I growled. "Lookie, this pip squeak think's she's a big deal, huh? Bet she's never even used magic before. Looks like a human, to me. Mystery hwo she knows Metal Magic. But one thing's for sure; when we're done with you, that magic of yours ain't gonna be useful anymore--" His body was sliced in half before he could even call me another name. I slashed at the others with fury, and their screams of pain and surprise were mute to me. "Think you're all special since you already know magic? Well, filthy commoners, NEVER underestimate me again, or I'll get you before you can say anything to me!"

The last limb fell to the ground. I puffed. Arcana was drenched with blood and bits of flesh. I cleaned it with magic, then slung it onto my back again. I was counting the last people, and got to about ninety, when a girl and boy approached me. They must be twins. They had messy brown hair and eyes the color of walnuts. Loving eyes, filled with a lust for blood that didn't suit them at all. My words clogged din my throat. They looked like... Like...

"Mama. Papa."

I fell to the ground, wound slashed in my stomach, barely missing a vital organ. They stood there for a while, and we locked eyes. I should have attacked them. But I couldn't, my body was paralyzed. They held up their weapon, a dual handed sword, ready for the death blow. My instincts kicked in just then, because in a flash I had their chests choked under my feet. Tears fell from my eyes. I mouthed an apology. Arcana did the rest.

Wiping the tears away to make sure I didn't look weak, I slung back Arcana for the final time. There were eighty four now. The Headmistress appeared on the balcony. I immediately had the urge to kill her. But I withheld. "Congratulations, students. You have passed the orientation for Crimson Knight Academy. Welcome, Crimson Knights."
Elden looks around as the crowd continues to move around, Elden still being silent. His tiger like eyes continued to look around, and he spotted one girl who already beat three men before it even started. She was definitely going to be a mean one. Elden clenches his dagger as he sees two men start to come close to him. They both had a deadly lust in their eyes, and Elden knew what it meant.

He hears the headmistress say that the battle would start when a cannon fires, and he hears the blast go off. The two men sent to attack Elden, but they instantly both went down, gashes on their chest. Elden was behind them as he cleans his dagger of their blood. Five other men circle Elden as they cackle. "Lookie what we have here? You don't even seem close to be here boy!" The men all laugh as Elden just looks at them all. To Elden, he knew automatically what to do.

Elden gets in a battle stance, and lightning courses through his body as his armor appears on his body. Lightning coarses through his dagger, and Elden, in unimaginable speed, cut down the five men. Elden's speed was nothing to mess with. The five men looked down at their wounds, and they all fell down, dead. Elden scans around, and he sees the little girl go to town. He got cut by a set of twins, but it looked as if her eyes were... Sad. He didn't know what happened there, but he quickly jumps up and slices off a guys head, jumping off the body and snapping two other men's necks. Elden did this all at lightning(hehehehe) speed, leaving sparks of electricity in his wake.

He cleans his dagger as he hears the headmistress declare it was over. He looks around at his new school companions.
Kael was rather surprised at how none of the people there even lasted long enough to panic. Before the cannon fire some people were already fighting. At the sound of it Kael laughed at how uncreatively some people were using their magic. Everyone around him was in their own little fight.

Kael didn't even draw his weapon. He stretched out his hand and focused his mind. With all the blood around there was plenty to work with, but he had his own idea. One by one the people around him fell to the ground clutching their throats as they gasped for air.

The human body was an interesting thing. Water was the majority but not equally distributed. Some areas required more water, others required less. For instance, the lungs if flooded with water would essentially drown someone. Kael began to laugh again.

A few stood back up gasping. Kael wanted to congratulate them, but now wasn't the time for that. He slid across the blood drenched grass as he slashed away at those few survivors. Kael had just about finished when he heard the Headmistress's announcement.

He sulked some as he was just starting to have fun. Kael looked around at the survivors. These people were either strong or lucky.
At the cannon fire Marble sprang quickly into motion as groups of students around her tried to rush to attack. Stomping the ground to send out a shockwave that rolled out from her, she unhooked her war hammer from her back. Catching it and swinging it in one smooth motion it met the face of a man trying to get close enough to use his sword. Keeping the momentum going with the swing she quickly dispatched more. The songs of their bones crushing a kind of tally to the number killed. During a downward swing that ended the life of a lance fighter she allowed her graceful dance to be interrupted as the hammer slammed into the ground. Suddenly the earth just opened up and swallowed groups of those around her. Gun fire brought her attention sharply to a small handful of ranged fighters who had teamed up to pick people off. Another crack as they fired again, missing as Marble side stepped.

Reaching out a hand as if to grasp something she closed it into a fist and quickly pulled it towards herself. The earth seemed to rush over her, clinging. Marble was now decked out in an extravagant and ethereal set of armor. If she had stood still she might have looked like a stone statue but the armor moved with her as fluidly as her cloth outfit had. Setting her feet against the ground she pushed off and skated her way across the ground at neck breaking speeds. The range fighters attempts at hitting her bouncing off her armor as she reached the wall they were a top of. Not even pausing she leapt at the wall and skated up its stone side shooting past the group and high into the air. Damini sang through the air as she brought her hammer down into the group, crushing one member entirely as the stone did the rest for her. Swallowing the other members of the group up to their neck before squeezing until their heads rolled away useless.

Up here out of the thick of it Marble turned to survey the rest of what had become a battle ground. It seemed that many of the students had been killed in mass and very quickly. She spotted a few she suspected, that like her, had ended large numbers of lives today. They would be her fellow students at this school. A strange place which didn't seem to hold the lives of their students very highly. But maybe that was another test of theirs to weed out those that would die later right from the start. Fighting monsters and things that go bump in the night wasn't for the weak or the timid. It was a nasty horrifying business that most wouldn't be able to handle even if they wanted to. There was no room for those looking for the glory and honor that was sung about in the songs of old. It was a fight for survival.

Taking a deep breath Marble leapt back down to the ground. Her armor running off of her like water to melt back into the ground from which it came, a moving fluid wave of stone. Swinging her hammer around with the ease of repetition she rehooked it around herself as she settled it onto her back. It seemed that now their numbers met the Headmistress' demands they would get started on the reason they were all really here. As the Headmistress congratulated them Marble moved towards the center of the carnage, her long legs easily eating up the distance. They couldn't fool her not after this bloodbath. This wasn't just a school but maybe it was an answer she had been looking for. Only time would tell.
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There was a boy cleaning a blood covered dagger. He was a Lightning user, she saw his battle. And then there was a powerful Earth user with a scary hammer. They were both strong. How long would she last in this school? If this was only the orientation...

She watched around to see the other survivors, and try to recall their fights.
Avong heard the cannon , as soon the sound was over he shot againts some distracted students with his gun , the bullets he used in his weapon werent normal , Avong himself had selected them and he used his magic over metal to make them stronger and faster , everytime he shoot a bullet he had to pay attention to everything around him , the wind , angle and amount of speed to give a good shoot , but now he didnt care too much about this , after all his rivals were made of flesh and he knew that his gun was faster and better than most obsolete weapons the students had.

After his shots two students fell death , very fast a group gather in front of him , Avong knew what was going to happen soon and he quickly reloaded his weapon and started to aim to the nearest student who started to run after him , he was fast very fast indeed but not faster than a bullet , he didnt even was near from Avong when a bullet went through his head , now there were only four left and Avong gave them a smile trying to taunt them , thing that may have worked because all of them made an angry face and started to attack together , Avong deloaded and instead loaded a single special bullet , He aimed as fast as he could and shot againts the group of students that was going to him , after the bullet made contact with the breast of one of them the bullet exploded and the group of students was now in the ground death . As soon as Avong ended the life of those students he heard again the headmistress and after his talk , Avong made a big smile , thought he knew that he wont forget the faces of those he killed moments ago , then he remembered "that the end justify the means" and Avong agreed to this.
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"We will begin inviting you into the School Grounds soon!" The Headmistress declared.

(Please write your battles soon so we can advance. I will advance tonight.)
Crimson flames filled the night sky as they shot up into the night sky illuminating the surrounding area. Leon stood in the middle of these flames as he faced a creature he knew very well pointing his glaive towards it. After the two stared each other down,this nightmarish monster lunged head first forward towards Leon. Leon in one solid movement met the creature with one of the ends of his blade. The two stood in place frozen as the blood of the creature began to run down the blade ending up dripping off onto Leon's face. Leon after a brief pause pushed his blade father inside the creature as he heard the sound of blade cutting and serving the flesh of this creature before pulling the blade it from it's body. The monster fell to the ground as it's blood soon covered the floor of the room. Soon more of these creatures began to emerge from the flames surrounding Leon. As the creatures surrounded him and started to move in slowly, Leon took a knee stabbing the ground with his glaive. He used the blade as a conduit to fill the ground with his magic freezing the ground and those of the creatures surrounding him. He continued to use his magic until he had frozen not just the room of the house but the entirety of the house putting out even the flames of the house. Surrounded now by ice statues of these creatures, Leon snapped his figures and with that the statues began to crack before crumbling in pieces. He stood silently in the middle of the frozen room staring blanking forward as he listened to the peaceful silence of the night. But this peaceful silence was interrupted with a scream of a girl. This scream was very familiar and came from above him. He responded by running towards the scream heading up a flight of stairs and then down a hallway. Once arriving at the room the scream came he found his sisters bloody and mutilated body with a creature standing next to her. Leon first dropped how glaive while staring at his sister before falling to his knees with a look of terror on his face as the creature approached him. He stayed motionless staring at his sister's remains when the creature lifted his hand and claws readying itself to strike Leon. He didn't move or respond still in shock staring blanking at his sister as the creature's strike removed his head which flew in the air before landing a foot away from his body.

That was when he jerked his head up and took a quick and deep breath in. "So that was what is was. huh. Another nightmare," Leon said to himself quickly. He arrived much earlier then most the others only a few being there before him. Since he arrived early to was able to take the place in the courtyard he wanted which was to the far left along the wall. He was leaning against the wall standing on one leg with the other resting on the wall. It seemed while he was waiting for the others to arrive he had fallen asleep which was very unfortunate for him since now he only has the same nightmare every time he sleeps. But it had killed a lot of time for him since when he fell asleep the courtyard was empty, but now it was full with the other students. He quickly glanced over the other students. "Quite the collection of people here," he quietly muttered to himself. He noticed that many of them carried weapons of their own like himself, he started to take note of who carried which weapon, before he was interrupted by the headmistress finally arriving.

After giving her speech, the courtyard was silent as the students tried to understand what happened. Soon the whispers and complaints started as some tried to make their escape. However to the demise of those who wanted to leave the gate closed. That gate must have some form of powerful magic protecting it, there isn't a way to bring it down; so we are trapped huh. He thought to himself. "Well it can't be helped," he said before pushing off the wall he was leaning on. He picked up his glaive which was leaning against the wall next to him as he started to use his magic to freeze the ground around him to prepare some surprises he will need for the fight. He wasn't rude enough to start the fight before the cannon shot, but that didn't mean he wouldn't prepare for the fight. He was alone after all and many of the other students around him were in groups now, but that didn't matter to Leon if it was two or hundred standing in his way he wouldn't lose. Not until he has accomplished his goals. He unwrapped the cloth around his glaive and started to observe his surroundings. It seemed by now the reality of this started to sink in for the others as they began to stare down the others. Leon noticed that a group of five had their sights set on him. So these will be the first. Well no matter I will defeat anyone. He was thinking to himself as he looked where the headmistress was. Still I don't feel like giving into what you want. You want to create your own monsters don't you? Well I am not one to be controlled that easily. As he continued thinking before returning his gaze to his opponents.

By now they have moved into their formation and drawn their own weapons. He was faced with a sword and shield user, broadsword users, and a twin dagger user in the frontline with two magic casters behind them. Leon was impressed with their formation since it took advantage of their strengths, but that wasn't going to help them. When the sound of the cannon echoed through the courtyard the echoes of war followed. The two magic caster took a preemptive attack launching a fire ball and bolt of lightning towards him forcing Leon to jump backwards. The attack after landing on the ground kicked up dirt and smoke between the two and forced back towards the wall he was at while waiting closing of his escape route. Soon the sword and shield and broadsword user followed up rushing through the smoke towards Leon aiming for the killing blow. Leon blocked both attacks with his glaive since due to it's long length allowed him to block both the attacks. The three men pushed on their blades trying to overpower the other, when Leon noticed the girl who was the twin dagger user was missing. With this knowledge he began to look for her but wasn't able to spot her at first. This was until he looked above him to see her charging towards him for the killing blow. It was then apparent to him that the two he blocked were two there to hold him in place while this girl used her wind magic to spend her flying up and then towards him for the killing blow.

Leon gave a quick and small smiling before saying, " Very nice plan. Well thought out. You would have killed anyone else, but you chose the wrong target. I am afraid," he said to the two. The ground which the others failed to notice was frozen into solid ice, which was Leon's playing field. "What do you mean? You are dead," replied the sword and shield user. After the boy replied two pillars of ice shot forth from the ground aimed at the girl in the air who was only a few seconds from hitting Leon. The two pillars hit their target piercing both of the girl's shoulders. She screamed in agony before quickly passing out due to the pain as she hanged suspended from the pillars. Soon a few other pillars followed from underneath the two still sword locked with Leon. However after seeing what happened to their friend they jumped back. This was a trap Leon prepared earlier and the second surprised he prepared he used quickly after, when he placed his left hand on his chest using his magic to form armor formed after that of a medieval knights armor made of ice. After finishing his armor Leon cut through the ice pillars in front of him with one quick cut. The pillars slowly slide from their base and fell to the ground. Leon stepped over the remnants of the pillars and started walking towards his other opponents. The two magic casters had now finished preparing for their next attack. This next attack wasn't a weak attack like before and was aimed to kill Leon with this blow.

This time both magic casters combined their magic for the attack and launched it at Leon. Not having much time to respond Leon started to spin his glaive moving his magic into the weapon. This caused the glaive to form a circular shield of ice in front of it that multiple layers thick. He used the shield of ice attached to his glaive to intercept the attack. After the magic blast hit a large explosion accrued spreading a large amount of smoke around the area. After dealing with the attack with his shield which absorbed the attack, he used the smoke as cover to get behind the magic casters. When the smoke cleared the two swordsmen found that their friends had been encased in solid ice by Leon. After having lost his friends the student with the sword and shield charged Leon in rage. He lifted up his arm with the swords to strike downwards at Leon, but Leon dodged the attack and countered with his own attack cutting underneath his arm rending that arm useless. Leon followed that attack up by using the other end spinning the glaive around to cut the back of his knee which was unprotected. Leon's opponent fell to the ground and that attack, but he had his back to the broadsword user who attacked hitting Leon's back with his sword. But due to the armor of ice he was wearing the blow was deflected. The Ice Leon creates with his magic is much stronger then any normal ice. Only Leon himself and a few other he knew could cut through his ice. Leon didn't give the student a chance to attack again, spinning around he used his glaive to cut the students back, and with that blow Leon's last opponent fell to the ground.

After looking around to see that all his opponent where unable to continue the fight he started to walk away. That was until the shield user tried to get to back up. He was struggling since Leon had made one of his arms and legs useless. "This.... Isn't... Over." He tried to say pausing because of the pain. Leon stopped in place and turned only his head towards him. "Due you want to die? I avoided hitting any vital organs. You're wounds are mortal and will heal given time, but if you continue this. I will have to kill you," Leon replied with an annoyed look on his face. "Ha, kill me like you did...." The student paused once again as he stabbed his sword into the ground trying to use it to help him stand. "Like you did Ana and Gideon." Leon looked over this student with his different colored eyes. " I am guessing you mean the two I encased in ice. Correct? Well your wrong they aren't dead. I have more control over my magic then that." Leon replied to the student he was now at a knee resting on his one good leg. Leon walked over to the two students encased in ice and hit both of them with his glaive. The ice soon began to crack and crumbled, but instead of the two breaking up with the ice they both fell from the ice to the ground. Both were unconscious but alive. Leon also broke the ice holding up the girl in the air catching her and placing her down. "You are lucky you fought me. Anyone else would have killed you as it is easier to kill someone then incapacitate them." Leon said before continuing to walk in the direction he was earlier. The student who wanted to continue to fight fell to the ground unconscious after seeing that his friends were alive.

Leon was still in his armor of ice and was looking to see if there was anyone else who wanted to challenge him to a fight. But most of everyone else was dead, defeated, or busy with another fight. Leon spotted another fight and decided to watch it while h waited for this game of the headmistress to end. However he was interrupted by a sudden attack from a fire magic user that came close to hitting Leon. It would have hit him, if it wasn't for a wall of ice Leon summoned to protect. After closer observation Leon came to the conclusion that he didn't need to wall since the fire wasn't strong enough to melt the ice anyways. Leon receded the wall of ice to find that he was surrounded by six new opponents. Another group decided they could defeat Leon, but the mist this group and the last did what try to fight Leon in groups. His specialty is fighting groups that is due to his weapon and his doubled blade sides which made it easy to counter and attack multiple opponents.

"Well it seems that this game of the headmistress is almost over now. Maybe if I defeat you all it will be. So I will make this quick," Leon said as he split his glaive into separate blades. He then took a knee stabbing the blades into the ground. Ice began to spread from the blades and travel across the earth turning it into ice. As it approached the fighters ready to fight Leon it started to encase them as ice began to spread over their bodies before completely encasing them. Shortly after that headmistress emerged again to declare the battle is over. Leon tapped his chest and armor of ice shattered turning to small crystals that sparkled in the sunlight. He also shattered the ice encasing his latest opponents freeing them from their prisons of ice.
Christian just walked backwards. His breathing was to a point of hyperventilation and his mind was swimming with all sorts of nightmarish thoughts. "What is this!" One after another students dropped to the ground like flies covered in there own blood. Pieces of flesh smeared the school grounds as he watched a plethora of well trained students skillfully killing the weaker ones.

The little girl with the abnormally large sword was hacking away at the other students in a fluid motion. Almost like a dance. Then there was this scary looking purple haired guy who was rushed by three people. All dead. He ended there wasted efforts with ease using his weapons and knowledge to raise on top. A lot of other students where activating some sort of Armour, Something Christian really wished he had right now.

Sounds of gun fire echoed the grounds as more students fell too the perfect marksmanship of a rifle user, while other were masterfully taken down with short range weapons like daggers and hammers. Christian could never get that close to someone for a conversation. How the hell was he supposed to kill people? He 'd been stuck in an abusive home and had never touched his mother back after all the burning and abrasions she gave him. If anyone deserved to die it was her, not all these souls who many were probably like Christian, just trying to find a new life away from pain. But this was madness!

His back hit the wall where the gate had permanently closed and he swore under his breath. He unhooked his Colt designed guns and picked up random debris from the ground trying his best no to look to far within the storm of death right in front of him. A few buttons here, some spare change laying on the ground as well. He placed the pieces in to the barrel and hugged the colts on his chest. Waiting. He wasn't going to kill if he didn't need to. But he wasn't going to die either.

Being so far in the back of the carnage. It was more like watching a horrible movie then a sick game. He was too far away to gain anyone's attention, and the few people who did notice him, where quickly taken care by other people dancing with there weapons all thoughts on the next kill. He looked around to see parts of the ground torn asunder, swallowing more students, while other parts of the ground was lay'd with a thin sheet of ice catching some by surprise, the last emotion they would ever be feeling. That was another thing. Almost every survivor here looked like they could use there magic well. But Christian had never been able to train with his Air Magic. Most he could do with it was for gun shooting, and he only did that with cans and trees in his backyard. He had never shot another person and never intended too.

All of a sudden the headmistress came out. "Congratulations, students. You have passed the orientation for Crimson Knight Academy. Welcome, Crimson Knights." The Shock that had once held his entire body was now replaced with pure joy. He laughed right out loud at the sheer ridiculousness. What seemed like 30 min of pure rage, blood and carnage. And through it all he hadn't even touched another person let alone took any life. He laughed some more but this time with a hand covering his mouth. He was either the luckiest man in the world, or the unluckiest, depending on what this hell of a school was going to bring in next.
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(Dang i didn't receive any alert)

Sky Grantt's excitement of meeting her new schoolmates completely destroyed with the announcement of Battle Royale. Her jaw dropped, maybe it fell into the ground. Several people turned around and tried to leave, but the gate closed right in front of their face. And then the sound of the canon, which kick start the chaos around her. Sky did well without having to put on her gloves, she evaded people's attack, lifting her hand up to show that she doesn't want to fight. How could she? That would mean that she had to kill them.

"I don't want to fight!" Sky screamed as she is being cornered by a gang of people. Knowing that these people are out of their mind, probably panicking and finally decide that's it's "kill or be killed". If only everyone calmed down, maybe they can refuse the Headmaster's order and everyone will survive. Sky's train of thought stopped when a boy just around her age lunge at her, thrusting his longsword toward her chest. Sky stepped to the left and dashed forward, and swung her left hand. Her left hand caught the boy's arm and gripped it strong enough to stop the boy on his track. Sky quickly snatched his longsword with her right hand, stab the boy's chest with his own longsword. The boy screamed in pain as he stumbled down, and Sky took the chance to wear her metal gloves. She quickly went into her fighting stance, shifting left and right.

Sky clasped her hand together and slammed it hard to the ground. As the hand swung down, sparks of electricity could be seen by the people around Sky. The next thing the see is dirt and ground, as Sky sent a shockwave through the ground and crushed the ground. People flew to all direction and landed either unconscious or slayed by several people nearby. Those who got shocked are either electrocuted or fall unconscious.

"Goddammit, i do not want to fight! Don't you guys understand english?" Sky lifted her arm, showing yet another gesture of surrendering, only to found that everyone but another 7 are standing in the field.

The Headmaster greeted them again and announced that the eight of them passed the orientation. Sky looked around and find her self inside a small crater that she accidentally created by slamming the ground hard. A lot of bodies, either still alive or dead, are scattered around her. She suddenly wanted to puke, but it will be embarrassing so she tried to hold it down.
"All right, that's it!" The Headmistress laughed. The rest of us looked at her. Some wanting to kill her. Some curious. I rolled my eyes, just wanting to go in. The doors opened, and a huge hallway leading into the school was revealed. Torches hung from the walls, illuminating it with a magical sense. Portraits of scenes of magical battle obscured the walls. It was majestic and beautiful, much nicer than the scene outside. "Mph, I guess this place is pretty impressive." Some people were staring at me, and at Arcana. I hissed at them. "What? Lowly magic users. Don't dare think less of me, or I'll send your heads tumbling down a stairway," I said in my most menacing voice. Afterwards, I was alone. Not that it bothered me, I've been like this for ages.

We were ushered into a big hall room, were rows of seats were placed in arrays underneath glittering chandeliers. This must be some sort of assembly hall. The Headmistress, with some other teachers, stood at the front on the stage.

"Welcome, students! You have survived the orientation! You're place at Crimson Knight Academy is secured until you die," she began. There was something strange when she said until we die. "Crimson Knight Academy is one of the few magical academies, and the most prestigious. We are in charge of teaching only the strongest into the ways of their elements, so that they can become the most powerful magic users on Earth; Crimson Knights!" She stopped to let this sink in to people. "You will be battling many things, people and not, classmates and others, things as such. Be prepared! And I wish you the best of luck here!"

"Here are the dorm rooms for now.

Yuliae Montgomery, Christian Vandower, Michael Robinson, Adlett Sparks, Stauss Taylor and Sky Grantt in Dorm 27

Lorna Levitt, Dylan Campell, 'Marble', Kyo Yuki, Leon Chevalier, and Kael Vicerule in Dorm 39

Avong Lamis, Eldin Shar, Nevaeh Rosalee D'Amore and Marian Alfar Valduc in Dorm 172

(Says the rest)

That concludes my speech, please stay in Dorm Rooms until dinner at 7:00! Everything has been issued to you in your dorms! Thank you."
I go to my room. Dorm 27. Seems like I'm the first there. Good, I better let everyone know I'm nothing to mess with, and that I am superior.

There's a large living area and two rooms filled with beds, one for girls and one for boys. There's only one other girl in my Dorm, was her name...Sky? I'm not sure. There's many people who will be here. Damn it, so many to discipline.

I look in the closet and find many sets of uniforms. It looks like this:





I change into the girls uniform. In the middle of my changing, somebody enters the room.
"Welcome, students! You have survived the orientation! You're place at Crimson Knight Academy is secured until you die,"

After her opening speech, Sky is not really surprised to hear the word 'D' got mentioned again. It was pretty scary to think that people would actually kill to get her spot in this school, making her wondering what is this school exactly is. Maybe Sky still had time to resign from the school, to run away from this kill or to be killed situation. But since she thought that the Headmaster lost one or two screw in her head, Sky decided that it best that she did not do that as the Headmaster might order the 7 new students to hunt her down as some kind of examination. Sky can only go with this crazy situation, do whatever she can do to safely graduate from here.

Sky went to her room, dormitory room number 27. She just wanted to get some sleep, to run away from this hellish reality. Sky thought that it's weird that they must stay in their dorm room until dinner time. Maybe they are going to clean up the bodies, blood stain, and destruction. Left over from the orientation. Sky decided not to think about it anymore. She approached the dormitory's room, and because she didn't hear anything from the outside, without knocking she swung the door open and entered the room as and sees a girl is in the middle of changing. Sky quickly retraced back her step and slam the door close.

"Can't you do it in the toilet or something?!" Sky shouted, embarrassed by it. "Or lock the door, at least?"
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"Welcome, students! You have survived the orientation! You're place at Crimson Knight Academy is secured until you Die." Still holding the guns against his chest her words echoed through his head. "Oh thank god." He said with a fearful sigh. Dropping to his knees and laying the guns in front of him in display, he just looked at them both. What if he hadn't been lucky? What if he had to shoot someone to ensure his own life. What if he died? Tormenting questions kept nagging at him as he followed the group into the castle. Not really paying attention to his surroundings he bumped into another student. "Hey! Watch it Fresh meat!" Anxiety reached his heart as he walked back slowly apologizing. The boy just sneered and returned to hi friends.

He looked at his hands tremble. Why was he here? He didn't want to hurt others or kill... monsters? was it? He was unfamiliar with the world and didn't even know there was a treat of creatures to worry about. As he made his way to the assembly hall he heard the dorm assignments. Dorm 27. He would be staying with 5 other students. He had been hoping to sleep in a room by himself. He really didn't want to engage with the others. because he was afraid. Afraid of being outcast-ed, unlike'd and worse of all, Maybe killed in his sleep.

But the headmistress had warned them to stay in the dorms until 7:00pm, and was to nervous to stay around. So he decided a bed couldn't be worse then the dead bodies he could still smell. Walking to the dorm, this time he payed attention. looking at all the visually stunning portraits of conquerors and warriors crawling across the walls of the hallway, Christian was curious. Did all these people also go to this school? Did they all have a first day like he did? Would he become great and strong like them all one day. As these questions circled around his head he bumped into a girl slamming the door shut yelling to who ever was on the other side. "Oh sorry." He said again. Man twice in the span of an hour? Maybe he did have bad luck.
Eldin perks his ears up as he hears the headmistress speak. "Your place is secured here until you die." Eldin was glad that he now had a place to stay. Maybe he can find his long lost answers here. He wanted to save his tribe, and maybe, just maybe, this school can help him. But he had to admit, the orientation was a bit unsettling. However, Elden was used to killing. He did it when he was at his tribe, fighting off other tribes that tried to invade his. He was the greatest protector of his tribe, and he hopes to be again once he returns.

He sees everyone going to their dorm rooms, which meant Elden had to go to his. Room 172. The last room to be listed. He had to admit, there weren't many rooms. But that had to be a good thing. Elden walks down the hall, and he finds his room. He was the first one, which was nice. In the bed in the middle, Elden sees his belongings at the foot of his bed, and he opens it and unpacks. He finds a picture of him, his mother, his grandmother and little sister all smiling at a camera. For the first time since he was here, a small smile cracks open as he sets the picture on his bed desk.

He walks over to the closet and opens it up. He sees a few set of clothes assigned to him, so he pulls them out. He goes into the bathroom, and he changes into the lightest colored uniform for the boy. He liked, as it reminded him of the spiritual colors his grandmother wore. He washes his face as he sits back down on his bed. He gently takes his feathers and puts them back into his hair. He lays down on Hus bed, waiting for either dinner or a new dorm companion
"No, i'm sorry." Sky apologized, for what she don't really know. Maybe she surprised him? Sky pointed at the door using her thumb and gave an awkward smile, followed by an explanation. "Uh, someone else is changing inside. I didn't know so i accidentally opened the door and- wait, why are you here? Is this going to be a mixed dormitory? You know, where they placed the male and female together?"

Maybe Sky shouldn't ask because the answer is obvious. She groaned and rub her face. "Damn that old lady. First the orientation, now this. As a woman, she should have also known about... woman's privacy."

"Nevermind," Sky sighed. And while waiting for the girl to finish changing, she figured that it might be a good time to befriend her classmate and dormmate. "Name is Sky Grantt. Grantt, with double t. You can call me Sky. Do you know what the reason why we should stay in our room until dinner time? Doesn't that makes you... curious?"

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