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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters (Reboot)



In this world, we are told since childhood that monsters aren't real. That there just your imagination, and your mind playing tricks on you. But what if I were to tell you, those monsters are real. Those creeks under your bed weren't just the plumbing. That figure in you closet wasn't your clothes tricking you. I should know.
I was taking care of my little sister by myself, and she would come running to my room with tears in her eyes and screaming bloody murder that there was monsters in her room. I, being the big brother and the only one looking after her, walked her back to her room and checked everywhere to show there was none. But when I finish looking in the closet and turned around to comfort my little sister more, I saw him. I don't even know if it was really qualified to be called a male, but I'll just refer to him as it because of his name. The reason why I say it's hard to tell is because for what I saw for a few seconds, his face had nothing. Nothing. No eyes. No ears. No mouth. Nothing. It was almost like if someone took a easer and scraped it against Voldemort's face.
And, strangely enough, I recognized him. From just those few seconds, I could instantly tell who he is. He was Slenderman. He was the Slenderman. Before I could look anymore my thoughts started to turn into static, and I turn around knowing what would happen if I continued to look, forgetting about my sister. Then I heard my sister screaming, reminding me she was even there. But... I didn't turn around. I stared at the closet door for the rest of that night both afraid and ashamed. Even when it did turn morning, I slowly turned around still afraid the he was there. I even closed my eyes like a little kid think if you did that the big bad monster would go away. When I opened my eyes, I was overwhelmed with two very different emotions. Happiness that the monster was gone, but sorrow considering that my sister was too.
Ever since then, I have been hiding from the world in the house, fearing that something else would come after me. Since, if he was real, then that means that some of the other creepypasta monsters must be real too.
It's been a year now, the whole house has changed, thanks to my handy work. I broke every mirror, put knifes under some of the floorboards that only I know about. I have guns literally in every room of my house (the benefits of being friends with a person who runs a gun store) and I sleep with a knife in hand. At this point, I don't even know if I can call this a life anymore constantly being in fear. But the thing is, all of it was worth it. Another Creepypasta (as I like to refer to them) actually came into my house. It was Jeff the Killer, one of my least favourites even before I knew they were real, and... to my shock I actually killed him. I barely survived, but I killed him. I killed a Creepypasta. They are killable. We have a shot! Anyways, I guess I'm getting a head of myself. But the real reason I'm making this is simple. I need other people like myself. Other people who have seen these monsters and have lost things they care about because of those said monsters. Hell, not even that. I need people who are willing to go into the shadows and hunt all of those who go bump in the night. I need people who are willing to be hunters!
As Jackson woke up, he had a feeling of both excitement and concern. In one hand, he would no longer be alone in fighting these creepypastas, but on the other he could be sending these people to there death. Before he thought about it anymore, he forced himself off his bed to get dressed and put that thought to the back of his mind. He didn't really bother with making anything to eat. He just put on his shoes and left his house to a warehouse that was abandon for a long time. He of course did some cleaning to it and even made it look decent. He didn't put any mirrors or anything reflexive surfaces. He pulls up one of the chairs and place it at the table. He sits and waits for anyone else to come down. I hope I didn't mess up the address on the poster. Now, how will I do this? Should I pretend that this is just a normal gun club. No, that wouldn't make much sense. Hmm, I should probably just go all out and say that this is a creepypasta hunting. I already said it what is was on the poster. Whoever comes down here would either have experience something themselves, think creepypastas are really but don't know for sure, or just think I'm crazy and coming here to mock me. I guess I won't know until they come I guess. If someone does come that is. It's going to be risky, but I'm tired of being alone.
Grimace woke up and sighed. He looked around the second floor of the warehouse. How stupid, he thought. To fall asleep on the second floor of a warehouse. What if this poster was a trap? Set by creepypastas to get the prey before they fully become hunters? Or..... he looked back at his wing. What if they think i'm still a proxy? Humans don't have wings and humans are their prey so...the hunters must be human simply for that fact, right? He hid his wings, they disappeared by his will. He got up and shook off, getting whatever type of dust off him. Masky would laugh at me......I swear. I heard of the time he attacked someone.....Alex in a warehouse. He began to snicker,then laugh before mumbling "Well.....hopefully Alex doesn't show up" he joked as he started heading down the stairs. He looked around and saw a man at a table. "U-Um....excuse me?"he walked over, pulled out the poster,and said "um....I-I'm here for the creepypasta hunters group?" he said,wondering who this man was. What if he pounces? He asked himself as he looked down at the person sitting.
Being snapped out of his thoughts, he looks at the young man. Wait, did he come from upstairs?! "Yeah. This is the creepypasta hunting group. And since we asking questions, did you just come from upstairs?" He says looking at the door and then looking at the stairs where he definitely heard where he came from. Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Grimace nodded. " Y-Yeah...I came last night but it was raining so I went upstairs" he said as he grabbed a chair and sat down. "It was easy considering there were no windows.....unless they been destroyed, there was glass" Grimace said,shrugging it off like he sleeps in a brokedown place a lot, which he has. "What's your name?"Grimace asked.
"Jackson. Jackson August. I guess you could say I'm the founder of this group." After saying that, he gets a serious look. "So, are you interested in joining?" He pauses for a moment, thinking of which thing he should warn this guy of first. "I hope you know, if you join this and you had a normal life before, there's no going back to that life. Then again, maybe you don't have a normal life already. Either way, this is still gong to be very risky." Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Alicia looks at the warehouse and then at the poster, seriously, if her mother found out she'd be grounded until she turned 18 "Well it's now or never" she says before going in "Hello...." she says looking around so she follows the voices, holding her gun just in case she had to use it against anything or anyone, she also had the newspaper of the day since the headlines were interesting, she shakes her head "Only I find that interesting" she mumbles. She stops seeing two males feeling slightly out of place already "Which one made the poster?" she asks showing it with one hand while holding her gun in the other, you know, just in case.
Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Before the young man could respond, a new person walked in and asked which one made the poster. "That would be me." He says turning towards the new person. It was a girl who looked young, well younger than Jackson. "My name's Jackson August. The founder of this group." Then he notice the gun in her hand. Oh thank god! I thought I was going to give everyone that shows up a gun. After looking at the gun he looks up at her and says "So I'm guessing you're here to join." That, or she's here to kill us. Then again, I haven't heard of a creepypasta using a gun. Flame Demon Flame Demon
Pat was drifting aimlessly throughout the dreary town. He had come here looking for the type of things that he had found in the wilderness like back home, he knew what they liked... isolated targets that were weak, that's what the goatman and the wendigo thought about him, the goatman should have known better Pat thought to himself. That bastard knew I had killed the wendigo back in PA, he knew the moment I started tracking him, but he still thought he could deceive me into playing his games, the stupid fuckers dead now, and he won't be terrorizing anyone ever again. Pat saw a poster in the downpour stapled to a street lamp. It was looking for people who had expierence with creepypastas. He walked over to a store window and saw his reflection, he thought of some song lyrics he had heard back before he knew the evils and dark creatures of the world I'm half the man I used to be. His eyes were bloodshot, he had recently got his hair cut, at least he didn't look feral any more 2 on the sides 3 on top. He thought to himself, that's what he had asked the barber to cut length wise. Lightning flashed and when it did he saw something in the reflection he didn't like, it was still him but he looked different, his eyes were yellow around the iris's and his skin was bone white, the veins and arteries in his body were black, lighting flashed again and this time he saw pure inky blackness in the reflection with two solid red eyes. Whatever he thought It takes more than that to scare me, if anything can anymore. Although he was afraid deep down he didn't want to become what he hated. Pat made up his mind, he snapped the olive green hoodie lined coat he was wearing put the hood back up and stared walking back toward the adress where the poster had directed him to go.

He approached the warehouse cautiously It could be a trap, but what do I care, I welcome death, might give me a chance to sleep peacefully. When he finished another coherent thought he saw a girl not all the younger from him holding a gun and remembered how he looked. He dropped into a crouch he could move extremely quitely when he wasn't going full sprint chasing a demon or whatever you call those things. He snuck up behind the girl and grabbed her arm and then moved to gain control of her wrist, he angled the gun up and said casually "I really hope you weren't planning to use that, I have some business with these men over here." He said it loud enough so the other two could hear him he was ready to drop the mag from the pistol and recahmber the gun to get the one round in out, unless she did that Israeli carry bs.

Magadude Magadude Flame Demon Flame Demon Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Alicia glances behind her and narrows her eyes "You mister are new or you'd know you can never be too careful" she says, before hitting the male hard enough in his ribs and she turns around taking a few steps back, she wondered why she hadn't done any worse to the guy, guess she liked surprising people "I was about to put it away though" she says lowering the weapon "Also I don't wanna lose my silver bullets, they're expensive as hell and these are my last" she adds. She then turns to Jackson "Yeah I'm here to join, I just don't feel like explaining to creepy over there why you always need to be careful in warehouses. You do it", she sits down and puts the newspaper down on thw front page that reads 'NEW CREEPYPASTA SIGHTINGS' "The name's Alicia Midnight, I'm 16 years old" she says holding out her hand to Jackson.
Magadude Magadude Midrick Midrick Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
"Wow, rude, just up and grabbing a woman's arm like that," a fifth voice sounded from behind Pat and Alicia. She crossed her arms and grinned, leaning in the door frame. Holding up a poster for a Creepypasta hunting group, her little speech continued. "I take it one of you guys here put these up. It was very dangerous and foolish of you to do so - what if a Creepypasta saw it and came here to murder you all where you stand? Very short-lived organization, if you ask me." Kicking off the wall, she stepped around Pat and moved to the table, taking a chair. "You all can call me Dax. Nice 'ta meet'cha," she stated, her shit-eating grin never leaving her face. "Anyways, I didn't manage to take down all the flyers on my way here, so we should probably relocate soon or risk getting ambushed in our own meeting."
A small grunt came out but nothing else but an involuntary response. "When you wave a gun around you use it." Pat said to the girl "If you've had expierence with a creepypasta or whatever you call it, you would know that. And about experience don't even start." He leaned against a wall " well aren't we just one big happy family. My names Pat if you're wondering". Pat thought about the girl who elbowed him I like her. she certainly isn't afraid to get down and dirty. as for the other one, Dax, who was worried about creepypastas coming, he didn't care and that same tired blank look came back into his eyes "let them come, I'm tired of this facade who here's actually killed a demon, I've already got two under my belt and it damn near cost me my sanity doing it, I didn't come here to do a meet an greet and I didn't come to meet a bunch of FNG's who'll get me killed in a fight with these damn things I came for results, so if this is a joke or something I'll walk, but if this is real what is first on the slaughter parade, cause I'm getting kind of impatient."

Dax Dax Flame Demon Flame Demon Magadude Magadude
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" S-she has a point" Grimace said as he finally spoke," L-last night someone was checking out this place...I could not find out who it was" he said as he looked at the others, then looked down. Grimace began to play with a feather in his lap. Then Grimace looked up at Pat, " I smell a fool" he stated," we want them all dead,she has her right to worry for we are not strong enough to get ambushed in a warehouse yet..."He said as he shoved the feather in his pocket."Do you want to be taken out by a group of proxies? cuz it sounds like you do".
"I don't and we certainly don't wanna be ambushed by the non proxies" Alicia says "I can have a new place by tomorrow". She glances at Pat and says "I haven't killed one yet, but I saw one electrocute my father, in the end he deserved it, but he should've been better off to rot in jail. I aalso agree with Dax, you never know what's lurking in these places, which why I was holding my gun, I'm not gonna shoot humans"

Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu Dax Dax Midrick Midrick
"Proxies, Don't make me laugh, what we should be worried about is the big fellas, the slender man for example, we kill enough of his minions, he'll get pissed, notice us and then we will be in the sauce as the kids today say." Pat knew the shifty guy was kind of right proxies were dangerous in groups, but if they did get ambushed and did win, they would attract the wrong kind of attention they didn't exactly need right now. "I second the agreement to move. Anyone have a car or something, I didn't bring mine, couldn't risk getting noticed if it was a trick. I've got an custom AR pistol, with a brace that I sometimes accidentally use as a stock in the trunk along with the gun and knife I have on me, what gear do we have between us also?" Pat wanted to know, he had a feeling they were being watched and he didn't think it was from another person who wanted to join.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Magadude Magadude Dax Dax Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Kage watched the exchange in the warehouse "so this is where you went eh little bird" the demon growled as she watched grim before letting her self be seen in her human form eyes pure white orbs due to being born blind
Nightmare watches the group, however she stays perfectly still and quiet, her red glowing eyes might give her away if anyone were to look for them and she glances at the poster in her hands, before dropping it and disappearing.

Alicia sweatdrops "I don't have a car, but I really should get going" she says standing up "Because unlike the rest, I have school" she explains, but she hears something and turns to the place only to see a discarded poster "You all should leave too" she says "We had an unwelcome guest" she adds, so far everyone still has their poster so who did the one of the ground belong to? She honestly did not wanna find out yet, but whoever it was either spared them or is going to play a game "Does anyone have a favorite sport? Mine's basketball" she says, the smart ones would get the hint "Oh and swimming as well" she says, waving as she walks out of the warehouse, she had to find the key to the old gym after school, hopefully it wasn't moved.

Dax Dax Midrick Midrick Magadude Magadude Mako Hayvlu Mako Hayvlu
Something odd was happening Pat was changing he saw himself in a reflection one thing, one tiny thing was very wrong , his eyes were the faintest hue of yellow. Pat remembered what the wendigo had told him before he killed it It told me I would be worse than it by tenfold. Pat now found he could see better too now in the darkness, he could see footprints and smell what the workers had been loading into the warehouse, with this new sense of smell and sight he had a type of sixth sense where he could isolate a track a certain kind of print if he concentrated he could differentiate from the others. This is how it tracked us that day. For some reason he was gaining the abilities of the wendigo to track it's prey, he also noticed his hearing getting better, I'd he concentrated, while he was doing this he heard a low noise above him he jerked his head up toward the rafters, at that time his eyes became a piercing yellow when viewed from the darkness. He thought he could see something vague, barely he kept looking, trying to pierce the darkness, but to no avail, after that he decided to leave.

Flame Demon Flame Demon raven flame raven flame
Grimace looked around with concern as he got up. " U-um I best be going i suppose" he stuttered as he wrote his number on a piece of paper, along with a note saying 'someone is here'. He passed it to Jackson and looked around again. Grimace started to back away. "C-Call me for the next meeting, I'll be there... promise" he said with a nice, warm looking tilt of his head. Grim started to leave the warehouse, walking normally till he got outside, then speed walking to a public place, like a crowded road or a stuffed restaurant (though he lacked the money to buy himself any food). Over his time alone he learned one thing, creeps won't attack in a public place.
Jackson takes the paper and puts the number into his phone, while also looking at the note under it. Tell me something I don't know. This place is definitely not safe anymore. I was expecting this place not to last that long, but this is definitely more sudden then I expected. To be honest, I didn't even think he would catch the creepypastas attention yet. But I guess I stand corrected. I need to get to a bigger crowd. Quickly. He rights his phone number on a piece of paper and rights his own note. 'Get somewhere crowded. They hate going into a crowd.' After finishing writing that, he gives the paper to Dax. "I have to go as well. I got to meet a friend of mine." Then, he starts to walk to a shopping strip that he know is filled with people. Just walk normally. They might just think you're a normal guy who is pulling a prank if you walk normally. Although, I wouldn't put it pass them to kill someone like that just to be safe. But just walk for now Jackson. Save you're energy for when you actually see something. He puts his arm in his pocket, and rest it on his gun. Dax Dax
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Grimace walked pass a man with a yellowish jacket..... Then Grimace noticed who he passed as that man grabbed his arm. Tim,otherwise known as the host of Masky. "You...seem familiar" Tim said as he glared down at Grimace. Grimace gulped as he looked away. gotta get away....cant let his memories get to Mr.X Grimace thought as he tugged his arm away. "Y-you must have me confused with someone else" Grimace said as he walked backwards a little. Tim shrugged after saying "ok" and left. Grimace sighed, "this'll be fun..." he gulped.
Alicia sees a figure approaching her so she speeds up 'Almost' she thinks, but she stops when the person stays a bit away from her "I think you dropped something" Nightmare says holding up a key "I did?" Alicia asks carefully walking over "Yes" Nightmare says and she puts the key in her sister's hand "Well see you around?" she asks turning around to leave, but in that moment Alicia sees the glowing red eyes that she remembers so clearly and she runs off towards the school, holding the key tightly so she won't drop it "Why?" he asks and she stops at the front of the school building. Nightmare smirks putting the hood of her hoodie down "I'll see you, sooner then you think" she whispers before walking off, putting the hood back up to hide her face.
kage just followed grim and saw masky as she figured he was doing something for slender she kept following grim partly to figure out where he was staying and partly to take him back to slender.

as she followed the kid she saw nightmare and several other cps which cause her to cackle light to herself and shake her head at the fun that would insue with this little hunters club
Nightmare passes Kage and she gives her a small nod as she slows down a bit, lots of cps saw the posters "I wonder what they're gonna do, poor Jeff had it coming though" she mumbles quietly so only her fellow killer hears her, she sees two people arguing and tilts her head slightly "Gotta go" she says and she makes her way into the crowd.
Grimace went to a hotel called 'The Passerby Inn', he grunted at the cheesy name but went in nonetheless. He walked over to the counter as he asked for a room. "I promise it'll be clean more then now tomorrow....I cant sleep outside again" he begged the person, who shook her head in response. "No money, no shoes, no service. Now get out before i force ya" she snapped at him. Grimace nodded and quickly left, "better then killing families....And way better than having slender punish me for every little thing" he mumbled as he got onto a subway. safest place to sleep tonight, it's always crowded. he sat onto a seat and rested his head on the window. He slowly drifted to sleep as the noisy subway moved along in its tunnels.

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