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Fantasy Court of Feathers roster


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Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Heyo thanks for coming. The bare minimum i need to accept a sheet is below and you can jump into this blind but hit me up if you want to know more about the world in regards to what your character can do and would know. Ask questions on the check or in a PM if I give you a rating you've been accepted. Once I have enough to start the rp will be posted.

Race: (most fantasy races allowed so long as they aren't to big or to small)
Appearance: (picture if possible and small description please)

Gear: (what you adventure with, be somewhat realistic, not a Bethesda game protagonist)

Heritage: (royal, elite or common)
Magic: (royals have no spirit guardian but elite and common characters can describe the spirit aswell as their mana)

Lordbird feather:
(What type of Lordbird did you slay/steal from? The variety is endless but I may say no if it seems to much to manage or play fairly. )

(How you came to join the court or aim to. This can include the act of acquiring a feather or what led them to try. Hit me up if you want to expand on this)
Name: Yahno Cloudhowl
Race: human
Age: 27
5ft10, black hair, various scars, stoic face. Yahno has pale green eyes and the weathered look of a traveller.

Gear: dagger, axe, boomerangs, armor made from leathers and fur from monsters.

Heritage: Elite, the Cloud-Howls have always been regarded as skilled hunters and masters of electricity.

Thunderwolf, like most Cloudhowls their guardian spirit is a thunderwolf. While the wolf moves fast as lightning and can roar waves of thunder, it is not capable of complex magic. Yahno taught himself and learned from his dead ancestors how to wield electricity properly.

Lordbird feather:
Undecided, its between poison, fire and gravity magic.
The feather would allow Yahno to use a different Magic, additionally like any with a Lordbird feather yahno can fly temporarily by sprouting wings of mana.

A hunter captured and brainwashed by the would be "Leige God" by her command Yahno and two others managed to slay a Lordbird. Upon grasping a crown feather the spell of loyalty was broken and Yahno regained free will. Confused and wary of his past serving the Leige, Yahno escaped the lands of Shadalah to learn more about the feather that saved his life.

Ghosts from the past guided Yahno to a hidden fortress, it was here Yahno Cloudhowl was accepted into the court of feathers.
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Name: Azalean Crivelli Ajan
Race: Fairy (?)
Age: 25
Appearance: Azalean stands at 5'4, silver braids that reach his lower back, and a single white brand etched into his face. His eyes are a mystical pink that matches his wings.

Gear: (what you adventure with, be somewhat realistic, not a Bethesda game protagonist) Leather armor with fur, his favorite bow, and a harp

Heritage: Elite
Magic: Sound
Crezendol - A creature with the face of an owl, the elongated body of a snake, 4 clawed feet, and a mesmerizing tail. The spirit is relatively quiet compared to its charge, but it always seems to release a soothing vibration in and out of combat. Crezendol gifts Azalean the ability to manipulate sound, of which, he is still learning from years of neglect by his family and his vices. Although new to his magic, he has been able to create a few unique spells to match his archery. The spirit is rarely seen walking but instead appears to be swimming through the air.

Lordbird feather: None

Background: The disgraceful son of House Ajan has finally been cast aside, after years of disappointment. Dropped penniless, Azalean learned the way of the world and that he was no longer important. People he wronged before came to hunt him down, sending him on the run. He was stuck on the streets with no claim to power and no useful skills. Azalean finally received help from a wandering circus, they took him in, clothed him, and helped him find a piece of himself. Traveling with the Eclipse Circus, he was taught acrobatics and picked up archery, but where he really shined was his knack for picking up instruments.

During a normal contract, the Eclipse Circus performed for some upper crust, where Azalean locked eyes with a sneer he was all too familiar with. The eyes that were burned into his memory laughed at him once more and when he came back to reality he was staring at his siblings cackling at him. Ever the performer, Azalean completed the show with a smile and grace. Afterward, his eldest brother, Saphron approached with a mix of disgust and humor that Azalean had only seen at his lowest. Their conversation was heated, but as anyone from their circles would know, their words may have seemed innocuous however they were careful biting like the snakes they were trained to be. By the end, Azalean had made a foolish bet that he would be able to join the court.

Now charged with a prideful gumption and a thirst to make a name for himself, Azalean has set his sights on a Lordbird feather.

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