Country Roads ★ [Inactive]


Care Bears... prepare to stare!
Nico submitted a new role play:

Country Roads ? - Cowboys, Cowgirls and Summer Nights

{Welcome to Sunflower Hill}




You've heard of those small towns where everyone knows each other, right? Well...

Read more about this role play...
Nico updated @MidnightPhoenix1123, @BubbleDiamondz[/font], @PicaPirate, @RedInkKid. @Mikkelle Sting [/color]


-- Lian Rylands --

Mood: Relaxed/Happy | outfit:

Lian was in the gardens doing some last minute work. Weeding and priming the leaves. The sun beat down on his head, thankfully he was wearing a sun hat and gave him some shade. He stood up and wiped his brow getting some dirt on his forehead. He picked up the basket of tomatoes and the basket of cucumbers, carrying them up to the place where they kept the fresh crops. These would be sold at the festival today.

He looked at his watch, it read 12:30PM, the dots blinking. He had just enough time to stop at the store and pick up some groceries before the fest. He put the gardening tools back in the shed and went inside to get ready. After getting ready he stopped in the kitchen and wrote something down on the notepad on the fridge.

Going to the store be back later.

-Love, Lian ?

He went outside and hopped in his Jeep and rode off to the supermarket. When he reached the Wal-Mart he parked the Jeep and made his way inside. Grabbing a cart he started to shop, going to the meat department he put in some Chicken legs, Porkchops, steaks and ribs. He went around the store picking up whatever they needed and headed to check out. When he reached the outside it seemed to have gotten hotter. "Ugh, damn bipolar weather." he said with a sniff. He packed the groceries up and headed home.

Xavier was jolted awake by a loud beeping, his head snapping up and he let out an oh-so-manly yelp as he tumbled backwards and hit the ground. He scowled and stood up, mentally kicking himself for falling asleep at the counter but thankful that no one saw his graceful awakening and meeting with the floor. Retreating into the back of the shop he washed his hands and then pulled a large tray of cookies from one of the ovens, setting some on a plate and placing them on the counter up front before putting the rest on a rack to cool completely. When that was done, Xavier let out a sigh and returned to the front of the bakery, sitting on his stool after he picked it off the floor. He glanced at the clock and first realized it was only 12:30, then that he would have virtually nothing to do until the festival. He had gotten to the shop just after 5 in the morning to make all the breads, cakes, and other pastry things fresh, and the cookies had been the last thing on his to-do list. Now that it was done though, Xavier allowed himself to relax and plucked a chocolate chip cookie off the plate, nibbling on it and watching the people walk around the main street to prepare for the festivities.

((Xavier's outfit is a plain pair of washed out jeans, an old tee with a random band, red hightop converses, mixed matched socks, and a green apron with his name on the front.))
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Ty Ernest

Like every morning Ty would be at the Diner cooking up some breakfast for customers.

"So I won't hesitate

No more, no more.

It cannot wait,

I'm sure.

There's no need to complicate.

Our time is short.

This is our fate,

I'm yours."

She sung the lyrics happily as she finished making a stack of pancakes -this was the last breakfast dish of the day-. She was always happy like this, especially on festival days, she just loves cooking at the concession stand.

"Like a river flows surely to the sea

Darling so it goes

some things are meant to be

take my hand, take my whole life too

for I can't help falling in love with you

for I can't help falling in love with you"

Kyle Ernest

The sun beats down on Kyle's neck as he saddles up Mika, like he did every morning, he would take Mika out for a ride. "Come on girl" Kyle climbed up and nudged Mika so she would go forward. And Mika did. Kyle made her go faster and faster until he got up to a fence jump and made Mike leap over it. He could hear his niece Cally cheering from behind the fence "go uncle go!" A smile rose on his lips. He made Mika jump another then another until eventually the horse was too tired. Kyle took her back to the stable and put the saddle away, he saw Cally run over with a horse brush. "Wanna go to the festival today?" He grinned at her.

Cally Mcarther

"Good job uncle!" Cally rushed into the barn and grabbed a horse brush and handed it to Kyle, she heard him offer to take her to the festival and she jumped up and down excitedly "Ooooooh yes please!" She smiled at her uncle then skipped over to the baby colt, starting to brush it. -This is gonna be a great day!- Cally thought to herself

Ty is wearing a red sun dress with her brown cowboy boots, she has an apron on and her hair is in a pony tail.

Kyle is wearing a white muscle shirt with a plaid shirt over and ripped jeans and cowboy boots and his hair a bit messy.

Cally is wearing a green dress with black sandals, she has a hat on and her hair braided.

-- Amy Kim--

Mood: Happy Outfit:

Amy had just finished petting and feeding Yun. She was being very good lately, so Amy was happy about that. She was very excited about the Spring Festival and was definitely going to attend.Amy got on her clothes, and walked outside, breathing in the fresh spring air, "Ah, today is so nice~" Amy grinned and started off to the festival, hoping to see one of the new friends that she had met while here. Everyone was so friendly, Amy was lucky to have moved here. Especially getting a nice job here as well, with a boss who was willing to teach her English.

That afternoon Addy worked scooping horse manure out of the horse stables. After that she scrubbed at the floors with soap and a scrubbing brush. She replaced the horse's hay and oats. Finally, she went to sit under the tree right next to the stable, tired and sweaty.


"Okay, we got two BLT's, a diet Coke for the young

Miss here, and a Bud Wiser for the Mister. Will that be all for you folks today?"
Asked a happy Amber McHale with a hint of a southern accent strewn through her words. Glancing at the clock hanging on the diner wall, she noticed it was around twelve thirty. "Well if you two don't need anything, I'll be heading off to the festival now." Amber said to the couple who obviously weren't from around here. The diner was completely empty aside from the two and some staff, seeing it was the spring festival and all. Mostly only the locals know about it, as they like to keep these kinds of things for the people who live here only so the tradition doesn't get tainted by outsiders. You could say that they're just trying to hold on to the little bit of the older times.

Making her way to the staff room, she undressed from her uniform in to an outfit suitable for the festival. The catering service from the diner was already being set up at the park, so the only thing Amber had to do was get to the fest and help out how ever she could.


Arriving at the park, Amber looked at the commotion of the setups of tents and booths and trucks scattered around the park. She had her guitar in its case between the fingers on her left hand and a notebook in her right. Amber had always brought her guitar and songbook with her where ever she went, just incase an idea for a song popped up in her head. Making her way to a patch of plush grass, she sat down and carefully pulled out the guitar from its case. Gently strumming and plucking the metallic strings for a warm up, she cleared her throat, and began strumming the guitar.

"Give me love like


cause lately I've been waking up alone,

paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,

told you I'd let them


Amber sang the words as she strummed and plucked the strings for the accompanying acoustic of the song.

"And then I'll fight my


Maybe tonight I'll call


After my


Turns in to alcohol."

The beautiful melody blended with her angelic voice, and for that moment in time, all Amber could focus on was to keep strumming and singing.

"No, I just wanna hold 'ya

Give a little time to me,

We'll burn this out,

We'll play hide and seek,

And turn this around.

"All I want is the taste that your lips allow,

My my, my my,

Give me love,"

Her voice filled the air of the park, and a light strumming and singing could be heard from her all around. She was hoping a little encouragement through singing could help the set up of the festival go faster, and maybe some people would notice her voice. That would be a double win in Amber's book. Sadly, she had never gotten anyone to listen to her play, so hopefully today would be her lucky day.

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~Rebecca Singer~

Becca hummed to herself as she ran her fingers along the spines of several books. Hm...which books would be best to read to the children today? she wondered. She smiled as she noticed one of her personal favorites from her childhood. After selecting a small stack of about five to ten children's books, Becca took them to the front desk to scan them and log the titles, just in case anything happened. Becca smiled when she looked at the clock and noticed that it was 12:30. Time seemed to be going by quickly- she felt like she was pouring her dad's coffee at home maybe an hour ago. Unfortunately, Becca didn't have much else to do to get ready for the festival. The library was rather quiet, since everyone was out doing their own thing to get ready. "Well, I suppose I'll just make sure everything is in order here," she said to herself. "It'd be nice to return to neat and tidy library when this is all said and done." Becca liked having things organized, and she treated the library like it was her second home. She went around the building and straightened all the shelves and making sure the tables and chairs looked nice. Becca sighed at the empty library and plopped down on a reading chair with a book.


~Will Marshall~

Will wiped his hands on his muddy jeans. Beads of sweat decorated his forehead as he shielded his eyes from the noonday sun. Will smiled to himself- today was the Spring Festival. Everyone in town looked forward to the community events- they were great traditions that helped keep the whole community alive and joyful. "Whoa," Will said as he patted his horse and pulled back gently on the reigns. Once Will dismounted and wiped down his horse, he let the gelding out in the pasture while he tended to the other livestock. After doing so, Will checked the clock and decided it was time to start preparing for the festival. The farm always brought fresh produce, and this year was no exception. Will wondered if the farm owner, his boss, was setting up in town already or perhaps getting a trailer ready to haul the crops. Either way, Will had to work hard and do his job- there weren't many workers around here, so he always wanted to do his best so the owner didn't have to work twice as hard. Will cleaned up a little, washing his noticeably dirty hands before going to inspect the crops. "Let's see, what should we take with us today..." he pondered.

-Sterling Phillips-

"Can someone please remind me why I moved here?"

Sterling wiped his brow, very aware how bright the sun was today. He was glad he went for a more

casual look because he probably wouldn't have been able to get sweat out of any suit he owned. The town was bustling and he was quite excited to promote his new line of reds and whites, including his new Jasmine and Honey infused Moscoto.
"Jack, keep an eye on the booth," he told the lanky brunette who was also his assistant, "I'm gonna go mingle with some potential customers."

Which was code for, "I'm gonna run into the first place I can find shade." He walked, quickly, waving at the folk as he passed by. There was so much denim, he didn't know how he was gonna get by. Or how they got by in this heat with material that breathed worse than an
asthmatic running a marathon. As he walked, he became more and more aware that some of most of the businesses on this street were closed for the day, due to the festivities.

"What? There isn't even a vending machine?" he asked himself out loud. It was then that he came to a bakery, and in the window were bottles of water. Cool, refreshing water.

"I think it's time for a lunch break." Sterling told himself, entering the small establishment.

@Renn Skye @yistae
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Seth~ (And Others!<3)

Seth was out in the fields picking some ripe tomatoes for the event that was being held.He had already picked every other fruit and was on the veggies now,which were somewhat harder to do because there was a lot of them.After putting the last tomato that would fit into the basket,he placed it carefully into the wagon and covered it up with a blanket so no bug of any sort would try to eat or damage them.He smiled over at Kiryuu who was eating the strawberries "Ok Kiry,don't eat them all up before you get the stand up."he told him and laughed a bit.
Kiry giggled "Otay!" he said with a mouth full of strawberries before swallowing them down a few minutes later.He covered the strawberries back up and snuggled back into his little seat.After picking up all the produce,it was time to go back home and get them ready for the event that was taking place at the park.Seth went inside the house and sat Kiry down on the couch then gave him some sugar free candy before going into the kitchen.He smiled at the note on the fridge before taking it down"Love you to."he said before putting the small paper into the trash.Seth washed his hands thoroughly first then he began to rinse of the produce and get them ready.


Yuri was finishing up some things at the boutique while Lian went to the grocery store to buy a few things from there.She really didn't mind working downstairs alone,she'd enjoy the cool breeze of the air condition.She hummed the song that was playing throughout the first floor and greeted some of the people who had came in."Hello,do you need any help finding anything?"Yuri asked the lady.The woman smiled at her and said hello before telling Yuri was she was looking for.Yuri nodded and pointed her in the right direction"Down there and to your right are the baby clothes ma'm."she said politely.Yuri wasn't really fond of talking to many people but,she's gotten use to it ever since her and her best friends since diapers,Lian started to work together in his own place."It's no good at all to see yourself and not recognize your face.Out on my own,its such a scary place oooha."he song quietly to herself.She smirked and began to think about some random thoughts that were running through her minds as she helped the costumers pay for their items.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf45aa19d_SethsOutfit.PNG.672ddd70b534612ecc3d3ede996fb1b3.PNG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18703" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf45aa19d_SethsOutfit.PNG.672ddd70b534612ecc3d3ede996fb1b3.PNG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Seth's Outfit


Yuri's outfit


Kiryuu's Outfit



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Xavier looked up as a small chime alerted him that the door was opened and walked to the front, wiping is hands on his apron and glade he could take a pause from packing up the cakes. His assistant was already at the festival, along with some local high schooler that he trusted enough to work the register when Casi got tired or bored, but he had opted to stay inside for a few more hours and get the cakes packed up for the cake walk.

Snagging a cookie on his way to the front, Xavier half expected a little kid to come in, running up and asking for a cookie or something along those lines like they usually did, but instead of a little kid there was a full grown man. Xavier had seen him once or twice around town, but didn't really know who he was and couldn't tell you his name to save his life. Quickly he set the sweet in his hand down and put on his best smile. "Good afternoon sir. You here to pick up an order or just browsing?"
"Just browsing." he answered, trying not to sound to desperate for air conditioned goodness when a brightly colored treat caught his eye.

"Is that a blondie?" he asked, prepped and ready to wreck his entire diet for one of those peskily delicious suckers.

He took a minute to go through all the little assorted goodies, all iced to perfection. From Angel Food cake on down, this Bakery looked like they ran a tight game-- everything looking fresh and made from scratch, even the cake pops. He popped back up, but the guy was wearing a smile while crumbs of cookies and drool still clung to his face. Sterling crossed his arms, with his lips pressed in a hard smirk.

"You got a some...yeah...all over." he told the blonde, pointing and circling around his own mouth.

"You're quite the messy eater, tell me-- what should I buy from you?" he asked, always ready to sweet talk a deal out of any and everyone.
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Addy sat up and her eyes widened. "Oh gosh! Today's the spring festival, I'm playing guitar, I totally forgot." she said and quickly ran to the house, took a quick shower, put on her special outfit, and grab her guitar case. She went to the stables again and put her saddle on Sully's back. "C'mon, Sully. Let's go." she said and they galloped toward town.



"Headin' out to the festival now!" She told the girls and Aidan. She untied her grease spilled apron and walked grabbed her bag heading for the back door. She breathed in the fresh morning air and started her way toward the park.

"‘Cause I’m on top of the world, ‘ay

I’m on top of the world, ‘ay

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying my dues to the dirt

I’ve been waiting to smile, ‘ay

Been holding it in for a while, ‘ay

Take you with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

I’m on top of the world."

She sang.


"You go to my truck Cally, I'll just grab something for your mom." He smiled and watched Cally run to his truck. He went back to the house and grabbed his sisters cowboy hat and his old baseball cap. He smiled and headed for the truck. He looked at Cally through the rear view mirror then started for the highway.


Cally clung to the teddy that she had always kept with her in the car. She smiled at her uncle through the mirror. She took off her hat and rolled down the window a little bit.

"I had a dream so big and loud

I jumped so high I touched the clouds


I stretched my hands out to the sky

We danced with monsters through the night

Wo-o-o-o-o-oh "

Cally sang happily in the back seat.

Cally's teddy -

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Amy Ravine

Amy cheerfully bounced down the stairs at around noon already dressed. She had spent the whole morning sitting in her room with Meredith, singing and playing her guitar. "I'm going to the paa~ark!" she sang loudly, as if announcing it to a huge crowd when she was only with her grandmother. "Who wants to come with me? Anyone?!" She grinned. "Nobody," her grandmother responded.


Her nanna just chuckled and shook her head, amused with Amy's reaction. Amy pouted childishly and turned around to get back up the stairs and take her guitar that was in her room, hanging its strap over her shoulder as the guitar rested behind her back. Before leaving, she went to nanna and kissed her goodbye. "I don't know 'bout you, but I'm feeling... springyyy..." She laughed briefly at the word she just made up and finally closed the door behind her, a smile dancing across her lips as usual.

Xavier watched the guy browse and nodded, looking through the glass display case at the brownies and blondies. "Yeah, but the batch I made this morning are being sold at the festival," he said, idly wondering how things were going. He snapped back to attention as the man told him he had stuff around his mouth, and Xavier felt his face heat up in a blush as wiped his mouth off, thoroughly embarrassed. Grumbling under his breath, he washed his hands quickly before facing the man and hopping up on his stool.

"The red velvet cupcakes are good," he said, looking at the man and figuring out what he'd like. "But there's coffee cake if you want something lighter and I can make an iced latte since God knows it's too hot for anything but. It won't be Starbucks, but it should be ok." Shrugging, Xavier slid off the school and made his way to a different counter where most of the coffee machines were. Even if the guy didn't want any, Xavier thought a nice dose of caffeine would do good for him.
A latte. An iced one at that. Sterling wasn't gonna pass up the offer for some good Iced Caffeinated sweetness.

Especially since it was hotter than the devil's toe-nails outside.

"I will take three of those Lattes, three cupcakes, and two coffee cakes. Thank you very much sir." he said, throwing all care for making a deal to the wind. He was gonna pay for all these 'cheat treats', but it was well worth the cost of extra gym days. Hopefully, his assistant would enjoy the snacks he Sterling got for him. He watched the lanky teen slink away to the coffee machine and admired his blonde little head for a moment. He chuckled at the mismatched socks he wore with his red sneakers.

"So," he asked, not being the one to condone silence in a room, "How old are you?" Sterling strolled over to a chair, leaning back smugly as he took a seat.
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Aidan was wearing only some jeans and sunglasses, the day beaming down on him. He had been mostly cooking fan favourites during hot sunny days, things such as sausages and such. The heat was a bit much for him, so he lost the vest quite early on. His body was sweaty, which only amplified the muscled body he had. He would at time thinking rather embarrassed at himself when he saw the longing glances from both genders while he was open-air preparing food with his body showing. But he also held some sort of self-satisfaction. Aidan could (unlike his child and teenagehood) go out in summer wear and not be embarrassed at how bad he looked, it was a real confidence and image boost.

Aidan was happily humming along To Ty singing, doing multiple tasks quickly such as chopping up vegetables and sizzling sausages. When she left he waved goodbye. Aidan was a newcomer to this place, he only started a week ago in fact. But somehow his humble nature had him fit in quite well without hitch. Well at least there were no fights, which is a good start. Aidan would continue like this, cooking food to serve. Some of the longing glances distracted him for a split second, but no longer as he had grown accustomed to them since recent. If he was gonna go big, he needed to cope with the attention one gets with it.


Louis Holloven | Mood: Enthusiastic |

Louis had just finished her shift at the diner, and was at the local shoestore getting new boots for the festival. Her old ones were worn and scuffed up, tight at the toes, suffocating her feet. After she got a sharp new pair, she headed out, playing some Florida Georgia Line as she went home to get ready for the festival.

Louis was especially excited for the festival, because in all of Sunflower Hills, this was her favorite event. The sun beat down on her arms, hot, as she walked inside, seeing as it was just reaching mid-day. As she entered her small, but fitting home, Barnacle nipped at her ankles, barking happily. She giggled softly and picked him up, kissing his head before putting him down again.

Barnacle was steadily growing in size, and soon enough Lou wouldn't be picking him up anymore. After feeding Barnacle for the night and double-checking that she had the back door locked so he wouldn't run off, Lou headed upstairs. She tossed out her old boots and slipped into a more appropriate outfit for the festival, sliding on her boots. Teasing her hair a little bit, she decided she was good and grinned triumphantly, leaving her house once more. She headed out to the park, following the little path to see if anybody needed help.


Jaidon "Jai" Brookes | Mood: Social, Fun |

Mentions: Amber Mchale @Imrealk

Jai had had a day off today, and was at home, rocking out to Lana Del Rey on his acoustic guitar. "Kiss me hard before you go, summertime sadness. I just wanted you to know, that baby," Jai paused as he sang a high note, holding it before finishing the chorus, "you're the best." He glanced up at the time, and muttered a, "oh sh*t" under his breath as he set the guitar back in his case, Peeta perking up and looking at him curiously. "Can't finish today, darling, I gotta head out to the festival!"

Peeta looked uninterested, and lay his head down again to go to sleep. Jai headed out, walking down to the park, the already cooking scent of cookout/barbecue filling his nose. He grinned, rubbing his hands together excitedly. As he entered the park, he looked around at all the hustle and bustle of setting up, and nobody looked like they needed much help. He sighed and whistled a little more Lana to himself.

Jai paused when he heard a light, but melodious and beautiful singing. He listened around for where it was coming from, and then heard the accompanying guitar. Not being able to resist an acoustic, he headed towards the sound, and saw Amber sitting on a bench, playing her heart out to one of Ed Sheeran's finest. He knew Amber from the diner, where he often ate during her shifts, and he had always found her quite attractive. They had playful banter every now and then, but had never held a very steady conversation. So, he decided he might as well start one. "One of Ed Sheeran's best," Jai grinned at Amber, adding after a pause, "oh, beautiful playing by the way. Great sound."

Xavier chuckled a little but started making the drinks, deciding not to ask how one person planned on comsuming all that. "I'm guessing it's safe to assume you want skim milk in your drinks," he joked lightly, getting the milk without waiting for a real reply. He had been working there long enough to profile people and guess their tastes and orders almost down to a T, and the man now leaning on a chair seemed like having all the sweets was a guilty pleasure.

Laughing lightly at the man's question, Xavier threw a glance over his shoulder and smiled. "Old enough to know better," he replied, returning his attention to the now done drinks and pouring them into cups of ice before placing them in a carrying tray. Walking back over to the baked goods cabinet, he slide open the panel on his side and put the cupcakes in a box so the icing wouldn't get messed up, and the cake in paper bags. All of it got set on the counter and he slide it towards the man, smirking as he walked to the register. "And young enough to not care," he said, surprising himself when he winked at the man. "That's all on the house, since my assistant has the register key. Just be sure to stop by the booth at the festival." Not a complete lie, since he had given Casi the only key on accident.

Untying his apron, he hung it on a hook behind the counter and waited for the man to leave before locking the door and flipping the open sign to CLOSED. Pulling out his phone, he quickly texted Lian. "Ok, i may need some help. R u at the festival already?"

-- Lian Rylands --

Lian finally pulled up the drive way of the farm. Pulling up the parking spot he got out and carried the groceries inside. He called a greeting out to the farmhand before walking through the front door. He smiled when he saw Seth at the sink. "Guess who is home!" he said and started to put the groceries away. He was sure the farm residents would enjoy the ribs he bought at the store. As soon as he got the grocries away he heard his phone go off. Indicating he had a text.

He pulled out his phone and opened the panda case. The text was from Xavier, one of his best friends and the owner of the bakery. He read the text and blinked before texting back
'Nah, I'm still at home. I did some shopping. Why whatchu need?' he texted back. Flipping the phone closed he looked up. "Hey Honey." He smiled cheerily.

@ForgottenBlood ++ @yistae

Sterling chuckled, walking to the door with his food. He was sure to stop and leave a coffee cake, a cupcake, and one latte for the mystery boy. He waved to the folks, feeling a bit cheerier about it this time. It wasn't even that hot anymore. He took a sip of his latte and sparks went off in his head. It wasn't Starbucks worthy at all-- it was a heck of a lot better.

"I wish I had his number on speed dial, I need a lot more of this in my life." Sterling said to himself, arriving at his booth. His poor assistant looked as if he were dying on the spot.

"I got you something cold and something sweet." Sterling said, placing the items on the table-top. "Take a break, Jack. And don't skim on how long you need." He then planted himself down and took a long sip, his mind wandering to Bakery-Boy.

@Renn Skye
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Sometimes Casi had to wonder what had possessed her to pick this little town - moving out was an excellent idea, of course. She would have gone insane if she'd returned home after her schooling was finished, and chances were her mother would have borne the brunt of that madness. And of course she couldn't manage to get herself an apartment in any big city, not with her assets so abruptly cut off when she'd told her parents (her mother, her father had been more than happy to support her) her life plans and how they very much did not involve taking on the family business.

But here? It was so… so… quiet. But perhaps that was why she chose it. She'd spent her life in the big cities of the world - transporting between New York during the summers and schooling in the entirely too affluent (and a bit stinky, the sewers and the Siene could be truly rank on a hot day) Paris, and had lived in the hustle and bustle of big-world places for so long, maybe a quaint little town was exactly what she needed. And anyway the pay was good, and it was nice to be working in a bakery instead of Denny's - a mistake she'd made when she'd first been thrown on her own.

It was bloody hot, though, and she was still getting used to the heat.

"Thank god for covered tents," she murmurred to herself as she started laying out display cakes. She'd already set up the tables and hauled the register out, and now the truly enjoyable part of the festival's job was beginning - actually manning it. She laid out rows of tea cakes and cupcakes, cookies and tarts, rolls and biscuits and biscotti bars, dozens of treats lovingly made and hand-decorated. And, of course, pastries. Xavier was a magnificent baker, but Casi still felt she had the upper hand when it came to the light breaded delicacy that pastries demanded - in part because she'd managed to talk her father into sending her to the Cordon Bleu for her education, and in part because she'd dedicated the majority of her young life to the art of making them.

Thus set up she settled herself behind the table, taking out a fan she'd settled on the table behind the register she opened it and started fanning herself, a light smile playing across her features as she waited for the festival goers to show up, hungry for treats on the bright spring day.


One of the nicer things to be said about working as a bartender was that there was rarely much of a cause to get up before ten in the morning. In fact, most days Ian could sleep in as late as noon without reprimand - people didn't drink early in the morning, and the late hours that came from working at a bar came with the bonus of late mornings as well. Better still, no one thought less of you for sleeping late on days off, because you were only keeping up with your sleep schedule for work.

So it was that Ian rolled out of bed shortly before noon on the day of the festival, his copper lockers mussed by a night of sleep and the light granted only by good rest settled into his eyes. He stretched with a languidity borne of having nothing to do, no rush pressing on his head, and then pulled himself out of bed and over to his closet. He spent a few minutes digging around for clothes - it wasn't summer hot, yet, but it was warm enough that he spent some time finding a shirt cool enough before pulling on a pair of jeans to suit. That done, he grabbed his wallet and took off, planning to drop in to the local diner before heading over to the festival grounds, grateful to have the day off.

In his younger years he'd wreaked havoc at the old Spring festival - a terror who, along with his friends, had snuck things off tables and started impromptu water wars in the middle of the space. While he was older and more settled now the memories still brought a smile to the edges of his lips, mischief dancing in his eyes as he pushed the door open to the diner, ready to grab a bite.

"Hey, you guys still serving or are you closing up to head over?"

(other two coming in just a moment. Sorry I was at the stables all morning.)
Aidan looked over to Ian, who was making food for people.

"I'm here for the whole festival time making food for people. Can't have them partying with empty stomachs."

He was in the making of a simple sandwich for someone which for someone like him was a very fast job, so he had by the time he finished speaking done.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?

The heat of spring should not so closely echo the heat of summer, Deliana couldn't help but think. It was barely past noon, and already building towards a sweltering day - and given that the heat of a typical day peaks at about two in the afternoon… it could safely be said that it was going to be a scorcher. Normally she might let the heat dampen her (albeit extremely high) energy level - she'd already had a run in the early hours of the day when it was still cool enough to tolerate, and would be well within her rights to be tired. But today was different. Special. It was a festival day and she was practically vibrating with excitement.

Festival day!

The fact of it rang through her body like ringing through a cathedral at high noon. She'd foregone shorts and a t-shirt for once in her life and actually pulled on a dress - something a friend had gotten her in the hopes that she would some day have an actually interest in something approaching good fashion. She had, of course, pulled on under shorts to keep herself from flashing the world if she decided to scale a fence or a tree, but for now she looked positively lady-like in the mint green ensemble. Even her hair was obeying, to some degree, though it likely wouldn't continue to look so tidy a bit from now, given the pace she was going at to get to the grounds. Not everything would be set up yet, she knew, but it couldn't hurt to get their early. Hell, if she offered to help set up she might even end up with some free edibles for her trouble.

(outfit corresponds directly to the one shown in her profile under the spoiler tag) 


For the first time in a while Jack actually managed to be up before his mother, allowing him the grace of binding down, dressing, and slipping out the door without her berating his choice of attire. He was dressed nicely, of course - he had to represent the Vineyard today at the festival, under his boss, Sterling (a nice man, and unfortunately attractive - unfortunately in that he was far too old for Jack and still managed to make a tight knot of want rise up in his stomach every time he spoke) - a white button down just thick enough to hide the binder beneath it, and equally crisp black slacks, a far cry from his typical shorts and t-shirt look. But work was work, and he didn't mind dressing up, given the circumstances. He was far more used to the heat then his boss, and so a quick tug at his collar was all he needed to relieve himself of the heat of the day.

"Yeah, sure," he responded, giving a lazy salute to Sterling as his boss took off, resisting the urge to watch him go. Sometimes being nineteen and taking hormone injections jam packed with testosterone could be a pain. His boss dispatched to find shadier grounds, Jack settled back to watch the booth, waiting for a potential customer to come forth.

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