Country Roads ★ [Inactive]


Ty giggled a bit and rolled her eyes. "Well depends how old he is. If he's over 19 then you're good." Ty quickly finished up with the mans order then went back to Sterling. "Was he cuteee" Ty ate a french fry and watch the man leave disgusted "And don't go off scaring my costumers" Ty threw a french fry at Sterling and giggled.

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"He was adorable. He was snarky. He was probably my little brother's age." Sterling replied, throwing a fry right back at her. "And, I couldn't help it. He was giving me one hell of a stink eye." he commented, taking off his hat and ruffling his hair. The festival had gone into full swing, with the large crowd amassing. This was one of the best part's of the year, and Sterling was gonna have fun. "Got a babysitter for tonight?" he asked, hoping to get the Night on the Town he'd been begging about for weeks now.
"Sounds like the boy is your type" Ty shrugged and "no I don't got a babysitter. Cally is trying to scare away her other one." Ty giggled and took a ladies order of a smoothie and went to make it. She got out the ingredients and threw everything in a blender then went back to Sterling.

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Aidan merely kept cooking orders while nonchalantly listening to the conversation happening right next to him.

He grabbed a tea towel and wiped the sweat off his forehead and body, then proceeded back to cooking.

Aidan if he was honest had an interest in Ty, but would never say it out of sheer embarrassment. She was the one that caught out that he was good at cooking and got her to work here.

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"Well, get one. It's been, what, 4 months since you had a date?" He moved to the side to let the woman get a little closer to the counter.

"Come on Taylor. Don't get me wrong, you are a wonderful parent and Cally probably couldn't ask for a better mother if she wanted to. But you're gonna spontaneously combust if you don't get yourself some Grade A Male." He watched the woman giggle to herself politely. "Let's go to the Festival tonight. You'll probably see your dream guy again, I'll get my sweet treat, and we will all live happily ever after. Besides, you know you wanna dance." He smiled, nodding toward Aidan, the other cook who worked along side Ty.
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Ty finished up with the womans order and handed it to her. Ty took the money the woman gave her and put it in the register, "actually it's been 7 months, and most guys don't like a woman who has a kid" Ty stood across the counter from Sterling, and just looking at the carton of fries. Ty heard Aidan pipe in that he'd watch Cally, she just shrugged "Sure thank you, might help pry her off my brother..." Ty smiled at Aidan then went back to looking at the fries.

(Just added on cause I saw Pica's post lol)

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Aidan nodded back while stretching having just finished making some food on order. He wasn't going to say that he wanted Ty here longer, it was too great an embarrassment. He thought to himself how someone hunky like him being awkward with females must have been a sight to behold. Then again, it was only since recent he looked like this after deciding to deal with the bullying he got for how scrawny he looked at high school.

The words in his mouth asking for Taylor to stay longer, but it didn't happen. Instead came "I'll look after Cally if you want."

Truth be told, he did find Cally sweet of the few times he saw them. He never had a sister so for the past week he has been in this place, it was a new sight for him.

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"That's not true." Sterling said, catching on to the sad note in her voice. "I'd fight my own brother for a girl like you... But we both know this is only platonic. Besides, I think we'd spend more time shopping and getting manicures than actually 'swooning' each other." He picked up a french fry and threw it at his best friend. "Chin up, girly. Your knight in shining snake-skins is on his way." He smiled again, hoping that would cheer her up.
Ty let out a little giggle "yea sorry, you're not the type of guy that I'd 'swoon' for." She reached over and poked him. "Besides, I told that farmer that I saw earlier that I'd see him around, and before I left, I winked at him" Ty blushed again. She ate a fry and smiled "And I have a favour, maybe you could help Kyle get a girl, or boy, because he hasn't been in a relationship since his grad two years ago. He gets embarrassed when his sister tries to introduce him to people" Ty giggled and ate another fry. The container was almost gone already.

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"Fine. I'll see what I can do." Sterling chuckled, picking up the container. "Thanks for the fries. Tomorrow, I'll think of you after I'm sore from my work out." He called out over his shoulder, walking back to his booth. That turned into running when he saw the Intern getting drunk off her ass on some of the new wine. That was not gonna fly by with him.
Ty smiled rolling her eyes. She turned back to Aidan and giggled "so if you're gonna watch Cally, shall I give you a list as to what she likes, dislikes, what makes her happy or unhappy?" She heard a woman behind her and took and order from her. She wrote the order down and handed it to Aidan. She smiled and sat down on a stool beside the counter

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"Ummm sure. I was just thinking on what food to make her when she gets back."

Aidan spoke quietly, embarrassed at having the woman he liked talk to her. He kept his emotions at bay by cooking the food, which was easily done. He found it difficult to sweet talk females, especially ones he liked. For now he thought getting on Ty's good side by making their daughter happy would work. Besides, he liked Cally. She was sweet andsomeone you just want to hug because they are cute like a hamster. Or at least that's how he saw it.

Hmmm maybe some goose meat? That has a nice chewy texture when cooked properly. Could have some german style potato salad to go with it, or stir fry.

While pondering Aidan had finished the meal and handed the woman her food.

Ty smiled "Cally really really loves sweet potato fries. And she hates fish, and onions, and garlic" Ty shrugged and looked at the people rushing by with cotton candy sticks and other candies. She saw a man about her age walk up and say "I would like a order of fries, a hamburger, hold the cheese, and a nice tall glass of you" The man hit on Ty and Ty rolled her eyes writing down the order then replying with "I'm sorry, a tall glass of you isn't in stock, but we have lemonade if that works" She said sarcastically and handed the order to Aidan.
Aidan thought then that cooking the duck by marinating it with sweet potato fries to go with and some simple vegetables to the side would work.

Aidan made the hamburger and fries swiftly, being a simple meal. He made sure to give the lemonade in a tall glass and having his arms extra tensed while giving it for extra measure that hitting on her wasn't a great idea. He found the muscle did somehow a great job at intimidating males who thought themselves very alpha.

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Ty smiled seeing that Aidan was trying to intimidate the man, and it worked, the man basically threw his money and ran. Ty giggled and rolled her eyes "he was a pig." She saw Cally and Kyle not too far away at a stand that has a game. Kyle was trying to win Cally a toy but failing. Ty giggled again and got herself a Pepsi from a cooler.


"Come on Cally, I can't get this one" Kyle sighed as he threw another ring at the green bottles, he got one on and won her a little cheap giraffe, but smiled when Cally cooed and cradled it to her cheek. He followed her to another stand.


Cally cheered on her uncle as he threw the rings at the bottle and clapped when he got one on, "good job uncle!" She hugged it tightly to her when he handed it to her.
Aidan smiled at the sight of the happy Cally.

"I do love how innocent children are. I wish I could be like that."

Aidan started to marinade the duck while preparing the other foods for Cally. He decided to let them soak in flavours, to wow Cally's taste buds.

He made sure not to include onions and garlic in the flavours, using herbs and other food stuffs to make it interesting.

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Sterling walked over to the ring toss, tapping Kyle on the shoulder. "Your sister wanted me to talk to you...I guess give you 10 ways to get a guy?" He didn't mention girls cause he'd seen the boy mack on ladies like no one's business. "You are into dudes, right? " he asked, not really knowing the boy well enough to know his "preferences".

"I figure you're a smart guy, so I will take you under my wing and show you everything you need to know." Sterling said, butting his arm around Kyle's shoulder and waving out into nothingness very dramatically.
~Rebecca Singer~

Becca beamed as the festival was now hopping with people. She happily greeted a couple of children who came to sit by her because they didn't know what else to do. Becca explained to them all of the fun things they could do at the festival and offered to read them a story. After awhile, she noticed that she hadn't eaten very much today, and the smell of delicious food was only increasing her appetite. Becca found another woman she knew to watch her post for awhile while she went to get food. Becca walked over to the concessions and smiled at the cooks. "Well good evening, I see you all are quite busy tonight!" she said optimistically.

~Will Marshall~

Will smiled as Ty introduced Cally and Kyle. He was a bit disappointed she had to go so soon, but he understood. She had a job to do, and so did he. "Yeah, definitely. See you later...I hope," he had said after she turned to leave. Will turned to finish what he was doing before she had come up. One of his neighbors stopped to talk to him, so Will carried on a polite conversation with the middle-aged lady. After she left, Will thought about going and talking to some of the other people here. He found himself looking toward the concessions- he knew Ty would be there. Will noticed the librarian, Becca up near the front. She was an acquaintance of his, but his gaze looked past her into the cooks' area...

"Uh" Kyle looked down shyly when Sterling started talking about boys "I've never been with a guy before" He said awkwardly and shot a glare toward his sister at the concession. He saw she giggled a bit and rolled his eyes, "Cally go see your mom" He pointed to the concession and watched her run over there.


Ty giggled a bit watching her brother glare at her. She smiled at Cally who was running over. And looked around at all the people. She saw Will, he was looking at the concession, she smiled and quickly looked back to Cally. Ty quickly opened a little door on the counter to get into the concession and Cally came running in.


"Mommy mommy mommy" Cally said excitedly and hugged her mom. She looked at Aidan and remembered him as the other cook "oh hi!" She waved excitedly to him.

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"Hello there kid. Your food is nearly ready."

He was just cooking the food now he'd let soak in before. He spent his time with it as orders were not coming in at this time, using this opportunity for what it was worth. He was close to done with it. He was thinking how its probably close to the level of his parents food, who ran a high class restaurant in a city. He felt lucky that he could learn all he could from his parents.

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"Ah...I see. So what do you wanna know, Kyle?" Sterling asked, picking up a set of rings. "I'm a man of vast knowledge and anything we speak about will be held in complete confidence. Even if your sister tries to beat it out of me." He tossed and landed the ring on the bottle neck of a glass Coke bottle. He'd grown up in Manhattan, and every summer his dad would take him to Coney Island. He knew how to toss and he did it well.
Amy shook her head, "Uh, sorry, Lian, I have err... Claus-clautropho-phobia? I can go to festival by myself, but thank you for the offer," Amy smiled at him and bowed, "I will see you later." Amy smiled, waved and walked off. Amy walked down the sidewalk and adjusted her hat. She was quite happy she wouldn't have to work today.

(Anyone wanna interact with Little Miss Amy? xwx)

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~Will Marshall~

Will smiled as he made eye contact with Ty. When she looked away, he also decided he need not be distracted. He had a station to watch as well. Though, Will did hope to enjoy some of the festival activities a bit later- he enjoyed browsing all the products and visiting with friends and neighbors, and sometimes you got to meet someone new. He also loved the food. That was probably one of the best things about the festival, and now that he knew one of the cooks, well, that just made it even better.

Ty smiled to herself and took an old ladies order of a cucumber sandwich. Ty gladly made the sandwich for the woman and even threw in a free glass of lemonade. She hummed Rewind by Rascal Flatts, she heard a girl ask what she recommended "well that depends on what you like"


"Well what's there to know?" Kyle said shyly and watched Sterling play the ring toss. "And by the way, you're way better at this game than I am" He chuckled a little


"Oooooh that food smells sooooo gooood" Cally kept sniffing the air, the smell from Aidans food lingered in the air. Cally climbed up onto a stool beside Aidan to see what he was cooking.

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"You'll find out when its done, which is in just a moment."

The food was cooked and he started laying it out on a plate. It was marinated duck and sweet potato fries that had been soaked with flavours, with some simple vegetables like peas and chopped runner beans.

"You have to eat the runner beans too, or they'll run away from you and steal your toys. Or at least, that's what my mum always said." Aidan chuckled and handed Cally the plate onto a table after adding a little seasoning.

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