Country Roads ★ [Inactive]

Amy was walking down the street, when she remembered that Lian had told her she should come to the festival with him and his family. She brushed her hair out of her face, and positioned her hat better. She was very excited for the festival, especially since she was going to go with Lian, a good friend of hers.

She reached Lian's farmhouse and knocked, "Hello? It is Amy. I am here for you to take to the festival."


“Sweet,” Ian responded, dropping himself down on a stool at the counter and looking over to Aidan. “Sucks that you’re stuck here all day though – I’d hate to be cooped up on Festival day. But hey, pay is pay, right?” he added, not bothering to look at the menu. He’d lived here his whole life, he knew it well enough that he didn’t need to read it at this point.

“Gimmie a number three, k? And… sweet tea, I guess. It’s too hot for anything else right now. I can hardly believe it’s still spring, not summer.”

"I enjoy cooking and people here are in a festival mood so I'm ok. I'm new here anyway, so I have no obligations to follow except to fill bellies and bring smiles."

The food and drink was swiftly prepared and handed out once done.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Nico said:

-- Lian Rylands --

Lian finally pulled up the drive way of the farm. Pulling up the parking spot he got out and carried the groceries inside. He called a greeting out to the farmhand before walking through the front door. He smiled when he saw Seth at the sink. "Guess who is home!" he said and started to put the groceries away. He was sure the farm residents would enjoy the ribs he bought at the store. As soon as he got the grocries away he heard his phone go off. Indicating he had a text.

He pulled out his phone and opened the panda case. The text was from Xavier, one of his best friends and the owner of the bakery. He read the text and blinked before texting back
'Nah, I'm still at home. I did some shopping. Why whatchu need?' he texted back. Flipping the phone closed he looked up. "Hey Honey." He smiled cheerily.

@ForgottenBlood ++ @yistae


Seth stretched a little bit and turned the faucet from the sink off then placed all of the crops in their own separate baskets wisely.He made sure to look over all of them to clarify that there wasn't any burst,bruises,or rotten signs on them.He looked over at the door and smiled when Lian had came back home"Hey babe."he said pulling him close to him and stealing a deep kiss before smiling and breaking it."Do you need any help with cooking everything?"he asked looking at him.A knock on the door broke his gaze and made him go and look at it.
I"I wanna get et!"Kiry said giggling as he climbed down from off of the couch then stood up in the chair and opened the door "Lianny...there's a strange lady at the door...she has cooties."he said and frowned at her.Seth walked over to the door and picked up Kiry then held him in his arm."Well hello....I've never seen you before.Are you new here?"he thought about it for a second then tilted his head"That or I just forgot about you."he told him and shrugged."Babe,I think she's at the door for you."he said to him.
Xavier was in the back of the shop, busy washing dishes so he could get to the festival in a decent amount of time and not have to come back to a mess later. It was something he had been in the habit of doing since a week after he first opened the bakery, despising how every morning had to start earlier just so the stupid dishes got cleaned. It was an annoying job, and his poor little fingers were all shriveled up by the end of it, but a sense of satisfaction came from their completion. Just as he was making his way to his upstairs apartment, his phone beeped loudly in his pocket, demanding attention. Seeing the message from Lian, Xavier paused halfway up a step just to reply to his friend. "It's bad. Some guy walked into the bakery, tall dark handsome and probably way too old for me, and I told him to meet me at the festival. Now I want to dig through everything in my closet, and that's where you come in. Plus tips so I don't sound like a school girl."

He finished the message and went into his room, doing exactly as he predicted by dumping just about everything into his bed.

(( @Nico ))
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Amber's melodic voice began to fade out hen she heard a some what familiar voice sound from in front of her. She looked up and noticed the boy named Jai who occasionally comes to the diner. Amber had always sort of, maybe, possibly, thought he was kinda cute. She smiled at him appreciating his compliments and appreciation from a classic Ed song. "Why, thank you sir. It's one of my favorites, and I'm finally getting good enough to play his songs," Amber said with a chuckle. She had automatically always felt warm and fuzzy when he smiled at her or talked. It was just soft and inviting and made her feel comfortable. It was hard to explain, but it made perfect sense to her. "So, you play anything?" Asked Amber as she stood up and brushed off the grass from her shorts. The neck of her guitar was still clutched in her hand, but she extended her other arm as a handshake gesture. "I'm Amber if you didn't already know," She said sheepishly as she looked to the side and back at Jai. Amber was a couple of inches shorter than Jai ,which was nice pretty rare for a girl like her. She had always been the tall lanky and awkward girl, so this was a nice change. "And you're Jai, right? I've noticed you at the diner a lot." Amber smiled, but quickly became panicked as her words had kind of come out strangely.

"I mean, I-I've seen you quite a bit, but I'm not saying that you come in a lot because you eat a lot," She swallowed and blushed. "Well, obviously you come to eat, but I'm not saying you eat like a lot a lot. I mean in moderation. You're not fat or anything. You're normal." She glanced down at his chest and stomach area, and mentally slapped herself as she had made it quite obvious that she was looking at him like that. "Well, actually above average." She mumbled barely audible. And in that moment, Amber probably got as red at a tomato. She pursed her lips tightly together and looked at her feet, not even having enough courage to apologize. She had pulled her arm beside her before a handshake even had time to happen, so now she basically stood in the park with a cute boy, and nothing left to say as an awkward stillness lingered in the ear.

Good job, stupid.



(ooc//: Sorry for the wait!)


"Man, it's gotta be hard being new somewhere as closed off as this, hunh?" Ian asked with a laugh, extending his hand for shaking. "I'm Ian, by the way. I grew up here, so if you ever need pointers on where things are I'm your man. We can be a little closed off as a town, but we'll warm up to you, I'm sure. Just check out the chick from the bakery - she moved here from some fancy school in Europe or somethin' but she's managed to settle in just fine."

He was a bit chatty, perhaps. But it was so rare to see a fresh face in the area that he couldn't help but be a bit excited. Ian couldn't help but feel that the small town life was a bit dry for him - something he'd escape one day, if he had his way. Still, he took what excitement he could from life, and new-towners certainly fit that bill.

Aidan extended his hand and shook it.

"I don't mind it, I like the closeness of everything. I'll keep that in mind, thanks."

He got another order so talked while preparing food.

"So do they have a gym here or something?"

He began chopping some carrots at high speed.

"Since I like to workout but having nowt to work with is meh. Im not sure how much you work out so can relate. But for me, I like to relieve that stress my body and mind builds up with some simple hard workout."

Ian at this point was frying the food, it was a complicated meal involving multiple foods stir fried, but nothing he hadn't done before. Living with parents who cook for a living gave him a lot of practice and criticism to work with.

@Renn Skye

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
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~Rebecca Singer~

Becca suddenly looked up from her book. "Oh, no! What time is it?" Becca jumped up and grabbed her bag. She stopped in the restroom to make sure she looked alright- she liked looking nice for events. She smoothed down her simple yellow sundress, straightened her denim vest, and dusted off the tops of her brown cowboy boots. Becca picked up the books she had set aside and stuck them into her shoulder bag. She was excited to attend the festival and read stories to the children that came out. She never minded reading to kids, even if they could be restless and unfocused. Besides, story reading was a tradition, and Becca wasn't about to let it die off. She smiled as she noticed other booths being set up, and some already ready for the activities. Becca found a little section off to the side with a bunch of hay bales and decided to set up there. She put up her hand-painted sign and set the books on top of the hay bale next to her while she just observed the rest of the townsfolk happily.

~Will Marshall~

Will noticed that Seth had already taken care of gathering crops for the festival. He sure was efficient, but then again, a farm owner had to be. Will didn't know if Seth was already at the festival or not, but Will decided he would go and make sure the booth was ready for use if the boss wasn't there yet. Will stopped by his house and cleaned up a bit before changing into a fresh pair of jeans and a solid tee. He then got back in his truck and drove a short distance to the spot where most of the other people were hanging out. Will went over to check out the wooden stands for produce and made sure they weren't in bad shape or anything. The arrangement was't quite ideal, though, so Will decided to move a couple of the pieces so that people could browse around without crowding each other so much. Everything looked just about right, except for one small stand. Will lifted the crate easily; it wasn't very heavy. However, being slightly clumsy, he ran smack into someone as he turned around with the crate. Will immediately dropped the crate in order to help the young woman. "Ma'am, I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you all right?"


Bam! A man had ran into Ty with a crate which made her off balance but she caught herself on one of the other festival stand. She let out a giggle since it only hit her arm, "oh no don't worry, I'm fine, I wasn't watching where I was going either" She giggled again a little embarrassed. She stood up straight and flattened the wrinkles in her dress, and when she looked up at the man, she couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. She blushed a bit and smiled "I'm Ty." She introduced herself happily then looked behind the man at the line at the concession. Good thing there was already a cook on the job. "I don't believe I've seen you around." Ty smiled at the man.


Kyle helped Cally out of the truck when they arrived at the festival, it was already busy and it just started! Automatically he looked at the concession stand where Ty was supposed to be but she wasn't. She was at a veggie stand and talking to a man... He shook his head and lookd down where Cally was supposed to be but she had run off in her moms direction "Cally!"


"Mommy! Mommy!" Cally took off in her moms direction when she saw her, teddy bear still in hand. She giggled as she hugged her moms waist. "Ooooh mommy I missed you!" Cally smiled at her mom then looked at the man, "uh... hi." She said shyly to the man.


-- Lian Rylands --

Lian smiled "I'll cook it, I want it to be a relaxing rib dinner for my hard working husband and his help." he said. He looked up when Kiry and Seth went to the door. Wondering who it was he followed after and heard it was for him. He saw Amy and smiled "Oh I was expecting you!" he said and lightly waved to Amy. "This is the nail designer at the shop, I told her we'd go to the festival together." he said and chuckled. The vibration in his pocket tickled his leg and opened the text message. "But first, my assistance is needed by Xavier." he said and texted back. 'Sure thing hon, I'll be over in a jiff' he texted back and put the phone in his pocket.




@Toaster Muffins

Amy smiled at Lian and waved back at him. She listened to Lian and thought he was explaining that he was bringing her to the festival, "Lian, I go with you?" she asked him. She didn't want to be left alone. She wasn't sure if the little child with him liked her that much. She looked at him. He was very cue, but he looked suspicious of her.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

"I am so bored." Sterling mumbled, his drink and cupcake already gone. He looked at his watch. It was only 1:30. He sighed, tapping his fingers in a staccato beat.

Like the one in me..." he hummed, the finger tapping turning into a familiar song on the table top at his booth. He still couldn't get his mind off the kid. It was obvious he was way too young. It felt like he was robbing the cradle.

That's OK,

Lets see how you do it

Put up yo
ur dukes,

Lets get do
wn to it..."

It was louder in volume now, his voice sounding like rich honey on velvet.

He had never dated someone that far out of his age bracket. It was taboo. It was porpostrous. But there was something about him...he couldn't pin point it, but he could sing about it. He hopped out from behind the booth, belting the song at the top of his lungs.

"Hit me with your best shot

Why don't you hit me

With your best shot

Hit me with your best shot

Fire Away!

He stood in the middle of the street, looking like a darned fool. But he felt like conquering anything. People were giving him looks as if he were a leper. He didn't care.

"I might go meet this kid after all." he said to himself, adjusting his hat and returning to his booth quietly, a smirk planted on his face.

@yistae (your character now has a musical number dedicated to him.)
Xavier heard his phone beeping again and jumped off his bed, tossing aside the shirt he had spent five minutes debating weather or not to wear before finally deciding against it. After reading the message from Lian he let out a sigh of relief, replying with a quick "Thank you!", and going downstairs to unlock the front door for his friend.

Pushing open the door to the main area of the bakery, Xavier paused when his eyes spotted one of the lattes he had made for the man, along with a cupcake and coffee cake. A smile found its way to his lips and he sat down at the table once the front door was unlocked. 'I so need to stop this,' Xavier chastised himself silently, but still let his thoughts wander to the mystery man. He felt like a little kid crushing on a teacher or something, figuring that the man was at least a good seven years older than him. "Maybe he just looks older," Xavier reasoned aloud, sipping the drink and waiting for Lian to come.

(@Nico )
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Jaidon "Jai" Brookes


Everytime Jai got ready to speak, Amber would continue to awkwardly ramble on. It made him laugh, and the more she said, the harder he laughed. He found it adorable, and grinned cheekily as she stood there with a face as red as a beet. He wiped a tear from his eye, and clutched his rib for a moment, the laughing giving him slight rib pain. Waiting a couple moments, pausing to see if she would speak again, he took his turn.
"Well, actually I play acoustic guitar also, and yeah, it's Jai. And, it's fine, I do come to the diner a lot, but that's just to see a certain adorable waitress, y'know." He winked playfully at her, taking the guitar from the bench and sitting down where she was a couple minutes ago, strumming out some notes.

"See, you had it all right, but if you want to get a good sound, use this chord instead." He strummed it for her, and then looked up at her. He wasn't trying to boast, he was still learning himself, it seemed everybody was always still learning. We say we know it all, but nobody really does. Anyways, he wasn't trying to boast, only help. He hoped he hadn't ruined his chances with her. Good job stupid, he thought.

With a southern voice as sweet and slow as molasses, Gracie replied to her mother's question joyfully. "I'd love to come with you to the festival." She said, fluffing out her platinum blonde loose curls which fell gently around her shoulders. "That's great honey." Mrs. Bradley commented, grabbing a Vitamin Water from the white fridge that was adorned with family pictures and Christmas cards sticking on by colorful magnets. "You ready?" Grace asked, eager to head out. "I'm coming, I'm coming." Grace's mother assured her overexcited daughter, gently giving her silky smooth head a playful stroke. Gracie always enjoyed the festival, however she usually went with Gabriella. Unfortunately, Gabby had gone to Cancun on vacation with her boyfriend, and Grace was kind of stuck with some of her 'good friends' and her mom.

A Chevy truck pulled up to the parking lot in town where the festival was held, only seconds later Grace hopped out with a thud of her baby blue sneakers against the hot asphalt. She gave a look around, smiling to herself with anticipation. "I'm going to check out the food, honey. I'll meet up with you later, okay?" Gracie nodded, accepting the kiss her mother implanted on her daughter's soft milk and honey hued cheek. She watched her mother hurry off, and finally decided to start walking when she saw her round a corner.

Gracie jogged a bit for a head start, then gradually slowed to a walk, turning her head this way and that to examine random passerby's. The weather was sunny, not a cloud in sight. Just the way Grace liked it in fact. The festival was particularly busy this year, people with painted faces and sprayed multicolor hair were nibbling at caramel apples and carrying fluffy pink cotton candy on white sticks. Even if she didn't have a friend to enjoy it with, Gracie simply adored the festival. It made her feel like a little girl all over again.
~Rebecca Singer~

Becca smiled and laid her back on one of the hay bales. She closed her eyes with a smile, just listening to the country sounds. Though hay was a bit prickly, Becca was used to it by now. Plus, she loved how it smelled- it was a fragrance of home. Becca opened her eyes and grabbed one of the childrens books before stretching back out again. She held the book up high, away from her face, and read it out loud to practice the different character voices. If anyone saw her, it probably looked strange- a grown young woman reading a child's book and talking to herself in different accents, but most people probably knew her. Becca was the only librarian and had lived here since childhood, after all.

~Will Marshall~

Will rubbed the back of his neck and laughed a bit awkwardly. "Nah, it was all my fault. I'm glad I didn't hurt ya none, though." Will stuck out his hand. "Ah, name's Will Marshall. I'm a just a humble farm hand over yonder," he said with a gesture toward the farm's general direction. "Nice to meet you, ma'am. I think I might have seen you before. Do you work at the diner?" Will was slightly surprised when little Cally ran up to Ty and clung to her. But then he smiled at the child and tipped his hat to her. "Hey there, I'm Will. Pleased to meet you, Miss."

"Yes, I do work at the diner, I'm the cook" Ty smiled and set her hand on Cally's back, rubbing her shoulders, "this is Cally" Ty introduced her daughter and pointed out Kyle, "and that's my brother Kyle...He helps at the horse ranch..." Ty smiled at Will again, she heard her name being called at the concession, "I gotta work at the concession. See you around." Ty kissed Cally on the head and left her with Kyle, she flashed Will a wink and started walking to the concession.


Kyle chuckled a bit watching his sister flirt. He took Cally's hand and smiled as Cally waved bye to Will, "so wutcha wanna do Cally?" He smiled at his niece and laughed as she started pulling him to the candy stand.


Cally had reached the stand and stood on her tiptoes to look over the counter, she pointed at a bunch of candy while saying "I want that one, oh and that one, and that one!" She looked sad when her uncle only bought her cotton candy but she was raised to appreciate the things she gets so she never complained.
Seth~(And Others!~)

Seth looked at Lian then back at the girl who'd seem to be a little not wanting to be around Kiry;sometimes he could be a handful though."Well,look whose popular today."he said and laughed a little bit before putting a arm over Lian's shoulders.He looked at the girl in front of them and half smiled"Kiry can be a handful,yes but he really means no harm."he told him."You should also know that where ever Lian goes,Kiry basically always follows."he told her."So should all of us go or does he want you in private?"he asked teasing a bit and chuckled then set Kiry down so he would stand up on his own.
Kiry ran outside and went to Lian's car jumping up and down"I wanna go to!"he said excitedly.So after,Yuri was walking down the street to their house in her white dress and cowgirl boots.She stopped at the bottom steps"I know you didn't think you would leave me Mr.Li!" she announced crossing her arms.Yuri knew Lian wouldn't leave her to walk there by herself but,she just wanted to be sure he didn't forget or anything like that.

Lian shook his head "All of us can go, I could use your help." he smiled and turned to Amy and nodded "All of us are going to the festival." he said and got out his car keys. He smiled at Kiry and ruffled his hair "All of us should be able to fit into the car." he said and started walking when he saw Yuri. He chuckled "I was gonna go pick you up, you know. I wouldn't leave my best assistant!" he said and unlocked the car. "Alright everyone get in!"
Sterling left his booth in the care of Stacy, the intern, and headed over to the concession stand with a bottle of White Zinfandel in his hand. He'd spotted Ty Ernest, one of the few people who were around his age--"Everyone is either older or younger than 27." he constantly joked.

"Hey there pretty lady, who was that nice gentleman talking to you just a minute ago?" he asked, placing the bottle on the counter. He always brought her a new sort of wine every time he saw her. Little did she know he had a bigger surprise for her at his booth: a Cooking Sherry dedicated to her namesake.


Ty grinned at Sterling and shrugged "Oh just a fella named Will..." Ty blushed a bit but quickly hid it by turning back to the fries she was deep frying. She glanced at the bottle and smiled "So ya got me something?" She placed the fries in a little carton and saw that there was no one in line so she started munching on them herself. She went over to the counter and set the fries on the counter, "wanna share em?" She gestured to the fries.


(Kyle and Cally are just having fun at the fair so no need for a post from them)
"Naw, I got my fill of naughty treats for the day." Sterling said, giving the fries a sideways glance. It was almost like a staring contest...and they were winning. "Well, one wont hurt." he sighed nonchalantly, picking the fried piece of goodness up and taking a bite. 'This woman knows her way around a kitchen.' he thought as the greasy goodness sent happiness to the very depths of his soul.

"So, tell me, did you just meet the guy or was has he been the apple of your eye for a while? Because you only blush for that one actor whose name I can't pronounce." Sterling said, taking another fry from the carton and indulging himself a little more.

Ty giggled a bit, shook her head and and blushed more , "he ran into me with a crate a few minutes ago, I'm just blushing because he was rather handsome, and sweet to Cally" Ty smiled and ate another fry. "So. Who gave you the other naughty treats" Ty smiled and rested her chin on her hands. "Who convinced the big muscle man." Ty teased and a man ordered a hamburger and onion rings, Ty quickly got out the ingredients and started preparing the mans order.
"The baker did. He told me to meet up with him later on today," He nodded to the man who stared at him with a mean glare, "But, it'd be wise of me not to. I think I may get myself arrested for fooling around with a minor." If the man wasn't disgusted before, he was now. Sterling smiled, tipped his hat at him, and then ate another french fry.

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