Country Roads ★ [Inactive]


Ty giggles and follows after Sterling to the shoot 'em game. "Come on Kyle you used to go hunting with dad all the time!" Ty giggled again


Kyle nervously took the plastic gun and waited for the cardboard bad cowboys to pop up. He shot at them along with the fake bottles. When he was finished he backed up and got a medium sized unicorn knowing Cally would love it. He smiled at Sterling "your turn"


"Yea but adults don't neeeed unicorns, they can just imagine them or look them up computers! I like to cuddle my toys, they keep the monsters at night away" she smiled and started to draw a unicorn.

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Aidan raised an eyebrow and smiled "I'm pretty sure you kids have a far better imagination. Plus what good is one on a computer? Adults need one to hug to keep their own monsters away, like taxes or student loans, or for mid-life crises." Aidan chuckled.

Aidan decided to try drawing his own unicorn, though his drawing skills had much to ask for.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Xavier got to the festival in enough time, smiling and saying hi to the people he knew and a lot he didn't. Spotting a big stand in the middle, Xavier walke up and waved when he realized it was the consession stand and Aidan was running it. Xavier had met Aidan before at the dinner, and always enjoyed talking to him.

Leaning against the counter Xavier saw a kid doodling with Aidan. He recognized her from the bakery once or twice, and smiled politly at her. "Hey Aidan, I think you've got a gremlin back here," he said jokingly.
Aidan chuckled at the sight of Xavier.

"And I've just seen an even larger gremlin approach me. Besides, unlike you, this one here is really cute, so can't be a gremlin."

Aidan prepared to make food and leaned his elbows over the counter hands together.

"So what can I get you on this fine day?"

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Xavier stuck out his tongue, blowing a raspberry at Aidan. "All the gremlins were cute in the beginning," he remined, looking over at the menu. "Something filling, and since you're making it I don't have to ask for something good, but something cheap. I've got twenty five on me and that has to last the whole festival." He mimicked Aidan's pose, only he had one foot crossed behind him and his arms were rested on the counter. "And yeah, probably not the smoothest move on my part but I don't rightly care at the moment."
Aidan chuckled raising an eyebrow "Don't worry dear, no smut from you will change my sexuality and that's that. But just for you and because everything has been coming in well, I'll make you one for free."

He cooked some mustard pork fillet with lentils, potato skins and mangetout. After cooking the food he handed the plate to Xavier on a plate.

"Here you go. Enjoy." Aidan smiled when he served.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Xavier smiled and waded up a napkin before throwing it at Aidan. "Hush now, that's not something your little gremlin there needs to know about yet," he said, putting on a fake serious face and trying really hard not to laugh. He took the food and started to eat, smiling happily. "How the Hell did you end up in this little town when you could be in a big city with your cooking?" He asked once his mouth was empty. Eating a couple more bites without talking, Xavier listened to the fair around them before folding up the empty paper plate and throwing it away. Leaning back on the counter to face the crowd, he stood for a few minutes just people watching. "So how'd you get the gremlin anywho? Bought it during a total eclipse of the Sun?" He asked, joking but still courious as to how a little girl got behind the counter.
Aidan cleaned up some of the gear while talking.

"Its Ty's kid. She's off being all festival-y so I offered to look after her. Plus the kid's sweet too."

He was stacking some plates and cleaning the pans.

"The city is too big and boring. No one knows each other, you're surrounded by the biased pessimistic media who want you to conform with their image and is generally hostile. Here on the other hand everyone knows each other and seem great friends. Besides, I don't cook for money. I cook for smiles like hers and yours just then when someone is happy with a meal."

He chuckled realising how cheesy that sounded.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
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