Country Roads ★ [Inactive]

"Well, that depends on what kind of guy turns you on?" Sterling said very frankly. He tossed again, snagging the neck of another poor bottle. It felt good to be doing this again after so long. He tossed, snagging a third, but missed the fourth and last one. The vendor asked him what he wanted for a prize and he immediately gave the good size stuffed giraffe to Kyle. "What do you like in your men?" he asked after, beginning to walk to another game.

Ty giggled at Cally as she dug i to the food. "Can I go on break? Rush hour is over" Ty smiled at Aidan. "Cally likes counting the change"


Kyle shrugged "Well ones that are kinda manly and really good looking. Im picky when it comes to guys" Kyle explained. He looked at the giraffe and chuckled.


"Oooooh this is yummy" she ate happily and hummed a random tune as she ate "can you cook for me all the time"

(Sorry for the small replies :( I'm on tapatalk and can't tell how long the replies are until I send it)

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Aidan blushed at what Cally said, as it could be interpreted in a different manner which (for him) suggested he became a form of father.

"I...well...that's dependent on what your mother says."

He turned to Ty after she asked the question. Ideal situation, he wanted Ty to stay here with her or go with Ty to the festival. He didn't have the guts to say it though and gave a quiet approval "Sure.".

Aidan cursed himself at his weakness. Clearly he dealt with children better than females.

Aidan rested on a stool and looked outside at the festival.

I wonder what it would be like for someone like me to go there. A young muscled guy who is good with children and has no idea of what to do in this festival. Haaaaah...if only life were simple like cooking.
"Well, be specific," Sterling laughed, taking him to an ice cream stand. "What flavors do you want? See, boys are like... ice cream," he explained, taking a lick of his red velvet cheesecake cone, "Some are sweet and some are bold. Some are bland and some are just too colorful for the eye to bear. But there is that one flavor you can't resist." He took another big lick at his cone. "I like this flavor. He chuckled, smiling at Kyle. "It's sweet and quiet, but yet it always surprises me in the end."
~Rebecca Singer~

Becca nodded, answering that she liked things with chicken and vegetables. "But if you're busy, it's okay. I mean, I'll just ask the other cook if he's not as busy. I don't think I've met him anyways, so I could introduce myself." Becca gestured toward Aidan- it was true, she didn't think she had met the guy and wondered if he was new around here. "Though your cooking is always great, so whatever you like," she told Ty with a smile. Becca probably made things harder on people by being so easy-going, but it honestly didn't matter to her as long as everyone else was happy.

~Will Marshall~

Will was busy playing with a couple kids while some people browsed the produce that was there. He hoped that Seth would arrive soon with the bulk of the goods. But for now, there was a lady that visited the farm often for produce- she had stopped by with her children, and Will had greeted the small family with a smile like always, asking about their general well-being.

Ty giggled "well I'd have to say that Aidan is a better cook than me" she looked at Cally who was busy eating then at Aidan and smiled "my daughter even asked if he could cook for her all the time!" Ty smiled "you shouldn't have any problems with him" she smiled and walked out of the concession after kissing Cally's forehead. She saw Will playing with a few kids and smiled brightly, she started walking over to him.


Kyle shrugged and got cherry icecream. He stayed being shy. "That guy from the bakery was cute" Kyle said not know that Sterling liked Xavier. Kyle just focused on the ice cream


Cally giggled and found a paper and pen she drew a flower and handed it to Rebecca "here its for you" Cally giggled and finished up eating

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Sterling choked on the piece of cone he had bitten off. "What? Why?" He said, coughing uncontrollably. 'He's probably talking about another baker, somewhere off in another town. Another county.' He thought while trying to regain his composure.
Aidan was underway to cooking what Rebecca requested. He was busy cooking when he spoke.

"Well I'm new here so not everyone knows me." He wiped some sweat from his muscular body from the heat of the kitchen, "But I don't seem to be doing too badly with people getting to know me."

"So who are you then? I'm Aidan."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
~Rebecca Singer~

Becca nodded and smiled at Ty. "Well I'll take your word for it then." She smiled and gave Cally a hug when Cally gave her the drawing of a flower. "It's beautiful! Thank you, Cally!" Becca encouraged. "Come visit me if later if you wanna hear a story, okay?" Becca smiled and then stood back up to talk to Aidan. She smiled politely at him. "Nice to meet you, Aidan. I'm Rebecca Singer. Most people call me Becca, but either is just fine. " She extended her hand out of habit but then realized that he was cooking. "Sorry, bad timing, huh? Well, I'm sure you'll get to know folks soon enough, if your cooking is as good as Ty tells me it is. Country people love to eat, myself included." Becca said with a small laugh.

~Will Marshall~

"Sorry, Will, am I keeping you?" the lady asked him. "I just can't seem to make up my mind." Will shook his head as he set one of her children back down on the ground. "No ma'am, I don't mind a bit," he replied. "Besides, the kids are gonna have to work harder if they're gonna wear me out," he said with a grin. He noticed Ty approaching and smiled at her. "Well howdy, Ty. Didn't expect to see you again so soon, but I can't say I'm disappointed."
Aidan chuckled "understandable Rebecca, we all make mistakes. I once mixed up salt with sugar, which annoyed my parents greatly. And yes, people here seem to appreciate good food far more than in the city, where they care more about a places reputation and price. Though where my parents work has both admittedly."

He had finished the meal, some chicken wrapped in Bacon stuffed with green spinach pesto along with some green beans and simple cut potatoes all in a sauce. He put it on a plate and handed it to Becca.


Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?

Ty giggled a bit, "well, I'm on break. Rush hour is over." She smiled, "I see you're bust, I can come back later...?" She pointed to a game stand. She really didn't wanna go, but it was up to him, if he was busy or not.


"The guy who works at the bakery down town... but he's not the type I'd like... He's just good lookin'. Do you have any suggestions on good guys from around here?" Kyle explained, he felt like he had said something offensive. He looked away shyly.


"Thank you for the hug!" She giggled and started to draw more pictures. She hummed a song and let Aidan and Becca talk. She looked over at her teddy bear on the counter and started drawing the bear.
"Hmm..." Sterling crossed his arms and pondered for a while. Kyle really wasn't giving him much to work with. He had a lot to learn if he was gonna dive into this lifestyle, and Sterling was going to teach him as much as he could. "I've seen him around...he's sweet. But you are also sweet and pretty shy. You guys would stare at one another waiting to see who would speak first. No, you need a fun guy who would be a perfect gentleman. Some one...rugged" he thought out loud, stretching his arms out behind his head.
~Rebecca Singer~

Becca laughed. "Yeah, I'm not sure mixing salt with sugar is easily overlooked," she commented on Aidan's story. Becca looked down at the plate Aidan handed her. "Thanks, it looks great!" she said. "So I take it you lived in a city before coming out here. Hopefully you like it, though, right?" She noticed that since the rush was over, there were less people getting food and more doing things like games. Becca figured she could spare some time to talk to Aidan before going back to her station. It wasn't every day you got to talk to someone new in a small town like this.

~Will Marshall~

Will smiled. "Nah, I'm not too busy. Just hanging with the kids here. Their mama likes to buy produce a lot, so I know these little fellas." Will ruffled the smaller boy's hair. "What do you normally like to do at these festivals when you're not working?" he asked Ty.
"Yeah I love if actually. Everyone knows each other and are so friendly. In the city people are all harsh and cynical, thinking only of the gloomy world around them. Here though people enjoy life for what it is, like children." He playfully ruffled Cally's hair and engaged in a minor poke war. He visibly sighed.

"I wish I could be friendly to people so easily. I got bullied a lot in school, so I find it hard. It was because of that city life I had such a poor self image, which is why I started working out."

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"Okay! Uhm... I love dancing, but that's for when it gets later. I like the games and stuff" she shrugs and giggles. "How about you?"


Kyle raised an eyebrow at Sterling "So you're suggesting someone like you" he joked and chuckled a bit. He finished off his ice cream and put his hands in his pockets.

(Cally is just drawing so no need for her post)

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"Your sister would kill me." Sterling replied in a simple, serious tone. And it was probably true. He really didn't understand why all the young folk were flocking around him. He liked the attention and they were his type, but he still lived in a place where that wouldn't be condoned. And, at the end of the day, he'd be the cradle robber.
Xavier glanced at the clock, cursing under his breath before going up to his room when he saw how late it was getting. He didn't want to miss anymore of the festival, and Lian was probably just busy with other people. Tossing together an outfit, he grabbed his iPod and went down to the street after sending Lian a message that he didn't need any help, locking the doors behind him and squinting against the sun. It didn't seem too hot to Xavier, but then again he had a little more tolerance to the heat. Pushing his earbuds in probably way more than they should be, he turned his music up and hummed along to the songs as he made his way to the festival.

((Outfit: and he's wearing mix matched socks still))
(Might be my last post for a little while, I'm gonna wait for more people that haven't posted in awhile to reply before I post again)

~Rebecca Singer~

Becca nodded, listening to what Aidan said. "I'd say you seem friendly enough, Aidan." Becca smiled. "Plus, Cally seems to like you, and kids can be quite good judges of character." Becca put another small forkful of the potatoes in her mouth. "But I'm glad you like it here, and this is absolutely delicious. And hey, if you ever need a friend, you can normally find me at the library. I'll tell you what- if you come by and bring me some more of this stuff, I'll let you borrow books for free!" Becca declared with a grin. Of course, the library was completely free to begin with, but she hoped that would at least make him smile. Becca didn't like to see people worried or unhappy- she tried her best to be a set of open ears and an open heart for people to confide in. "Alright, well I'll see ya 'round, Aidan. Duty calls." Becca finished her business at the concessions and then left to relieve her temporary replacement.

~Will Marshall~

Will smiled and nodded at Ty. "I like watching the dancing," he said. "I can't do it, though. I'd just look like a big ol' horse trying to tap dance," he laughed. "I like the games too, but I try and save the prizes for the little ones. It's fun to relax and play some classic festival games though," he agreed. "But I think the best thing about the festival is the food. Ever since I started coming to these things, I remember my dad telling me that this is where you find all the best food, but I wasn't allowed to tell Mama that. But he was right, of course. Plus, now that I personally know one of the finest and prettiest chefs around...well, there's no way I can change my mind." Will elbowed Ty and winked teasingly before he heard someone asking for assistance from the produce are. "Alright, it seems I do have to go take care of some stuff. Guess I'll have to catch you later, Ty. It was nice seein' you again so soon."

Ty had been blushing. "Well talk to ya later" Ty smiled and walked away, with only one glance back at him. She saw Sterling and Kyle standing by the ice cream stand. Sterling had a serious look on his face and she knew Kyle had said something. "What's up grump" she said to Sterling as she walked over to them and threw her arms around them.


"Well there aren't many options for you around here are there" Kyle said shyly and went quiet at his sister approached.


Cally saw someone walking by an carrying a big fluffy unicorn "ooooh Aidan I want that one" she looked at Aidan while pointing at the unicorn and giggled.

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"I'm pretty sure that unicorn belongs to someone else." He chuckled.

"Although maybe the next time I cook for you I could make you something that looks like a unicorn. Does that sound ok? Anyway. There aren't really anyone here right now, so I'm sure we can play something together."

Playing with children was fun, plus he knew the renowned trick of pretending to make a kid win in games using slight of hand if that was necessary.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Grump yourself, I'm just having the coversation with Kyle that you asked me to have." Sterling said, nudging her side. He cast a side glance at the boy, accompanied with a wink. "So, what fun activities will we get ourselves into today? I don't see anyone else we know around here. I wonder where Amber is?" He thought out loud. He missed his favorite waitress.
Jack was later to the festival than she'd intended she had to say but she'd lost track of time really. Like always, she'd taken Colt out for a ride and had way too much fun so by the time she'd gotten back to the stable she was well late. Pulling up in her truck, Jack flung on her shirt open over her tank top before jumping out. "Well at least it's a nice day for the fair" she commented to herself before deciding to wonder round, not quite sure what to do with herself at the very moment.

Ty giggled and shrugged "well dancing is a fun option, or more games, could win Cally something, she'd love you forever!" Ty smiled "You seem to be good at the games Sterling, Kyle just sucks at em" Ty teased her brother


"Wow thanks" Kyle rolled his eye at Ty then looked at Sterling "well games sound fun, I'm not a very good dancer" he shrugged and looked around at the game options.


"But that person doesn't need the unicorn! They're an adult and I'm a kid, kids need toys more than adults do" she giggled and drew a duck for Aidan "here you go!" She handed it to him.

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Aidan chuckled and bowed. "I thank you for your duck drawing."

He leant down and mock whispered for extra effect "also adults need unicorns just as much as kids. You would be surprised how many adults hold unicorns and ponies to heart."

He smiled and started making himself a protein filled sandwich to eat involving various meats. After making it he ate on that.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"Games it is!" Sterling yelled out loud, sounding goofier than ever. He started walking the pair toward the Shoot 'Em booth. "This will be fun, let's see what you've got Kyle." he said, nudging him forward.

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