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Realistic or Modern Continuation of miiverse RP

Doomsday said:
Rune: "Uh-huh. Language."

Harmony: "Oh... Okay." *She didn't exactly like the idea of sleeping in the same room either*

Derek then telepathically said "I hope my recent memories weren't too disorienting and anyway where are you, it's like all white exept maybe a few shadows, so hard for me to focus at such a presumably long distance!"

Derek falters while he looks around not finding anywhere for guests just as an angel holding a beer bottle walks through the portal.
(The plane to Tokyo crashed and now where are at a destroyed airport in Berlin.)

Fuzzie got confused at Rune.

F: Hallucinations? What hal-

Then the ghost appeares. Fuzzie jumped in shock and fell to the ground.


The ghost said something about going to Tokyo but at Rune's hallucinations getting worse.

F: Hallucinations?! Rune, this is where we don't do drugs. In fact, am I on drugs? Why is there a ghost in front of me?
Fuzziestudios said:
(The plane to Tokyo crashed and now where are at a destroyed airport in Berlin.)
Fuzzie got confused at Rune.

F: Hallucinations? What hal-

Then the ghost appeares. Fuzzie jumped in shock and fell to the ground.


The ghost said something about going to Tokyo but at Rune's hallucinations getting worse.

F: Hallucinations?! Rune, this is where we don't do drugs. In fact, am I on drugs? Why is there a ghost in front of me?
The ghost chucked and said "I can teleport you to Kaiser"
Fuzzie gets up and dusts off his jeans.

F: Yeah sure mr. ghost. Send us to Kraiser. I

Or was it Kaiser? Such a weird name. Now lets go!
Doomsday said:
Rune: "Language Fuzzie!" *Derek's voice was distorted, Rune only being able to make out a few words* "Is this really what drugs are like?! Nyah, I'll never do drugs again mum..."


Derek's feedback is also distorted, but makes out "... I'll ... do drugs again" Derek then thought "great we're distorted" before Derek attempts a spell "FOCUUM DISTENCIA" the spell helped get Derek to achieve normal telepathy. "Now can you hear me?" Derek telepathically thought.
Rune: "Hey! Hold on Fuzzie! They said my hallucinations would get worse if we went!" *"Huh? Derek? Why did you start putting me through this?!"* "Ghost, explain what's happening to me for them!"

Fuzziestudios said:
Fuzzie gets up and dusts off his jeans.
F: Yeah sure mr. ghost. Send us to Kraiser. I

Or was it Kaiser? Such a weird name. Now lets go!
The ghost then said "Okay hold on!" The ghost said as she teleported everyone. The teleportation can be described as a white spiritual portal that pulls people to a given place at up to Mach 3 before magically making them there, unscathed.

Derek then thought "fuck! I lost em again"
F: Hey. Its either hallucinations or death. Which is better?

As the portal was created, Fuzzie was sucked into it. He screamed. It was fast. REALLY fast. He crashed into the pavement of the random street. He got up but fell back down again. He had a headache.

F: Ow...hold on...just let me...rest...
Doomsday said:
Rune: "Hey! Hold on Fuzzie! They said my hallucinations would get worse if we went!" *"Huh? Derek? Why did you start putting me through this?!"* "Ghost, explain what's happening to me for them!"

Meanwhile the angel told harmony in a condescending fashion "Hanging out with demons are we, your father must be a serious blasphemer then"
Rune: "Great, what next?!" *"I blame you!"*

Harmony: "Uh? No, no I don't think so... They're looking after me until my friend comes back."
Doomsday said:
Rune: "Great, what next?!" *"I blame you!"*

Harmony: "Uh? No, no I don't think so... They're looking after me until my friend comes back."
(If rune is through the portal) Rune starts to hallucinate that she's behind the counter of what looks to be a pharmacy.

(If not) Derek: *for what! What did I do!?*

Angel: uh huh, sure but I'm not here to save your sinful ass, I'm here for some meds

Derek: So what do ya need?

Angel: I need a pain killer for my uhh, my freind yes my freind

Derek: and is your freind an addict perchance (starting to get on to the Angel's ruse)


Majin: But my kind isn't below helping humans!
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Rune: "Ugh, is this a hallucination or not?" *Attempts to touch the counter*

*"Not very nice... I thought angels were supposed to be nice."*
Doomsday said:
Rune: "Ugh, is this a hallucination or not?" *Attempts to touch the counter*

*"Not very nice... I thought angels were supposed to be nice."*
Her hand phases through but there's still an audible *bump* when her hand touched the counter.

Angel: whatever, just gimme the Fucken meds!

Derek: not if you talk to me like that, *wacks the Angel with one of his wands* shoo shoo shoo

Angel: Your not even using magic on me!

Derek: back back!

Angel: Fuck you!

Derek: back in the portal! Back in the portal!

Angel: Hope you have fun with your demon's pokèmon! *gets pushed into portal*

Derek: *sticks head in portal* GET OUT AND STAY OUT! *closes portal though it still keeps its blue glow*
(I'm back. I was not receiving notifications from this whatsoever. I'll assume again, that Dania and Al' followed along. I never ditch an awesome RP. Ever.)
Rune: "Um... can you guys help me? It's getting really bad..."

Harmony: "Why were they so mean?"
Doomsday said:
Rune: "Um... can you guys help me? It's getting really bad..."

Harmony: "Why were they so mean?"
A blonde haired man steps up to the counter and says "I uhh have a prescription filled out for anti vampirism medicine and I'm here to pick it up" hands the prescription over to rune

Derek: Because they are supposed to be divine creatures, it gets them to become self righteous pricks who think they're better than everyone else. That's also the reason why religious people sometimes say stupid things, because thier guardian angel is an arrogant douchebag who would tell religious humans anything just for a tax write off.
Fuzzie finally got up. He looked around and saw weird symbols on signs. Then he saw people that should be working for Nintendo. He realised it. He was in Japan. In the distance, he saw a beautiful city.

F: That must be Tokyo. Come on, guys! I know where Kaiser is!
Rune: "Fine! I'll deal with these hallucinations myself! See if I do anything for you in the future!" *Looks to the man, slowly poking him to check*

"I think I should go to sleep right now." *Swears weren't something she was used to hearing, making her uneasy as he spoke*
Doomsday said:
Rune: "Fine! I'll deal with these hallucinations myself! See if I do anything for you in the future!" *Looks to the man, slowly poking him to check*
"I think I should go to sleep right now." *Swears weren't something she was used to hearing, making her uneasy as he spoke*
The man winces and says "I'd prefer if you didn't do that, Derek" as her finger goes through the man's face. Another pharmacy worker said "Derek, what are you doing, give this man his meds!"

Majin then said "uhh go to sleep I guess" while Derek conjures a resting orb, a one way force field that only Harmony's spirit is allowed in and out of.
Rune: "Do I look like a guy?!" *Despite her annoyance with the name, she laughed at there general reaction*

"What is this?"
Doomsday said:
Rune: "Do I look like a guy?!" *Despite her annoyance with the name, she laughed at there general reaction*
"What is this?"
"This" Derek said "is a resting orb, it's a one way force field that you and only you can go in and out of giving you a void to rest with minimal distractions."

The man said "uhh, yes" as the whole pharmacy faded out into a grey void while a ghostly sounding voice said "your telepathic partner is around twenty percent its way of reaching you!"
Rune: "Put it back to zero, I don't want this going on anymore! They're mean and won't help me out!"

Harmony: "Oh? Is it big in there?"
Doomsday said:
Rune: "Put it back to zero, I don't want this going on anymore! They're mean and won't help me out!"
Harmony: "Oh? Is it big in there?"
Derek said "big enough to fit you"

The ghost said "But Derek is your guardian & besides, now he's %25 of the way to your contact"

Another complex hallucination pops up, a large backpack fades onto rune's back as the grey void becomes a nighttime woodland scene and a campfire can be seen in the distance.

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