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Realistic or Modern Continuation of miiverse RP

Fuzzie blushed but only one cheek was showing as the other one was covered by Poppy's soft hand. Then Fuzzie smiled.

F: Hey Poppy...do you remember the phase I would say before I kiss you?
Poppy shook his head. He feels like he should. He wants to remember.

(Damn! I forgot xD moment ruined)
(oooh sorry, your senpai is an idiot xD )

Poppy thinks. Then something pops into his head. "A-ah W-what the h-ell?" He stammers.
F: Correct. Do you know what the magical thing is?

Fuzzie got a bit closer. He's hoping for Poppy to say the right answer so they can... Well you know.
Poppy's face turns best red. And he smiles nervously. "T-then w-we k-kiss...." He laughs nervously, and tries his best not to screw up.
F: You are a great rememberer. Is that even a word? Ah what the hell.

Fuzzie closed in and magic happen. His lips touched Poppy's and a great taste enter his mouth. His eyes were closed as he was thinking about space and heaven.

Long story short, they kissed.

(Gotta go. Will return when I can.)
Poppy's body tensed, then relaxed. He closed his eyes and kisses Fuzzie back. Wanting to be like that forever, with only himself and Fuzzie.

(Mkay, see ya later! ;p )
Fuzzie kissed...and kissed...and-ugh is there anything else in this script? Let's see.

*flips through papers*

They kiss until another person respones? Ugh...what can I do now...Hmmm...Oh yeah Kraiser!

Kraiser Jr reached back to Tokyo.

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Krasier pats the juniors head. "Well done. Now we can exterminate in peace." He sighs, and sits in the air, crossing his legs. "Now we wait." He watches the 'heroes' and laughs.
Kraiser Jr checks the demon phone. He has no messages from Fawn. Je checks the timer.


Kraiser Jr checks the demon device.


He checks the phone again.


The timer was definitely counting down.

To the end of the human race.
Kraiser chuckles. But a prickle of doubt fills him. He quickly dismisses the silly issue.

Poppy pulls away carefully. Not wanting to, but he had to start breathing again.
Fuzzie then got fake anger.

F: Curse us for having to breath! Now that we got that out of the way, we need to get to Tokyo. Wait, do you remember Kraiser?
Poppy tilts his head. "Kraiser?" What an odd name. But then again, his wasn't normal either.
F: If you must know...Kraiser is trying to kill everyone. He's in Tokyo right now. Remember? The runnaway train? The high school? This airport? You're...house...

Fuzzie lowerd his head and began to think about Kraiser and how he killed Poppy's relatives. He remembered how he said it was all his fault. How he found the Kraiser egg...

F: Poppy...do you think I'm a good person?
Poppy nods. "Of course I do! You're amazing!" His eyes gleam and he holds Fuzzie's hands.
Fuzzie felt Poppy's hands? How? His hands are metal! Whatever. Fuzzie looks at Poppy and then around the area.

F: But look at this place! Smoke, fire, rubble...dead bodies...and I did the same thing in Woodfield...didn't take the fight to unpopulated areas all because I like destruction...well destruction is cool but...you know...and then I was the one that started this all. I met you which mean they captured you and taken your stuff. I found your stuff next to Kraiser egg. I took the egg home and then it began to crack. And then Fawn slided it open.
"I don't care! Mistakes are what make a person! Mistakes make a person real. And the fact you can admit your mistakes and work to fix them, means you're string and honest. Just more reasons for me to love you more.."

(Omg I'm so bored rn ;- ;)
Fuzzie frowned to into a smile.

F: Thanks Popsicle. Oh that's the pet name I gave ya. Hey Rune! Stop watching Tv and lets go! We need to save the world.

(What about the Gagharts rp?)
Poppy smiles. "Thanks my Iron Man." He pecks Fuzzie's cheek.

(I think that one died (T-T)
(Well this one was dead too. Im gonna check the rp out.)

F: Iron Man?! Pfff. I like Captain America better. That or Superman.
Poppy giggles. Memories slowly seep back into his mind. Memories he generally doesn't want.

(Saaame though. I want to video chat my friends but they're all having fun without me ;- ;)

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