Commonwealth [Inactive]

Mark raised an eyebrow. "Can't? That must be a prime directive. One thing that sets humans and androids apart, is the ability to break a prime directive."
"Lilly, he's been lying to you so that he could use you. He didn't raise you, he enslaved you and then sent you out to do his dirty work. I could have killed you a long time ago, and he didn't have anything in place for your defense.
"I'm sorry, he gave me a job and I intend to do it" with that her hand lashed out with lightning speed and her fingers wrapped around Fuller's throat with an iron grip, slowly tightening.
Captain Fuller grabbed Lilly by the shoulders and bent his knees, pushing backwards. As she descended with him, he curled in his legs and thrust them into her gut, sending her flying upward.
Vex was feeling more and more uneasy, and the sounds the ship was making as it repaired wasn't helping anything. He suppressed a shudder, making his way into the robotics wing. "Alice, keep an eye on the ship from out there for me... I have a really nasty feeling about something. I'm not sure what, though." he said quietly, occasionally glancing over his shoulder. It was never a good sign if he got feelings like this, they were almost always followed by something horrible. "Of course. I haven't picked anything up, but I'll keep the scanners running." she said, relieving Vex a bit. He soon shook the feeling off, looking around the robotics wing. There were several blank android shells hanging from the wall, just waiting to be programmed. He moved to one, nodding. "Perfect."
Thomas swore under his breath, this sudden burst of movement ruined his aim. With the two fighting it would be impossible to get a shot off without risking shooting Mark.
"Do you feel that power and precision? No normal human could do that. What makes you so sure that I have no chance of winning? Wrestling androids is a training practice for heavy grav' worlders." Mark rubbed his neck a little.
"I was told the strength and reflexes were a result of genetic engineering" she protested as she lunged forward, aiming a punch at Fuller's jaw.
Mark did a double knife block, but winced as the fist glanced off his forearm. She was strong. "Engineering, yes. Genetic, not quite."
"Stop calling me an android!" she could feel anger supplanting her control and she threw a haymaker with her left fist, aiming at the side of his head.
Mark grinned as he saw the haymaker approach. It was one of the worst punches in all of existence, though this one came faster than normal. Mark simply flipped up his assault-pike and extended it toward Lilly's exposed body. "I will stop once you realize it is the truth.
The pike hit her in the stomach as it extended and it partially pierced the layer of organic flesh there. Her heels dug into the dirt of the alleyway as she resisted the force of the pike. Despite the force of the blow she remained standing and her haymaker stayed on course.
Mark lifted his shoulder, but didn't do much else to block the haymaker. He was hit, but quickly recovered.

((Everyone check the OOC tab where I wrote about. Pleae reply atif you watched it. Thank you.'}}
Mark did a cross block, but was knocked back slightly, then he spun with a round kick followed by a swing with the assault-pike. "This is getting us nowhere. Trust me, you are being used. I can show you who you really are."
She jumped backwards to avoid the kick, but the pike hit her on the shoulder. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to talk" she said as she wiped some blood from her previous wound.
"If we return to the Rogue Prudence, I can run a system's diagnostic on you and show you the evidence. But I do have to deal with your master at some point."
Vex pulled a datapad from his assault vest and plugged it into one of the blank android frames. "Hey Alice, this ship has some pretty cool stuff in it. I even found a few really nice rifles that you might be able to use." he said, starting the preliminary setup on the new chassis. "That's... sweet of you? You know I can't use any weapons unless they're a part of the ship. Unless..." she said, trailing off. Vex just leaned back against a nearby wall, chuckling lightly. "You didn't?! Did you find blank android chassis?" she asked, her excitement obvious. "Maybe..." he teased, as she shrieked like an excited schoolgirl. "No way! And they're military-spec, too, not that backwoods black market crap! Did you get me an assault model?"

Vex nodded, punching in a few more commands as the android in front of him began setting up the motor controls. "Yeah. I'm going to be sending a command packet from the ship to this droid, so if the body gets destroyed I'm not gonna lose you entirely. Happy birthday." Alice kept squealing, and he could almost see her holo projection bouncing up and down in the ship.


Nullisar had silently made his way through the ship's interior, finding ways from one end to the other without even stepping foot in the corridors. He was mapping out potential safe zones, checking the ship for any anti-intrusion or suppression devices. It was then that he crawled from a ventilation shaft, emerging in what looked to him like the ship's life support room. He felt a joy he hadn't felt in centuries at the sight of it. "Good..." he growled, before crawling back into the ventilation shaft to keep exploring the ship. He was plotting, and the end result was not going to be good for the Captain or his crew.

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