Commonwealth [Inactive]

He shook his head, sighing. "No, he's outside. I'm in the ship right now, overseeing the repair processes. I just..." he paused, suddenly seeing something move out of the corner of his vision. When he turned to look, however, there was nothing there. "You know what, nevermind. I'm probably just seeing things."
Nullisar had been watching the cyborg. When he overheard the conversation between the cyborg and the captain, he had to suppress a dark chuckle. "Good. Bring him to me." he growled, climbing deeper into the ship. He found a hard to access area of the ship and began to make what could only be described as a nest.


Vex was spooked alright. He knew he had seen and heard things, but every scan he ran showed up negative. He had heard of a few creatures that were able to evade electronic scans, but most were harmless. Not nearly enough to make an experienced bounty hunter like Vex feel like a scared animal.
Thomas boarded his vessel, glad to finally be back home. He ordered the crew to power up the engines and prepare for the flight back to the Rogue Prudence.
Nullisar worked on the nest, coating the floor of the crawlspace with a thick, black fluid from his hand. It hardened quickly, leaving about a dozen little pockets. He let out a low growl of pain as what could only be described as eggs came out of a hole in his hand, nesting in the holes he had made. He was careful about where he had placed his nest, even if the crew of the ship came looking for it, it would be very hard to find.


Alice had finished gearing up, turning around to show Vex. "What do you think? Do I look ready for war?" she asked, pure excitement in her voice. Vex nodded. "You sure do. Hopefully you won't have to use any of that gear any time soon."
The Providence Spirit landed next to the ship. While the Rogue Prudence was still smoking, it wasn't nearly as bad as it was before. Impressive, Thomas was thinking about getting one of those military grade repair systems for his ship too. He pressed a button on the panel mounted on the wall of the cargo bay and the ramp lowered.
Vex heard the ship land outside, and made his way outside to meet them. He needed to put all the gear he requisitioned into his ship anyways. "You certainly took your time." he said, heading to his ship. Alice followed behind him, still a little wobbly on her new legs. "The Rogue will be ready to fly in about 15 hours. You're welcome." he said, chuckling a bit.
"That's what I figured. Cute little thing like you coming out of nowhere just reeked of a trap. Why do you think I didn't go?" he asked, chuckling.
He chuckled a bit, adjusting the pack and swords on his back a bit. "Looked in a mirror lately? Yeah, you're cute. Dangerously so." he said, shaking his head a little. "Pretty women are nothing but trouble in my book." he teased, heading back to his ship. Alice didn't seem too amused, and simply followed him. "Having fun?" she asked him sharply as he lowered the cargo bay door. "Yeah, a little. You're not jealous, are you?" he asked her teasingly. She suddenly smacked him in the back of the head, and if she had a face it would be burning red. "Shut it! Just put this crap on the ship." she said, storming past him inside. 
((Gotta run, guys. I'll be back later.))
Captain Fuller looked back as Vex left with the android. "Rogue? I haven't seen that shell in ages. How did…" The captain decided to drop it for now. "Alright, so how about I show you guys around the ship"
Alexei paced around the recovering wreck of the Rogue Prudence, fidgeting with his tablet and checking his information channels. I guess I should get back on the ship, he thought, still apprehensive about Vex, despite his feigned courage. He climbed on board, only to run into Lilly and Captain Fuller once on board. "Captain," he began. "And exactly who is this?" he finished, motioning to Lilly.
Arching his brow, he looked down at her hand and back to her face. "Forgive me, but I'm somewhat... hesitant to shake peoples' hands," he state plainly, shifting his hands into his coat pockets, "What exactly will you be doing here, first of all?"
"Wonderful," he said, making no effort to hide his blatant sarcasm. He turned away and paced down the hallway, "If you feel the need to actually do something, please, do not hesitate to let me know."
"My cordiality is not in question here is not in question, Miss Lilly: My disdain for incompetence is," he replied, disappearing around the corner. He muttered in frustration and opened the door to what remained of the bridge.
She muttered under her breath, "hmph, I bet I'm more intelligent than he is, how does he call me incompetent? He hardly knows me."
Thomas decided to take a look around the ship for himself rather than taking the captain's little tour. He ran into Alexei as he turned a corner.

He smiled as he walked onto the bridge, "You really got that little lady in a huff, she was standing in the hallway muttering to herself."

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