Commonwealth [Inactive]

Lilly nodded and grabbed Fuller, she lifted him over her shoulder into a fireman's carry, "Do your best 'unconscious prisoner' impersonation." The sight of a small woman carrying the huge man on her shoulders would no doubt have amused most people.
"Maybe, we'll see" she grinned and walked through the door. The guards inside gave them no trouble. She carried Fuller through the twisting corridors until they came to a luxurious room with wooden panelling and antique furniture. A man in a dark suit was sitting in a leather chair with a cigar. "At last, you have brought me the famous captain Fuller" Lilly nodded and set Fuller on the ground. "He was a lot of trouble to capture, he was the first person to ever give me any difficulty."
Thomas was lurking outside the entrance to the room with his pistol at the ready. He waited for Lilly to make the first move.
"I'm afraid captain Fuller has given me a better offer" she said as she pointed the gun Fuller had given her at her former boss. The man went wide eyed, "What is it? Money? I can give you that, whatever he can offer you I can give you twice as much."
Captain Fuller rose and pointed his assault-pike at the man. "More like freedom… identity… the truth. Something a man like you wouldn't understand."
It didn't take too long for the blank to be calibrated properly, and Vex sent the command packet from the ship into the unit. The eyes lit up as the android moved for the first time. "No way! This the model I've been wanting too!" she exclaimed excitedly. Vex chuckled a bit and nodded. "I know. That's why I started the diagnostic as soon as I saw it." Alice was jumping up and down excitedly, suddenly throwing her arms around him in a hug. He laughed lightly, patting her on the back. "Take care of it, they've only got one spare here." he said, when he suddenly heard something scrape in the ceiling above him. They both froze, staring straight up. "What the hell was that?" he asked, his sight switching to thermal. Nothing odd showed, but he did see what could only be described as a shadow skittering away. "Alice? I think this ship might be haunted..."
Thomas entered the room, pointing his pistol at the man.

"Looks like you're outnumbered, friend. Best give up and we can end this without bloodshed."
"The captain wants me to go with him, if you know what's good for you, you'll allow it" she said as she pressed the barrel of the gun to his forehead. "Yes, fine, go, just leave me alone."
Thomas scoffed, "You criminal types are so predictable, you're all so tough, but the moment you have a gun to your head you turn into snivelling cowards."
Thomas gave Mark a grave look, "Mark, if we let this guy live, he keeps running his little enterprise. People will get hurt if he walks away from here. Trust me, the galaxy is better off if you kill evil whenever you see it."
Vex shook it off. "Couldn't be haunted. Must just be part of the repair protocol." he said, looking around. "Hey, Alice, head over there and get some armor plating. Figure while we're here, we'll go ahead and make you into a walking tank." he said with a laugh. Alice just giggled excitedly, and helped herself to the available armaments. Vex glanced down the hallway again, still feeling uneasy. "Hey, Fuller, do you read me? The ship's repairing just fine, the computer's saying it should be done in about 15 hours. Where the hell are you guys, anyways?"
"I'm not in the business of killing Thomas. Normally, I would arrest him, but under the circumstances, that wouldn't be very smart." he looked to the man and dropped a good amount of coin on the table. "I'm giving you a second chance, don't mess it up. If I hear about trouble from you again, I won't be as forgiving."
Mark heard Vex's voice come over his comms system. He pressed a button on it and said, "That's great news. We're on our way now. Why do you ask?" then he turned to Lilly, "We're leaving Lilly. Do what you must. But heed this. Life is easily taken, and it is only math for a computer. If you wish to be more than a computer, then you have to make these decisions. How can we trust anyone if we don't give them the chance to be trusted?"
"Well, you're taking your sweet time is why. Figured if you got into trouble, I wouldn't be able to help out." he said. Then again, if the Captain wasn't around, he would have quite an upgrade in ships. "Just hurry up and get back here. There's something odd going on in here, could just be my imagination, though."
Mark nodded at Lilly approvingly and started heading to the ship again. "We'll be over there as quick as we can Vex. Perhaps there are some scavengers that got stuck during the rebuilding process. Keep your eye out for them.
"I've already ran several scans, there's nobody else here. I just have a nasty feeling in my gut that I'm being watched. I don't like it." he said. "Just hurry up."

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