Commonwealth [Inactive]

The grenade went off, and by the time the smoke would clear the creature was gone. After a few moments a low, gutteral clicking could be heard from above. Nullisar had leaped just before the grenade went off, and was clinging upside down from the overhang of the roof above. The explosion had burned his clothing, and as he hung there staring down his prey the face wrappings began to unravel. "Quick and inventive. I like that." he growled, dropping to the ground. His face could clearly be seen now, dark pits of eyes trained on the group. "And there's more of you. Splendid. Is that a Commonwealth soldier I smell?"
Lilly took the pistol and aimed it at the creature, she purposely let her hands shake to make it look as if she were unfamiliar with using firearms. "Thank you"
"Now's not the time for jokes Captain Ro…" as Captain Fuller saw the creatures face, memories flashed in his vision of when he was a corporal. He remembered running across a battlefield during an airstrike. Mortar pulses exploded around him. Then he remembered one of those creatures, a J'sarri, pouncing on the person next to him. The soldier that got tackled was one of Mark's oldest friends. They had almost every class at the academy together… and she was his second in command, his fiancé. Why he had let her come on the mission, he could never answer, but this he remembered. Watching helplessly as her throat was torn out. Her desperate cry for his help resonating in his ear again. It was then that another J'sarri tackled him, jabbing him in the shoulder with something sharp. Then he remembered the decree of the GC, 'the race of J'sarri shall die by their weakness, fire. Until all are extinct'.

Captain Fuller screamed, hot tears coming to his eyes. Why had he survived instead of her. As he came back to reality, he switched the assault-pike setting to be a blowtorch. Then he leapt wildly at the monster pointing the flaming end at it. "For Sarah, I tell you to die! Die you foul beast! Aaaah!"
Nullisar let out an ear-shattering roar, dropping from the roof. The moment he hit the ground he launched himself around the Captain, barely avoiding the flame. He shot towards the man at impossible speed, his blades slicing at his arms to 'coerce' him to drop the pike. "Commonwealth filth! I have outlived empires, and you think you can kill me that easily?" he hissed, his voice carrying an unheard of hatred.
Lilly opened fire on Nullisar, knowing the rounds likely wouldn't hurt it, but she was hoping to distract it from captain Fuller.
Mark thrust the assault-pike forward, taking the scratches to his arms. He refused to back down. Then he saw the face of Sarah again, looking at him sadly. This isn't what she would want. This isn't me. "Stop firing Lilly! Watch the man I asked you too! Get out now you foul beast, before I change my mind and slay you once and for all."
The creature batted the strike away with his blade, the predatory click seeming to cut through the air. "You're offering me an escape? Typical human foolishness." he hissed, sniffing the air. "Not that it would matter. If I decide to leave, I have your scent. You will not survive. I will hunt you down, and kill you slowly like your kind did to mine. I have centuries to wait. Do you?" he asked, chuckling sickly. As he spoke, he was slowly moving, circling the man. He was just waiting for the Captain to drop his guard, even for a second.
So their weakness was fire, Thomas kept a large variety of ammunition in his coat to suit different situations. Luckily, he had one magazine of incendiary rounds. He released the clip of hollowpoint rounds and pulled back the slide to release the one in the chamber. He slid the incendiary magazine into the receiver and pulled back the slide again to chamber a round.

"I'll fire on your order, Cap"

He said as he levelled the pistol at the beast.
"Threatening me isn't wise J'sarri. I'm ready for death, when I will be reunited with Sarah. Where does a J'sarri soul go? If I remember correctly, they don't have one. You will die here, and no one will mourn. I am High Commander Marcus James Fuller of the Rogue Prudence. You killed my Sarah, I'll do the same to you." Mark simply nodded toward Thomas' gun. The J'sarri was not in the position to fight.
Thomas nodded to Mark and started firing off incendiary rounds with a one second interval between each to keep his aim steady.
"Trying to escape me is not wise either, human filth. I am Nullisar Krav, once a father, and now the last of my kind. We have both lost much, and will lose more before this is over." he said, growling. "When this is all over, I will keep your skull as a keepsake." he would add, just as Thomas began firing. He moved out of the way of the shots, suddenly hurling one of his knife at him before leaping to a rooftop and vanishing.
Captain Fuller spun his assault pike, deflecting the knife before it could come close to Thomas' last location. "You may hurt me, but I will not let you hurt any more of those who follow me." Then he knelt to the ground, leaning on the extended pike and rubbing his temples. "I'm sorry you all had to see that."
Nullisar made his way quickly across the rooftops, leaving a trail of black as he went. Those human fools had no chance against him, yet they still fought? He couldn't believe it. He sniffed at the air, suddenly dropping into an alleyway. There was a person there, one of the thugs from earlier. He didn't pause in his kill, slipping the blade of his knife between the vertebrae in the man's neck. The corpse dropped without so much as a scream, and it was only a few moments before his wounds closed up, dropping the rounds that were in his chest and head to the ground. He let out a low growl as he finished feeding before moving to the rooftops again.

The creature spent a while sniffing the air, trying to find the Captain's scent again. Once he did, he took off out of the city, heading straight for the downed Commonwealth ship.
Lilly continued to lead him down the alleys, she had a backup ambush planned in the crime lord's mansion, but with the other one here it was unlikely to work. She started considering her other options.

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