Commonwealth [Inactive]

Captain Fuller flipped his assault-pike, shooting the man behind him. At the same time, he grabbed Lilly's arm and pulled her behind a crate. Shots reflected off the crate. "Well you are just full of surprises aren't you missy?" he said as he replaced the energy cell in his pike. Then he popped up and shot the second man. His shoulder was grazed by the shot of the third, but he did a roll over the crate, extending and swinging the assault-pike to trip the man. Then he kicked the gun away and pressed the pike to the man's neck. "Why did you attack us?"
When she saw that her ambush was going badly Lilly cowered behind the crate, displaying her best "fear" face, she was determined to make Fuller believe she was not a part of this. She pushed the pistol she had under a pile of garbage near by to make sure there was no chance of Fuller discovering it.

The masked man struggled weakly to pull himself back and away from the pike. "We were under orders" he said, purposely trying to conceal as much information as possible.
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As the interrogation was going on, an almost imperceptibly low growl could be heard, echoing somewhere in the network of alleys. The shadows near them seemed to grow deeper, as if the sun was setting, the alley becoming cloaked in an unnatural darkness. It was hard to see, but it almost seemed as if a man had emerged when the shooting started. He was covered in layers of clothing that had seen better days, their original color unidentifiable between the dirt and blood stains that covered him. His face was hidden behind a deep hood, though a long strip of bloodied cloth could be seen hanging from around his neck.

He stood near the wall of one of the buildings, watching. His body was unnaturally proportioned, at almost 10 feet tall, his arms nearly reached the ground. He just stood there, watching as Mark dropped the first thug, and began to interrogate the second. It was then that he began to move, his steps making it almost seem as if he was gliding silently along the ground.

The creature came to a stop, standing over the first thug. The man wasn't dead, but he was pretty banged up from the Captain's shot. He would kneel, reaching somewhere under his clothing. When he pulled his hand back he was holding a long knife, rusted and stained with blood. It looked as if he had just pulled a piece of shrapnel from a downed ship and fashioned it into a blade. The thug seemed to panic and nearly got up, were it not for one of the creature's long arms pinning him to the ground. "Weakness... Fear..." a voice hissed, a gutteral, sickening sound that sounded similar to the sound of a body being pulled apart. "Your time here is finished. Take solace in the knowledge that you are helping a greater good with your sacrifice." the voice was hardly above a whisper, and it would be difficult to pin down the source if nobody had seen him yet.

That's when the screaming started.

The hooded creature slowly began sawing into the thug's arms, not cutting quite deep enough to remove the limbs. The man would continue to scream as the creature dug his long, narrow fingers into the wounds and began to pull out bits of flesh. He didn't seem to eat them, though, he just left them on the ground where they lay. This went on for several minutes until the creature suddenly grabbed the man's throat and began to slowly twist it. After a few moments there was a sickening crackling noise as the man's neck was broken, then pulled to the point of becoming detached from the body. The creature seemed to let out a long, shuddering sigh of pleasure, staying hunched over the corpse for a long while.
These back alleys were virtual mazes, by this time, Thomas was quite sure he had gotten himself good and lost. He was just about to give up when he heard gunfire. Normally he would have ignored it, as gunfire was common enough in this city, but these particular shots sounded like a GC blaster pike. He ran through the alleys, taking his best guess as to the direction of the sounds. He turned a blind corner and dug his heels in the ground, grinding to a halt. He found himself staring into the back of a towering dark form.
The creature's shuddering breathing slowed, turning slowly. His entire face was covered by a dirty, bloody strip of cloth, with only his eyes showing. If they could even be considered eyes... The black pits turned to Thomas, the air around the two seeming to drop a few degrees when their eyes met. He stood slowly, stretching up to his full height as he turned to face the man, the bloody shard of shrapnel still gripped in his hand. The unblinking, dark pits never left Thomas as the creature seemed to sniff the air, the sound similar to the sound a sucking chest wound would make. "You smell... familiar." he said, his voice gurgling sickly. "Then again, the smell of Commonwealth blaster fire dominates all." he added, staring down at him. There was a predatory clicking deep in the creature's chest, punctuated by the sound of blood dripping from his improvised blade.
Thomas drew his pistol from the holster in his coat and aimed it at the creature. It seemed intelligent, so he might still be able to talk his way out of this.

"Stay back, I'm armed."
Captain Fuller let the man sit up but still pointed the assault-pike at him. "I'm flattered that my bounty is so important." Then something dawned on Mark. "Have you ever seen this girl before?" He said, grabbing her and pulling her forward gently.
The creature made a sound that could only be loosely described as a laugh. "Please, feel free to fire. It has been too long since I've felt the sting." he growled, taking a step towards him. "The prey here is weak, they give up their life force too easily. Those who hail themselves as killers and warriors turn to shriveling cowards under my blade. You, however, have a strong spirit..." he hissed. "Taking the essence of the dying is not as satisfying as it should be. Will you offer me a more suitable meal?"
The thug glared at Lilly, he knew her reputation as the merciless enforcer of his boss, and did not want to cross her. "I've never seen her before in my life" he lied.
Thomas fired 5 of the 15 10mm hollowpoint rounds into the creature's chest, his aim was very steady and every shot landed right where the heart would be on a human.
Mark eyed the man, trying to read his face. Then he nodded. "Ok. I'd like to have a word with your leader. I like to meet my admirers personally."
"Let's just get one thing straight. With me, your life expectancy on this planet increases exponentially. Against me, your life expectancy plummets even quicker. Got it?"
The shots hit true, each connecting with a sickening sound. The creature didn't move or falter, however, he only tilted his head back and let out a shuddering sigh of what could only be described as ecstasy. "Anti-personnel rounds... There is no sweeter feeling." it gurgled, tilting his head to lock eyes with Thomas again. The wounds were pouring a thick, black fluid, staining the front of his already filthy clothes. "I like you. Take solace in the fact that your sacrifice will not be in vain. It will be the finest meal I've had in centuries." he growled, suddenly closing the distance between them in an instant. He was impossibly fast, due to his long limbs. His arm shot forward, aiming his blade at Thomas' arm. He wasn't aiming to kill, it would seem that all he wanted to do was injure. At least for now.
Thomas side stepped the creature's lunge and circled behind it, firing another five shots into the back of it's head.
Mark gave the man a look of disappointment. "Is life of that little importance to you sir? I never said I'd kill you. I personally don't like the prospect. But that thing behind us might have a different idea. Should I let it decide?"
He paused, that sickening chuckle echoing off the walls again. Only one of the rounds seemed to actually connect, the others ricocheted off with loud pangs. "Fiesty. I suggest you run." he said, whipping around to slash at him again. Only this time, his other arm followed closely, another blade appearing from somewhere under his clothes. The first slash was aimed at his chest, the second at his legs.
Thomas leapt backwards, leaving a fragmentation grenade on the ground where he was standing a moment before, he sprinted over to Mark and crouched beside him, "We have some things we have to deal with right now."
"Yes sir. Protection granted." he handed Lilly a pistol he found under the crate and gave her a grave look. Then, after a pause, he said, "Keep and eye on him would you?" Then he turned to face the enemy. "I'm on it Captain Rose. What do you need?"

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