Commonwealth [Inactive]

Captain Fuller sighed, putting a hand on Lilly's shoulder as he stood up. Then he noticed a vibration. Not knowing that Lilly was an android, he said, "The poor kid's trembling. Get her some blankets please." Then the captain looked deep into her eyes. "Lilly, do you have any family? Perhaps anyone we could keep an eye out for?"
Lilly shook her head, "My earliest memory is waking up on an operating table, the man I work for told me that I had been genetically engineered and that the process had affected my memory." She did not know herself to be an android.
Captain Fuller sighed, putting his hand on her shoulder comfortingly as he stood. Then he noticed vibrations. Still unaware that she was an android, he said, "The poor girl's shivering. Can we get some blankets down here please?" Then he turned and looked deep into her eyes, trying to be careful with his choice of words. "Lilly, do you have any family? Anyone we could look for. Anyone that could take you in?"

((OOC: Oops, sorry. It glitched on me.
The Captain's face suddenly changed from comforting to calculating. "The man you work for? That doesn't sound like you're very fond of him. Slavery is forbidden in the GC. Well, this is a criminal planet though."
"Of course it is. This is where people come to escape GC law. But that still doesn't make it right. I should like to meet this man you work for."
"That can be arranged, though he is very powerful, the men under his control amount to a small army."
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The Providence Spirit set down in one of the docking bays at the spaceport, accompanied by the usual symphony of worrying noises. Thomas lowered the cargo ramp and gestured for the others to follow him.
Knowing he could never convince Fuller to ignore the girl's plea, Kuzzuk sighed and went to exit the ship. "Just don't do anything stupid, okay?"
Thomas walked alongside Kuzzuk as they descended the ramp, "So, where is the best place to get supplies and find a willing crew? Or are we helping out the little lady first?"
Thomas smiled, "we can handle supplies on our own, come on, let's leave the captain with his new daughter" he said jokingly.
Kuzzuk took another look at the woman before turning to leave. "Very well. The marketplace is this way. Will we be bringing your goons with us?"
"I think my 'goons' would serve us better here, this ship is worth stealing more than what we could carry in our pockets, though just barely."
Kuzzuk let out a few chuckling clicks before heading down a nearby alleyway. The shadows of the buildings around it made it quite dark and foreboding. "There's a shortcut this way. And don't worry, anyone waiting around to ambush us will think twice with me here, I've built up quite the... reputation."
"I bet." Thomas kept his hand inside his trenchcoat, with his fingers grasping the grip of his pistol, it's not that he didn't believe Kuzzuk, it's that he didn't trust him. All his experience as a soldier told him that this was a perfect ambush.
Kuzzuk led the unlikely duo through twist and turn, seemingly going in circles. It was obvious that there were prying eyes watching from the shadows, though they were staying back, or perhaps just waiting for the right time to strike. "So, are you ex-commonwealth as well then?" Kuzzuk asked, keeping his eyes looking at the path ahead.
"Yes, I was born and raised on a Commonwealth military vessel, my parents were both officers on board. I joined up when I turned eighteen and left when I felt my wallet wasn't big enough."
"So nothing personal against the Commonwealth? They just didn't pay you enough?" Kuzzuk let out a single clicking laugh. "The way most of those damned GC bastards parade about, you'd think they would be getting paid a fortune. They could certainly afford it, given the size of the bounty on Fuller."
"You know, we could still collect on that, you, me, and Vex, Fuller is starting to trust us, we could split it three ways."
Kuzzuk frowned, stepping over the wrapped-up body of what was probably a sleeping bum. Or a corpse. Hard to tell. "So much for your honor. And I don't want any Commonwealth money, either, just a way off this rock. Way I see it, they're even worse than the Crime Lords here. At least these guys are honest. And I need the Captain to gather me a crew here so I can get off this rock. The people fear me here, but fear doesn't make for good followers. A disgraced former Captain looking to take down the GC, though? It's inspiring for most of the people here. He could gather a loyal crew in a matter of days."
"Funny thing about honour is that you can look at it from many different ways. You know, the GC has declared him to be a traitor, from that perspective, bringing him in to face justice would be the 'honourable' thing to do" Thomas grinned mischievously.
Kuzzuk shook his head "The GC is about as far away from honorable as you can get. In any case, we're here." The alley opened up into a large crowded area. There were stands everywhere, with aliens of all types selling varying wares, from food to weapons to spare parts. "If you need anything, you can find it here. And if it's not here, it probably doesn't exist. Oddly enough, this place sees plenty of trade. Probably because the profits aren't taxed."
Kuzzuk nodded, "On the east side there's a rather large one. 'The Bloated Worm', they call it. Stay out of the VIP area though, that's the home of one of the mafia bosses. Not mine. While you scope the place, I'll go see if I can get a deal on extra ship equipment. Meet you outside The Worm in 15."
"Fine with me." Thomas began walking toward the east side of the market place, his hands thrust into the pockets of his coat to look casual, while he really was keeping his hands on his weapons. He never trusted criminals, and he doubted he could throw a stick in this market without hitting one.

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