Commonwealth [Inactive]

Mark looked over to Kuzzuk. "Wonderful, you're here. I'm sure Captain Rose has some extra room in his vessel. We're going to town to find an engineer and help this girl out."
Thomas gestured to the lowered cargo ramp of the Providence Spirit. "You can store it in our auxiliary craft bay, my men can even repair it for you." He turned to Mark, "If we're going into town, we should take plenty of soldiers with us, I hear it's a wretched hive of scum and villainy."
Kuzzuk led his craft to the ship. "Not too many soldiers, and make sure they're dressed inconspicuously, the locals react poorly to large groups of well-armed men."
She panicked for a moment, "No, if you bring troops you'll attract too much attention." if they had backup, her plan would become incredibly dangerous.
"Why can't we just roll in at full force? It would make things easier, and if they decided to resist us we'd just be ridding the world of some criminal scum."
"Watch it, merc. I can probably get us a decent crew, but blowing up a city just might lower our chances of finding volunteers."
"You don't get where I am as a soldier by being overly subtle. I think skulking around in disguise would be more dangerous."
Kussuk finished loading his hovercraft and turned back to them. "Look, if you go ahead and stroll in with your army, I give it about an hour before it gets picked off by hit-and-run tactics by a full city of now-united mafias and gangs fighting for their lives who know the city far better than you. OR you follow the advice of the one who actually lives here and knows the city and its inhabitants. Your choice."
"The bug guy is right, though I would prefer you would go alone, if the crime lords found out that there were mercs and Commonwealth soldiers here, they'd react very badly."
Alexei sat in a secluded room in what was still hospitable of the Rogue Providence, furiously typing away on a counter-AI for Alice. Having a little dirt on someone never hurts, even if they're "on our side," Alexei thought, as lines of code sprawled from his finger tips, The captain needs to stop being so... trusting. Trust gets you killed, I don't care where or who you are.
Thomas started walking back up the ramp that led into his ship, "Enough talking, let's go, we can't wait forever."
Vex had been wandering through the ship, getting an idea of the kind of work he would have to do. He was a good enough mechanic, and had built and designed Alice and his ship from scratch. This project would be bigger than anything else he had tried to do, but he would be able to do it.

He came into the room where Alexei was at, walking silently up behind him. "So, what's going on here?" he said suddenly, his voice seeming to come out of nowhere as he looked over the man's shoulder. "I recognize some of that code... Now, what would a slicer be trying to do with it?" he asked, an odd tone to his voice.
Alexei closed down all of his programs. "Nothing you need to worry about," he lied, his voice saturated with thinly veiled distastefulness, "It's just that the Commonwealth has been developing new AI's to keep me out of their systems. I'm working to make sure that doesn't happen." He slipped his tablet into his coat and looked Vex directly in the eyes, or rather, what he assumed he processed images with. "Can I ask you something?" Alexei asked, forbidding his voice from revealing any emotion.
"Going by brute force will only cause chaos Captain Rose. That's not what we want. I think with a small group, we should be fine, given our skill sets. What sets us apart from them is that we're survivors. But I would like to see if we can all be survivors in this in the end. We're not going to be starting a war. I said that I would see what we can do, not that we would definitely solve all the problems on this rock." Captain Fuller entered Thomas's ship then.
Once the four of them were aboard the ship, Thomas told the helmsman to take off and set a course for the nearby city. "We should be there in under an hour, in the meantime, make yourselves comfortable."
Lilly took a seat on a chair near the wall and looked around at the rust spotted bulkheads, "Is this ship safe?" she mused with a hint of concern in her voice.
Captain Fuller cast her a comforting look, "Look Lilly, you're on the planet Gorge. Do you know what that means? Nothing is safe… but people keep on living. While there's life, there's hope."
Thomas gave the girl a whithering look for her questioning his ship, he simply ignored her and went back to work.
Captain Fuller wasn't a fool. He noticed he had touched a nerve, so he crouched next to Lilly and said, "Hey, is there something you want to talk about? The least I can do is listen."
"Things don't seem very hopeful right now" she kept staring at her knees, the more sympathy she could get them to feel for her, the more easily her planned ambush would work. Though she wasn't quite sure her sadness was all an act, maybe he had struck a nerve.

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