Commonwealth [Inactive]

"Me either. Too bad shooting out the engine on his hovercraft wasn't enough to snap his neck, huh?" he said with a laugh, stepping to the edge of the cargo bay. "You got that thing up and running pretty quick. Maybe I should have used an explosive round."
"Look, gentlemen. I know you're all coming from professions of killing. But let me tell you, violence isn't the only thing. You can use your skills of violence to make a difference, but only if you work together. Got it?
"I try not kill if it isn't necessary, we're soldiers, we have honour." Thomas resented being compared to bounty hunters or assassins.
Kuzzuk glared at the two of them. "Keep your stupid reward, I just want to get off this stupid planet. And where do you get off calling ME the criminal. You two just shot up a forest, probably causing a forest fire that might eventually take out part of the settlement before it gets stopped. And all so you could kidnap a man for money. Bounty hunters are just legalized hitmen, so don't pretend you're any better then me." Kuzzuk nodded at Fuller, "Yeah, I'll just stay quiet now."
Vex just shook his head, climbing into the cockpit. "See you at the wreck, then." he said, the ship lifting off. It disappeared over the trees, heading towards the remains of his ship.

((Gotta go, just assume Vex is hanging around with everyone until I get back.))
"My craft's built for one, so you'll have to take one of Mr. 'Honorable soldier's over there." Kuzzuk turned, and headed back to where he had left his.
"Well, it looks like it's you and me… I didn't catch the name. Obviously you know I'm Captain Mark Fuller," Mark extended his hand.
Thomas took Mark's hand reluctantly and shook it, "Nice to meet you, I'm Captain Thomas Rose."
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"Let's" Thomas nodded to one of the remaining soldiers and got into the passenger seat of the craft. The soldier got into the driver's seat and powered up the hovercraft.
Alexei finally awoke one more, greeted by a throbbing bump on his head and a cold, metal floor. "Dinner?" he called out painfully, yet still with his usual smugness to the ship's echoing interior. He slowly propped himself up against the wall, "And what is this I hear about being a gentleman?"
Captain Fuller hopped into the hovercraft with his two soldiers, then noticing Alexi, he walked over and helped his friend onto the hovercraft. "Are you feeling better Slicer?"
"I'd be feeling much better if an insane AI didn't try to kill me," replied Alexei, "but other than that I'm doing fine."
"Oh you'll be fine," said Captain Fuller, giving Alexi a light jab in the arm. "So… Thomas. About what you said before, you seem to be an honorable man. Not that the other mercenaries aren't in their own ways. But you've had leadership experience, and I need a first mate to command the flagship. The spot's open if you're willing to take it."
"I'll need to command my own ship, the Providence Spirit may not look like much, but I've grown attached to it."
"Indeed a Captain need stay with his ship. Yet yours can fin wonderfully in one of the Rogue Providence's bays. You'd be allowed to utilize your own ship and command it during battles. At least give it a thought."
"I don't mean to interrupt captain grown-up talk time," he chided mockingly, "But I'm fairly certain the Rogue Providence is a smoking pile of scrap metal right now."
"Is… slicer. Not will always be. Major parts of the ship are still intact. If we can find an engineer to fix the battle reconstruction circuits, rebuilding the ship shouldn't be that hard. We'll just need to get a few more supplies. Anyways, we'll need a battle cruiser to take on the Galactic Commonwealth."
Vex sat back in the pilot's chair as he let Alice take care of the flying. "This was probably one of the strangest outcomes I could have asked for..." he said, folding his arms. "I wish I could have a drink right now." he added, leaning his head back. "So... What are we going to do?" Alice asked, her hologram appearing on the control panel. "I figure when we land and regroup with the others, we help rebuild the Captain's ship. Who knows, it may end up being pretty regular work."

He paused for a moment, thinking. "Alice, I need an override program uploaded to my secondary memory banks. If I can get the chance to implant it in the ship, it'll be a little added insurance in case these guys decide to double cross me." The small hologram of Alice nodded, smiling a little. "I've got just the thing."

After the program was uploaded they landed near the downed ship, and Vex disembarked as soon as it landed. "Damn, this thing is a mess..." he said, shaking his head a bit. "I wonder if they can actually get it fixed up."
Lilly was waiting patiently at the wreck of the Rogue Prudence, her calculations showed that the captain would likely return here to attempt to repair or salvage the vessel. She seated her self on a fallen log near the main airlock and sighed. "If he is going to come, I wish he would hurry up and get here." She did things like sighing and talking to herself even when no one else was around, as she had become so accustomed to emulating human nature.

She saw a strange ship approaching, and cautiously stood as it landed, she began to warily approach it, unsure of whether the occupants were a threat.
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As Vex was eyeing the wreck, his sensors picked up someone else. He stopped where he was, his eyes turning to her as he rested his hand on the pistol at his waist. He took a few steps towards her, stopping a few yards away. "And you are?" he asked, tilting his head. She looked vaguely familiar somehow, even though he was sure he had never seen her before. Maybe she was one of the Rogue Prudence's crew? She obviously wasn't organic, his thermal vision was enough to tell him that. His eyes shifted back to their normal blue-green as he watched her, his hand resting lightly on the pistol. "Do you need help?"
"I am looking for Captain Mark Fuller, do you know where he is?" She asked, while still maintaining her distance from him.
Vex paused, tilting his head. "Yes." was all he answered. He didn't offer her any other information, his eyes trained coldly on her. He had already had to deal with multiple people trying to take his bounty from him, so to have this girl just randomly show up and start asking about Mark raised major warning flags for Vex.
The hovercraft reached the Providence Spirit. Captain Fuller inspected the hull. "Let me guess, it's not pretty, but it's the fastest ship in the galaxy?" Mark chuckled. Let's get to the Rogue Prudence. Mark entered the ship and started pacing the deck, taking in the ships capabilities. "It could use some work… it could definitely use some work. But it looks like you've got your priorities straight Captain. What do you think Alexi?"

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