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Fantasy Colossi hunters: The Essence of Gods.

A pity the anime isn't as popular as it should be, gotta be some reason for it....

thats my last pun for the day.
Roll call!

Who's still alive here?

Wait no not that probably not technically sfrpn.

But yeah I'm obviously here, since I'm running this thing...I hope everyone's till on bored, it'll start soon! Promise!
I am! c:

I bet more people will join once this gets started. I imagine people probably just haven't been seeing it due to most people not looking past the first few pages of the threads.
right, even if we have like 4 people actually doing this it'll leave room for us to play really, no need to have 7 people when a closer knit group can run further.
Hell we can also do more then one character if we so wished, but saying this at all due to the nature of group roleplays.. people die off easily in larger numbers
of course, new characters happen for that i guess.
Yea sick or thinkin we forgot about yea? In truth the first I hope doesn't happen, the second will never happen <3
I've been sick for the past two weeks >_>

It's just a cough and a blocked nosed now tho.

So sadly I probably can't go around spitting in people's drinks and spreading the contagion anymore.
Poor thing!

Let me get my nurse costume.
Yep, all up in that booty suit- I mean sneaking suit... totally not skin tight...
Urk! I failed!

Er, by Failed I mean forgot, and by forgot I mean am not a good person because I forgot, by which I mean sorry. I'm gonna start it! Now!
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*peels self off chair as decades of dust dirt turned to stone crack off and fall to my feet, i raise on hand in the air slowly as i finally regain my former strength. With a raspy breath I answer*

Still here yo.

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